Chapter 4: "New Girls and New Danger"

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Alpha Safe house

It shows Tom there writing in his journal as he was explaining about the group's journey of their survival until someone knock on his door.

Alpha: "Tom, are you there?"

Knight Tom: "Yeah, what is up?"

Alpha opens the door as he looked at the Knight, as Tom put away his journal as he looked at the WW2 Author.

Knight Tom: "What wrong?"

Few Moments later.

Haven Academy 

Knight Tom: "Alright what now?"

Veynsen: "Weren't you paying attention to what I just said"

Knight Tom: "Uhh?"

Cmonkey: "Just forget it can you repeat it"

Veynsen: "Fine. Listen up the Headmaster want us to watch over and protect the supplies that Mistral will be transporting From the Grimm's and Bandits."

Flatcap: "Bandits? Why should we worried about Bandits"

Veynsen: "Well the bandits like to raid the supplies."

Alpha: "She got a point."

Knight Tom: "So....... Where will we be at."

 Few Moments later.

Cmonkey: "Well it couldn't be this worse."

It shows the group on the truck as Veynsen was driving the truck as it show Jay in the passenger seat as the boys were sitting at the back with the supplies. As they were playing bull.

Knight Tom: "Kings" *Place card on table.*

Alpha: "Bull"

Knight Tom: "How's that Bull?"

Alpha: "That probably not a King."

Knight Tom: "What!"

Flatcap: "Bro Alpha if you get this wrong you are getting all those cards."

Alpha: "I'm taking the risk"

Alpha then flipped the card as it shows a King as Alpha frozen in shock as Cmonkey was laughing at Alpha cockiness.

Cmonkey: "Well Alpha eat them up"

Alpha then groans in defeat as he grabbed all the cards and place them in his hand.  As this made the boy's laugh until the transport suddenly stop as Cmonkey spoke up in the back.

Cmonkey: "Hey what happened?"

Veynsen: "Something is blocking our way to the road."

Alpha: "You want us to check it out?"

Veynsen: "......"

Knight Tom: "Well I guess we be walking to our deaths guys."

One minute later...

It shows the back door open as Alpha was the first to get down while Flat, Tom and Cmonkey as they were carrying their weapons while the boys see a fallen tree in the way as Tom starts to walk back to the transport.

Knight Tom: "Let me get the chainsaw."

Few minutes later.

Knight Tom was cutting the tree up to pieces while Flat, Cmonkey and Alpha were moving the wood out of the way as Jay and Veynsen were watching their backs.

Knight Tom: "See anything?"

Jay: "Not at this moment"

Pressing the gas of the chainsaw Tom then continued cutting the wood having some small pieces hitting his clothes as dust was cover his chest area while he cut the last piece of the tree as he turned off the chainsaw.

Knight Tom: "There......done....."

Walking away placing the chainsaw away in the back Tom picked his helmet up and swipe the sweat off as he put it on again as Alpha and the others were getting inside the transport.

Cmonkey: "Well back on the road again."

As when Veynsen could start the truck a bomb went off in front of the transport as this made Veynsen slammed on the break as she pulls her rifles out as Cmonkey yelled in the back.

Cmonkey: "What the hell!"

Veynsen: "Ambushed!"

Jay: "Left side! Left side!"

Knight Tom: "It shows times boys!"

Tom Kick the door open as they got off the truck as the authors ran to cover while they returned fired of where the bandits are shooting as Tom was reloading his gun while looking where are they.

Knight Tom: "Damn I can't see them!"

Cmonkey: "They are in the trees!"

Alpha: "The trees speak Vietnamese"

Flatcap: "Great now we are in Vietnam!"

Jay: "Will you boys! Stop making jokes and shot these damn bandits!"

As they returned fired at the trees as Veynsen run a crossed for cover as bullet almost hit her as she dove where the rest are in cover.

Veynsen: "We are being surrounded!"

Cmonkey: "nah shit!"

After Cmonkey see that he sees one bandit grabbed one supplied box out of the transport and runs away with as he turned to the others while he continued firing his M16A3.

Cmonkey: "Damn bandit took one of the supplies box!"

Veynsen: "We can't let them take them!"

Knight Tom: "I'll get it back. Cover me!"

Getting up the others returned fire in the trees where the bandit were shooting as Tom ran after the one bandit who stole the supplies.

Knight Tom: 'Not getting away from me that easily'

As the two were running the bandit run towards a farm house where the farmer was keeping his horse in seeing this the bandit then opened the gate and raised her weapon in the air as Tom see what the bandit is going to do.

