Chapter 12: Will You Marry Me?

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A/N: while you were going over the events from last night, more strange antics started to happen, such as Invader being poisoned and surprise proposals.

You were in a peaceful deep sleep. You thankfully didn't have a nightmare this time around, but you did start hearing this strange light buzzing sound. Then it was followed up by your body being gently shaken by each passing second.

(Y/N)'s mind: I better not wake up to find someone doing you know what to me.

You slowly opened your eyes all the way and saw that the one that was shaking you was Austin.

Austin: Hey man. Sorry for shaking you a little bit. You weren't waking up from your alarm, so I had to come in here and get you up.

Austin said in a near drowsy tone. You soon rubbed your eyes for a moment before opening them again to see things more clearly. As you looked, you saw that Austin looked like he was still a little bit tired.

(Y/N): Wow, you look a bit drowsy there, bud.

Austin: Yeah, I thought I should have at least kept an eye out just in case that person might have been around, at least until your parents came back.

(Y/N): Come on man, you didn't need to do that. We both needed as much sleep as we could get. It was already stressful enough as it was yesterday.

Austin: I know. I just really wanted to make sure. I know we had just about everything locked up before we went to bed. But I was just thinking of possibly spotting them just in case they might have been spying on our house.

(Y/N): I mean.... I appreciate you doing something like that I guess, but aren't you tired?

Austin: Nah, I'm fine. A little drowsy, but it's not anything too bad. Nothing I haven't done before.

You looked at him for a moment before letting out a light sigh.

(Y/N): If you say so. Let's just get ready.

You said before you got up out of the bed and headed to the bathroom to change while Austin changed in a different room as you both changed into your school uniforms like you usually change into. Once done, you walked out the bathroom, got some of your things and then headed down stairs before stopping near the door. You then pulled out a key from your pocket and used it to unlock the door. However, before opening the door, you turned your gaze back to Austin and spoke with him.

(Y/N): I just realized something, what if this person tries to lockpick the door while we're gone at school?

Austin: Well, I actually thought about that while I was looking out the windows last night. And I think I might have an idea.

(Y/N): What is it?

Austin: Well, see how the smoke detector is now above the door rather than on the kitchen ceiling now?

He said as he pointed up to the smoke detector.

(Y/N): Okay..... why exactly do you have the smoke detector set up above the door now. It's not like the person who's stalking us is a smoker or something.

Austin: That's why I had this little wire placed near the wall and the bottom of the door. Obviously I didn't get to have it fully set up since I wanted to wait for your parents to leave so they didn't set off the trigger.

(Y/N): Okay, but how will that wire set off the smoke detector?

Austin: Well it's simple.

He said before he kneeled down and tied the end of the wire to a part of the wall before standing back up.

Austin: If they either step on or pull at that wire, it'll tug at that trigger on the smoke detector and set it off. The resulting sound of which will likely cause whoever this person is to turn the other way and run with their tail tucked between their legs.

(Y/N): I mean, it's certainly a rather inventive idea. But.... doesn't it seem like a bit much?

Austin: Look, this is only temporary until I can purchase an actual security system for this place.

(Y/N): Alright. But when we do, we're gonna need to explain things to my parents later when we eventually get it then.

Austin: Well, when that time comes, we can happily explain it to them.

Austin said before you then just opened the door and the two of you carefully walked out the door so as to not trip on or step on the wire. After walking past it, you closed and locked the door behind you.

Austin: Honestly, I'm personally hoping that trigger won't need to come into effect.

(Y/N): Speaking of which, did you get that note that was left here last night?

Austin: yeah. I made sure to put some gloves on so I didn't risk getting any of my own prints on it while putting it in a small zip up bag.

(Y/N): Alright, good. We can try to go to J sometime and see if he's got anything that can maybe scan any of the prints on that note.

Austin: Right.

The two of you soon began heading on your way to school. You seem to have noticed a lack of Alex or any of the others, suggesting that they had either not left their homes as of yet, were already ahead of you two or were already at the school by that point. As the two of you were walking, you were soon met by Silly, as per usual.

Silly: Hey guys!

Austin: Oh... hey Silly.

Austin said before letting out a light yawn.

