Chapter 2: Show and Tell

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A/N: After waking up from a somewhat strange nightmare, you merely try to continue with your second day of high school.

You began to slowly open your eyes. However, when they were fully opened, you found yourself laying somewhere completely different, rather than your bed inside your home. You were standing outside in an unusual setting, seemingly alone. The sky was a crimson red and the fields and other areas were darkened. Some buildings looked like they were damaged. But not completely destroyed, but like broken concrete, destroyed windows and maybe a hole in a wall or two. But the one thing that really caught your attention were the corpses lying across the ground.

(Y/N): Wh....... What the Hell?!

You soon heard a weird, but somewhat frightening giggle.

???: Kekekekeke......

(Y/N): Huh? Who's there?!

You looked around the desolate area, trying to find the source of the giggle. After turning to a specific direction, you saw a feminine figure standing over a hill of corpses. You assumed she was the one who was responsible for all the corpses lying on the ground. This was especially backed up by the fact she was holding a blood-soaked knife while giving a sinister toothy grin. You couldn't make out what she looked like entirely due to her body being mostly hidden within darkness, making her appear almost more like a silhouette. But you were at least able to tell that she had long hair and was seemingly wearing a standard sailor school uniform, which had some blood stains on it of course.

(Y/N): Who.... Who are you?!

You asked the mysterious person as you were clearly in a state of shock just from this whole sudden situation before. The mystery girl soon replied to your question in a creepy tone in her voice.

???: You don't need to worry about that right now~

She said as she started to lean in closer to your face, all while she continued to give her sinister smirk. Even as she got closer, her appearance still wasn't visible enough to make out the proper details. You wanted to move, but it was almost as if you were completely frozen in place. However, this all soon came to an end as You had opened your eyes and sat up quickly while letting out a loud gasp. You looked around at your surroundings and saw that you were in your room. You let out a sigh of relief as you only experienced little more than a nightmare.

(Y/N): Thank god. It was just a nightmare. But....... What the hell did I watch or do last night that would prompt a nightmare like that?

Right after asking yourself that question, Austin soon opened the door and entered your room.

Austin: Hey man, I heard you let out that gasp all the way from my room. It was kinda loud. You alright?

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm alright. Just a nightmare, that's all.

Austin: You positive about that? You look like you're sweating bullets right now.

You gave a confused look before feeling your head and saw that he was right as you had a bit of sweat rolling down you.

(Y/N): Uh.... y.... yeah. It was just getting really intense, it almost felt real for a bit.

Austin: Hm... I guess I could understand that..... Maybe? Anyway, It's almost 8:00. We should probably get ready to head for school.

As Austin went back to his room to get his school uniform on as well as get all his stuff ready, you looked at the time and saw it was currently 7:53.

(Y/N): Oh, I guess it's kind of a good thing I had that nightmare, guess I forgot to set an alarm last night.

You got out of bed and started to change into your school uniform. Once you were finished getting dressed, You got all of your things together. After the two of you were finished with everything, you headed out the door and started walking to school.

Austin: So, just out of curiosity, what exactly did you bring for the assignment in Gareth's class?

(Y/N): Eh, just this (I/N) here. Figured it was the best thing that represents me.

Austin: Not a bad item choice.

(Y/N): So, what did you bring that best represents you?

Austin soon unzipped his backpack for a moment and pulled out an 8 inch Godzilla figure.

Austin soon unzipped his backpack for a moment and pulled out an 8 inch Godzilla figure

(Now granted, I unfortunately do not own any figures for KiryuGoji. I just used this figure here in this story since I thought it looked like a cool figure and I just wanted to use my #1 suit design/#2 overall design for representation).

(Y/N): I might have figured that you would have brought that.

Austin: What can I say, I'm a kaiju fan at heart.

He said as he put the figure back in his backpack. As he was, you soon noticed someone walking on the opposite sidewalk alone.

(Y/N): Speaking of Gareth.....

Austin: Hm?

Austin looked over and saw Gareth, who looked like he was in a bit of rough shape.

