👹Yandere!Krampus!Vegeta X Female!Human!Reader X Yandere!Krampus!Goku👹

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This was requested by YuGiOhfan1999

You're a mean one
Mr. Grinch
You really are a heel
You're as cuddly as a cactus
You're as charming as an eel
Mr. Grinch
You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel

You and your friends were all hiding and running from the two devils of Christmas after they killed all your families back in your Holiday house. You didn't know what they were after but you knew they were bad news then you heard Bakugou say, "C'mon I know a short cut out of this pla-Ah!" "Bakugou!" "Forget about me losers the shortcut is over there! Now move if you want to live!" as some of us ran away but Kirishima stayed back to help Bakugou out of the net saying, "I'm not letting you die not now!" as I called out for them but Ochako took my hand and ran away with me. Just then the 2 devils came out of nowhere and looked at them sinisterly ready to get rid of them. "I guess this is it my old friend." "Y-yeah." Kirishima said tearfully as he hugged Bakugou's then the 2 devils burned them hearing their screams of agony as they slowly burned to death then walked away from the corpses.

(How Bakugou and Kirishima burned)

You're a monster, Mr. Grinch
Your hearts and empty hole
Your brain is full of spiders
You've got garlic in your soul Mr. Grinch
I wouldn't touch you with a 39 and a half foot pole

You've heard their screams from far away in which tears flowed down now that you've lost 2 of your best friends to hands of those devils of Christmas. "I see the shortcut Bakugou was talking about! C'mon we'll make it if we-GAH!" You heard Deku say but then some hands came up from underground and started to drag him down. "Deku!" You shouted as you and Ochako went to bring him back up but the hands kept dragging him even further. "Deku hold on!" "No you guys have to run they'll be here any minute." "No I'm not leaving you!" Ochako shouted as she pulled harder but the hands slapped you guys away as Deku was dragged down all the way down to hell. "DEKU!" Ochako shouted as she cried in pain in which she lost her only boyfriend to the 2 devils. "Ochako, we have to go now! Now's not the time cry we have to get moving. Would Deku just sit there?" You said to her as she wiped her tears away then hugged you saying, "I just miss him so much." as you patted her back then you guys got up and ran with Todoroki.

(Deku getting dragged down)

You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch
You have termites in your smile
You have all the tender sweetness of a sea-sick crocodile
Mr. Grinch
Between the two of you I'd take the sea-sick crocodile

Now it was just the 3 of you left since 3 of your friends died from burning and getting dragged down to hell but what was most important for you was to get out of the forest and far away from the 2 Krampus. Then you guys stopped as there was a tunnel of trees and branches but you guys thought nothing of it you guys went ahead. Oh how you were wrong as branches started moving in on the three of you. Todoroki grabbed your hand and ran with you with Ochako following behind with some branches trying to grab you but Todoroki burned them. Then after a while you guys made it out but you guys didn't notice that a branch was coiling around Ochako's foot then that's when you noticed when the branch dragged Ochako down and back into the forest. You tried reaching out for her but the branch slapped uo away creating slash across your dress and face as Ochako was dragged away into the forest far away. "NO!" you shouted but Todoroki picked you up and ran with you.

(Pretend Ochako is being dragged by the foot)

You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch
You're a nasty wasty skunk
Your heart is full of unwashed socks
Your soul is full of gunk 
Mr. Grinch
The three best words
That best desribe you

