Yandere!Protective!Zamasu X Kind!Kai!Female!Reader

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This was requested by Zamasufangirl18

You were an assistant kai for the Grand master Zuno and the most kindest one out of all assistant kais. You would usually go around the palace helping Zuno's attendants with their duties and also help other kais with their duties to. Sometimes Zeno would offer you a break from work but you insisted saying that everyone needs help sometimes when it's too hard or too easy. You also had a crush on C/N who is also a kai but from the 12th universe and a best friend named Zamasu from the 10th universe. You thought you would live the good life but later on your life will change because someone very close to you has an unspoken love for you and will do anything to protect you from any danger that's coming your way.


I just finished helping a fellow kai in need and went back to Zuno's place to check out what he's doing today. "Oh Y/N, I've seen you helped a kai in need." said Master Zuno then I replied back saying, "Yep, a fellow kai needed help with handling some of the mortals he has." as I stretched then regained my composure. I then went to my post to analyze what schedules we have today and it looks like we have a lot today. "Hey Master Zuno, looks like you have a lot of answers to give out to some people." "Oh do I? Well, I best get ready to get more kisses." I giggled as he said that and started to get ready for the day.

(You giggling)

Zamasu POV

I was walking through the halls with the tray of tea for my master Gowasu while thinking about Y/N. She was the most perfect kai in the universe a man could ask for but that C/N is having her head over heels with him. He doesn't deserve her because I know what his true intentions are with Y/N. All he's trying to do is take advantage of her kindness just so he can do whatever he wants with her body. As I was thinking about that bastard,I stepped outside of the palace to see Gowasu sitting under the tree. I moved the tray all the way to the tree where Gowasu was and looked at him cheerfully. "Oh Zamasu you're here with the tea please come." my mentor said as I rolled the tray to the table where he was. I then got there and set the table up with me pouring the tea into Gowasu's cup then mine and sat down. I sipped on my tea as Gowasu sipped his then I looked up at the rose petals falling down from the tree. "Zamasu is there something on your mind?" Gowasu asked as I stopped sipping my tea then put it on the plate. "Master, do you believe in love?" "Of course Zamasu why wouldn't I?" "Just asking." I said as I looked up into the tree with petals falling down. "Is it about Y/N Zamasu?" I stopped and looked at him unamused then said, "Y-yes master." "What about her? Is something wrong with her?" "N-no master she's doing fine is just that i don't trust C/N with her." I said as Gowasu nodded understandingly.

"And why is that?" Gowasu asked then I replied with, "Well I see how C/N acts when he's around with Y/N. He acts like he cares and loves her truly but deep inside he just wants her for his on special treatment. I just hate him with a passion." As I stood up from my chair then walked a little bit to look up at the tree while rose petals fell. "Hmm I see how you feel Zamasu. It's like you want to protect her from the impurities from the world." "I really do want to protect her and make her mine." We chatted as I went back to sit down. "Zamasu you know we have some guests coming over." "Really who?" "Guests from universe 7 they're coming to visit us." I looked at him surprised at him saying, "Universe 7?" "Yes Zamasu Universe 7 is coming to our universe to discuss an incident with us." We chatted as we finished our tea then got up with me arranging the tea set back to its original place then pushed it all the way back into the kai palace to get ready.


After a long exhausted day of master Zeno answering questions for the people who were scheduled especially that fiasco with the boob size and super dragon balls, I got up and stretched to relieve myself of the long work day I have. "Ok Master Zuno i'm going out to check on what the other kais are doing!" "Ok Y/N darling stay safe!" "I will!" We said to each other as I went out to see the other kais. I went to see how Universe 12 is doing and they were doing fine as were for all the universes so I went to see Universe 10 where Zamasu was at. I flew around the 10th Universe see all kinds of planets until I got to the kai planet where Gowasu and Zamasu lived. I watched from a distance to see 3 other people land on the place so I followed after them and landed next to them. "Oh Y/N I didn't expect you to be here." "I just wanted to visit you guys to see what you guys are doing and Beerus I didn't expect you to be here also." "Yeah yeah just don't get in the way of our investigation." "Oh what investigation?" "Oh we're trying to find out whether Zamasu has the same ki as Goku Black or not." I was surprised at the answer he gave me but I brushed it off saying, "Oh my well I hope you find out who it is." as I went to go but I heard Zamasu say, "Hey Y/N, is it ok if you stay with us for a while?" which made me surprised but smiled and said, "Ok I will." as I flew down on the ground.

