Ancient Enimies and Allies

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Team RWBY were still going on a rampage to find their love to do anything they want to him. Eventually, they were wandering in the woods in the Emerald Forest. They kept on searching for Knight-Tom, bit they found nothing. But then, they found a strange red glowing artifact, or a scepter.

Ruby: What's this?

Ruby then picked up the artifact that was on a tree branch and it started to glow red and started to hurt Ruby while her arm was covered in red lightning, making Ruby scream in agony.

Yang: Ruby!

After a few more screaming, the artifact stopped hurting Ruby. The artifact then shot out a red beam into the air where Ruby and her teammates were, and something appeared out of it.

Kortifex: Who dares disturb my slumber?!

Ruby and her team were all shocked to see an ancient person who was inside the artifact that Ruby picked up.

Ruby: Uh, sorry, that I woke you up, mister... whoever you are.

Kortifex: I am Kortifex The Deathless. And it appears you have woken me up for centuries of my slumber.

Yang: Well, Mister Kortifex, we need your help.

Kortifex: What kind of help you wish to prefer?

Blake: We are trying to find our beloved, Knight-Tom, but he has been avoiding us for a while now. It's because of his friends were defending him.

Weiss: And we want to spend the rest of our lives with him.

Kortifex then started to think.

Kortifex: So, you want me to help you find your so called "beloved Knight-Tom" and slaughter anyone who stands your way.

Team RWBY nod their heads.

Kortifex: Hrrrr. Very well. Consider this offering as a gift who had summoned me.

Kortifex then lend some of his power to Ruby, who holds the artifact of Kortifex. Ruby felt a small pain in her body.

Kortifex: Ruby Rose. You are the instrument of my Revenge. I give you an army of the dead. But our enimies have allies from beyond this mortal realm.

Kortifex then teleported team RWBY to a graveyard. Ruby then used the power of Kortifex to raise the dead people out of their graves and raised up out of the ground. Ruby was having much fun raising the dead to take down anyone that stands in their way.

The Undead then a symbols of Kortifex on their foreheads to follow his orders.

Kortifex: Rise, my revenants! A new chapter of warfare is about to begin.

Trailer Begins

(I do not own this)

The screen shows Knight-Tom, Flatcap, Alpha and Ryan walking with their guns out.

The screen changed to Ryan looking at the mask he has.

Bellekar: Our strength is yours.

Knight-Tom then looked at the purple sword.

Norticus: We are joined now.

They all walked into the portal.

Kortifex: Mortal children! Yield or die!

The all entered the portal and went to an abandoned hotel.

The all entered as a squad to hear zombies coming out of nowhere for all of them to fire their weapons at different directions.

Ryan got his shotgun out to blast the zombies heads off and sliced one of them with his machete and sliced the other zombie's head off.

Alpha charged in to fire his M60 mowing the zombies down for one to run up on his left. Alpha then punched the zombie in the face and slammed it's body on the ground and stomped on its head for blood to splat on the floor and he continued to fire at the zombies.

Flatcap then fired his PPSH at the zombies, but one appeared behind him, about to bite him. Ryan then blasted the zombie's head off with his shotgun and Flatcap looked behind him. He nodded at Ryan as thanks and Ryan nodded back at Flatcap. The both started to fire at the zombies from back-to-back.

Knight-Tom was firing his M16A4 at the zombies back at the city fountain area with his team together. He then activated the purple sword.

Inviktor: Come, step into the fire!

Knight-Tom and the rest of his team step into the purple fire to mow down the zombies from left and right.

The camera then zoomed out at the team fighting the zombies in the fire. The camera then switched to Team RWBY while they were on a rooftop look down at the survivors fighting the undead.

Ruby and her team smiled while they had red eyes from the power that Kortifex gave them.

Kortifex appears behind them.

Kortifex: Rise, my revenants! Unleash hell itself!

More zombies then started to surround the survivors fighting down on the ground for Flatcap to activate a monkey bomb.

Monkey Bomb: Let's be friends!

Flatcap threw the monkey bomb and the music started to play, attracting the zombies to it. After a few more music playing, wait for it...

Monkey Bomb: Get ready for a surprise!


(Music End)


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