Austin: Oh good lord.

(Y/N): He looks torn the fuck up.

Austin: Yeah, guess the news from yesterday devastated him more than I thought.

(Y/N): What news?

Austin: Well, I wanted to tell you this yesterday, but seeing as how Sam and Taurtis were already acting ridiculous on the first day, I didn't want your blood pressure to get too high on that day.

(Y/N): Well, what is the news exactly?

Austin: Well, while you were getting ready, I was looking on the local news and saw a report on a murder. The person's body was identified as Jane's.

(Y/N): Wait, seriously?

Austin: Yeah.

You looked back over to Gareth and gave a concerned look.

(Y/N): Hopefully he'll be alright.

Austin: Same here. I mean..... I hoped for something to happen to Jane when I was younger, but murder isn't it.

(Y/N): Sometimes certain things happen beyond our control. Jane's years of cruel behavior and lying must have finally caught up with her.

The two of you continued walking before you both saw Silly running to the two of you from ahead.

Silly: Hey guys!

(Y/N): Hey Silly.

Silly: How are you guys doing?

Austin: Fine. Could be better.

Silly: Oh? Why's that?

(Y/N): Uh...... nothing in particular. Just thought it could be a bit of a better start is all.

Silly: Hmmmm, alright. If you guys say so.

You both remained quiet on the actual reason as to why since you didn't want to have Silly worked up on the news regarding Jane, and knowing her parents, they likely didn't want to tell her either. As the three of you continued on your way to school, you passed by the store. While that was going on, things were playing out inside the store with Sam, Taurtis and Grian. Sam appeared to be trying to buy the shop-bot, Mezaka, from FishKingFreddy.

Taurtis: I want the robot, how much for the robot?

FishKingFreddy: I'm sorry, but the robot is not for sale.

Taurtis: Ah man!

Grian: What would we even be able to do with a store robot anyways?

Taurtis: We could have him clean up our rooms and stuff.

Grian: Maybe your rooms.

He whispered to himself.

Taurtis: Just watch and learn guys.

He whispered to the two before speaking to Freddy.

Taurtis: Alright, I know you're not selling that robot. But everything's got a price. So tell me it! What's your price for the robot? I know you want my money.

Sam: Uh.... Dude....

Taurtis: Not now Sam. I'm trying to get that robot.

Sam: Everyone's walking to school, dude! It's starting in a few minutes! Everybody else is almost there at this point. Just buy your food and we'll get the robot later! We need to go.

Taurtis: Ugh.... Fine. But I'm coming back for the robot. You just wait.

He said before he and Grian paid for their food and headed to school. After the first bell rung, everyone headed to Gareth's class and sat down. And after a quick moment of Gareth pointing out Sam, Taurtis and Grian being late, class was able to begin. After it began, the first few couple students came up and explained how their item best represents them. It was when Ghost in particular was showing off a fucking type 67 machine gun that would be unexpected out of this.

Austin: Okay, well this just went from 0 to 100 real fast.

Ghost: This is just one out of many weapons in my arsenal. I pack this little bad boy around me for just certain occasions.

Alex: "Little". Right.

Lando: Why would he bring a gun to show and tell?

Review: A better question is why we're doing this anyway? I get its to show something to how we're represented through a certain item. But we're not 5 or anything below that! We're not in kindergarten or elementary anymore!

Review said as he was using his desk as a shield just in case Ghost's gun would happen to go off on accident.

PowerDragon: Does it glow on the dark?

Lando: -_-

Ghost: Um...... no?

PowerDragon: Oh man... bummer.

Alex: <_<

Gareth: Very good, Ghost. You may head back to your seat.

Austin: I'd say he should be more concerned about a student carrying a gun, but given that he's close friends with a former soldier who once pointed several cannons at Sam's house when he and the other two lost Silly.

(Y/N): Not to mention, they also allowed Jane to perform all sorts of witchcraft with students around, so I doubt the school board would even care about someone holding a gun.

Ghost went back to his seat as Gareth called up the next student.

