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So I had a few different questions asked by various readers! I hope that the answers are satisfying to you all! There was only one question asked that was the kind I prefer not to answer and that was related to my age. Sorry, but that is almost the only question you could ask that I refuse to ever answer! Otherwise, I gave as good of an answer as I could!

1. Okay, so how/when did you first get interested in writing and what made you decide to continue with it? ^_^

Well, I've been writing in some form of another for as long as I can remember. I've always loved books and part of me always wanted to be a writer, I guess. I remember showing teachers in elementary school some of the little 2-3 page stories I would write about dragons and unicorns and stuff and how proud I was of them. Later on, my enthusiasm for showing people died down but I was still writing little stories. It wasn't until a few years ago that I finally got the courage to actually post my first book on here (I'm So Random - a random book of oneshots) which will never be my most popular book but it will always be something I am proud of because without the courage to post it, I never would have been able to take that next step. That and two of my books came from the oneshots in that first book, The Awakening and My Sweet Shina. I kept going partly because I just love to write, but also because I found friends (AhiruElric being the most impactful) who encouraged me to keep going forward.

2. Favorite drink? Food? And when start your classes?

My favorite drink is coffee with creamer and chocolate stirred in.
For food, it would have to be a tie between a good steak or a great cheese and veggie or mushroom stuffed pasta.
As for classes, I've already graduated high school and have not gone to college, although I might still go someday. It all depends on what life throws at me in the future.

3. List all the yandere ideas stories ??
And, Can you give me a cookie?

🍪 🍪 🍪 🍪 🍪 🍪 🍪 🍪
If I shared all my yandere story ideas, I would have to lock you up until they were all written, so that you wouldn't tell anyone else... Although, it would allow you to have all the cookies 🍪 you could ever want. I do so love to bake.

4. In which country do you live?

I live in the Northwest corner of the United States of America, but I am thinking about maybe moving at some point in the future. Just not sure if it will be close to where I live now or not.

5. What made you interested in yanderes?

I guess I have been interested in yanderes for a very long time, I just didn't always have a name for them. Dracula, The Phantom of the Opera, and many more characters I watched or read about turned out to have many of the traits associated with yanderes. Obsession, possessiveness, a strong desire to protect and/or obtain their love interest. When I started reading yandere fanfiction, I started finding those themes within many of the stories, although back when I just started finding them, there were more stories where the love interest ended up dead than there were where they survived, whether or not they escaped. That is what caused me to start writing oneshots where death was a (very) rare occurance. I was just so tired of the "dead end" storylines. That and I just find it so hard to believe that someone so obsessed and in love with someone would kill them so easily if they had any other option to take. Death would be a last straw kind of thing or something their love interest might do to escape, not the "I love you so much I can't stand the thought of you leaving, so just die, okay?"

6. Out of all the oneshots you wrote, which was your favorite?

Oooooooohhhhhh, now THIS is a hard question! I really love a lot of my oneshots and still enjoy going back sometimes to read through them. Sure, the older ones are a bit cringey to me at times, seeing how short and unrefined they are, but even so I do like those ones as well because they show me how far I have come since then! But my favorite? Hmmm.... I would have to say it is a tie between a few of them because I like each on for different reasons.
I really enjoyed writing 'Painting Us' for Len because since he is a Vocaloid it allowed me so much freedom with his character (same with Kaito and Gakupo) but also because I really love the idea I came up with for him! It was also the first oneshot I wrote where the ending was that dark and did not have a "survival" ending. Although it was a break away from my traditional "everyone lives" ending, I still like going back and reading it sometimes because I can break away from the "I wrote this" mindset and just see it from a reader's perspective.
I also really like the oneshot 'Tears Of Egypt' that I wrote for Miro, my own OC from A Thousand Years. It was a nice challenge because I had to make sure the oneshot did not spoil the character's background for those reading the book already, thus requiring me to alter his history (and thus his personality) enough that the oneshot's scenario would work. I had fun getting to tweek him for the oneshot and see what kind of character he would be if he'd had a different beginning to his immortality.
Lady of Luck for Luciano/2pItaly was a challenge to write, but I really enjoyed writing the "His POV" in the beginning of the story! It was interesting trying to envision the first oneshot for him and then turn it around enough to think "How might he have seen this?", "What might he have thought about that?" and "When this happened, why did he react like that?" I really had a blast with trying to think like that instead of from the reader's POV!
And finally, I LOVED writing the 707 oneshot (From the new yandere book, Consequences of Love) because I really liked playing his route and seeing all that extra information that isn't really there in the other routes. That and his character is just such a heartbreaker but also a sweetheart at the same time. I mean, I just really love him! And figuring out a oneshot that played off his character traits and stayed true to what kind of person he is in the game, but also has enough newness to it that it isn't boring to read, that was a great challenge and I really liked what I ended up coming up with for him!
How about all of you? What is YOUR favorite oneshot out of those I have written so far?

7. Which one shot are you most proud of?

OOooo, another hard qwuestion! That would have to be a tie between 707's oneshot and Luciano's oneshot, both mentioned above!

8. How old are you? Also are you a boy or a girl?

Ahhh, the one question I really don't want to answer. Sorry. But I will answer the other questions! I'm female and identify as such, but I still enjoy writing scenarios from a guy's POV sometimes for my stories and oneshots! I'm flexible enough that I'm always willing to write oneshots for guys if they just let me know that is what they want. I also have a selection of oneshots in a genderneutral format for readers in another book! I'm trying to get better about adding my newer oneshots into there, but sometimes I forget.

9. What color are your eyes?

Mostly blue but there are also areas where grey, green or brown are present as well.

10. What is your favorite animal?

The Clouded Leopard, because I just think it is such a beautiful creature in so many ways. Its sleek looks, beautiful pattern, gracefulness, and agility, all of it!

11. Favorite show on currently?

For anime it would have to be Overlord II, which I have been waiting months to see the new season come out! So happy right now!!!!
For non-anime, there isn't really anything that I am really watching other than anime? I am trying to focus on my books and on family stuff so much that I don't really have time to focus on anime AND on other shows, so I'm picking anime right now simply because I write so much anime fanfiction. It seems to be the most popular demand I have, so other stuff kinda goes to the "I'll do/watch this later" section of my life.

12. Favorite cancelled/ended show?

Well, the first show that comes to mind is Red Dwarf, a show that I used to watch every year when they marathoned it on whatever channel that was. It's been a while since I watched it that intently though, these days just catching an episode here and there when I find it on Youtube or the like. That show was great. BBC can come up with some great humor and throw in a good dose of sci-fi/action when they want to!

13. Favorite country?

Hmmm.... Well, I don't really know if I can pick one favorite. There are so many amazing countries out there, how do you pick one over another? That and how can I pick when I've only ever really spent any time in the country I was born in? I have nothing to compare the other countries from, so it wouldn't be fair to any country to say "I like this one more." That would be like saying "This pie is better than that one" even though I haven't tried the other. I would be doing an injustice to all the other countries by picking one over all the rest, since the only one I am familiar with is the USA and I know that as much as there is good in my country, there is also bad. Someday I hope to travel and spend time in other countries, so maybe after I have done that, I can make a more informed choice. Until then, I would rather not make a choice at all.

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