Artemis x Female Reader (Part 2)

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It had been a year since you had killed the bear. You and Artemis had become good friends and you were planning on running away with Boris and marrying her. You didn't know exactly how to though, maybe Artemis could help you. She always seemed happy to help with anything you needed, she was getting really attached to you too.  You didn't seem to mind though, you didn't want to upset the goddess after all.

You made your way through the forest on your horse, soon making it to where Artemis usually was. "Artemis!" You called out, instantly hearing a voice from behind you. "Yes?" You turned around to see Artemis standing there with a bright smile on her face.

Artemis wouldn't lie, she did love you, and she hated that Boris. She wanted to kill her, but she didn't want to hurt you. She had an idea though of what to do, she just hoped you wouldn't be in too much grief.

You smiled when seeing Artemis and hugged her to which she returned the hug. "It's good to see you again." You said softly, making her smile and tighten her grip. Soon you let go though and looked into her eyes, yours showing nothing but seriousness. "I want you to help me." You muttered, taking her hand.

Artemis looked at you, squinting her eyes suspiciously before nodding. "What is it?"

"I want you to help me and Boris run away, we want your protection as we find a place to stay and get married." You explained, but Artemis froze, a frown appearing on her face. You raised an eyebrow, pulling her close. "We won't forget you, I will come and hunt with you every day if you like." You said softly, pulling her back into reality.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts before smiling up at you. "Sure, of course I can to that." She said, taking your hand and kissing it. This made you smile brightly, hugging her tightly and picking her up. "Thank you! I don't know how I can ever repay you!" You said happily while laughing slightly.

She nodded, smiling back, but it was filled with sorrow. "Yeah, I'll do anything for you." She said softly, looking down. You were too happy to notice though, letting her go and beginning to walk away. "I'll go and pack my things, we will be waiting for you in the forest at midnight." You said softly, waving goodbye before jumping on your horse and riding away.

Looks like Artemis's plans were changing, she had to take you tonight, and she had to get rid of Boris tonight as well.

Finally it was night, you had snuck to Boris's home and helped her sneak out. You two waited by the edge of the forest for Artemis, and after about 30 minutes of waiting you two were giving up on hope. Just when you two were about to run off, Artemis came out of the bushes, her wolves with her.

You smiled, hugging her sideways before taking Boris' hand and all of you walking into the forest. It was dark, you couldn't see at all. Soon Artemis lit a torch though, leading the way through the woods she knew so well. Soon enough you guys came to a cabin, it seemed abandoned, at least for a few years.

"Here you are, you two can stay there as long as you need." She said, turning to smile at you, but there was something sinister in her smile. You ignored it and smiled kindly at her. "Thank you Artemis, I don't know what I would do without you." You said, kissing the top of her head before leading Boris inside.

Once in, Artemis glared at the cabin. "Get them." She muttered, the wolves instantly running into the home and attacking you two. You tried to help Boris, but it was too late for her. They began to eat her alive as flames began to lick the house up.

Adrenaline ran through your body. You ran to a window since the door was guarded by two wolves. Bleeding immensely from a bite wound son your leg, you crawled trough the window, limping away as the flames ate up the entire house. Tears ran down your face, thinking of Boris. You knew Artemis had something to do with this, but why would she do this? After all you two have done together, why would she do this to you?

Soon you could keep walking, you fell to the ground, groaning in pain at you held your bleeding leg. You heard footsteps from behind you, but your vision was too bury to see who it was. You breathed heavily, trying your best to stop the bleeding, ignoring the person that watched you.

"Looks like you're no longer tough, you're all mine now...(y/n)." A feminine voice said, and you realized it was Artemis. "B-bitch...." Was the last thing you muttered before losing consciousness. What happened after that, you didn't know. All you remember was waking up in a cave, chained to the wall by your neck.

You were forced there, Artemis turning you immortal. You didn't want to accept this life, but you didn't really have a choice. You were forced to submit to the goddess....

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