14. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 ???

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ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴜɴᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ʙɴʜᴀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
You don't know who's coming after you, to kill the others who are with you. Kinda like the final destination but it's not the same, it's like a suspense/thriller crime one shot!

Comment down below what you think about it and don't forget to like vote and comment!♡
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"Why is it taking so long? Shouldn't the electricity be back by now? It's dark in here! These flashlights are barely helping!" Mina exclaimed, annoyed by the current circumstances. Pivoting your focus to her, you find yourself agreeing with her remark.

"Yeah, I wonder why Kaminari is taking so long to get back.? He never takes this long.!"

"Must we go and check what's taking him a while to get back?" Momo asked Iida, worried about her fellow classmate. Iida nods, "we definitely must, come on let's go." Gesturing four of the student to closely follow him. Mina decides to whine some more.

"Why was the power cut off in the first place? The electricity never goes out in our dorms so why did it happen just today!"

"Maybe some rats came and ate the wires or something?" You replied, unsure of the said answer. "Hmph guess so, why am I tagging along again?" You grinned, eyeing her from the corner of your e/c eyes.

"Because you love me!!" You joked, watching her reaction amused you, giggling as you continue to climb down the series of stairs. You bump your head into momo's back when she suddenly halts, staggering back in confusion, you speak out your concerns.

"Why did you guys stop?"

You hear back no response, supplying you with additional concern, you peeked from behind momo's shoulder, getting a glimpse of what they're seeing. "What's wrong you guys? Why aren't you moving!" Mina shouted, putting her hand on your shoulder to support herself up.

You just saw a figure hanging midway as if something had been stuck to prevent them from moving, and the body remained limp.

Reaching the end of the stairs agonisingly slow, Fear-stricken, you stared at Kaminari. Your heartbeat paced up watching as some red substances dribbles down, an abnormally sharp knife had been inserted into his back, his eyes stuck on the handle of the electric device. Swallowing down a scream, you gazed, terrified by the gruesome scene.

"Why.. isn't Kaminari.. moving.?" Mina who grew quiet all of a sudden, said. Her voice soaked in appalling, both you and the three others with you knew the answer to that. He was dead, murdered by someone, who is probably roaming the dorms right now.

"We need to do something!" Just as momo uttered, the loud slam of the door, locking everyone down in the basement, had the four of them turning their heads towards the staircase.

"N-no! No!" Mina shouted, bolting upwards, banging at the locked door.

"We need to warn the others!" Momo said, her limbs shaky and quivering, taking out her phone, her expression turns grim.

"I don't have any service, no no no! Did the intruder cut off all means of communication! Is this a major villain we're dealing with!" Momo fretted, droplets of sweat rolling down her face.

"Move everyone! We have to break the door open!" Iida commanded, pushing mina back. Within a blink of an eye, the sound of the door colliding with the floor jarred into your ears. Hastily running after the others, not stopping until you reached the common room where everyone waited.

Seeing you all riled up and panicked, made them get up to their feet, their eyes wide from dread.

"What happened? Why are you guys so.. scared?" Krishima asked, moving near.

"We need to get out of here right now!" Iida yelled, giving no time for everyone to comprehend and understand the situation.

"Why?! Where is Kaminari?" Uraraka asked.

"He's.. he's.. dead, someone killed him!" Momo replied, staring down at the ground.

"Killed!? You're joking right! There's no way-!" Sero mumbled.

"Kaminari's dead!? No! You're kidding right?!" Mineta shouts, strenuously furrowing his eyebrows. You looked at the others in the room, trying to see if everyone were present, but you found that someone was missing, it was todoroki.

"Where is todoroki?! Did he go somewhere?!" You anxiously speak, eyes wide from terror.

Surprised themselves, they turned over, eyes frantically darting around the place, you were right, todoroki was missing from the group, "He was just here a second ago.. where did he go!" Uraraka answered, her voice strained and leeching onto agonize.

"We have to find him quick! We need to get out of here as soon as possible!" Iida demanded, swiftly walking down the hallway to search for his missing classmate. You followed him close by, behind you momo pursing.

Entering the last room, you hastily look around, keeping an eye out to see if any shadows were lurking behind the darkness, paranoia keeping you fully prepared for producing more fear. By now, your inhales seemed to have slowed down, that air locked inside of your throat.

"We can't find him! What do we do?!" Momo got herself worked up, lips curled down, gasping in air through her mouth.

