Little love (JxSam)

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>I decided to make this
>Kinder Garden
Side note: I feel like some of you aren't suggesting anything since my last update where I told you a few things about myself but if you don't respect me then that's ok. I'm use to people disrespecting me. and your silence only proves I'm right
A little boy of white fured ears sat down on the wheel swing while his little friend pushed him. His name was Sam. A bunny hybrid. His friends Name was J. They had recently been let out of school and they begged their mothers to let them play in the town park. "hey j wemember when the tweacher was talking about mawwiage?" the little boy said. his speech clearly needing work but it was only like that because he lost his two front teeth.
(omg little Sam without his two front teeth awe)
"yeah I wemember" J said still pushing his little friend on the wheel. "we'll when we grow up I'm gonna Mawwiage you so we can be together for ever" Sam said. J stopped for a moment and thought. That would mean that Sam and J would be best friends forever. "ok" J said. both not knowing what Marriage really ment
~years later~
"And do you Sam take J to be your lawfully wedded...husband!" Taurtis said trying to hold his excitement in. He was the best man along as being the priest. Sam couldn't help but remember back to where it all started on that faithful swing. How he had said he was going to marry J and here he was about to marry the love of his life. "I do" Sam said before anything else J crashed their lips together. Now they were officially together forever

(awe what you think?)

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