Yandere!Gonta Gokuhara X Female!Bullied!Reader

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This was a request by myself

Gonta is best bug boi

Killing Game: No only High School AU

You were the Ultimate SHSL/N enrolled into Hope's Peak Academy hoping to meet new friends and people ever since you moved into a new neighborhood. The only reason you moved out of your old neighborhood was because of the excessive bullying you've endured ever since you were a kid and also because of one person who would literally stalk you for no reason at all. You never knew what he wanted from you but you were sure that it had something to do with your talent. So far in Hope's Peak Academy, you've made some friends but not much such as Kaede Akamatsu, Ryoma Hoshi, Shuichi Saihara, Chiaki Nanami, and other people especially the Ultimate Entomologist Gonta Gokuhara. Sure you've made a couple of enemies on the way but that didn't bother you that much since you had everyone to go to if you were feeling down. You would mostly hang out with Gonta since you both had a passion for bugs and he was best friend that you could ever have but you were oblivious of what Gonta's true intentions were on why he hung out with you most of the time. You also didn't tell anyone that you used to be part of a secret organization and you're actually the Ultimate Architect that makes machines that could destroy humanity but you decided not to be part of it again since you've loved humanity.


I was finishing up my notes for Calculus when the bell rang for lunch which was my favorite period out of all periods. I packed all my stuff and then rushed out of the room then went to my locker to get my other stuff for the later periods after lunch. I rushed into the cafeteria before anyone could get there and just my luck it was Fun Food Friday with different kinds of food from fast food restaurants and lots of candies. I checked my wallet to see that I actually have enough money to buy me a supply of good food. "Jeez, you really must love food that much Y/N." "Gah! Hoshi don't scare me like that." Ryoma chuckled as he went to the line then soon other people followed. "Hey Y/N, do you mind if I borrow some cash?" "Sure how much? I saved up about $1,000 for enough food." "About $10, besides what are you gonna do with that kind of money anyway?" "I don't know maybe buy some for every one of my friends." We chatted as I gave him the $10 he requested then waited a little for the others to show up. After a while, people started coming in and getting into lines to order some lunch then finally my friends all showed up. "Hey Y/N! How's your day been?" "Going good so far." Me and Kaede chatted then came along Tenko and Himiko who were now a couple but not entirely but I secretly ship them as a couple. We all chatted as more people came to me then I heard a familiar voice calling out, "Y/N san!" as I looked into my direction to see my best friend Gonta running to me and hugged me tightly squeezing me a little. "Gonta. Nice seeing you here." "Gonta missed you." "I missed you to buddy but hey at least we have P.E and Biology together so that way we can spend more time."

Then we started to move the line as I got everyone food they wanted since they found out I had much more money than everyone else in the school but I didn't mind. After all that, we all went to our favorite table then sat down to eat and chat but then the announcement came saying, "Everyone there is the last double chocolate fudge cake up for grabs!" as I went up there lighting speed because I loved chocolate and got the last cake. As I went to my table, I was suddenly confronted by Junko Enoshima and her group of friends including Mukuro Ikusaba, Tsugumi Shirogane, Kokichi Oma, and others that tormented me. "That cake, give it to me." Junko said sternly as I sweated profusely as I didn't have the guts to stand up to her. Everyone looked at our direction which made me more nervous and shake a little then Junko spoke up again saying, "Just give me the cake and we'll be on our way." "Yeah it's not that hard Y/N. Nee shi shi shi!" as I looked down to the ground thinking about what I should do then I heard Tenko say, "Hey leave her alone! She got the last cake so why should she listen to you?" "Buzz off Aikido bitch." Junko said as Tenko got even more mad and wanted to fight her but Himiko held her back trying to prevent an all out struggle but I secretly saw Gonta being furious trying not to cause a scene since he was to others...intimidating but something gave me an idea.

(Gonta secretly trying to hold in his anger right now)

I smiled then said, "Ok here's the cake you wanted." as Junko switched personalities saying, "It seems you've understood peasant." as I went to give her the cake but I purposefully dropped on the floor making it splatter everywhere including Junko, me, and Kokichi as I looked at her sinisterly. "Oopsie daisy. Sorry about that guess I'm just that clumsy." I sarcastically said as I laughed then everyone else joined in on the fun even my friends. I didn't notice Junko's rage as she balled her fists together then used all her power to hit me square in the nose making me bleed horribly. "That's payback for ruining my clothes." She said as she walked away from me with her gang then Gonta rushed over to me checking my nose. "Is Y/N ok?! Does Y/N need a nurse?!" Gonta said frantically as the others rushed to me to see if I was ok. "D-don't worry, I'm fine." as I held my nose together then Gonta carried me saying, "Y/N not fine! Gonta take Y/N to nurse." as he rushed me to the nurse's office to get my nose fixed.