Silly: Hey Austin, you're looking a little drowsy right now. Are you feeling okay?

Austin: Who me? I'm fine, just a little tired after having to help Sam and the boys get moved in.... and uh...... other stuff regarding last night.

Austin said as he wanted to keep his actual reasons secret from her for now.

Silly: Oh yeah.... that was pretty wild last night.

(Y/N): Yeah..... you could really say that again.

Silly: By the way, just to be safe, did Sam and the guys have anymore of..... that stuff on them after me, mom and Paul took down that drug dealer?

(Y/N): Nope. We checked Sam and Taurtis just to make absolutely sure that all of it was gone when they gave it to Okami.

Silly: Oh good, me and mom really just don't want to be dealing with any drug spreading incidents. More people will get hurt that way.

(Y/N): Yeah, there's already been people getting hurt recently enough.

You said as the three of you were approaching CrabManCarl's store. As Silly walked on, You and Austin walked in along with her.

Silly: Oh, you guys are coming in too?

Austin: Yeah, we didn't exactly get the chance to make any lunch last night. So, it seems like we'll have to buy ourselves some stuff for lunch today.

Silly: Oh, well hopefully there should be something in here today for you guys to get.

Austin: As long as Carl isn't selling anymore of that "cat" he had on the shelves at one point.

The two of you walked around the store with Silly, looking for whatever was good enough to have for lunch. After a little bit, the three of you eventually found what you were getting for lunch.

Austin: Ugh.... at least CrabManCarl has at least a few good options here.

(Y/N): Yeah, there'd probably be far less people coming here if there wasn't.

The three of you walked up to the checkout where CrabManCarl stood. You both stood behind Silly as you waited for her to pay for the items she got before she turned and spoke to the both of you.

Silly: You guys can put your stuff with mine, I can pay for it.

(Y/N): Huh? You don't need to do that Silly.

Silly: Please, I insist. I really want to repay you guys for the help yesterday.

(Y/N): No really, it's fine, me and Austin.....

You soon looked over to Austin to see his overall drowsy look before looking back to Silly.

(Y/N): On second thought, sure.

(Y/N)'s mind: Because I think Austin might end up passing out soon if we don't hurry to school.

Silly: Thanks, guys. ^-^

You and Austin soon placed your stuff on the check out alongside Silly's. Once she paid for all of it, You all picked up each of your items and continued on your way to school. At the same time that the three of you were on your way there, Sam, Taurtis and Grian had just exited out of the subway after having gotten off of the train.

Grian: Ugh.... one thing I'm already thinking I don't like about having to move further down town is that we have to get up a lot earlier than before and having to rush to the train before it leaves.

Taurtis: Oh come on, it's not that bad.

Grian: You would say that, would you? Especially considering you're part of the reason that we're having to move a lot further away from the school.

Sam: Alright guys, enough. Let's not continue to dwindle in the past. Let's focus on looking to the future. Such as my special future I intend to have between me and my little sooke sooke.

Grian: Oh yes, I'm completely envious of you and Sookie's pretty much nonexistent relationship.

Sam: Don't be ridiculous, Sookie totally likes me back. She glanced at me the other day and everything.

Grian: Because you were looking at her creepily and she was uneasy about the amount of letters you made for her.

Sam: Okay, enough. Let's just get to school and get all of these invites passed out. Everyone needs to know about this special occasion that's happening.

Sam looked across the street and saw You, Austin and Silly walking on your way to school.

Sam: Oh Nice. It's (Y/N), Austin and Silly. Hey! (Y/N)! Austin! Silly! Over here!

Sam yelled and waved from the other side of the street, which caught the attention of the three of you.

Silly: Oh?

(Y/N): Oh no.....

Austin: Now what?

Sam: Wait for us! We'll walk with you!

Silly: Oh sure thing!

You and Austin both sighed under your breath as Sam and Taurtis both looked at each side of the road for any cars before walking past the crosswalk. Grian soon followed behind them, not bothering to look both ways as he wasn't in much of a mood today at all considering what was seemingly going on.

Sam: Hey guys. How's it going? Sleep well!

(Y/N): Well.......

Austin: You.... could say that.

