Chapter 2: "Tom Journey"

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(Play the song from the top)

Knight Tom: "AHHHH!!!"

It show Tom fall from the sky as he was moving around as he was falling from the sky after he enter the portal that Samantha open for him


Samantha in Tom head: "Sorry Thomas!"

As Tom was falling the sky he went through the cloud as he see a huge city below him as Tom look around to find somewhere to land as he see nothing to land as he continued screaming for his life.

Knight Tom: "AHHHHH!!!! I"M GOING TO DIE!!!!!"

Samantha in Tom head: "I got this um...." *See a building* "Go there it will probably brake your fall!"

Knight Tom: "You better be right!"

(End the song here)

Meanwhile in Hebijo academy...

It show Sensei Rin, Homura and her squad meeting with their Principle about infiltraton on Hanzo academy.

Dogen: "Once you five are in Hanzo academy test the girls strength."

The Girls: "Yes sir."

Homura: "We will show them what real power- who screaming???"

Knight Tom: *Crashed by the roof* "AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" 

It show Tom crashing down the floors as he broke the floor underneath the girl are standing as they look down on the hole that Tom created as they see him there on the bottom floor slowly getting up.

Knight Tom: "Owwww...."

Samantha in Tom head: "Okay maybe I should check the portal before sending you off"

Knight Tom: "Yeah" *Pop back* "Should have check the portal earlier on"

After swiping dust off his clothes Tom check his guns are in check until something hit the back of Tom Stormtrooper helmet.


Knight Tom: "HEY!! WATCH WHERE YOU!!- *See a group of girls looking at him*  "throwing......"

Tom see that they throw Kunai at him as it was on the floor he slowly picked it up and tossed it back to them as he give a nervous smiled under the helmet as he talked to Samantha inside his head

Knight Tom mind: 'Sam get me the hell out of here.'

Samantha mind: 'Working on it."

??: "Who are you? How did you find this place?"

Unfortunately for Tom he didn't clearly understand what they just said since he didn't learn about Japanese as he slowly move his left hand to his holster of his pistol.

Knight Tom: "I'm sorry I don't speak Japanese"

A/N (Lmao sorry I had to put that there)

Knight Tom POV

'Okay I feel like I'm going to die here not because I'm with Yandere oh no I'm going to die by girls who are fucking ninja's can this day get any- who screaming??'

As I look up I see a solider falling from the sky as he was wearing WW1 Combat Uniform and have two guns and a pistol until another person came falling on to him until other one, and other a one.

The four Soldier: *Groans*

While I was seeing this a portal open up behind me knowing this is my perfect chance escape as I ran for the portal hearing the five girls screamed behind me probably want me to stay but nope not happening again. 

No one POV

As the Five Shinobi girls watch Tom left to the portal as it close on them they look at each other confused until the four marines got up.

Nick: "Michael what did you do..."

Michael: "I don't know but I probably messed up the mixture..."

Meanwhile at Mandalore.

Thraz: "End for today training. Dismissed!"

Striker the young Mandalorian nod her head as before she could leave the training the room a portal open up showing Knight Tom falling on the floor breathing heavily from what world he came out.

Knight Tom: "Okay not where I supposed to be at. *Sigh at relief* "Okay now where am I?"

After saying that a knife hit the wall right next to Tom face that which startled him as he look at the person who threw the knife as it show a a big muscular armored man looking at him.

Knight Tom: "AH SHIT!!!"

Tom pull his M1911 out of his holster and begin firing his pistol as the bullets have no effect to the man armor as he pulls out his rifle and begin firing laser at him as he went to cover reloading his pistol.

Knight Tom: "This sucks I have pistol and that guy have a laser gun! SAM!!  

Samantha: "Hang in there!"

Striker watcher her trainer fight the intruder who came out from a portal as Thraz turn to her as he ready his wrist as a blade came out.

Thraz: "Striker get the others tell them we got a intruder here!"

Striker nod as she ran to get the others as Thraz walked to Tom position.

Back to Tom

It show him reloading his pistol after done loading his pistol he pop out of cover pointing his gun where the armored man was supposed to be but didn't find him there. Tom looked everywhere until he heard something as he quickly turn around seeing him trying to sneak attack him.

Tom fired eight bullets at him as it didn't do nothing but hit his armor the Mandalorian then quickly knock Tom pistol off his hand as the two begin to fight. Tom dodge his wrist blade trying not to get stab or cut by it he quickly kick him away from him 

(Something like this)

As Tom kick him away few feet's away from him a Portal open up behind him again as Samantha yelled at him in his mind.