Timeskip to the nurse's office brought to you by Gonta hugging you tightly

After a 20 second run to the office, Gonta opened the door and set me down on the bed while talking to the nurse about what just happened. Then the nurse got some tissues, some disinfectant, and bandages to patch up my nose. First, she got the tissues to clean the blood off then disinfectant to clean it from any germs Junko had, and finally used the bandage to patch it all up. "There we go miss Y/N. All fixed up. Now tell me from your account, what happened between you and Junko at lunch." The nurse said as I explained everything to her from beginning to end and she nodded then told me that she'll notify the principal. "Ok sweetie I think I'll dismiss you to go about your day ok?" "Ok. Thanks." I thanked her as me and Gonta exited out of the office then went to drop me off at P.E. and go back to lunch to get the food I ordered. After a while he came with the food I ordered then gave it to me to eat then he sat with me petting me on the head. "Gonta sorry he didn't protect Y/N from Junko." "It's ok Gonta, I just didn't expect the punch." I said to him as he hugged me tight cuddling me while I ate my food.

Timeskip to when lunch is over

After a long lunch period, I put all my food into the trash then got my stuff ready and went into the gym with Gonta following behind me then went to our respective lockers in separate rooms then came out when we were done changing into our gym uniforms. "Gonta ready for today activity in P.E miss Y/N." "Me to now we just need to wait for the others to come and get ready." We both chatted as we both went to the bleachers to wait for the others to come. After for what seems like forever, all the people for this class came in and went into their changing rooms then came back out in their uniforms and waited on the bleachers with us for today's activity. "Hey Y/N you ok?" I looked back to see Ryoma in his uniform looking at me then I said, "Yeah I'm fine just a broken nose." as he smiled then we turned to see the gym teacher with his clipboard and announced the activity saying, "Alright kids, since it's a Friday, we're going to be doing something fun today called dodgeball." as we all cheered then the gym teacher chose our team captains which were Junko and Gonta. I was obviously chosen by Gonta since we were best friends then Junko chose her gang and then both of them chose random people to play against each other.

We all then got onto each side of the gym while the teacher laid out 20 balls in the middle of the court. "Now the rules are simple, throw the balls at each other and if you get hit you're out but catch someone else's ball they're out. No hitting people in the face and physical interaction or you're disqualified. Ok?" We all nodded as we got ready then the teacher blew the whistle which made all of us sprint to the middle then take some balls with us and went back to our side. "Ready...Set...GO!" the gym teacher shouted as people ran to each other to throw the balls at each other but Gonta and I stayed back. "Gonta don't like hurting people." Gonta said as I petted him reassuring him saying, "You don't have to throw the balls if you don't want to. You can catch them to get the other team out is that ok?" "Yes." as we both went to the playing field. "Gonta started catching the balls which got some people out while I threw the balls at the other team either hitting them on the arm or leg making them out. "I think we might win this." "Yeah we will once we get rid of the MVP of dodgeball." Ryoma said as he pointed to Mukuro who was dominating the game.

This gave me an idea as I grabbed a ball then said to Ryoma to get on my back in which he did then told him to throw the ball on the ground hard to make it bounce back in which he did since he used his tennis skills to do the plan and it worked. The ball hit the wall then bounced back with speed which hit Mukuro in the back causing her to be out. "Amazing throw Ryoma san!" "What the?!" I giggled then the unexpected happened as Ryoma got hit in the face by Kokichi with an enraged face then the coach disqualified Kokichi for breaking the rule leaving me and Gonta while Junko was the last one still. "You guys never seem to buzz off." Junko said as I smirked as I kicked one ball in the air then grabbed it and threw it at Junko but she dodged it then grabbed another ball in which she threw at lighting speed but Gonta luckily got in front of me and took the hit head on to his chest which made him fly back a little but I caught him just before he hit the ground. "You ok big guy?" "Gonta fine." I smiled when he said it then helped him up as he went to the bleachers then it was just me and Junko that were the only ones on the court. "You're going down tubby." "Same as you plastic doll." as others ooed at her which made her mad in which she grabbed a ball one after the other throwing them at me but I kept dodging them all. Everyone on my side cheered for me as I kept dodging until Junko ran out of balls to throw then I smirked as I looked at the balls around me then kicked one in the air then caught the ball and did a baseball throw which swerved and hit Junko on the arm. 