Gareth: Now then, how about you come up and present what you have brought with you and tell us a little bit about yourself, Sam?

Sam: Aw man.

Sam said to himself as he was clearly nervous about this. He got up from his desk and walked to the front of the Class. Once he got to the front and turned around to face the other students then pulled out a stuffed bear.

Sam: H... H... Hello. Hello everyone. My name's Sam. I uh......... I uh..... I like Yugioh cards. I brought my teddy bear.

He said as he pulled out his teddy bear. This caused Taurtis to start snickering a bit.

Sam: I brought my teddy bear to class and uh....

Austin: His voice is cracking a bit. It's never good when it starts cracking.

Ghost: That's pretty basic to be brining a teddy bear for show and tell.

Logan: This coming from the guy who brought a fucking gun for show and tell.

Review: Again, why are we even doing show and tell to begin with?

Review said as he just facepalmed.

Sam: This is my favorite teddy bear. I call him Snuggle Muffins.

Taurtis: Loser!

Sam: Taurtis! Don't make fun of me!

Gareth: Hahahaha!

Sam: Even the teacher is laughing at me!

PowerDragon: Wow.

SoulOwl: Lol. What a baby.

Yuno: I.... I mean, it's just a teddy bear, I really don't think it's anything worth laughing at. We've all had one at some point.

Yuno said nervously as she tried to more or less calm the situation people were making over the bear.

Invader: Do you snuggle it at night?

Sam: This is my special teddy bear; I've had him since forever.

Sam said to Gareth, who just continued to laugh at him.

Gareth: What else would I laugh at?

Austin: I might not exactly like Sam, but Gareth is kinda making it hard to sympathize with him if he's gonna start acting like a douche to a student for bringing in a freaking teddy bear.

(Y/N): Let's be honest, I feel like after everything that's happened to him, this is the happiest he's quite honestly gonna be for a while.

Austin: Eh, that's true.

Sam soon ran out of the room, crying.

PowerDragon: Wait, I wanted to ask you if it glows in the dark!

Taurtis: Wait, Sam, Come back!

Taurtis said as he and a reluctant Grian got up from their desks and went after him, with Gareth soon following behind them.

Taurtis: Sam, come on! Where are you?

Grian: You can't run away from yo....... Actually, scratch that, he usually tends to run away from certain problems.

Taurtis: Sam, where did you go?

Sam: I'm in the library......

Sam replied in a saddened tone from the school's library. Gareth soon entered inside, with Taurtis and Grian following right behind. Once inside, it didn't take long for them to find Sam.

Sam: Oh.... hi teacher Gareth. Sorry I ran away. I just.... I just.....

Gareth soon let out a sigh for a moment and spoke.

Gareth: Look, I'll give you 1000 yen if you stop crying and get back to class.

He said as he handed out 1000 yen to Sam.

Sam: Really? Oh snap! Okay, I'm cool with that.

He said as he took the 1000 yen.

Grian: A teacher bribing a student, not the most eyebrow raising thing in this school at this point.

They all soon headed back to the classroom. Sam, when entering inside of the room, seemed to have decided to show a bit of ego again since he then decided to rube the dollar in the faces of the students who laughed at him.

Sam: Oh, hey class, do you remember when you all made fun of me? Well, I do and now I got 1000 yen! Sucks to be you guys. You guys don't have 10 dollars, I do.

He said as he headed back to his desk.

(Y/N): And just like that, his ego sparks back up. Also, 1000 yen is 8 dollars in US money, not 10.

Invader: I've got 100 dollars.

J: I've got a lot more.

(Y/N): Oh come now, J, this isn't a competition oh who has the most money out of the other. I mean, I would probably already win, but still.

Austin: Easy (Y/N), you're starting to show a little bit of ego now.

Austin playfully replied. You merely chuckled a bit in response.

Alex: Ugh.....

Ghost: Get a room, you two.

He said all while he was adjusting his gun and wiping it with a small bit of cloth. Alex soon turned to his direction in worry of him still having the gun.