Sam: Well, I hope everyone here is well rested. Because I've got something special for today that everyone will be excited for! Now, I know you guys are very close with me, Taurtis and Grian...

(Y/N): For more bad reasons compared to good ones.

Sam: But, I want to keep this a secret between the three of us to try and make the surprise to everyone more special.

Austin: Just how "special" is this surprise?

Taurtis: Don't worry, you and everyone else will soon find out once we get to school.

Silly: Well, I look forward to seeing what surprise you have planned for us all.

Sam, Taurtis and Silly started walking further ahead as You, Austin slowed down near Grian while following behind them. The three of you carefully started whispering to each other.

Austin: Alright, what's Sam going on about with all of this "special surprise" nonsense?

Grian: I wish I'd be joking when I tell you this, but Sam's going to start delivering invites to everyone at school.

(Y/N): For what exactly?

Grain: A wedding.

(Y/N):...... I'm already regretting even asking now.

Grian: Yep, Sam fully intends to propose to Sookie later on today.

You and Austin facepalmed.

Austin: Oh good lord. He's actually going to try and go through with it after everything we talked with him about?

Grain: Yep. So stupidly naive, yet frighteningly determined.

(Y/N): I'm not even gonna try and stop him at this point. If telling Sam that Sookie doesn't like him wasn't enough. Then his whole proposal plan crashing and burning right in front of him when she says no will give him a healthy dose of reality.

Sam soon turned around to look at the three of you.

Sam: Did you guys say something?

Austin: Us? Nope. We're just walking silently and all. No whispering or anything.

He said in a sarcastic tone.

Sam: Hmmmmmmm, ok....

Once the six of you entered inside the school, Sam and Taurtis then began to approach other students and hand out invitations to the wedding to everyone with the exception of Invader, Dom and Sookie.

Alex: A wedding?

Ghost: Aside from the fact that Sam still isn't at the proper age to marry someone yet, who in the right mind would have agreed to marry him?!

As Sam continued to hand out invites, You and Austin just walked up the stairs and to Okami's classroom. It wasn't long before the bell rang and every other student soon headed up the stairs to Okami's class as well. Even Paul Blart showed up in class, not even bothering to disguise himself as a plant or anything at this point. After everyone was in class, Okami arrived soon after to greet the class as usual.

Okmai: Good morning everyone. If you can just take your seats, we can begin class.

As everyone sat down at their desks, Okami took notice of the fact that Taurtis seemed to be the only one there who wasn't in his uniform.

Okami: Oh, Taurtis no uniform today?

Taurtis: Well you see....... this is uh..... new uniform. I guess you guys didn't recieve it yet. But they should be sending it out soon.

(Y/N): Literally just about everyone has seen Taurtis in that clothing to know that is just his casual clothing.

Invader: Are there any in women's sizes?

Taurtis: Yes. Yes there is actually. So, everyone can be wearing these.

PowerDragon: Does it glow in the dark?

Taurtis: Well, the wristbands glow in the dark.

PowerDragon: Nice!

Austin: Then again, I guess maybe we're giving some of our classmates just a little too much credit.

Sam: Taurtis, I don't think they're buying your story.

Sam whispered to Taurtis, who soon carefully replied back.

Taurtis: No, it's going great.

Okami: Well, you have rather lovely colors, Taurtis.

Taurtis: Why thank you.

Sam: Oh my gosh, they actually bought it.

Grian: Well, some of them have fallen for our lies so far......

Okami: Now everyone, if you could all remain quiet for a bit, we can get through roll call.

She said before she began to name all of the students that were there. During this she soon called out Austin's name.

Okami: Austin.

There wasn't a reply when she said his name, much to the confusion of her and some of the students. Okami soon called out his name again.

Okami: Austin?

There was once again no reply. You quickly looked to Austin to see that he was trying to stay awake, but was very close to the point of nearly passing out. You quickly tapped him on the shoulder and to get him up.

Austin: Huh.... wha...?

(Y/N): Okami's calling your name for roll call.

Austin: Wha.... uh..... here!

Okami: Oh good.

She said before she continued calling out the names of the other students. As she did, You started whispering to Austin.