"I win you bloody wanker!" I shouted as everyone stood up and cheered then Gonta hugged me tight spinning me around cuddling me. "Gonta knew Y/N win!" Gonta said happily as others came to cheer for me congratulating me but I didn't notice that Junko had another trick up her sleeve in which she yelled my name when she pressed the button which revealed a giant robot storming through the gym wall which made us all look petrified. The robot flashed its signal and then it pointed at me with the red dot pointing at my head then it got out its handgun and shot out a tennis ball at high speed in which Gonta grabbed me then pulled me to him. "Woah now that's just going too far Junko!" "I don't care as long as I get my revenge!" She shouted as the robot blasted another one but Gonta dodged it with me then the robot shot out numerous tennis balls aiming at numerous students which caused them to run around the gym dodging them with some getting hit in the arms or legs but one got hit in the face. "Everyone in there!" I shouted as we all ran into the storage closet then closed it and locked it so that the robot couldn't get in.

We all pant and then looked around the room to see if we were all here then we breathed in a sign of relief. "Ok I don't know what the heck is happening but this just turned into war!" "Ryoma you're the Tennis Pro here can't you do something?!" "Don't bring me into this!" as everyone argued then I secretly went over to the tennis rackets and started to put them together then after that was done I whistled loudly so that everyone can look over at me. "Hey I made these tennis rackets for everyone who wants to fight back...now who's with me?!" I said as everyone cheered then grabbed a tennis racket then we all went back outside where the robot was looking for us. "OI ROBO BITCH OVER HERE!" I shouted to get the robot's attention as it turned around then it shot out numerous tennis balls but me, Ryoma, Gonta, and Tenko hit them back underhandedly with our rackets which hit the robot but didn't take too much damage.

"What no! You're not supposed to fight back!" "But we are now!" We exchanged words as Junko got even more angry then increased the speed to maximum. We kept hitting the balls left and right with the robot taking some damage as it kept shooting out more tennis balls at max speed but then me and Ryoma saw a weak spot on the robot. "Ryoma there's a weak spot on the robot's head but it's going to be hard since it has fast reflexes. Can you do it?" "Only if a ball was exactly headed at a straight line but all it does is spikes." "I've seen it go straight sometimes when it spins at close range." which gave me an idea but it was risky to try and defeat this thing so I ran over to the robot in which shocked everyone even Gonta called out for me to come back. I then started to run around the robot fast to make it shoot straight at me but it failed as it kept spinning shooting straight angle balls waiting for the right time to strike. Once the time was right, I grabbed the ball when it was shot out but the robot grabbed me holding me upside down aiming its shot gun at me.

"Any last words Y/N before you get blasted with 11037 tennis balls to the face?" Junko said to me as Gonta ran to the robot yelling out my name then climbing onto the robot all the way to the top of the head but then I smirked and said, "Just one...FORE!" as I threw the ball at Ryoma in which he used his racket to hit the ball with full force just enough to go through the robots head breaking through the robot causing it to malfunction in which Gonta got off the robot to avoid getting thrown off but for me I was still in the hands of the robot as it spun around like crazy making me all dizzy and nauseous. "Everyone quick get some mats from the storage room and make sure it has the perfect landing spot for Y/N to land on!" I heard Tenko say as everyone else went into the storage room to get some mats then stacked them next to each other for me to land on.

(How Ryoma hit the tennis ball)

"Gonta get on the mats to catch Y/N!" "Yes Tenko!" I heard Tenko and Gonta say but everything was getting too dizzy for me to comprehend what's going on right now. Then suddenly the robot lost function in the hands which cause it to let go of me sending me flying straight into the group but then Kaito shouted, "NOW!" as Gonta caught me in his arms holding me in a protective hug as we both landed on the mats. I got up slowly holding my head to see the robot stop suddenly then beams of light came through which meant it was about to explode which made us all panic then we all used our bodies as shields to cover ourselves from the explosion with some people covering other people even Gonta covering me and Ryoma then the robot exploded with a loud boom with debris flying everywhere with some coming in our direction then smoke was everywhere as we all coughed. "Woah, remind me not to get Junko angry." "Yeah let's maybe try to keep the competition down a notch." Me and Ryoma jokingly said as the sprinklers came down with water making us all wet and soggy then the gym teacher came out the room very angry in which we were all scared shitless about what he was going to do.

'Oh no Junko really messed up now.' I thought to myself as the gym teacher said in a deep voice to Junko in which i could hear with, "Principal's. Office. NOW!" as we all got startled as Junko walked pass us  but mostly looked at me with fire in her eyes while I just looked away sweating then the gym teacher told  all of us to change now as we all went back to our locker rooms to change back into our normal clothes then after some time, we all went back out and sat on the bleachers and waited until the bell rang.