Alex: Okay, will you put that thing away please?

Yuno: I agree, not to be rude, but I'm worried you might end up doing something dangerous with that thing.

Ghost: Oh, will you calm down? What's the worst that could......

Before he could finish that sentence, he accidently hit the trigger on his gun and a bullet came firing out and headed straight to the direction Austin was in and it got him right at the side of the chest. All the Students, including you, gasped from the sight of this. Austin looked wide eyed at the sudden whole shot before yelling.


(Once Again the first scream. Not the second one).

Gareth: Oh no, this school cannot go through another lawsuit!

After Austin finished screaming, you soon took notice of the fact that there wasn't any sign of blood coming out of the spot where the bullet hit. Austin soon caught onto this as well and he reached under his school uniform to find that a small but thick dictionary was what stopped the bullet. Austin gave a sigh of relief.

Austin: Man, I guess it's good I had this under there. This is the second time the dictionary saved my life. But that's another story.........

You let out a light sigh of relief as well that Austin was alright. But considering how the day had gone so far, a thought had pretty much come to mind about what you said last night.

(Y/N)'s mind: I think I'm beginning to regret saying what I said last night.

Class would go on, you and Austin each showed your own items that represented you. When Taurtis showed the item that represented him, which was the Gamecrab, Gareth confiscated it. Before his class ended, he handed out homework for the next assignment, which was to sell as much cookies as you possibly can. Whoever sold the most cookies would win a prize.

(I chose to skip over your presentation was mostly because it's still based on the item you guys choose and I don't really have much on what I would type for it).

Gareth: Now, class is pretty much over at this point. Make sure to collect some cookies on your way out.

Everyone soon stood up and started to make their way out, grabbing a few cookies on the way out, while this happened, Gareth made another comment.

Gareth: Just like how my wife took everything from me...

Taurtis: Oh boy. That got dark real fast.

Grian: I feel like this is going to just be a trend at this point, him talking about his ex wife every time we leave class.

You, Austin and Silly all headed down to the cafeteria and sat in an open table before starting to eat. A little while after the rest of the students arrived inside of the cafeteria, one of them soon approached the table the three of you were sitting in.

???: Excuse me.

(Y/N): Hm?

You looked up and saw that the student in question was a girl named Yuki. You first met her during the later school years, mainly around the middle school one. You didn't hang out with each other very much, if at all, but the two of you have gotten to know each other a little bit a couple times. Though oddly enough, around the last half of the previous school year, she did seem to want to try and hang around with you much more often. Yuki had a sort of light peach colored skin, long pink hair with a white ribbon pinned in the back while also wearing the standard sailor school uniform paired with long white socks. But her most noticeable trait would be the sharp teeth that she had.

(Y/N): Oh, hey, Yuki. You need something?

Yuki: Yeah, I was just wondering if.... I could maybe sit with you guys for lunch?

(Y/N): I mean, I don't mind, we've still got some seats left.

Silly: Plus, it would be nice to have someone else with us.

Yuki: Thanks.

She said before she took a seat on the table and got out her lunch before she started eating. However, during the time you were all continuing to eat, Yuki soon spoke again.

Yuki: So, how have these first two days of school been for you guys so far?

Austin: Hm?

(Y/N): Us? Uh........

You and Austin lightly glanced over at each other for a moment. You both knew what the actual answer was and the reason for it, but you didn't want to tell them about it. You quickly glanced back over to Yuki.

(Y/N): It's uh...... It's been pretty alright for the most part.

Austin: Yeah, but I think we might have to wait a little bit later on in the year before we can really make a proper assessment on how this school year has been going.

Yuki: That's true I guess.

Silly: Well, I thought these first two days so far have been great. I just feel like this is gonna be a great school year.

Silly said with a bit of a cheerful tone.

Yuki: Same here. I'm really looking forward to it.

She said before turning her head back over to you and speaking again.

Yuki: And (Y/N)....

(Y/N): Hm?

Yuki: I really hope that I can hang out with you guys a lot more this year this time as well.

