Giant X Reader (Part 2) (🍋)

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You woke up on tucked under some fur sheets on a nice warm bed. You groaned, not wanting to open your eyes, but you forced yourself to. When you opened them you were fully awake and in fear again. You were in a dimly lit tent with fur furniture and some other furniture like a desk and a mirror as well as some things to decorate it.

You sat up quickly in the bed, and once you did a woman walked into the tent. She was massive, at least 7'5 in height. She smiled when seeing you were awake. "Finally, the chief has been waiting for you to wake up." She said softly, her voice slightly deep and gruff.

You felt tears prick your eyes as you shook. "W-where am I?" You asked, clutching tightly onto the sheets. "You are in a giant tribe, you ate lucky that you were able to come here and not be eaten alive. The chief must really like you." She said, pulling the sheets off of you to show you we're in completely different clothes.

This couldn't be real, this had to be a dream. Giants weren't real, You were just dreaming. The girl noticed your panicked face and frowned. "Don't worry miss, we will take good care of you." She said, smiling comfortingly. "My name is Agda, I will be the female giant taking care of you while you're married to our chief." She said, helping you out of the bed before leading you to the entrance.

"Come, he has been expecting you to arrive. She said, leading you to a giant tent in the middle of the place. You hesitantly followed her, feeling everyone staring at you with either hungry eyes or fascinated ones. Everyone either seemed to want to eat you or curious as to why you were here. It made you so uncomfortable as you made your way to the tent.

Once you were there, she opened it up and allowed you to step inside first before following. Inside was a giant man sitting on a wooden throne, he was focused on talking to another man beside him, but once he noticed you they instantly stopped and a grin spread across his face.

"Finally you're awake." He said, motioning with his finger for you to come closer. At first you were to scared to even move until Agda gently nudged to towards him. Once you were close enough and grabbed you roughly and places you on his lap. He stared down at you with lustful eyes and a smirk in his face. The heat in his eyes made you blush madly and look away.

He chuckled at this and placed one of his massive hands on your cheek, it felt like sandpaper as he rubbed his thumb on your cheek. "I've only watched humans from afar, they are such interesting creatures. They never really caught my eye though, until I saw you. You looked so beautiful the first day I saw you walk into my forest. You had a bright smile, a soft blush in your cheeks. It intrigued me." he muttered, not even realizing how much he was talking at he watched you.

You tried to move away from him, but he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close before talking again. "I soon fell in live with You, I had to have you, but I was waiting for the right moment. When I heard you were with another man though I couldn't wait any longer, so I got one of my men to get you, now that you're here you're all mine." He grinned slightly at his last words. He motioned with his hand for the others to leave and they instantly did.

You felt your heart racing, wishing they didn't leave, you didn't like his hungry and lustful stare. You looked back at the tent entrance, wondering if you would be able to make it through and sneak back to your friends. You were interrupted by your thoughts though when he gently forced you to look at him. He stared into your eyes, leaning in and before you could put away and smashed his lips onto yours forcefully. His kiss was nothing like Cody's, it was more forceful and rough.

He licked your lips, asking for entrance, but you refused. He grunted in activation before forcing your lips apart with his tongue and shoving it I side your mouth. His tongue was large and it easily was able to go down your throat, a strike playing on his lips as he explored every inch of your mouth and throat. You finally began to struggle and smack him gently, begging for air. He finally pulled away, allowing you to take large gulps of air, a blush covering your face.

He smirked and blushed too at your expression and the saliva running down your chin. He moved his hands down to your hips, playing with the tiny skirt that only was able to cover your butt and womanhood and that's it. He moved his hands up again and before you could protest he took off the article of clothing that was basically a bra.

You pushed yourself out of his lap and covered your breasts, backing away from him. He finally stood up and walked to you slowly, towering over you and forcing you onto the ground as he got on top, pinning your hands over your head with one hand as the other began to play with your breast. "No please stop!" You cried out, struggling to get away. He only smirked though and leaned down, kissing your neck. "I'm never letting you go darling, you're mine now." He said with a slight chuckle.

Tears streamed down your cheeks as he began to take off his boots and pants, then took off the last piece of clothing in you, leaving you naked and helpless under him. He licked his lips, positioning himself at your womanhood. He was massive, you knew he wouldn't be able to fit, but he didn't seem to care.

She soon shoved himself inside you, making you tense up and let out groans of pain. He just ignored them and began to thrust in and out roughly. He kept moaning in pleasure, his eyes filled with lust as his face was covered in a blush. He let his tongue hang out a little, clearly enjoying you as you kept moaning and pleading for him to stop.

He leaned his head down close to yours so you could feel his breath in your skin. He placed his forehead on yours, his grip on your hands getting tighter as now one of your wrists were in each of his hands. He kissed your lips lovingly and quickly, kissing you over and over against, moaning against your lips. "I love you..." He muttered out, pressing his body against yours as he began to thrust harder and deeper inside you, shoving himself inside your womb as you cried.

He went a few rounds with you, forcing his seed inside you each time so now you were overflowing with it. Finally when he was too tired to carry on he collapsed on top of you, panting heavily with a bright smile on his face. "That was the best I've ever had. I'm not letting you go. You're all mine...all mine...." He muttered, showering your face and neck in kisses before finally standing up and putting on hid clothes then dressing you again.

After that you were forced into marriage with the giant, he made love to you every night whether you wanted it or not. You were his little toy, and he won't let you go, you were his most prized possession after all.

(hey guys, sorry for not updating in forever, I've been busy with holidays and family. But now that they're over hopefully I will update more.)

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