Timeskip to when school was over brought to you by a Ryoma Hoshi Plushie

After for what it seems like forever, the final bell rung and I got all my stuff was about to go out the classroom but Gonta stopped me holding me back a little. "Gonta want you to come to Insect meet and greet tonight. Will you?" He asked as I thought about it for a while then I said, "Yes Gonta, I will." as he smiled then hugged me tight saying, "Yay! Y/N Gonta's best friend for life." as he put me down then handed me a present. "What's this?" "It a present Gonta want you to wear for meet and greet." He answered me as I smiled then kissed him on the cheek in which he blushed very hard which made me giggle saying, "Ok well I'll see you tonight Gonta." "You...to." as we both waved at each other then I started going on my way.

Junko POV

'That bitch got me expelled, I'll show her and she'll regret messing with me.' I thought to myself as I heard someone call out for me from one of the alleyways in which I ignored then something grabbed me by my arm then yanked me into the alleyway. "Who are yo-mmph!" I tried to yell out but the person covered my mouth and shushed me. "Look let's not attract anyone I'm trying to keep myself a secret. I can help you get your revenge on Y/N." The person said as it caught my interest then he let go of my mouth letting me say, "Go on." as he explained everything he had with Y/N and her top secret talent in which nobody knows but him. "Woah, I never knew that whore had so many secrets about herself." "Yeah, i'm planning on taking her back with our organization but I need a plan first on how I can get to her." "Well, you came to the right person peasant." I said in my British accent voice which made the person confused but got over it. "Great! Now we just need to plan it out tonight." He said as we decided to head over into a secret house where no one knows where we are.

Timeskip to the Insect meet and greet with you getting ready


"This is going to be so exciting!" I said to myself as I got out of the bathroom and cleaned myself up then I looked at the present Gonta gave me back at school and wondered what was in it. I went over to my bed where the present was and opened it to see a beautiful gown with butterfly patterns around it. "Aw that's so sweet of him." I said as I put on the gown and looked at the mirror to see it was gorgeous on me but I even made it more gorgeous with a hairstyle and no makeup since, for Gonta, I already looked beautiful. Then I put on my converses since people are going to be running around the lab but for me I'm just gonna chill since I love bugs and also get the little present for Gonta since he was very kind to me for giving me one anyway. "Ok let's go to the insect meet and greet." I said as I went out of the house and started walking. As I walked I got an uneasy feeling of being watched again just like when I was in my old school again so I looked back but no one was there as for the hooded man who was just chilling so I turned back around again but then I got the weird feeling again so I started to walk faster then I noticed a cat meowing. 'A cat must be in danger.' I thought to myself as I went into the alleyway from where the noise was coming from. When I got to the noise, all of sudden Junko came out of the alleyway with a sinister look then came closer to me. "Oh Y/N nice seeing you here." "Junko what are you-mmph!" I said to her but someone covered my mouth which was coated with some chemical which made me pass out but not before hearing Junko's words saying, "Sleep well, you'll need it." then succumbing to darkness.

Ryoma POV

'Jeez why do I have to go to the insect meet and greet?' I said to myself as I just walked down the streets with Kirumi since she offered me to walk with her. "Mr. Hoshi, what do you think you're going to see in the meet and greet?" "I don't know I'm just going there because I didn't want to make Gonta lonely but I might find a bug I like." "That's very go-wait isn't that Y/N with Junko and some other person?" Kirumi said as she pointed to the 3 but something felt off about their behavior in which she noticed to so we sneaked on them to hear their conversation and to our surprise it was not in good intentions. 

???: "Hehe now that we got her, I can finally make her join back with our group." 

Junko: "I never knew she was the Ultimate Architect of your group." 

???: "Believe me she's very good at building these types of machines. Now I'll have my revenge on her so she can be with us whether she likes it or not." 

Junko: "And what if she doesn't join no matter what methods we try on her?"

???: "Then I'll have no choice but to kill her."

Junko: "Oh I like your thinking."

Then they both headed our way in which we went out then acted like we didn't hear anything and just chilled on the wall then when they were gone, we breathed in the sign of relief. "We've got to tell the others." "Right." We said to each other as we rushed to the academy to tell the others about Y/N.

Gonta POV

Gonta waiting for Gonta's beloved Y/N to come to the insect meet and greet to tell her all about my bug friends. Gonta been waiting to confess my feelings for her ever since we've become best friends but so far it's been 5 minutes and she's still not here. "Gonta are you ok?" "Gonta fine. Just...worried." "Is it about Y/N?" "Yeah, Y/N hasn't come to meet and greet. She said she come but she not here." "Well maybe she's just running late. Don't worry I'm sure she'll come." Gonta and Kaede talked as I calmed down then I looked around the room to see everyone chatting with each other. 

