(AU)(SamxGrian) love~

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>practically a different version of this scene of Steven universe
>Au is them in the Steven universe world
>Steven universe belongs to Rebecca sugar
>Taurtis: steven
>Sam: Sapphire
>Grian: Ruby
>Yakuza: Jasper
>Yuki: peridot
>Salex: Lapis
> Igbar/Cthulhu:Pearl
>Griam: Garnet

>Lets get started
~Aaaaa aaaa aa aaaaa aaa aa~

Taurtis shot his eyes open and stood up rather quickly. He held his head in pain as he looked around. "Jerry?Igbar? " he said looking around when suddenly


"..Griam.." he said looking at his gem on his stomach. He looked to his right seeing th force field that held him in. He stuck his hand out feeling it vibrate around his hand."wow" he said going completely out of his cell. He shivered feeling everything vibrate around him. "Whow out now I need to find everyone"he said beginning to run looking left and right. But stopped as he someone in a cell as well. He took a good look at him seeing his blonde hair and pale skin and noticed in his hand had a gem. "Hey are you " he did not finish his sentence when he saw that he seemed worried and scared. They looked at each other. Taurtis full back when he saw him punch a wall next to him. "Great this is just perfect " he yelled, Taurtis was a bit confused at this "do you need any help? "Taurtis asked nicely. "No I mean...don't looked at me just go away " Taurtis was now really confused and started to walk when the boy stopped him. "Hey wait how did you get pass the field "he asked seeing that he was perfectly safe. "Oh um I just" Taurtis stuck his hand in. "No no no wait...it's safe? " h decided to do the same and stuck his hand in only to get stung back "what's going on " they both stopped as they heard a soft singing. "Someone's signing" "sam" Taurtis looked at the boy seeing his worried expression as he turned to him he had never seen such worry in eyes. "Please get me out I need to find sam, please he's all alone " Taurtis nodded as he put his arms out "don't worry we'll find your friend and mine together" he said as he did a little arc to get the boy out. He slid out and began to run. Taurtis ran next to him "how many more gems are here?" He said looking at him. "Don't know don't care" he smiled seeing someone ahead but dropped realising it wasn't the person he was looking for. However Taurtis was exited to see who it was. "Salex your ok" Taurtis said as he began to make an arc for her but she yelled at him to stop, he looked at her confusingly as the boy behind him was pacing back and fourth. "Don't please things are bad enough as it is I already made to much trouble. Once we get back to home world they will decide what to do with us." Salex said. Taurtis frowned but stopped as he heard the boy behind him groan. "Ugh there's no time for this " he said as he began to run. "I'll cone back I promise" Taurtis said running along him but eventually he lost him as he looked out the window to his home earth. He looked once again and hid. "But dad the point of coming here was to check on progress " he saw the Yakuza man punch a wall. "Stop singing, this takes priority set a course to home world " he said Yuki sighted as she walked back. Taurtis looked and saw another guy.

~Aaaaa aaaa aa aaaaa aaa aa~

"Hey I like your singing...are you sam?" Taurtis asked with a smile. "You escaped of course " he said as he saw him stick his hand in not being affected. "Come on its safe " Taurtis said doing an arc to let him out. "Thanks Taurtis" sam said gettin out. "Your welcome" then they heard a yell. "Come on" sam said grabbing Taurtis' hand and ran at a fast pace. They stopped in front of a empty room and saw each other. "Sam!" "Grian!"both said as they went to each other tightening in an embrace. Grian was fist to grab Sam's cheeks and look at him."Did they hurt you" he asked tears in his eyes. "No no I'm ok did they hurt you?" Sam asked looking at him now. "Who cares!" Grian said tears rolling off his cheek. "I do" sam said kissing the side of his eye. Grian smiled and picked him up twirling him around their gems beginning to glow as they fused. Taurtis saw in amazement hearing their laughs until bam his friend stood in front of him. "Hahaha Taurtis than you" the man said "Griam you're a fusion?" Taurtis said not believing his eyes. "Oh oh I'm sorry Taurtis we didn't want you meeting us here like this" he said looking at the shorter male boy. "Well did I make a first good impression? " Taurtis asked with a smile, Griam put hid hands on his cheeks. "oh Taurtis we already love you " he said sincerely. "WERE IS HE !" They heard the Yakuza yell, "its Yakuza Taurtis find the others and get to the control room." He said looking at Taurtis. "But I don't know where they are." He said and was kissed on the forehead seeing where his friends are. "Future vision...oh wait will you be able to defeat him by yourself?" He asked as Griam stood up. "Don't worry Taurtis I'm never alone " he smiled as Taurtis ran to get his friends.