(Y/N): Oh, well..... I hope for the same then. It would be nice for us to get to know each other more.

Yuki smiled sweetly in response to this. You simply smiled back. A little while after you all finished eating, the bell rung and everyone headed to Gym class. Once arriving inside, you all had to see the unfortunate (dis)pleasure of the sight of Rowan in nothing but tight swimming shorts.

(Y/N): And here is a sight that I hope to never see again for the rest of the year..... or even the rest of my life for that matter.

Sally: Oh dear..... Mom's been telling dad that he might need to start looking for a new pair of swimming shorts at this point.

Austin: I didn't even think we would be starting something like swimming class this early in our first high school year.


Everyone did as told before he spoke again.


He said before everyone began to do stretches.

Rowan: MMMMMM........

Rowan squinted his eyes as he watched the students stretch with intensity. After a little while, he soon spoke again.

Rowan: STOP!

Everyone immediately stopped their stretching and saw Rowan walking off the stage and towards one of the exits to the gym.


You and everyone else followed behind Rowan outside all the way to the school's swimming pool. It had 6 small diving boards while also having one tall high dive. Personally, you found the need for the high dive to be a bit unnecessary for a pool where you're likely to just be doing laps and stuff.


He barked, prompting all of you to line up near the face and facing the direction of the pool.


He said as he pointed to the building at one of the corners of the fence. Everyone soon headed into the building and went to change from their school uniforms to their swimming suits. Once they were all finished dressing, they headed back outside near the pool. All of the boys were in swimming Trunks whereas the girls had to wear speedos.


You and the others weren't really paying attention too much as you were too busy being a bit uncomfortable by how either a bit small or tight the trunks and speedos were. The only exception would probably be Silly due to her being his daughter of course.

(Y/N): I feel very uncomfortable in these things right now. Mine feels a bit small.

Alex: Same with these freaking speedos over here. any tighter and I think this thing will tear up.

Ghost: Let's just make this fast and hope to god that we never do this again.

Austin: Couldn't agree more on this.


You all got in line behind each of the smaller boards and sometime after one person had dived into the water, another would follow behind for their turn. During the times that you were waiting for your turn to dive again, You noticed that some of the girls at school.

Yuki: Wow, I never actually noticed how much of a six pack (Y/N) has going on.

Salex: Yeah, he looks like he and Austin were well trained.

Silly: A lot of nice good healthy training can do that for someone like him and Austin.

Alex: Ugh, seriously girls?

Yuno: N.... Now, now, ladies, we should probably dial it down with the comments on (Y/N)'s body...... even if it does look pretty nice.

She blushed while whispering the last part of that. Alex simply sighed as she rolled her eyes as some of the girls were simply giving a quick admiration towards your body while Yuki was giving an interested look. You on the other hand heard their comments since they weren't far from where you were standing and a small blush began to become visible on your face. You soon whispered to yourself in disagreement about the comments that they were saying in regards to you.

(Y/N): The muscles on my body aren't that developed.

Austin: Ah come on, they're just a few harmless compliments about the look of your own body.

(Y/N): Even if it's an exaggeration about how fit we actually are?

Austin: I mean 6 packs are technically beginning to come in on our bodies, and compared to most of the other boys, minus JTS maybe, you've it more when it comes to muscle in the arms.

(Y/N): Yeah, but I'm not exactly a musclebound jock like what they're probably thinking.

You both were discussing this as you were waiting in line to one of the 3 smaller boards. As this happened, Sam was still standing on top of the diving board, seemingly trying to do what he could to prolong himself from jumping into the water the best he could.

Sam: Hm... I don't know about this, guys. I'm a little nervous about this.

Taurtis: Come on Sam, it's easy.

Sam: Hmmm.....

Grian: you're gonna be fine. Just close your eyes and jump in.

Sam soon pulled out his teddy bear and held it close.

Sam: Okay, I think if I hold my Snuggle Muffin, I think I can do a good dive.

Grian: Uh..... yeah, that'll work.

Sam: And if I dive.....