"We better stay together now, don't get separated! Let's hurry back to the group.!"

Both of the females fearsomely nodded, cautiously walking behind iida. Walking slowly to avoid being injured in the dark, not knowing what kind of a trap was placed to ambush you, the three of you followed the dying light.

You stop after a moment of silence, you didn't hear footsteps behind you anymore, averting your gaze backwards, your heart pounds harder seeing momo missing.

"Iida! Momo! momo she's not here!!" You called out, tears pinching the corners of your eyes.


"What do we do!? Momo's gone!" You cried.

Back to the group, while some decided to search for the boy, some were seated anxiously on the couch, looking at their surroundings every millisecond. Uraraka patted mina's back, tsuyu and Jiro's faces were worried.

A thud echoes all of a sudden, startling the girls. Moving their heads towards the sound, Jiro finds the courage to go check it out, tsuyu follows after her, flashing light towards the hallway, halting at a door, they see that it was not closed, and upon further inspection, there seemed to be some kind of a red residue smeared on the wood trailing down.

At the bottom, there was more blood, and soon a motionless head laid face down on the ground, blood leaking out from all sides.

A scream ripped itself out of their mouths.

Running towards the awfully frightened girls, you and iida approach them halting only when a dead body comes into view, not long after, the others bolted towards the spot. Iida crouched down to Aoyama's lifeless body, hesitantly turning him over to see multiple stabs littered on the side of his stomach, face and neck.

You gasped, swallowing down your spit, trying not to vomit, your stomach churned with extreme discomfort.

"Why! Who is doing this!" Mina yelled, tears pouring out of her inky eyes.

"Let's get out of here!! Where are the teachers why aren't they coming to help us!!"

"Oi calm down you shitty hair!"

"How can we calm down bakugo! We're literally going to die if we don't get out of here! We don't even know where the intruder is or what tricks he has in store for all of us! There is no electricity, and these flashlights will not last for long!!"

"But he's right! We gotta calm down first!"

"We just lost two of our friends! How can you expect us to calm down!!"

"Everyone stop! We have to stop panicking! We can't start fighting amongst ourselves!" You stated loudly.

Just then, a loud noise of something heavy falling grabbed everyone's attention. "What was that?!" Sero shouted, "are they toying with us!!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"Momo.. where's momo.?" Mina inquired.

"She.. disappeared! we were looking around for her until we heard your scream-"

"She what!? How could you leave her behind!!?"

"We didn't! We tried looking for her but we couldn't find her!!"

"How could she have vanished!?"

Abruptly, footsteps resonates from upstairs, right above the group of students, bakugou giving an immediate response, ran towards the stairs.

"No, wait bakugo! It could be a trap!"

"I don't care I'm going to blow up that person's face!!" Katsuki yelled back.

"Wait.. did someone hear that..?"

"Hear what..?"

"Sounded like something was dropped down here.. like a.."

".. a bomb.."


The students bolted, but not everyone was lucky enough to escape, few got suffocated under the large chunks of heavy furniture or rocks, that fell from the above floor, it seemed that two bombs were timed to go off at the same time.

You stared utterly horrified, gazing down at the blood-soaked floor. Backing away, dirt and blood straining your cheeks.

"Y/n!!" Izuku suddenly comes to your aid, terrified himself. Iida stands frozen in his position, shedding a tear at the loss of his classmates. Bakugo ran back down, stunned by the turn of events.

"No! No! Everyone!" You cried, huge droplets of tears leaking from your eyes.

Comfortably izuku tried reassuring you by embracing you into a hug, holding you close. But that did not change anything.

Who's the murderer, you decide.

Okay, momo being the culprit is valid! It's a very creative answer! But when Kaminari was murdered, momo was with the reader, for it to be true, there have to have been two suspects.

The real answer is something you can already guess, so I'm not gonna confirm it. (Yet) but here's a hint, quiet like an owl, watches everyone without being noticed and is never noticed by them. There can be several answers but I leave it up to you guys!

Plus, I never thought you guys would be so interested in this suspense crime one shot!♡
(Not that I'm complaining, it's fun to confuse my readers!!)

Update update*

Um... I swear auto-correction always embarrasses me-

Update update update*

Since you guys are curious about the culprit, should I leave a hint lol? Hehehe. Okay okay, I'll tell you, tokoyami is the correct answer, but that doesn't rule out the others. After all, there were two culprits (lol surprise?) not allies to each other but yes. Take it how you will.

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