(Y/N): Dude, I really think you're more than just "a little drowsy".

Austin: So, maybe I'm a little sleepy. It's no big deal, I can still stay up.

Silly: No offense, but you looked like you were struggling hard to keep yourself awake.

Yuno: Maybe I can help.

Yuno said as she whispered over to the three of you.

Silly: What do you mean?

Yuno: Here. Give Austin these. They might take a bit to kick in, but they should keep him up for a while.

She said before she carefully handed you "Ecrab stay awake pills".

(Basically a parody version of Equate).

(Y/N): I appreciate you giving me these, Yuno, but I'm not sure if stuff like this will even actually work at all.

Yuno: It's at least worth a shot, plus, it'll at least maybe help him out during gym if Rowan catches him dozing off.

Silly: Hmmm, she does have a point. Dad will get heated if he sees someone trying to sleep in his class.

(Y/N): fine..... I guess we can try it. Austin.

He soon looked at you, still tired and looking like he was about to fall asleep again.

(Y/N): Try taking these.

You said to him as you reached out your hand to give him the pills. He let out a very light sign for a second before taking the pills and putting two of them within his mouth before swallowing.

Austin: Well, hope these work.......

Yuno: Just give them a few minutes. They should start kicking in by then.

Austin: Well, if they don't, thanks for the help regardless.

Yuno: You're welcome.

She said before she turned her attention back to Okami. As this was going on, Sam was talking to Taurtis about the homework he didn't do. Everyone was supposed to make their own food and even give it a name.

Sam: So Tarutis, what are you gonna do about the food? You could always get, like, some bread. Did you even buy bread?

Taurtis: No, I don't have anything on me except Doritos. And that's only because we stole a bunch of them.

Sam: Well, we can't do Doritos, they're our business rival and the ones who got us in this whole mess to begin with.

Taurtis: Ugh...... maybe I'll just take the F.

Grian: Not too different from most other times I guess.

Sam: Dude, are you really wanting to just take an F?

Taurtis: Uh..... uh...... I have this energy drink.

He said before he pulled out a random bottle.

Sam: Dude, no. That's the..... ugh.... the homework was that you have to prepare a meal.

Taurtis: Well then this is a liquid meal.

Grian: No Taurtis, that is what we call a drink.

Sam: Plus, you bought it, you didn't prepare it.

Taurtis: I prepared it by paying for it.

Sam: It says 50 hour energy right on the tag.

Taurtis: Well, I can tear it off. No one will notice.

Sam: You know, taking the F on this one isn't too bad.

Taurtis: Sam, my education is on the line.

Sam: But you've hardly learned anything. You didn't even bother to do the homework.

Taurtis: It's just cooking a meal. What am I gonna learn from that?

Grian: To learn how to cook a meal. And given your past experiences, you could really use some learning on that.

Taurtis: Oh.......

Sam: Yeah, that's what I learned. I put all kinds of great stuff in the microwave to make this.

Sam said, referring to the strange piece of flesh that he had with him.

Grian: I hesitate to call whatever that is a meal.

Sam: You're just jealous that I made a far better meal than either of you guys.

Taurtis: I'm still likely gonna get a better grade than you will.

Sam: Well, I named this little meal here after your girlfriend. So.......

Taurtis: That's pretty insulting, Sam.

Sam: How? How is that insulting?

Taurtis: Because it uh..... looks kinda like........ it looks.......

Grian: It looks like a piece of rotten flesh.

Sam: Aw come on guys. I was trying to honor her memory when I made this.

Taurtis: I mean.... yeah, I guess. But have you even bothered to taste it?

Sam: Nnnnnno....

Grian: Figures.

Taurtis: Yeah, I wouldn't either.

Sam: Why not? Just give it a little try for me real quick.

Taurtis: No, no thank you.

Sam: What about you Gria.....

Grian: No.

He said as he immediately cut Sam off before he could finish asking the question.

Sam: Hmmmm...... maybe I could try and get Invader to try it. You think you can hand it to her, Taurtis?

Taurtis: Sure, I can do that. Do a hand off.

Sam soon handed Taurtis a piece of the food before he looked over to Invader before whispering to her.

Taurtis: Hey, Invader.