30 minutes passed as Y/N still hasn't shown up in which everyone start to get worried because she's never been this late before. "That's weird, Y/N's never been this late before." "Yeah, is she ok?" "I don't know but I'm worried." People said as Gonta got even more worried for Y/N. 'Y/N, where is she? Why she not coming?' Gonta thought as Gonta trembled then Kaede calmed Gonta down reassuring Gonta that she'll be fine. That when Kirumi and Ryoma came in panting as if they been running when we all rushed to them to see if they alright. "Kirumi, Ryoma, what happened? Are you two okay?" "Yeah we're fine but we've got some news about Y/N." which made Gonta shocked then picked Ryoma up making him sweat a little. "You know where Y/N is? Where Y/N?!" Gonta said frantically as Ryoma calmed Gonta down saying, "Woah woah calm down big guy. I'll tell you don't worry." as Gonta put Ryoma down for him to speak. "Ms. Y/N has been kidnapped by one strange man and Junko Enoshima." "WHAT?!" We all shouted as Gonta got even more mad. "Why would someone kidnap Y/N?" "I don't know but we've heard about Y/N being the Ultimate Architect of a secret group or something like that. But enough about that, we need to get going because they're going to kill her." Ryoma said but as soon as Gonta heard words 'kill', Gonta ran out door yelling out, "Gonta will save Y/N! Hold on my butterfly!" "Gonta wait up!" as everyone else ran also catching up to Gonta.

(Everyone's reaction)

(Gonta's reaction)


I slowly started to wake up in a dark room trying to comprehend what just happened in the alleyway where Junko was just in. I tried getting up but something kept me down in a chair in which I struggled to get out of but they were too strong to break. Then the lights came on which made me close my eyes again then open them slowly to see an old friend and Junko. "Oh good you're awake. Now we can start with the questions." "Oh Cazuiki. My old friend. For the record I'm not coming back to the group." I said it with a smug on my face as he slapped me across the face hard making me fall hard on to the ground. "Ugh I hate that smug look of yours. Now we're going use 'items' to make you change your mind." Cazuiki said as he got out an array of items ranging from tweezers, knives, and whips in which I got worried. Then Junko picked me up and gagged me with a cloth so no one can hear my screams. I struggled with my screams being muffled as he got out a tweezer then went behind me and took one of my hands holding one of my nails. "Will you come back?" He asked as I shook my head but that was a big mistake as he used to tweezers to pull my nail away from the finger making me scream but the gag kept me quiet as he went to another nail saying, "Now?" but I refused to give in shaking my head again making him pull off another nail making me yell out in pain again.

Artic POV

This went on for Y/N as she was beaten, whipped, stabbed, and tortured by Junko and Cazuiki as she was all bloody and bruised with scars all over her body and clothes torn. She was also called names and taunted which made Y/N want to snap but the injuries sustained to her body prevented her from that. Meanwhile, Gonta and everyone else ran out of the school looking everywhere in the neighborhood for you worried of what might happen when Junko and Cazuiki killed you. But after a few minutes, they finally found the location with the help of Shuichi Saihara, Hajime Hinata, and Makoto Naegi. They couldn't see inside the house anywhere from the backyard, the windows, or even the front door. But luckily, Mondo Owada found a cellar door hiding in the bushes in which Ishimaru Kiyotaka opened it then only a few people went down into the basement even Gonta followed through but there was one problem. There were multiple rooms in the basement and each one is a different room that leads to another room so it's going to take forever for them to find you.


'Too...much...pain.' I thought to myself as I lied on the ground beaten, bruised, and whipped after for what it seemed like forever but it only lasted 15 minutes. "After a long torture session, you should just give in and come back with me." Cazuiki said with a smirk but I won't do it even if it kills me so I said, "Never...in your...life...that I...will join you." as I coughed up pink blood due to the pain I'm suffering which made Cazuiki mad. "Well guess I have no choice but to get rid of you for good." "W-what?" I questioned him but he grabbed the ropes and dragged me out the room leaving a blood trail along the way then took me into another room where there was a huge tank with pipes on the side of each wall. Junko opened it and then Cazuiki threw me in the tank then closed and sealed it so I couldn't get out and turned the wheel making the pipes gush out water into the tank. "W-what are you-" "This is my water torture chamber. You won't have to worry about the group anymore because I'm replacing you with Junko." "D-damnit Cazuiki!"  "Sorry but that's life." Junko said as they walked out of the room and closed then locked the door behind them leaving me in the tank.