Before Sam could finish, Rowan pushed him into the water off the board to get him moving.


Sam wasn't prepared and he splashed around in the water a bit to get his head above water.

Sam: Ahhh! Ahhhhh! He pushed me into the water! Oh no! Mr Snuggle Muffins got wet!

Sam threw his teddy bear out of the pool and near the fence that was around it.

Sam: Taurtis, Grian, my teddy bear got wet! I had to throw him out of the pool!

He said as Rowan walked over and picked the Mr. Snuggle Muffins up.

Sam: Teacher, hold onto Mr. Snuggle Muffins please? I don't want him to get wet.

Sam said as he was getting out of the pool. Right as he was, Rowan threw Mr. Snuggle Muffins right over the fence.

Taurtis: He just threw it over the fence!

Sam: He Threw Mr. Snuggle Muffins Over The Fence?!

Sam's yell seemed to have gotten the attention of the other students since it caused them to look in his direction as he ran to the fence and saw his teddy bear was now down on the other side. However, this was interrupted when Rowan started tossing punches Sam, Taurtis and Grian's way to have them keep going.


Austin: Probably wasn't the best idea to throw his bear near where Rowan was close by.

Sam: Taurtis, we got to get Mr. Snuggle Muffins later!

Rowan soon knocked Sam into the water again to get him moving.

Xiran: I know Rowan can be a bit of a hardass, but this is one of the times where I think he's pushing it just a little too much.

Yuki: Now I just feel sorry for the carrot boy.

PowerDragon: No kidding, that was kinda harsh.

Invader: Maybe we can get him some Doritos later.


Austin: I better go get his bear back before Sam starts crying for the rest of the session.

(Y/N): Make it quick and try to keep it hidden. Rowan might try to throw It over again if he sees you with it.

Austin: Even if he does, I can just outrun his ass. Rowan's pretty much like a tank on a bumpy terrain. Powerful, but not fast compared to most other vehicles.

Austin said before he began to carefully sneak off to the part of the fence where Rowan threw the bear while he was busy making people jump into the pool. As this was going on, you jumped off the diving board on your own accord and dived into the water.

Austin: Okay, Sam's teddy bear shouldn't be too far.

Austin said to himself while looking around to see if he could spot Mr. Snuggle Muffins anywhere. But after a minute of looking in the spot where it could have landed at, it didn't seem to be anywhere in sight.

Austin: What the...? Sam looked over this part of the fence not long ago. How the hell is it already gone?

Austin asked himself before heading back to the pool and meeting back up with you.

Austin: Um.... I don't know how and why, but the bear is not there in that spot anymore.

(Y/N): Wait what?

Austin: I couldn't make it up if I tried. I looked around that area and even the bushes just to be sure, but I couldn't spot it anywhere. It's like it just vanished the moment Sam's back was turned to the fence.

(Y/N): Ah fuck balls, Sam's gonna be torn.


Some of the students started running around the pool until he knocked some of them in.


Ghost: The least that ass could have done was specify that to us first!

Everyone got into the water and started swimming laps in the pool. As all of you were swimming, Sam soon had the idea after saving PowerDragon from drowning, and that was to try and pretend to drown in order to try and see if one of the girls nearby might save him, specifically Sookie.

Sam: Alright, time to put my plan in action.

Sam said before he stopped in place and started to sink to the water while making fake pleas for help and thrashed around to pretend like he was drowning.

Salex: Oh no, Sam is drowning!

Alex: Seriously?!

Alex asked as this whole thing was going on.

(Y/N): I knew that darn fool was probably gonna attempt something in the pool.

While Sam was close to where Yuki was standing outside of the pool, he soon found himself in dismay when the bearded girl, invader, swam over and saved him instead as she pushed him up outside of the pool.

Sam: Dang it! Invader freaking saved me!

Taurtis: Hey guys, I think Sam might need mouth to mouth.

Invader: That's a good idea, he might have some water left over in his lungs.

Invader said before she started to approach Sam.

Sam: Don't you dare.