"Oh great your both out and your fused again why? Fusion is just a cheep way to make weak gems stronger quit embarrassing yourselves I seen what you really are." Yakuza said at the fusion in front of him. He chuckled at the other gem. "No you haven't." He said
(Cue the best song ever)

"This is Griam back together and I'm never going down at the hands of the likes of you because I'm so much better "

Yakuza was not happy as he began to circle around the room along with Griam. He took out his 'gem stabilizer.

"And every part of me saying go get 'em the two of us ain't gonna follow your rules come at me with out any of your fancy tools so let's go just me and you "

Yakuza then went head on to the fusion as he put on his shades to protect his eyes.

"Lets go just one on two go ahead and try o hit me if your able can't you see that my relationship is stable I can see you hate the way we intermingle but I think your just mad cause your single "

Yakuza went at him again but his tool was snatched out of his hands and was broken. Grain sway his hands up his body bringing out his gauntlet as Yakuza brought out his helmet. Both weapons clashed up against each other.

"and your not gonna stop what we made together we are gonna stay like this forever if you bring us apart we'll just come back newer and we'll always be twice the gem that you are i am made

I am made o-o-o-o-of

Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of




mmmm mmm mmm mmmm mmmmm

Taurtis had founds his friends and ran to the control room. Yuki used her stabilizer but i had no affect on him. Which took her by surprise. Jerry took out his own weapon tying up Yuki. "yo gut dis Ig" He said as Igbar looked at the panel and began to set a course back to earth. Taurtis looked in the monitor seeing Griam and Yakuza fight.

As both were fighting Yakuza and Griam made a mess of things dust ran through the air. It soon cleared out and Griam was looking at the floor at his hands as Yakuza thought that he gave up.

"This is who we are...This is who i am and if you think you can stop me then you need to think again. 'Cause i have a feeling that i will never end and i wont let you hurt my planet and i wont let you hurt my friends"

He said a image of a baby Taurtis coming to his head as he went over to him trying to hit Yakuza only getting hit back in the face. He got up and tried kicking him but missed until he hit the sides of Yakuza's head breaking his glasses off.

"Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able.Can't you see that my relationship is stable.I know you think I'm not somethin' you're afraid of.'Cause you think that you've seen what I'm made of.But i am even more than the two of them everything i care about is what i am"

He sais as Yakuza decided to spin around hoping to distract him. Griam stood in the middle seeing him launch at him.

"i am their furry i am their patience i am a conversation i am made

I am made o-o-o-o-of

Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of




and it's stronger than you"

He said as He stopped Yakuza and throw him to a field that he previously was poofed by.An explosion happened as he ran to the control panel. And entered all turning to him. "Griam!" He only tightened his teeth. "THIS SHIP IS GOING DOWN" He said seeing how earth was getting closer. "what about Salex?" "there's no time!" Taurtis felt bad for leaving Salex as he cast a bubble around his friends looking up at Griam and seeing his smile. And deep deep down he saw both Sam and Griam hugging each other while smiling at him




and it's stronger than you




as the ship grashed down and the bubble disappeared Griam looked at the ocean and the sunset. He looked down at his gems and smiled feeling whole and loved once more.


Word count:1665

that was a lot whew sooo what you think of my version of it. Legit i know the episode by heart thanks to Swampy since she always sees that episode ^^

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