Invader: Hm?

She turned around to face Taurtis and saw that he was about to throw something over to her.

Taurtis: Catch.

He said before chucking the piece of Salex over to Invader, who caught it in her hands all while Okami didn't seem to notice since she didn't say anything about it.

Sam: Give it a try, Invader.

Sam whispered over to her to get her to eat his questionable looking food. Invader looked at it for a bit, feeling the texture of it and even giving it a quick smell before finally taking a bite out of it. After she finished swallowing a piece of it, she spoke.

Invader: Hmm, doesn't smell too bad. And I really like the textur.........

Suddenly, Invader yelled out in pain.


This got the attention of everyone in the room as they quickly looked at Invader to see her beginning to puke out blood as a result of the food she had just consumed.

(Y/N): 0_0

Sam: Oh My God!

Grian: Oh good lord!

PowerDragon: Ewwww!



Okami: OH MY! 😰

Chan: Oh my god, Invader! What's happening?!


Sam: I'm So Sorry! I Didn't Know!

Silly: Uh....... should I get the nurse.

Santiago: Please do.

Grian: Yes, please do. This is really starting to get more messy now!




Paul yelled to Sam in a fit of anger.

Okami: NURSE!

Taurtis: Sam, did you put Doritos in there?

Sam: Um...... I actually don't know what I put in there exactly.

Taurtis & Grian: What?!

Sam: Look, I put a lot of things in there when I was making.

Yuki: This will certainly make for an awesome Fumblr post.

Prime: Oh, be sure to tag me, Yuki!

Jason:..... The fuck is wrong with you two?

Silly was finally able to get the nurse, who was PufferFishPete, to come over to the classroom to see about the situation.

PufferFishPete: Someone called?

Sam: Uh Yeah! Nurse PufferFishPete! It seems that Invader is bleeding and has lost her eyesight again. She's got some internal bleeding going on as well.

He said as Invader was bumping into the wall due to her having lost her vision again.

PufferFishPete: Hmm....... I think she needs some water.

He then took Invder's hand and carefully escorted her out of the room and to his office.

Okami: My.... that was an..... interesting start of class.

Austin: Well, regardless of if I took those pills or not, I'm likely not gonna fall asleep after that.

Yuno: W... Well. At least we managed to keep you awake then.

She said with an awkward laugh while scratching the back of her head.

Taurtis: Dude, give me some of those so I can get out of doing homework.

Sam: That could work actually. When she calls you up, I could feed you.

Grian: You two have learned nothing from these past few seconds.

They whispered as You soon picked up half of what it was that invader had eaten before looking at Sam.

(Y/N): Just what is this supposed to be?

Sam: Oh, it's a very special meat I cooked for homework. I called it Salex, in honor of Taurtis' dead girlfriend. I made it from a whole lot of stuff. I can't remember what it all was though.

You and many of the other students soon turned their full gaze onto Sam while also squinting your eyes.

Sam:........ What?


Class went on as everyone showed off their own food that they cooked for homework, with Taurtis and Silly acting as the judges for them . And during that time, Sam had descripted what "ingredients" that he did remember putting into his meal, saying that He put things ranging from Egg shells, Taurtis' toenail clippings, leftovers that they didn't eat and mixed it all up with other stuff before microwaving it. Nearly half the class threw up after hearing that. Rowan, who had smelled blood and wanted to check it out, came into the room and was offered to try some. Much to everyone's surprise, Rowan scarfed down a piece of it with little to no issue, saying it was "just like how mother used to make". It didn't do so well for Taurtis as he nearly threw up in the process of taking a nibble and Silly just pretended to eat it. And after all of this, Primegamerjc nearly attempted a tasteless pun.

Prime: I guess you could say that Salex idea really cras....

Ghost: There will be a grave dug up with your name on it's gravestone if you so much as utter the next syllable in that sentence.

Prime then fell completely silent after that, choosing not to say anything else from that point. After doing an in class assignment of drawing someone you look up to the most, the bell had rung and you were finally able to go to lunch. It was just You, Austin, Silly and even Chan sitting at the table and eating lunch as usual. As the four of you were eating however, you were soon approached by Yuki.