Knight Tom: "....... Son of-......."


Back to the Authors

Cmonkey: "Is that all of them?"

They peek their heads over their cover as they hear the forest all quiet after their firefight against the bandits they came under attack by as Alpha lower his M60 machine gun as he speaks up to the others 

Alpha: "Well thank god....... So where Tom?"

Knight Tom: "AHH HH!!"

The group turned their heads as they see Tom running away from the stampede of horses running behind him as they see the bandit getting on one as she chased after him.

Jay: "Here we go again......"

Cmonkey: "Why is he running away from the horse?"

Alpha: "Hang in there Tom!"

Back to Tom

Knight Tom: "CRAP!"

Bandit: "Where are you going? You thought you could take me on?"

Knight Tom: "Yes but not like this!"

While running Tom got on one of the horse that was running right next to him as he looked around looking for the bandit until she surprised him as she threw her blade at him as Tom leans back on his horse making the blade miss him.

Tom then got on the horse back as he pulls out his M1911 as he sees the bandit running towards him jumping over the horses one at a time as Tom raised his pistol and started firing at the bandit as she is deflecting those bullets with her weapon as this made Tom stopped firing at looked at her with a disappointment look on his weapon.

Knight Tom: "Oh-"

As the bandit got on the same horse that Tom standing the two fight it out as Tom jumped on the another horse he almost lost his balances as this made the bandit chuckles at his idea.

Bandit: "Running away hero?"

Knight Tom: "Couldn't we talked this out of giving the supplies back!"

Tom moved his body to the side as the bandit missed him as she fired on him.

Knight Tom: "I guess not."

Tom jumped on a different horse trying to surprise her, but she starts runs away as Tom follows her as Tom jumped on the horse she about was to jumped on as Tom tackled her as the two were on the horse that they are on. As the bandit was slipping off the horse as she grabbed on Tom as she pulls him closer to her face as Tom yelled out as the two were on the same horse.

Knight Tom: "WOAH! Dinner in the movie first then we could do that!"

Tom knock her off as she was holding on to his arm still as the two sees a hill on the other side  as the bandit give Tom a smirk as she pulled on to him making him let go of the horse that he is on fall to the ground of the hill.

Knight Tom: "OH COME ON!!!"

The two then hit on some dirt as they were rolling down off until they hit the ground getting up Tom see the bandit looking at him as she charged at him. Dodging all of her fist Tom then kick her in stomach by the side of his foot as Tom then give her a right hook to her face making her stumble around as she looked at Tom as he gives her an uppercut.

Knight Tom: "Shoryuken."

As the Bandit hit the floor knocked out Tom took a couple of breath as he was out of air of what just happened.

Knight Tom: "Damn....... You are a pain in the ass......."

Tom then got the supplies away from the bandit as the other catch-up to him as Tom show the supplies to Veynsen as she breathed in relief. As Tom gives the supplies to her while Alpha walked right next to Tom and punch in the shoulder.

Alpha: "Tom you are the crazy person that I ever meant."

Cmonkey: "Yep you are the most crazy person that I have ever seen."

Knight Tom: "Ah thanks guys."

But before they could walk away a red portal open in front of them as they all stop and pulled their weapons and points at it until  they see a woman walking out with a mask on as this made the group confused.

Cmonkey: "Who the fuck is that?"

Knight Tom: "I don't care shoot it!"

The group fired their weapons at the woman as she used her sword to block out all the bullets that were about to hit her until she dashed towards the group as she slices all the barrels of the guns as they looked at their weapons.

Flatcap: "Well.......shit......" *About to hit her with his weapon*

As Flat was about to hit the mask women with his weapon she then kicked him to the tree as she turns to the others as Tom tries to punch her as she then knees him in the chest and whack him by the handle of her sword making the Knight fall to the ground.

Seeing this Alpha and Jay go in and attack at the masked woman as she then used sword her opening a portal and then turned to Veynsen as she was later punched in the face as the masked woman tries to dodge Veynsen attack as she tries to punch the masked woman again.

She then grabbed her fist and then slammed her  to the tree right next to flat cap as then later knocked her out. Seeing the group she defeated she then walked to the bandit who was on the floor.

???: "Vernal are you okay?"

Vernal: "I'm fine Rav-"


Cmonkey: "FUCK! What is wrong with this thing!"

It shows Cmonkey in the other side looking at his sniper rifle that he carries as is he looking at the scope of the Sniper.

Cmonkey: "How am I like church!"

