Hermes x Reader

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You were a writer, more specifically a poet, you only did it for fun though. Your job was at a cafe. You had just moved to Greece to start off your writing career and in the mean time got a job at I Agápi Lámpei cafe. It was a nice place and it had apartments upstairs which you lived in one. It was a nice apartment, it wasn't that big, but you still made it feel homey. Right now you were walking to the bookshop. It was your favorite place to go in town. You loved books, you read whenever you could.

You walked into the bookshop and the owner looked at you and smiled. "Couldn't stay away could ya?" She said. The owner was a sweet old lady that was always friendly and kind to her customers. Almost everyone in this small town knew her. You smiled at her and nodded. "You just always have the best books!" You said as you walked to a shelf and skimmed the books to see which you would prefer to read. As you did so you bumped shoulders with someone. A little shocked, you turned your head to see a man staring at you. He had short, curly blonde hair and blue eyes. "Sorry about that." he said with a sweet smile.

"Oh, don't worry about it." You said as you took a few steps away from him. "My name is Hermes." he said, holding out his hand for you to shake. You took his hand and shook her before pointing at him curiously. "You mean, like the Greek God Hermes?" You asked him. He nodded. "Exactly." he said and you laughed. "I like it, mine is (y/n)." You said. He smiled. "That's a beautiful name." he said. You giggled and looked back at the books. "Thanks." You said. You went back to searching for books to read, but he never left. He already liked you. You seemed like a nice person, and he wanted to get to know you better.

He tried asking you questions about yourself. "What job do you have? What's your favorite food? What's your dream?" You sighed and looked at him. "Why are you asking all these questions?" You said, a bit annoyed at all of them. He blushed in embarrassment and looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. "I what just wondering is all." he said. "Well, can you not ask all these questions?" You said. You went to another shelf of books to look and see what's there, and to get away from him.

He noticed which made him a little mad. You were unlike a lot of girls he met, and he liked you for that. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He chose a book and bought it before leaving. He was going to get you one way or another.


It has been about a year since you moved to Greece and you had just published your first book. You were pretty excited about it. You felt something wasn't right though, ever since you met that guy you felt like you were being watched. You would see him places in town, like at your work. When he was at your work he wouldn't leave until closing time when your shift was over. This made you a bit uncomfortable, but you tried to ignore him. What you didn't know about him is that over this past year he has become obsessed with you. He knew everything about you from what shoe size you wear to all of your family members.

He would try to talk to you each chance he got, but you tried your best to get away, and he didn't understand why. Did you not know how much he loved you? He wished he had you all to himself! You always acted busy when he came around and he hated it. He was going to make you his soon. He was going to bring you to Olympus and marry you, he couldn't wait to have kids with you.

Right now you were on the couch of your apartment reading with some classical music playing in the background. It always soothed you to listen to it. You took a sip of your coffee and went back to reading. Out of nowhere you heard someone knock on the door. It must be one of your neighbors your thought. You placed down your book and went to open the door. When you did open it you were surprised to see Hermes standing there smiling at you. This shocked you, how did he know where you lived? "Hey, can I come in?" he asked. You looked at him before answering. "No, I-I'm a bit busy right now." You said and tried closing the door.

He stuck his foot out right before you could close it though and opened it roughly, making you take a few steps back. "That's rude to not let me in." he said as walked inside while closing the door after he was in. "P-please leave me alone!" You stuttered out. You tried not to show your fear, but he could see it as clear as day. He smirked and slithered an arm around your waist, pulling you close. "Hey, don't worry. I won't hurt you." He said softly. He stared into your eyes before leaning close. You leaned back as he did so which annoyed him. Hermes grabbed the back of your head and slammed your lips onto his in a passionate kiss.

You tried to get away from him, but he wouldn't let your lips go as he kissed you greedily. You were running out of air and he noticed so he hesitantly pulled away from the kiss so you could get some air. "You sick bastard." You growled as you glared at him. He only giggled and leaned down to your ear. "I'm never letting you go...." he said.

After that he had taken you to Olympus where you were turned into a goddess. He had forced you to have kids with him. You missed your home and would always watch as your family grew without you. "Don't be sad dear, all you ever need is me..."


Hey I hoped you liked it. This was suggested by a friend of mine and I decided why not? So anyways I hope you have a great day and I'll see ya!

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