We walked to the tree area where we would see if Zamasu had the same energy as Black by letting Goku spar with Zamasu which was kind of a strange idea on my part but interesting. "Ready when you are Zamasu." Goku said as Zamasu said nothing and got into his fighting pose indicating they're ready to fight. Goku charged first at Zamasu but Zamasu blocked it and threw him off guard but as he was about to finish with a final blow, Goku kicked upwards blocking the blow then got himself ready. "Wow I guess you're pretty good but now it's my turn." Goku said as he powered up to a transformation me and Gowasu never seen before. "What's this form?" I said surprised at the bright yellow aura surrounding Goku. "This is called Super Saiyan." "Super saiyan?!" "Yep." I looked at it amazed as Zamasu was surprised to say the least but kept sparring with him. Just then Zamasu gave off purple aura of his own which made Beerus, Whis, and Goku shocked which made me confused. 'Is this the energy they were talking about?' I thought to myself as Goku went for another punch but Zamasu blocked it but then Goku forced his punch which made Zamasu throw it in response but then Goku did a high kick which caused Zamasu to block it again and throw it but when Goku got up he was charging at Zamasu while he was thinking something then out of nowhere Goku punched Zamasu in the face making him fall backwards. I was shocked that Goku won and he actually showed mercy to Zamasu congratulating him and trying to help him up the ground but Zamasu had his ki blade out. "Zamasu." Gowasu warned him and when he saw me he put his ki blade away and got off the ground. "Alright so it's concluded that Zamasu is not the same as Goku Black. Sorry if we caused some disturbance." Beerus said as Gowasu assured them saying, "That's ok you're just trying keep your universe safe." as they left the place leaving me, Zamasu, and Gowasu together.


(This will do 🤷‍♀️)

"So what brings you here Y/N?" Gowasu said as Zamasu went up next to him blushing so I said, " Oh I just came to see what you guys were doing but I've seen much but I was thinking Zamasu would you want to come and hang out with us." "What do you mean by us?" "Silly I mean me and C/N we're going to fun places together in universe 7 but I wanted you to come with us since you're my friend after all. So do you accept?" Zamasu looked at me with cheerful look saying, "Why yes I would Y/N after all I'm your friend after all." I giggled as he said that then said, "Ok Zamasu I'll get you when me and C/N are ready." As I flew out of the universe back to Master Zuno's place.

Zamasu POV

After Y/N left I went back with Gowasu to the palace then went to my room to rest for the day. I thought about my humiliating defeat against that mortal Goku and worst part is that Y/N was watching, my Y/N! I thought about that mortal Goku and how he got that strong for a mere human. But then I put it aside then focused on my Y/N, she was so pure and kind to all the other kais that she deserves better than everything else. Maybe I can show her I can be better than C/N when we all go out together tonight and then she could see i can be the one for her to protect her form the impurity of the world. 'Don't worry Y/N i'll come for you to save you from that wretch.' I thought to myself as I rested for the day to get ready for my big night out with my Y/N.

Timeskip to Tonight


It was finally time for me to hang out with my 2 best friends in the world so I got into my closet to look for a dress to wear and some shoes to wear. I got on my F/C thigh length dress and some F/C boots to wear since I'm gonna be active for the events that are going to unfold this night. I then looked myself in front of the mirror to see a beautiful lady but it was me but my boobs were too big making the dress a little provocative for me so I put on a coat to make myself look less risque. I went out to the hall of the place to see Master Zuno doing his usual thing so I called out to him to tell him i'm going out to hang out. "Oh my Y/N you look stunning today but um should we change because um...that?" "Don't worry I can handle myself when it comes to public places." I assured him as I waved goodbye to him then went off to get my friends.