'I have to find a way out of here.' I thought as I looked around the room to see if there was anything useful for me to use but I did see a drain on the ground so I went over to it limping to open it. After a long time, I got to the drain then opened it with all my might with my foot in which I was successful to opening but suddenly more water came out from the rain faster making the water in the tank fill up faster than before. 'Damn it!' I thought to myself again as the water was almost filled to the point my head was above water. I had no other choice but to scream and yell out for help so I let out one last call for help making water come into my mouth in which the water completely filled the tank. I held my breath to not inhale water then went to the glass door to try and kick it but to no avail as it was unbreakable from the inside. Then after a few seconds, I couldn't breathe anymore so I had to let fate take me away as I inhaled on instinct was water came into my system making me slowly lose consciousness succumbing to darkness.

(You Drowning)

Gonta POV

Gonta went down to basement with the others to try and look for Y/N but there were so many rooms that she could be in anyone of them. "Where could she be there's so many rooms." Gundam said as his hamsters came back to him then we heard footsteps approaching in which we ready to see who it was getting into stances. After a moment we saw Junko and the other guy come forth in which Kaito attacked strange man and Tenko attacked Junko then we got ready to confront them. "Who are you and what have you done with our friend?!" "What do you mean?!" "Don't act dumb! We know you did something with her!" Kaito said as he punched the man in the face 2 times making the man bloodied and bruised. "Where is she?!" "I won't tell. All I know is that she's dead already." The man said as something took over Gonta in which Gonta picked up strange man then slammed him into wall hard making crater. "Where. Is. Gonta's. BUTTERFLY!" Gonta said as everyone got startled even the strange man then he confessed when he pointed to the room 5 doors down that can lead to Y/N.

Gonta dropped strange man then ran fast with the others on Gonta's tail but while running, Gonta saw blood trails leading to the room in which Gonta ran to door quickly and kicked the door open. To Gonta's horror, Gonta saw Gonta's butterfly in water tank not responding then suddenly pipes were spilling out fish but not just ordinary fish, Piranhas. "Grab Keebo!" "Why me!" Ishimaru ordered as Gonta, Mondo, and Nekomaru picked Keebo up and threw him at water tank which broke the glass and let water run out of the room with Y/N sliding across the floor. "Y/N!" Gonta shouted as Gonta ran to her body then took off the ropes from Y/N's body and did CPR on her. "Y/N? Y/N?" Gonta asked her name but still no response from Y/N then Gonta came to conclusion that...Y/N gone forever. "Y-Y/N? Don't...leave...Gonta." Gonta silently cried out as Gonta held her close to Gonta as others bowed their heads knowing Y/N was gone. But then Gonta heard coughing and felt breathing on Gonta's chest which made Gonta surprised then saw Gonta's beautiful butterfly slowly waking up in which Gonta hugged her carefully to not hurt her. "G-Gonta?" "Gonta's here butterfly." Gonta said tearfully as Gonta got up as others were relieved that Y/N was still alive but injured.

(Gonta hugging you)

"Gonta, maybe we should take her to the hospital." Kaito said to Gonta as Gonta turned around slowly saying, "Gonta don't want to lose Y/N again. Gonta will take care of Y/N." as Gonta went to go out room with others following behind Gonta but then as we walked down, we saw Junko and the strange guy trying to escape but Gonta no could let that happen so Gonta went up behind them and knocked them out with a quick chop on their neck. Gonta picked them both up and then went out door with others following behind Gonta then everyone outside the house looked at our direction and went to Gonta and others to see if Gonta and others were ok. "Ok Gonta now you can give Y/N to Mikan so she can patch her up." Kaito said as Gonta held butterfly tighter but Gundam reassured Gonta that Y/N will be fine but Gonta didn't want to but said, "Gonta go with Mikan while holding butterfly." Gonta said as everyone nodded then went with Mikan to go get Y/N fixed.

Artic Chan POV

After the fiasco, Gonta and Mikan went to your house to patch you up while the others went home to enjoy the night. Mikan was done patching you up as you were passed out then went back home while Gonta got something out of his pocket and put it on your wrist. Gonta then went back to his house and packed all of his stuff then came back to set up your room with his stuff because he now wants to live with you from now on to keep you safe. As for Junko and Cazuiki, Gonta took them down to your basement where he wants to teach them a lesson into hurting his butterfly by tying them up and leaving them on the ground to torture later. 30 minutes have passed ever since you were unconscious and Gonta has been right by your side without any rest at all but you were about to wake up.