Yuki: Hey guys.

You all looked up to Yuki.

(Y/N): Oh, Hey Yuki.

Yuki: you uh...... you wouldn't mind if I could maybe sit with you for lunch, would you?

(Y/N): Oh, not at all.

Silly: There's more than enough seats left.

Chan: I'm happy to share a seat with more students.

Chan said while smiling sweetly at Yuki, who gave more of an awkward smile before sitting down next to her and started eating lunch with you all. This went on as normal for a little while before Yuki soon spoke again.

Yuki: So, (Y/N).

You soon looked up to her.

(Y/N): Hm?

Yuki: I haven't exactly had much of a good time to ask you this due to..... a lot of the stuff that's been going on recently for the past while now. But, I was hoping if you'd be okay in possibly hanging out sometime after school today.

(Y/N)'s mind: That's right, Yuki did say that she wanted to hang out with me and Austin a lot more this year.

You soon got out of your thoughts and looked back at Yuki before speaking.

(Y/N): Sorry Yuki. I really would like to hang out with you. Unfortunately, me and Austin are gonna be a little busy after school today.

Yuki: Oh...... I see. Well, that's fine. We can always go for a different time then. We've got the rest of the school year.

Yuki said in what sounded like a disappointed tone in her voice.

(Y/N): Yeah, we could try and go for sometime later in the week, maybe.

Yuki Hm.... that could work.

Yuki said as her voice changed from the disappointed tone back to her usual sweet and kind tone.

Silly: Well, the next few assignments mom has in store for us the next few days probably won't be too hard. So, it shouldn't really get in the way of hanging out on weekdays.

Austin: I just hope there aren't more poems, plays or anything in relation for a while. Something nice and simple would suffice.

Silly: Oh Austin, you should know that mom doesn't want things to just be simple. She wants us to at least have a little bit of a task with our work.

Austin: Hey, a man can still dream, can't he?

The rest of lunch went on as it usually does before the bell rang and everyone headed on their way to Gym. As You and Austin were approaching the Gym, with Grian not too far behind the two of you, You started to see what looked like cheaply made papers advertising the wedding Sam intends to have.

(Y/N): I guess the invitations he passed out to nearly every single person in school wasn't enough to drive the point home.

Austin: These papers look even more poorly done than the invates.

Grian: Would you be at all surprised if I told you that Sam only had time to do all of those before we started packing and after you both left our apartment?

(Y/N): Not really, unfortunately.

During your conversation, Sam and Taurtis were currently having one of their own.

Taurtis: Ugh..... I wish invader hadn't come back to tell us about what happened to her. I mean we get it, she might have nearly died from your bad cooking and was temporarily blinded. But she still didn't need to tell us about it. We didn't even get to eat.

Sam: My cooking was fine, thank you very much. Invader just doesn't know quality food when she's tasted it.

Taurtis: I didn't even get to drink my energy drink at all.

Sam: Dude, it's one energy drink, you could just drink that right now while we're heading there.

Taurtis: That's a good idea actually.

Sam: Just be sure to drink all of it quickly before we get in there.

Sam said as Taurtis opened up his energy drink and guzzled it down. After he managed to finish all of it, he began to get a strange feeling.

Taurtis: Wooooow.......

Sam: You feel the energy, Taurtis?

Taurtis: Oh yeah.... I feel it alright!

Taurtis said before he began to start running past Sam and all of the other students and towards the gym and incredibly fast speeds.

Austin: WHAT THE...?!

Taurtis: I feel it! I feel so much energy!

Austin: Oh god damn it! Did we forget to check a spot somewhere to see if those two still had drugs?!

Grian: There can't be anymore. I looked around the entire apartment room last night while they were asleep just to be sure.

(Y/N): Well, looks like they had one left then!

The three of You soon chased after the high speeding Taurtis as he passed by 8 of the other students in the hall.

Silly: What the...?!

Chan: Uh... what's wrong with Taurtis?

(Y/N): We think he might be on drugs again! Gotta stop him!

You said running past Chan.

Chan:....... Wait, what? 0_0

Yuno: W.... What do you mean again?!