(If Zuno was the father he would be this embarrassed)

I first went to the 12th universe to pick up C/N who was already ready for the night then we chatted for a little bit then after a while we went to the 10th universe to pick Zamasu up. We all chatted for some time about how our days have been and how we're gonna have so much fun together. "So C/N hows your day been going?" "Oh it's been fine and yours?" "Gladly. I suppose we're going to have a fun night out with Y/N." "Yeah I am." "Don't you mean we because you don't own her you know." "Oh I know what you meant Zamasu." The boys chatted as they got closer with aggressive glares while I just watched so I broke them both up and said, "Ok guys that's enough, let's just focus on the night ok?" as they both looked at me then nodded then we all flew off to different places in Universe 7.

(Zamasu and C/N's tension also whose more hotter Erza or Mirajane)

Arctic Chan Montage

You guys arrived at Universe 7 and went to a carnival, then an arcade, then finally a restaurant for the fun day out.

The Carnival- You guys first went to the fair which was near the coast and saw all rides and games which seemed endless so you were the first ones to rush to the fair while Zamasu and C/N caught up with you before you did anything mischievous. You went to the knock down game where you had to knock the pins down with the balls. You wanted to win the enormous bunny plushie so the boys took notice and each had 3 balls to get that plushie for you. C/N went up first and only managed to get 1 stack of pins down with the 3 balls so Zamasu was your only hope and so he actually got all the 3 stacks of pins down which got you the big bunny plushie so you hugged him with joy which made C/N jealous so you guys went over to more fair games where you got more and more gifts from either Zamasu or C/N then they would get irritated at one another every time you won something from them so you had to get them to stop that crap. Then came the rides and roller coasters that you were dying to try out since you've never rode a roller coaster or a ride since forever. You wanted to try out the tilt a whirl first so you grabbed both of them and headed for the ride and seated them together while you went on another cart by yourself with a little kid. The ride didn't go well for the 2 boys as they got motion sickness from the spinning while you were having the best time of your life. After a few minutes of spinning and moving, you guys were finally done with the ride with you being the first one out full with adrenaline and excitement while the boys were dizzy then went to the trash to throw up from sickness. So you offered them some drinks to help them relax for a little while. You guys then went to a roller coaster and luckily you guys were the first ones to arrive. The seats only had 2 in each cart which cause a fight between the 2 to see who can sit next to you so you sneakily went to the cart and let another little kid into the other seat next to you before they even noticed. They were forced to sit next to each other again like the goody boys they were but they did have mini fights on the way there. The ride turned out much worse as there were shrieks and screams from the 2 boys hugging each other for their lives while you screamed in excitement and laughed when you got to the loops. After that fiasco you went off the ride first while Zamasu and C/N came off after you to see the screenshots taken. You laughed so hard when you saw what happened with the 2 boys so you ordered a picture for yourself to save that one for memories. You wanted them to relax so you guys flew out of the fair and all the way to the arcade.

(Pretend that Zamasu and C/N threw up)