I slowly started to wake up with light shining on my face making me cover my eyes but a little while I adjusted my eyes to the light. I then slowly started to get up from the bed to see myself all patched up then I saw Gonta sleeping with his head down which made me smile. One part of me wanted to wake him but the other wanted me to let him sleep since he's had a long day but due to the movements I've been making, he started to wake up then looked at me and hugged me tight weeping. "G-Gonta?" "Gonta sorry. Gonta so sorry. Gonta couldn't keep Y/N safe from tormentors. Gonta idiot." He said as I calmed him down patting his back saying, "Gonta it's ok I'm fine that's what matters ok? I'm alive and you saved me from Junko and Cazuiki so you protected me." as he hiccupped and looked up at me saying, "Really? Y/N really mean that?" as I nodded then he kissed me on the lips which surprised me a little then he licked my lips asking for entrance in which I blushed then gave in to it opening my mouth a little in which he took advantage of it then stuck his tongue inside tasting every inch of my mouth.

A few seconds later, he parted away then put me on his lap hugging me from behind and nuzzling my hair. "Gonta keep Y/N safe. Gonta not let Y/N get hurt. Gonta keep Y/N all to himself." "I know." I said as he held me tight then something sharp poked me on my wrist making me sleepy. "G-Gonta, something...poked...me." I said as I got more sleepy in which Gonta smiled more then kissed me on the cheek making me finally drift off into dreamland.

(You and Gonta kissing)

Gonta POV

After Gonta made sure Y/N is sleeping, Gonta set her down on the bed and covered her up but not before leaving Y/N kiss on cheek before Gonta went down to basement. Gonta lied to others saying that Junko and strange man went to jail but really in Y/N's basement for Gonta to teach them lesson. Gonta opened door and turned on light to see the strange man strapped on table and Junko tied up on ground in which Gonta smiled more then went down to the strange man and stood next to the table besides him. "Strange man must be Cazuiki like butterfly said." "H-hey man let's compromise ok? I won't hurt her anymore ok?" Gonta no can agree to that. You hurt my butterfly, you get punishment." Gonta said as Gonta took one of Cazuiki's hand and held one of his fingers feeling it. "Gonta want Cazuiki to count." "W-what? Is that suppose to-" "GONTA WANT CAZUIKI TO COUNT ONE BY ONE! Gonta want to know how many fingernails Cazuiki took off... Gonta want to know how many wings Cazuiki broke off butterfly." Gonta said as Gonta gripped Cazuiki's fingers then Gonta heard him gulp as he counted one then Gonta fiercely bent Cazuiki's finger backwards breaking it making him yell out in pain. It infuriated Gonta so Gonta slapped him hard on face to make him quiet. "Gonta's butterfly sleeping. Be quiet!" Gonta said as Cazuiki held his mouth when I held his second finger. Then Gonta heard Cazuiki say two in which I broke the second finger in which he yelled but muffled his sound when I looked at him. 

One by one Gonta broke almost all Cazuiki's fingers as Cazuiki counted then when Gonta went to last finger, Cazuiki shook head saying, "N-no m-more! That's all the nails I took out of her!" as Gonta slowly let the last finger but gripped it back saying, "Gonta knows Cazuiki lying. Gonta no like liars." Gonta said as Gonta snapped his finger almost tearing it off then threw him on the ground and went back to the cupboard where Gonta kept secret weapon. 


(I got the torture from this video. Sorry if it's not of better quality)

"Gonta want to make punishment painful and slow. Gonta has 2 friends to deal with you." Gonta said as Gonta got out 2 centipede friends and then went to Cazuiki and Junko for them to feast. "Gonta have centipede friends who want to meet you. Gonta's friends will teach you guys a lesson." Gonta said as Gonta took out bug friend and held Cazuiki's mouth to not make him scream. Cazuiki struggled but Gonta held him tight and started to insert bug friend into Cazuiki's ear making Cazuiki cry out in pain then the bug friend crawled into Cazuiki's ear making blood come out then Gonta let go of Cazuiki's mouth and left him to suffer against his will. Gonta then looked at Junko who back away from Gonta but Gonta caught Junko's leg and pulled her back to Gonta. "Tell Gonta, does Junko value legs?" Gonta said as she nodded frantically then Gonta smiled as Gonta bent her leg the wrong way in which she screamed but was muffled then Gonta went to other leg and broke it to making both legs broken. "Gonta noticed heel marks on butterfly's legs so Gonta broke Junko's legs instead. Now you know how Y/N feels when you bruised them." Gonta said as Gonta picked Junko up then put her on the chair and untied her but made sure she couldn't escape by attaching handcuffs to the table and trapping her with them. Gonta then grabbed Junko's hand and held her hand and held on to her nail.