Yuno yelled in a bit of a nervous panic as You, Austin and Grian chased Taurtis into the Gym. When he got inside, he immediately ran up the steps and started running around the top part of the Gym.

Taurtis: Rugh! So pumped!


Rowan commented as he was impressed with Taurtis' momentum.

Review: I didn't think that Taurtis would act this way when coming to Gym of all things.

(Y/N): Sam, if you still have those drugs, hand them over or we'll use force!

Sam: I don't have anymore of that stuff on me, I swear. We and Taurtis pretty much ran out before we got to meet up with that guy again. That was before we found out he was just a great big liar.

Austin: Then why is Taurtis running around like he's hopped up?

Sam: Weeeeeeell, he kinda had a little bit too much of his energy drink. It made him really, really active.

Grian: How much of it did he drink?

Sam: Well..... he didn't get to drink any of it at lunch because we got distracted when Invader came back and told us about what she felt after she ate my great cooking. So, on our way here, Taurtis chucked the entire bottle down.

(Y/N): In an entire short span of time?

Grian: Oh dear.

(Y/N): Well, at least he's not on drugs then.

Taurtis just continued to move throughout the entire Gym, showing no signs of stopping.


Austin: How long are the effects of this stuff?

Sam: Uh... I think the bottle said it lasts for 50 hours.

(Y/N): What?!

(5 minutes later).

After a while of running around and even doing some fast exercises when Rowan had you all lined up and changing into the Gym clothes after, Taurtis finally managed to tire down after just about 5 minutes. Now he was looking mostly tired and pale.

Austin: Well, the advertising on the bottle was total bullshit. What are the odds?

He said sarcastically.

Austin: He didn't even get past 10 minutes of that stuff. He managed to successfully tire and burn himself out in just exactly 5 minutes. Though in this case, that's a good thing.

Taurtis groaned as he held his head in pain.

Taurtis: Uuuuuuugh! Please don't yell. I'm standing right here next to you!

Austin: We weren't yelling. -_-

(Y/N): Besides, that's what happens when you listen to false advertising.

Rowan had led You and the others students outside to the field, where he had an obstacle course waiting there for you all.


Santiago: "But First"? Why did he say "but first"?


Okami: Wooo!

Okami shouted as she was standing by and watching what was going to happen.

Taurtis: Oh yeah..... totally gonna win this...

Taurtis said as his eyes started to look a little drowsy.

Grian: Yeah..... you uh.... you really got this.


Sam: Me?

Rowan: YOU'RE IT!

He said before he proceeded to hit Sam before then making a break for it.


Everyone soon ran as well to get away from Sam and avoid being tagged by him. The first person he managed to tag was Taurtis for obvious current reasons. You were a bit of a challenge for him to tag since You were pretty fast on your feet. It wasn't until after a little while that you started to lose a bit of breath and decrease in speed that he finally managed to get you. After he finally managed to get everyone, Rowan finally called time and had everyone line back up in front of the obstacle course.


Taurtis: I don't think I'll be able to run this.

Taurtis said as he panted heavily.

Sam: I got just the thing to re-energize you right up, Taurtis.

Taurtis: What is it?

Sam then pulled out a bag of Toritos and wiggled them just a little bit in front of Taurtis.

Sam: Toritoooooooos~

Taurtis: Woah!

Grian: Now wait just one second....

Sam opened the bag of Toritos and fed them to Taurtis.

Taurtis: Ah man, that tastes refreshing.

Taurtis said as he soon felt like his energy was returning to him.

Taurtis: Oh Yeah! I can feel it! I feel great again!

(Y/N): How? If anything, those should have made Taurtis weaker than he already was!


Austin: Forget it. Let's just get through this dumb obsitcal course as soon as we can.

Austin said before he began running through the obstacle course and you followed behind. The two of you made it through at least once or twice, but ran into difficulty due to having been tired out from doing tag earlier. A few other students messed up a few times as well. Even Taurtis messed up a few times despite being re-energized from Toritos and Dom definitely screwed up too.

Sam: Ha! You suck, Dom!

Dom: You suck more!

Sam: Let me show you how a professional does it!

Sam screwed up in making a jump from one platform to another.

Dom: Ha!

Sam: Damn!