The Arcade- You, C/N, and Zamasu then went into the arcade to play some video games and win many prizes. You first went to a game called Street Fighter V to try and win some tickets and surprisingly it went well with you winning endless amount of tickets. You then saw the boys doing some video games of their own and it looks like they're winning tickets of their own so you decided to do other games on your own. After you guys won some tickets you wanted to play some laser tag with the teens and kids so they obliged betting they were going to win. So you guys went in to put on the vest and get the laser guns from the room then went back to the group. Some of the teens were looking at you lustfully but Zamasu gave them a sadistic aura making them back off from you since you were his after all but he wouldn't tell you that. Then after a while you guys went into the room with you running off without them to hide around the dark room. The boys went off on their own to get some hits from the other kids with Zamasu having more luck than C/N. Meanwhile you were killing it when it comes to shooting at close range and far range getting lots of hits than you could even imagine. But at the last minute Zamasu and C/N got into a huge fight that resulted in a lot of teens and kids fighting each other which ended with a lot of the groups being escorted out and you dragging C/N and Zamasu getting dragged out by their ears but anyway you wanted to see the results and surprisingly Zamasu won by just 1 point from you while C/N was on the very last one with 2 hits. You congratulated Zamasu for the win and tickets he got you guys and assured C/N that he could do better next time so you guys went out to play more games and then eventually you got tired and wanted to cash out the tickets so you, C/N, and Zamasu went to the ticket place to check out prizes. You were surprised on how much tickets Zamasu got and how little C/N got so you gave half of your ticket pile to C/N so he can earn something to. You had the most prizes and Zamasu and C/N had some prizes but not much because Zamasu gave you more prizes saying you're the lady so you deserve better. So now you guys went off to the restaurant to have a bite.

(Just Pretend this is the group fight)

The Restaurant- Finally after a long day of fun, you guys went to a restaurant to have a quick bite to end the hang out. You luckily made reservations for all of you and went to your tables to be served your food. You guys talked about many things and the fun you guys had but again Zamasu and C/N sharing passive aggressive glares to each other which made you exhausted that you kept breaking up their fights. Then finally your food came and you had exactly ordered Zamasu and C/N's favorite food for them to eat in which they thanked you for your kindness but C/N said that he wanted a little more salt in which you obliged but Zamasu stopped you scolding C/N to be more appreciative to you in which C/N defended himself and you told them to stop fighting and eat their food already. You all were enjoying your food and eventually finished everything when suddenly a creepy guy came up to you asking if you would like to go somewhere else but you refused but the guy didn't take no for an answer so he grabbed your hand forcefully which made Zamasu get up attack the guy mercilessly until there was blood and bruises all over him. You pulled him off the guy and then grabbed C/N then quickly went out the restaurant but not before paying the tab and leaving a tip then quickly leaving the restaurant for fear that you guys would get in trouble.

(Zamasu beating the guy up)

Arctic Chan Montage over


I rushed out of the restaurant while dragging Zamasu and C/N with me being infuriated with their nonstop fighting and bickering. "U-um Y/N are you ok?" "You dimwit she's not ok she's mad because of our bickering!" "Hey at least I didn't beat a guy to death!" They both argued and argued again which made me snap shouting out, "Would you guys shut up for 10 seconds please?! I am so tired of your nonstop bickering for the whole night out! Look I tried to be nice to you guys but you guys make it so hard." As I had tears flow down my eyes knowing I give up trying to let them get along. Then C/N came up to me hugging me tightly saying, " I'm so sorry Y/N for ruining our night out we didn't mean to do it. We just have trouble bonding." As he wipes my tears away then I smiled and said, "It's ok and I've want to say this long time but... I love you C/N." "And I love you to Y/N." As we both hugged each other but then I looked over at Zamasu who seemed distraught so I went over to him and hugged him also saying, "Don't worry Zamasu we'll still be friends no matter what ok." "...ok." as we parted ways with me and C/N together while Zamasu went alone. I felt bad for Zamasu thinking I've made the wrong choice but C/N assured me that I made the right choice as we went it his place to spend the night.

Zamasu POV

After I've learned that she loves C/N now, I was distraught and heartbroken that my hard work was for nothing. I did everything that could make her happy and like me but still she chooses C/N over me. She must be under some type of spell that made her love C/N that must be the answer but something in my head is making me feel blood lust and bloodshed to make her a utopia where she can be truly happy. Then something snapped inside of me as I formed a ki blade in my hand which gave me an idea of killing C/N and make Y/N mine all to myself. I went to the 13th universe secretly hiding my ki without C/N and Y/N knowing and flew all the way to the kai palace to see what they're up to then waited for the right moment to strike.