"Gonta want Junko to count also if your life depends on it." Gonta demanded as Gonta took off the gag from her mouth. "W-wait big guy...don't you want to become a gentleman? I-I mean look at what your doing to us. Do you think this is what a gentleman do-AH!" "Gonta is gentleman! Gonta only not be gentlemen to people who hurt Gonta's friends...especially Gonta's butterfly." Gonta shouted as Gonta held her in the air by her hair then dropped her onto the chair and held her fingernail. "Count. Without waking butterfly." Gonta demanded as Junko shook then heard her say, "O-one." as Gonta slowly and  painfully snatched off Junko's nail making her yell but Gonta covered her mouth crushing it indicating that Gonta serious which made her hold in her breath. "Your nails too long to extract pain, Gonta go get something from pantry to make Junko feel more pain." Gonta said as Gonta went to the pantry then got out the nail remover Y/N made and came back to the table to set it down. "U-um what is that?" Junko said as Gonta didn't say anything then freed one of Junko's hands and put the next finger in the slot. "Gonta want Junko to do it herself. Gonta want Junko to feel pain herself." Gonta demanded as Junko looked at me tearfully then at her nail then Gonta said, "2." as she hesitantly smashed the button but then warned her saying, "Gonta will break Junko's fingers if you don't." as she smashed down the button instantly ripping her nail making her want to yell but held in her breath.

"3." Gonta said again as she smashed down the button again ripping off her other nail again then put another on in the slot. One by one Gonta counted as she ripped off each nail but when we got to the last number, she didn't want to do it anymore saying, "It's too much pain! I can't do it!" which made Gonta furious as Gonta got out rag then stood up and covered her face with the rag and held her arm tightly and bent it the wrong way making her scream and forcibly put her nail in the slot then smashed the button that ripped her nail off clean. Gonta then threw Junko onto the floor panting then walked over Gonta's other bug friend and got him out of the jar.


(The torture of Junko Enoshima)

"Gonta has another friend that will teach you a lesson into hurting my butterfly." Gonta said as Gonta went to Junko and grabbed her leg then cradled her. "Gonta not let butterfly get hurt again." Gonta said as Gonta covered Junko's mouth and put centipede friend next to her ear then finally said, "Gonta...kill you...now." as Gonta put centipede friend in the ear but Junko struggled in which Gonta held it tighter letting the centipede friend go into her ear then let go of her when the centipede went fully into her ear eating her brain out and blood coming out the ear. "Now lay there...and die." Gonta said sadistically as Gonta went up the stairs then opened the basement door and closed it behind Gonta to let them suffer forever. Then Gonta went back up the stairs to see Gonta's butterfly still sleeping on her bed in which Gonta took off clothes and then got in the bed with Y/N. Gonta then hugged Y/N close to Gonta stroking her hair making her smile in which Gonta smiled to saying, "Gonta promise. Gonta promise to keep Y/N safe. Gonta...keep Y/N...forever...and Gonta's...forever." before finally going to sleep with butterfly.


The next morning


I started to wake up all fresh and relived when I felt huge arms around me then I looked up to see Gonta smiling in his sleep which made me smile so I slowly and quietly got up from bed to check the date to see it was actually the weekend so I got time all by myself. I then started to get ready for the day by taking a bath and put on my lazy clothes to relax then felt my stomach rumble indicating that I must eat. I went out of the bedroom and ran across the hallway and down the stair but somehow I lost my footing and slipped making me fly off the stair with me yelping so I closed my eyes waiting for the impact to come but it never came. I opened my left eye to see I was floating?! "W-what is going on?!" I said frantically when I heard Gonta say, "Calm down butterfly. Let Gonta help you down."  as he came downstairs then caught me in his arms kissing my cheek. "Um care to explain?" "Sorry, Gonta will explain. So Gonta wanted to make sure you were safe so Gonta asked Miu and Chihiro to program a watch with Gonta's alter ego to keep you safe." "Aw that's so sweet." I said as he smiled more then the watch beeped in which I looked at it to see Alter ego Gonta waving at me smiling.

"Anyway let's go eat." "Yes!" I giggled as we went to the kitchen to cook some breakfast. After eating some breakfast, Gonta carried me to the living room and sat down with me in his lap cuddling from behind. "Y/N?" "Yeah?" "Can you promise Gonta that you'll be with Gonta forever?" "Yes I will." I said as I cuddled with him to enjoy our lives forever.


(Basically you fell like this)

(You floating)


Artic san: Hi guys! Sorry for the long wait for this oneshot. This was the first Danganronpa oneshot I've actually wrote and finished in school

Gonta: Gonta like story

Artic san: Thank you

Gonta: Gonta want Artic to write about more!

Artic san: *giggles* I will

Gonta: Can Artic write about bugs?

Artic San: Ok! I will

Gonta: *hugs Artic* Artic best author!

Artic san: *giggles* Anyway check out my other books for other anime! Next is a oneshot for either Shuichi Saihara or Ryoma hoshi

Shuichi: Uh

Ryoma: I'm breaking kneecaps if you put me in your fanfics

Artic: Don't worry i'll keep you in character

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