Samantha in Tom head: "Go now!"

Before running to the portal the Mando see Tom running as he fired a tripping wired on his leg together making him fall to the ground. Seeing being his leg getting caught he grabbed his knife out of his pocket and begins to cut it as the Mando walked up to him with his wrist blade ready.

Cutting the wires off of him Tom grabbed some metal scraps as he defend himself from the Mando blade seeing him struggling against him Tom grabbed his pistol that was knocked out of his earlier back to his holster while blocking the Mando attacks as he kick Tom making him letting go the metal scrap and in to the portal as he cursed under his helmet

Thraz: "Dank farrik!"

Meanwhile at Junior Club

Male reader POV

Pedro: That 

Y/N: Was

Pedro/Y/n: Bananas

Then I hear whimpering beside us as I look over and see the bartender cowering behind the bar and. Oh hey he has my banana split ready. As I grabbed money from the unconscious henchman at my feet and pay the bartender. A portal open up showing a person came flying out as he landed on the dance floor in pain.

Knight Tom: "Owwww."

Pedro: "Who that guy?"

Y/N: "I don't know could be a bad guy?"

As I watched the person slowly got up he was rubbing his right shoulder as he just got out of a fight of where he came from.

No one POV

Knight Tom: "Damn who was that" *See a another masked person* "guy....."

Knight Tom see a guy wearing a mask with LED light on his eyes as Tom didn't want to fight nobody that would kill him.

Knight Tom mind: 'Sam Portal!' 

Samantha: 'On it.'

Y/N looked at Tom with confused look as he slowly raised his hand up hoping knowing he not a bad guy as the portal open up Tom quickly run towards it leaving Y/N alone in the club as he was confused of a weird meet up.

Meanwhile at Vale bank

Houston: "Everyone hit the deck!"

After when everyone in the bank got the floor in panic a portal open up a top of Houston as he look up in confused.

Houston: "What the-"

Knight Tom: "AHHHHH!!!!!"

Everyone including the Heister as the look at the author as he look up from the ground as he was breathing heavily from what worlds he been through.

Knight Tom: "I have been falling for thirty minutes!"

(Like this)

As Knight Tom slowly got up he notice everyone in the bank including the people who was robbing it look at him confused as he facepalm himself knowing he not in the right place he need to be as Sam opened other portal.

Samantha in Tom mind: 'Okay another one is opened up'

Tom ran to it not asking question as the portal closed up and disappear as everyone looking at each other confused of what just happened.

Meanwhile at the void

Y/N: "Where am I? Who are you? And why am I naked?"

As the women giggle at Y/N silliness as she flicked her hand having Y/N clothes that he went hiking cover him.

Y/N: "What is this knowledge? And how did you do that?"

Purity: "I am Purity I am also know as Sol, and Solare among my people and yours those next question are quited loaded and-"

Before she could finished Tom came out of the portal to the void only to see Purity and Y/N there looking at him as he said this.

Knight Tom: "Sam!"

A portal open up as he jumps towards it not wanting to deal with that world he just enter as it close up as the two look at each as they continued.


(Play the song now)

A portal open up showing Tom leaving the portal as he see a ancient chest as he look around seeing nothing as he walked up to it and opening it showing a ball with ancient writing all around it.

Knight Tom: 'What the hell?'

As he slowly stuck his hand to it the ball slowly shake from the chest until it flew right at the hand of Tom making him shock seeing the ball going to his hand.

Samantha in Tom head: "You found it!"

Knight Tom: "What exactly did I find?"

Samantha in Tom head: "The Summoning key..."

Knight Tom: "The what?" *Still confused*

Samantha in Tom head: "The powerful artifact that will end the nightmare between you and the others."

Knight Tom: "Ah..." *Look at the summoning key* "Very well I will keep it close to me now it time for us to go back home..."

A portal opened showing Tom walking back in returning to where did he left as Samantha smiled at her Knight as he collected the summoning key.

A/N I wanted to say that  I really have fun making this chapter because I have to go to Veynsen book which is Earthen Disaster check that out and Cmonkey512  Red Bananas and AmericanFlatcap Remnant Payday MandoOnTwo Life as a Mandalorian and finally ussamerica2018 Marines and Shinobi check out these guys book they did wonderful job anyway go show them support that all I have to say and I will see you all later 

-Tom out

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