I went into C/N's room to put my stuff down and laid down on the bed due my exhaustion over the fun day we've had. "So C/N what do you want to do now?" I questioned him as he took off his shirt then turned to me lustfully saying, "We can play in the bed if you like~" as he came to me slowly while I stood up an slowly backed away from him. "W-wait C/N i'm not ready yet!" I said as he got closer to me while I backed away further until I hit a wall while he came closer and hugged me. I tried to push him off me but he was too strong trying to take off my clothes saying, "What's wrong babe didn't you say you love me?" "Yes C/N I love you but I don't want to do this yet!" "Don't worry I promise it won't be that bad." as he proceeded to put his knee under my crotch but as he was going to kiss me, all of a sudden I felt blood spray all over me which made me close my eyes. Then when I saw C/N coughing up blood, I screamed in horror as the purple blade cut him in half then he dropped to the floor dead with blood still pouring out. I dropped to the floor and backed away from the killer only to realize it was Zamasu with a purple energy blade in his hand. He came closer to me with a sadistic look on his face and knelt down to my level and caressed my cheek saying, "Now I finally have you, but you're just gonna have to wait." as I fainted due to too much fear in my body but not before hearing his last words saying, "I'll come for you my sweet Y/N."

(Your scream of horror/ When you remember you had a project due today and you haven't even started on it)

Zamasu POV

After I killed that bastard C/N and witnessing Y/N faint, I carried her in my arms then flew off to her home to drop her off at Master Zuno's place. I opened the door to see Master Zuno doing his usual thing when he saw me he looked shocked and scared. "Oh my!Did anything happened to her?! Is she ok?!" "Don't worry she's fine. She just fainted due to shock." I said as I took her to her room and cleaned her up then put on her clothes for her to sleep and put her on the bed but not before kissing her on her forehead while she rested then left to go back to my universe waiting for the right opportunity to take her with me.

Arctic Chan POV

After the incident with you guys, you've been avoiding Zamasu and have become scared for your life every time you thought of his last words to you. You've missed C/N dearly even when he tried to take advantage of you as Universe 12 got a new kai named Agu but it was never the same to you without C/N. Master Zuno asked if you were ok and asked if you wanted to take a break from work but you assured him that you were fine when you really weren't but you still helped other Universes without anyone finding out that you were in need of help. But on one fateful day everything was about to change even for you.

Zamasu POV

I was getting the tea ready for my next meeting with Gowasu still thinking about Y/N after that incident with C/N's death. I hoped she was doing okay because she has been avoiding me for the past few days ever since his death. That wretch deserved what he got when he tried to take advantage of my Y/N and claim her as his well not on my watch. I was thinking to myself when I got the tea finally done then rolled the cart to the outside when suddenly Gowasu was on the ground dead from the stab wound in the chest. "Gowasu!" I called out to him as I ran up to him to see if he was still alive but no then I looked up at the man who looked like that saiyan from universe 7 but in black clothes and green potara earring and the ring. "Who are you?" "Let's just say i'm you but more stronger." He said as he took off a potara earring and gave one to me saying, "In my future i'm creating a utopia by getting rid of all the impurities of the world starting with the humans but I might need your help because 1 wretched human keeps interfering with my plans so will you join me?" I smiled at his plan as I put it on my ear then said, "If it means making Y/N happy then so be it. Humans are what makes this world so imperfect." as we held hands then hugged each other but then said, "But let me get a special someone first so she can be with me forever." which made the man smirk more saying, "You mean Y/N? She's a delicate flower when it comes to her personality. Too bad she died in my timeline but i'm very pleased to meet her again. You may as well call me Black. Goku Black." we chatted as we laughed a little then flew off to get Y/N.