Grian: Oh no.

(Y/N) & Austin: Oh no.

Logan, Ghost, Xiran, Lando, Review and Santiago: Oh no.

As Sam stood back as much as he could, Invader put her mouth against Sam's and gave him mouth to mouth despite the fact that he was already standing up and breathing fine when she got him out the water.

PowerDragon:......... Ew.


This prompted Invader to move away from Sam while he started spitting and making disgusted sounds as it was pretty much clear he did not like that for a moment.

Sam: Oh god no! Yuk! Ugh! I think I got a bit of her beard in my mouth.

Both you and Austin nearly vomited from this information.


(Y/N): TMI, Sam!

Invader: You're welcome, Sam.

Yuki: Hey Soul, did you manage to take a pic for your Fumblr?

SoulOwl: I totally did.

Alex: Same here.

Austin: Don't even think about posting that......

Alex: Already done.

Austin: You best be deleting it then!

Alex: Nope~! >:3



After getting through all of the stuff with the high dive, Rowan finally gave the call to stop, get dressed and head home. You, Austin and Silly at least stuck around for a little bit to try and find Sam's teddy bear, but after a while, not such luck and you all soon started to leave. While you all were walking out, J called you guys, as well as Sam, Taurtis and Grian, over to check out his boat.

Taurtis: What? He has a boat car?

(Y/N): Okay, When exactly did this just suddenly show up here at school. It wasn't at the parking lot earlier and I didn't see anywhere near your house before.

Sam: Yeah, are you some sort of entrepreneur or something?

J: Sorry, that's to remain a secret.

Taurtis: Aw come on man, we're your friends. You gotta tell us.

J: Nope, my lips are sealed.

Sam: Aw man!

Sam wanted to keep trying to get J to reveal something, but he soon noticed Sookie and SoulOwl walking along with each other. SoulOwl looked like she was missing a few feathers.

Sam: Hey, look over there, it's Soul and Sookie. Soul looks like she's in bad condition.

(Y/N): I hardly think being wet and only losing a few feathers counts as a bad condition

Silly: Maybe she's molting.

Taurtis: We can always go and ask her.

Sam: Can you do it, Taurtis? I'm too nervous.

Taurtis: Alright, I can see how she's doing.

He said before he headed over to the two of them.

(Y/N): Well, We're gonna head out, I don't need to stand and watch to know that this will be something embarrassing for Sam somehow.

Silly: Yeah, I gotta head to the train station, mom and dad are probably already heading there by now.

Austin: Alright, guess we'll catch you tomorrow as usual then?

Silly: Sure thing guys!

She said with a smile before running off to the train station while You and Austin started to leave the schoolyard and on your way back home.

Austin: Well then, things certainly didn't get as ridiculous as it was yesterday when it came to Sam and Taurtis, but we still had some "interesting" occurrences nonetheless.

(Y/N): Maybe, but given how people are gonna be posting about that mouth to mouth thing between Sam and Invader not long ago, I'm sure Sam is gonna try something in order to stop all those posts about him and Invader.

Austin: Yeah, but knowing Sam, he'll probably only end up having more posts made about him and Invader.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's true.

You let out a bit of a chuckle from that, but soon stopped once you felt that odd feeling from yesterday. Only this time, it felt a little more uneasy. You quickly looked over your shoulder to see if there was somebody possibly following the two of you. But when you turned around, there didn't seem to be anyone in sight at all. Austin took notice of this and looked over to see no one there as well.

Austin: Uh...... Something wrong?

(Y/N): Not sure. I thought someone might have been following us.

Austin: Odd, none of the houses to any of the other students or staff members are in this direction. Why would someone be following behind us?

(Y/N): Not sure. Maybe I was just overreacting from some dumb feeling inside. No one seems to be there. Let's just get home.

Austin nodded before the two of you continued on your own. However, unknown to the both of you that someone was in fact actually there. They were kept hidden behind one of the tall thick bushes near the sidewalk. The mysterious person only watched as you both continued on your way back to your home.

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