Zeus x Reader

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Zeus was getting bored with his wife, all she ever did was fuss at him. He wanted someone new, someone that won't be at his ear all the time. He was about ready to just end her already. Zeus decided to go down to the mortal realm, just for a bit to get away from Hera's constant yelling And complaining. He got into his mortal form. He looked significantly younger in this form, becoming more handsome as well. He made his way through the city of Greece, his eyes focused on mostly the women in the streets.

You smiled, hurrying your way to the college. Apparently you guys were supposed to have a new professor. You had finally made it to the college, running to your class and standing in front of the door, trying to catch your breath. Once you did, you slowly opened the doors to see the lesson had already begun, making your heart sink. The professor stopped and looked at you, it was your new professor. He had long gray hair and a beard with a strong build and blue eyes.

"I see you are late, miss (l/n)." The professor said, leaning against his desk. "I-I'm sorry, the p-power in my apartment went out last night, making my alarm clock not go off this morning." You explained, looking down in embarrassment. The professor sighed, walking up to you with gentle eyes. "Go to your seat, stay after class so I can teach you what you have missed." He said, to which you nodded and climbed up the stairs to where you usually sat.

You got out your notebook, taking notes as the professor spoke and before you knew it, the class was over. When everyone left, you walked down to the professor's desk and sat in a chair beside him. "Just to tell you, I am professor Sigmore, but you can just call be Bazyli." He said with a smile. You nodded, taking out your notes as he began to lecture about what all you missed.

He was getting closer to you the more he spoke, and soon enough his hand was on your knee. You tried to ignore it, trying to control the blush on your cheeks. He only smiled, never taking his eyes off the papers. You pushed his hand off, looking back down at the papers, but noticing his smile going away.

Soon the lesson was over, and you stood up to leave the room. You walked to the door, only to find it locked. You tried again, but it wouldn't open no matter what. This made Bazyli laugh as he watched you. "It won't open, until you agree to one thing." He said, watching you closely.

"And what is that?" You growled, glaring at him. He only smirked and walked up to you, grabbing you by the chin to look up at him. "I want you to go on a date with me, if you don't like the date then we don't have to go on any more." He explained, shrugging slightly.

You sighed, finally agreeing to his advances. You were still a little unsure, but you couldn't do anything about it. So after that, you went home to get ready for the date.

You got dressed in a white lace croc top and a long orange skirt with sandals. You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time, checking for any imperfections and when she being none you walked out of your room, hearing a knock on the door.

You walked over, opening the door to see Bazyli standing there in a white button up shirt, black pants, and black dress up shoes. He smiled at you before speaking up. "You ready?" He asked and you nodded. He held out his hand and you took it, holding it in his he walked out to his car and opened the door for you, allowing you to get inside before closing it.  He got in the driver's seat, starting the car and driving off.

The drive was quiet with only classical music playing on the radio. You were looking out the window, but took a look at him every once in a while. He kept glancing at you too, a smile was on his face though.

Soon enough you two made it to the restaurant. It was large and pretty fancy, you were surprised he could even pay for something like this. You were expecting something like Chili's or Apple Bee's, but this was a whole new ballgame. No one has taken you to a place like this so you were a little nervous.

You two went and sat at a table, drinking wine and eating fancy foods. It was nice, you two had a decent conversation about things you liked and controversial topics as well. Before you knew it you were going to his house.

The next morning you woke up in his bed nude, blushing madly. He was holding you tightly to his chest so you couldn't escape his grip. You sighed and decided to wake him up, poking his cheek a few times until his eyes fluttered open. He smiled at you, kissing your forehead. "Good morning beautiful." He muttered with a smile.

"Good morning, I should be heading home now." You muttered, trying to stand up, but he pulled you back down in bed. "Last night was the best night I've had, why don't you stay for a bit? We can just talk if you want?" He said, kissing your neck softly, making you blush.

"No, I need to get home." You muttered, standing up this time and starting to get dressed. He glared at you when you said this, but allowed you to leave. He was going to get you somehow, he's had his eye on you for a while. He didn't think that you would be the one he's been looking for, and he was going to marry you. Divorce Hera first then marry you of course, you were his other half....

(let me know if you want a second part, lemon or not lemon)

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