(Their agreement)


I was sitting on my desk scheduling appointments as usual almost forgetting about the incident when suddenly a knock came on the door. "Huh we're not expecting anyone today can one of you open the door please?" "Ok!" One of the servants said as he went to fetch the door. Then an explosion rang out making the servant fly back and crash into a nearby object. I quickly got up and got in front of Zuno but someone came up behind me and trapped me with my arms bound together on my sides and a ki blade at my neck. "Move." The voice said deeply as the ki blade was shoved up to my neck a little bit which made me move slowly then made me face Master Zuno with a scared expression. Then Zamasu walked up to him and sternly said, "Tell me, what are the super dragon balls?" as Zuno got scared then explained origin of the super dragon balls as Zamasu got more impatient then used his energy blade to almost slice his throat as a warning. "I don't have time for this I could kill you any second if I wanted to." "But you said to explain the origin of the super dragon balls." "Just skip the trivia and tell me how to use them." I tried struggling out of the man's grip but he held me even tighter that makes it hard to breath then held his blade closer to my throat. Then Master Zuno explained how to use them reciting the phrase to summon the dragon when he said peas and carrots which made Zamasu more irritated but told him it was part of the phrase. So now Zamasu asked where they were now but Zuno couldn't ask no more so he turned to me and the man saying, "Black could you show him a warning?" "With pleasure." as the man Black used his blade to cut open my arm leaving a gaping wound making me yell out out in pain then he put the blade up my neck again. Zuno was scared then told him that it was already used and Zamasu wanted to know how long it would take to which Zuno answered the birth and death of a cockroach which made Zamasu enraged to which Zuno put it in simpler terms only one year from now. Then Zamasu relaxed then saying, "Black you know what to do." "Yep." as I felt a stinging pain on my neck which caused me to black out.


(This will do also 🤷‍♀️)

Zamasu POV

After Black knocked out Y/N, we went out to the entrance but before we did we heard Zuno say, "Wait! Where are you taking her?!" so I replied back with a scary tone, "Somewhere where she can be stay pure from all the impurities from the world." then we went out the entrance then Black opened a portal for us to go through then when we went in the portal, we saw the destruction which was the very first step of out zero mortal plan. Black then teleported us to the cabin where he lived then showed us around the place. Black handed me Y/N as he went out to destroy more mortals while I went to the guest room to put my Y/N down in bed. I admired her sleeping form but the clothes are in the way so I took them off leaving her bra and panties for he to rest in then got her new pairs of clothes to wear then went out to get me and my Y/N's immortality.

Timeskip to when you wake up from your slumber


I slowly opened my eyes to adjust to the bright light and new environment I'm in due to being knocked out by a strange man. I then opened my eyes fully to see i'm in a strange room and with no clothes on. I covered myself and saw some pair of clothes to wear so I got up slowly then went over to the pair of clothes then put them on which was comforting and warm. I then went out of the room to see i'm not at Master Zuno's place anymore and instead in a cabin with rose decorations. To make sure i'm not seeing anything, I went outside to check if this was a dream or not and it turns out this is reality as all the buildings were demolished and the city was ruined. I flew up out of the cabin and went to the city to see fire, corpses, run down buildings, and other stuff cause by the destruction. 'Who could've done all this?' I said to myself as I flew around the city when I saw a couple of kids walking around scared and alone holding bags of food walking to somewhere. I flew down in front of them which caused them to get scared but I said, "Hey hey don't worry i'm a good guy I won't hurt you ok?" "W-who are you?" "I'm Y/N and what are you kids doing here alone in the city?" "We were sent out to get food for the Resistance and now we're lost so we're trying to get back." I was shocked so I wanted to help them by saying, "I can help you lead to your group if you let me." The kids were happy when I said that to them and said, "Oh thank you miss we're all grateful for your kindness." as I flew a little but realized they're just humans. "Hey kids do you want to learn how to fly?" "Do we?!" I giggles so I told them the instructions then they learned how to do it as they flew around in excitement. We then all flew to the around the city looking for the house then eventually we found the location so we landed there safely. "Thank you miss!" "We couldn't have done it without you!" "Oh it was nothing guys just doing my job that's all." I said as I was about to fly away but was surrounded by men with guns, tanks, and other military weapons. "Thank you boys for leading her here to us." "You have the right to remain silent surrender now or die!" I looked around horrified to see all the men looking at me. "Wait! What's going on here?!" The men looked at each other and kept their weapons aimed for me with one man saying, "We figured out that if we killed you, then Black would be devastated and would want us to kill him to make him weak so men ready?" "Wait how would that work?!" "Aim....Fire!" The man shouted as all the explosives went for me which cause me to shield myself. But as I was going to meet my fate, a shield was created in front of me with Zamasu standing in front of me with an enraged look on his face. He then got rid of the shield then said, "You would dare hurt her? You're going to regret it." as he formed a ki blade and went berserk on the army. I tried to stop him but Black grabbed me and and teleported me back to the cabin in my room then pinned me down on the bed bounding my hands together with a ki rope then looking down on me.

