Female Ken kaneki x Male Reader

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A/N: requested by EmperorShogunPoland. Enjoy.

Kaneki was once a good friend of your's. You enjoyed being around her and she the same. Despite that she would be a tittle bit shy when she was around you. You almost found it cute.

(Y/N): you're a lot cuter when you act all shy, you know?

Kaneki: I.....I'm not shy.

She said as she lightly blushed. You just gave her a small which only made her blushed a little more.

(Y/N): :3

Formerly, kaneki use to a human who studied Japanese Literature at Kamii University, living a relatively normal life. However, this soon changed after Rize Kamishiro's kakuhou was transplanted into her, transforming him into a one-eyed ghoul.

As for you, you didn't know where kaneki was or what happened to her. You haven't seen her for nor heard from her for a few weeks. You were getting really worried about her. You couldn't think straight unless you knew she was alive and well. If only you knew what she had become.

(Y/N): "sighs"

You were currently walking home all by yourself once again. You would usually walk home with kaneki. But since she was gone, your walks by yourself were usually just sad and lonely.

(Y/N): it's been 3 weeks ever since kaneki dissappeared. I still want to hope she's alright. But every time a day passes by, I start to think I'll never see her again.

You said as you passed an ally way and one red eye followed your movement as you passed by. Suddenly, Two red tentacles came out and wrapped around your legs.

(Y/N): what the?

You were dragged inside the ally way by the tentacles.

(Y/N): let go of me!!!

You tried to get lose from them, but they kept dragging you.

(Y/N): you asked for it!

You pulled out your knife and tried to cut yourself loose. But you were soon stopped by a voice.

???: I highly recommend not trying to do that.

(Y/N): what?

You saw a woman with white hair. She wore a black pair of clothing. She had a mask that resembled a leather gimp mask with an eye patch. It beared a lipless mouth with large, gnashing teeth, much like a restrained asylum monster.

(Y/N): who.............who are you exactly?

???: why (Y/N), I'm surprised you don't recognize me. I thought you were worrying about me?

(Y/N): wh......what? Are you............ No................you can't be her.

She took off her mask and showed the rest of her face.

(Y/N): k...........kaneki?

Kaneki: still don't think I'm not me now?

You hugged her.

(Y/N): thank god. I'm so glade that your alive and okay.

You then noticed the the end of the tentacles that dragged you into the ally were attacked to her back.

(Y/N): what happened to you? What's with the tentacles coming out of your back?

Kaneki: oh. You mean my kagune?

(Y/N): kagune?

Kaneki: of course, it's a ghoul's predatory organ and weapon you know.

(Y/N): g.....ghoul?

Kaneki: yes.

She said as her 4 tentacles like kagune wrapped around you.

(Y/N): k........kaneki?

Kaneki: 3 weeks can make a girl lonely you know. So why do we both catch up~

The rest of the night was filled with moans.

A/N: next is Nui x Male Neko Reader x Neo.

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