The next few minutes during the obstacle course mostly seemed to involve both Sam and Dom sometimes knocking each other off a couple times when one of them tried to get from one part of the course to another. Thankfully after a while, Rowan finally yelled out and told everyone to stop.


Austin: Thank god, my legs feel like that if they keep running anymore, they'll burst into flames.

With the remaining Free time, the students started to talk amongst each other. Sam was just talking with Taurtis and Grian about Dom despite the fact that he, and a few others for a matter of fact, could hear him.

Sam: Man, look at that guy. Look at that has-been. He used to have a girlfriend. But now no one likes him. Just a loser.

Taurtis:..... Dom's pants are so short.

Dom: ?!

Sam: They are really short.

Grian: You know, I never actually took the time to notice that until now.

Dom started to move away from the three of them as an embarrassed blush started to form on his face.

Sam: I just realized that he's got shorter pants than sookie.

Taurtis: Hahaha!

Logan: That's just unsettling.

Austin: Could it just about be considered a thong for him given that size?

Dom: Leave me ALONE! >\\\\\<

Dom yelled before he ran off. However, he didn't really get far at all since he just hid behind a tree from everyone. Just a couple minutes later, The bell finally rang and the students headed inside and changed back from their gym clothes to their uniforms. Sam, Taurtis and Grian quickly got dressed and headed back to the exit of the Gym before everyone else and stood outside since Sam wanted to make sure he got everyone for his surprise.

Sam: ALRIGHT, gentlemen, the time has come to make my move. Sookie is gonna love this engagement surprise. I can feel it!

Taurtis: Good Luck, Sam.

Sam: I won't need luck for this one. I know she'll say yes.

Grian: Yes, I too am certain as well.

He said sarcastically.

Sam: Everyone! Everyone! I have an announcement!

Sam yelled out to all the other students as well as the teachers, getting their attention just as they were all leaving the exit of the gym.

(Y/N): Oh good grief.

Austin: This should certainly be entertaining.

Austin said with a slight smirk on his face.

Sam: I have an announcement to make, everyone! Come with me to the front of the school! I want everyone to be there!

He said before he, Taurtis and Grian walked to the very front of the school.

Alex: Oh, this should be good.

Jason: What's going on?

(Y/N): A poor naive rabbit is about to have his entire fantasy world crumble down right in front of him.

Jason: Oh..... sounds fun!

All of the students, Rowan, Okami and even Paul Blart followed Sam and the boys to the front of the school and stopped near the entrance. Alex pulled out her phone as she and started recording as she had a feeling something was about to go down. Once everyone was at the entrance, Sam started speaking.

Sam: Good, everyone's here. Now let me just say.....

Power Dragon: Wait, hold on a second. Can I record this?

Sam: Yeah. Fine. Whatever. Just stop interrupting.

Alex: Then hurry up and get to the point.

Sam: This is a very, very important day for me.

Prime: Why? Are you finally leaving the school?

Austin hit Prime on the side of the shoulder.

StarForce: Shut up!

Sam: I want to ask something very important to someone very, very, very special to me.

He said before he walked over to Sookie. Once he was in front of her, he proceeded to get down on one knee and looked up to her, much to Sookie's confusion.

Sookie: Wait, wha....?

Yuki: Oh my gosh.

Yuno: Wh.... He's not doing what I think he's doing, is he?

Sam: Sookie, My little sooke sooke, I've been watching you since the day I first laid my eyes on you. Will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man in the world by marrying me?

He asked as he pulled out a small box with a ring inside of it and handed it to Sookie.

SoulOwl: 😲

StarForce: Oh my Buddah.

The area was filled with silence for quite a while before Sookie finally broke it by speaking.

Sookie: Um.... Sam.......

Sam: Yes, my little sooke sooke?

Sam's mind: She's gonna say it! She's actually gonna say it! She's gonna say it!

She soon kneeled down, grabbed one of Sam's hands before placing the ring box in it. All to Sam's complete shock.

Taurtis: Huh?

Austin: Saw that coming.

Sookie: I don't really know how to explain this in any other way but............. I'm kinda into girls.

Sam: Wha....?!

Austin: That however, I did not see coming. O_O

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