Then Zamasu came back with blood all over him as Black left the room then he changed into his other clothes then came on the bed with me and carried me into his lap hugging me from behind trapping me in his hold. He then rubbed his cheek against mine while touching my crotch making me blush then kissed my cheek and unbounded my hands but still held them in his grip. "Z-zamasu w-why? Why would you do this to me?" I questioned him as he stopped kissing my neck then tackled me onto the bed and kissed me on the lips inserting his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth making me blush more. Then he explained to me saying, " because my dear....I had to have you all to myself....and also I loved you from the beginning but C/N had to get in the way of our love so now that I killed him, we can can be together forever and I'll keep you safe from all the impurities from the world." As he kissed my neck more making me blush more and more but then he got off me and then grabbed my hand which made me get up the fall down again but this time on top of him and stroking my hair as I heard nothing but his heart beat making me feel sleepy but I resisted the drowsiness but it was too much as I succumbed to the slumber but not before hearing soothing words from Zamasu saying, "Sweet Dreams my pure goddess." Then finally going to sleep knowing that Zamasu had finally got what he wanted.

(The kiss you and Zamasu shared)

~Bonus Ducks~

(This is from the boob scenario)


The first one up was to see a space Patroller and a woman with blue hair with a red bandana and blue jeans and cowboy boots. "So this is the grand master Zuno you've been talking and I've never heard of a kai working for him Jaco. The woman said as the little man got irritated and whispered, "you never told me if a kai worked here Bulma." Which caused him to get a bop on his head. Jaco then proved to the Bulma how Zuno was the master if knowledge by asking the question about a woman's boobs.


(The actual video but I like my version better)

Zuno then explained the boobs concept to the both of them which caused me and Bulma to get red in the face from embarrassment and anger but mostly angry because Jaco said that question. "Hey man I least I have sized boobs and we have other ways to stop our breasts from sagging." I yelled out which caused Jaco to jump up in fear which caused Bulma to snicker. Then Bulma gave a kiss to Master Zuno and he explained the super dragon balls then when she wanted another answer Master Zuno said that he can only answer one question then when she threatened Zuno I had to step in front of her to prevent things from happening. I had to escort them out kindly but not before giving a smack on Jaco's head making a large bump on his head huffing. "That's what happens when you try to embarrass a lady like that." I said sternly as I closed the door and went back to my desk to schedule more appointments.

(This would be you smacking Jaco in the head)


Arctic Chan: holy crap this took me the whole day for me to make

Zamasu: and you did all this from bile and computer not to mention that you're always going on dicord and doing other stories as well

Arctic Chan: ok I had some other things to do but hey at least I finished this story for a friend

Zamasu: yeah that sounds about right anyway why are you always drinking the tea and coffee

Arctic Chan: It's too Tiring to write stories but anyway next up is our first oneshot for Xeno characters Goku and Vegeta

Xeno Goku: you mean us?

Arctic Chan: yep

Xeno Vegeta: woman you better not make us all lovey dove

Arctic Chan: don't worry it's going to be fine but anyways hope you enjoy it!

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