You still couldn't get over the loss of your best friend Ochako but you still needed to et out of the forest for your friend. Todoroki then stopped in place then took you behind some bushes then held you close to him. "T-Todoroki what-mmph!" You tried to ask him but he covered your mouth shushing you as you heard footsteps come to the area you guys were hiding. "Where are you my sweet little devil~?" "We know you're hiding somewhere. Come on out before we do anything worse." You heard them as you got even more terrified but Todoroki held you close as they checked everywhere for you guys. After a few minutes of checking, they finally left as you silently sighed in a sign of relief then Todoroki unexpectedly hugged you tight then looked at you blushing madly. "Look Y/N...even if we don't make it...there is something I've been waiting to tell you my whole life." "What is it?" "I...I...I love you." as you were surprised that Todoroki confessed to you making you blush tear up then you hugged him back saying, "I love you to Todoroki." as you both looked at each other in the eyes then went in for a kiss but it was short lived as Todoroki was dragged away from you by the devil with spiky hair and a widows peak. "So you thought stealing her first kiss would slide with us? Well you're in for a treat boy." he said as he beat him up in which you shouted for him to stop but Todoroki told you to keep running in which you got up and tried to help but then the other devil with 3 spiky hairs got in front of you in which you ran the other way. You looked back at the scene to see him smiling as he was beaten up then burned to death which made tears flow down then ran away to reach the end of the forest.

(How you guys almost kissed)


You ran and ran until you saw a bright light far away which meant that you were close to the outside but there were some obstacles in the way in which you stopped in your tracks. You looked around the area to see many branches swinging, hands coming out of the ground grabbing anything that moves, and some fire moving left to right making this a death trap but you didn't care as you were determined to make it out and escape the hands of the devils.

(Your determined face but no blood but will soon)


You started to run as you avoided hands in which they grabbed your feet but you shook them off with the stick you got but the branches were hard to avoid as they swung at you creating many cuts momentarily but you still ran. The fire flying left and right almost burned your clothes  with burn marks  leaving some of your clothes half naked making you more vulnerable to the branches as they kept cutting you, the hand grabbing at you, and the fire burning you. It kept on cutting fast as you screamed in agony then you had to limp yourself out of the death trap. After a long time of torture, you finally made it out and looked at the exit before you finally happy that you could escape but you were so dead wrong as you went to go out the forest but a hand grabbed the back of your shirt and brought you down to the ground with hands holding you in pace so you couldn't get up.


(Basically Kirumi's execution but you survived. RIP best mom and waifu ;-; )


You struggled to get out of their grip but it just tightened even more crushing your arms and legs making your scars bleed out making you yell out in pain. The devil got on top of you looking at your wounded body then leaning in for a kiss but you turned away in which he got upset so he made you face him then kissed you forcefully making you stay in place while you tried to struggle out of it but he wasn't budging as he kept kissing you making you run out of oxygen. After for what it seemed like forever, he finally parted to catch his breath then went down to your neck and licked it softly making you blush a moan a little. He kept licking as you tried to hold in your moans but he kept on going making you weak then after that he bit you hard on your neck marking you making yell out pain then something overtook you over the bite. "There we go now you're ours forever." "Kakarot, did you mark her?" "Yep!" "Good. Now let me mark her completely." The devil named Kakarot and the other said as the spiky haired one got on top of you then marked you completely with the words G and V on your neck.

(The bites)


The one called Kakarot picked you up bridal style then kissed your cheek while you were in a state of mind or mind controlled with yellow eyes glowing and the marks. "You may call me Goku sweetheart and the spiky haired one is Vegeta. Don't worry, we'll cherish, protect, and care for you forever." Goku said as he nuzzled your cheek with you nodding as you forgot all about your friends and even your soon to be lover as Goku and Vegeta were your new lovers as Vegeta opened a portal to hell then enter with you going into the fiery depths of hell never to be seen again by anyone who cared for you.

Together forever in Hell on Christmas


Artic Chan: Holy Crap how long has it been since I've published

Vegeta: About 5 to 6 months

Artic Chan: I guess school really did tire me out

Goku: Anyway at least you got a oneshot done

Artic Chan: Yeah but I still need to write more for the Christmas season hell I might even do Samurai oneshots as a category

Vegeta: PLEASE DO!

Artic Chan: Ok! Make sure to check out the new book Yandere Danganronpa Killing Harmony!

Goku: What's Danganronpa?

Artic Chan: A series that drains your life source and lose your will to live because your best characters keep dying

Vegeta: What?

Artic Chan: Never mind about that! See you in the next oneshot

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