Seeing this the leader then smirk as she opened a portal for her and her friend as they were walking through it the leader then looked at Flatcap who was slowly recovering as she then smirked under the mask. 

??: "I'll see you later cutie...."

As the leader walk in the portal it closes as Cmonkey shot the sniper again only to miss again as he began cursing at the sniper and he tossed it to the ground in frustration.

Time skip

Back to the Haven Acdemey

Alpha: "Who was that woman?"

Cmonkey: "I don't know but all I know she kicked all of our ass"

Knight Tom: "Yeah......"

Tom later clutch his head as he wasn't feeling good as this made him slow down as he started feeling dizzy as he look at the group who are slowly walking away from him.

Knight Tom: "Hey guys you go on ahead I-I don't feel so good"

Alpha: "You sure?"

Knight Tom: "Yeah I'm sure see ya"

As Tom was leaving the group they looked at him worry as they see him acting strange lately. Until Veynsen got a call from her scroll as she answer it while finishing the call she later hanged up as she turned to the group.

Veynsen: "Well turns out we got a new member in our small group."

Flatcap: "Who is it?"

Veynsen: "Lets go and see for our self"

Meanwhile in Salem castle

Salem: "So Cinder what bring you to me?"

Cinder: "I request something from you my queen"

Salem: "What is it?"

Cinder holds up a blood vital of Tom that Ruby took while he was knocked out during the fall of Beacon. As Salem took the vital and look at it closey she smiled and looked back at Cinder who was kneeling on the floor.

Salem: "So what is it do you want me to do with this?"

Cinder: "I want you create something that will help us to get them back."

Salem: "The four boys?"

Cinder: "Yes...."

Salem: "Very well."

Salem got up from her throne and walked out off the room as Cinder followed her. While following Salem to the pool that created and give birth to the grimm Salem looked at Cinder with a smiled.

Salem: "With a drop of human blood it will create something that Remnant have never seen. As this will changed every Huntsmen and Huntreses lives."

Salem then remove the cap off as she then pour the blood into the pool as the blood went into the dark liquid in the pool seeing the blood spread. She called one grimm as a Beowolf came dragging a human skeletion and drop it in with the pool.

Seeing this Cinder watch the skeletion slowly sinks in the pool letting darkness consumed it as the blood slowly turned black and slowly reach the skeletion.

Meanwhile with In Haven Acdemey 

It show Knight Tom in bed as the summon key was on the table and his helmet as he was heating up sweating while Samantha looked at her old friend with a worry face as she place her ghostly hand on his forehead. Feeling that he being put back together into something worse he groans in pain.

Knight Tom: *Groans*

Tom then move to the side of the bed still sweating as he remove the blanket off of him as thunder was heard outside of the window as Samantha looked at the dark cloud feeling something bad is coming.

Samantha: "Something dangerous is coming......"

Back to the land of darkness

As the black blood suddenly latched on to the hand. This made Tom hand twitch as the blood slowly consumed the body making it cover the legs as it travel to the chest making the skin pure darkness as it continued cover the arms as Tom later clutch his hand on the bed sheets as he feel pain everywhere.

After cover the rest of the body it then starts covering the face after the black blood cover the body it was drifting in the dark pool as Salem and Cinder were watching  the pool waiting for it to come out as the body began to twitch as it rasied it arm up shooting a dark web out of the pool.

Salem and Cinder see this as they move out of the way as the figure emrdge out of the pool and later flew right stright at the cliff where the web stuck to as the finger then lands on the cliff as this made Salem smiled seeing her first creation.

???: "Where am I"

The grimm human spoke as he looked at his arms and then sees a reflection of himself of the pool he found as he looked at himself.

??: "Who am I?"

The finger slowly looked at himself closer seeing this he felt something that he never felt for a longtime.

??: "I feel.......Good......"

This made the human grimm smiled as he later clutch both of his fist seeing what he is as his moment was later interrupted by a couple footsteps as he turned around seeing the two woman

??: "Who are you?"

Cinder: "You're special Knight......"

??: "Knight.......I heard that name before...........Was it mine name?"

Cinder: "Yes it is........Knight Tom"

Grimm Knight: "Yes.......That my name Tom......"

The face was then creatue showing white eyes as his mouth was formed showing his teeth sharped as while his hand were claws to tear or peel the flesh out of his victims.

Cinder: "Tell me Knight do you remember me?"

Grimm Knight: "No......I believe we have not.......I think we did ment but........I don't remember."

Cinder then smiled seeing this as she slowly walked up to the Grimm Knight and warpped her arms around him as she closed her eyes smiling of what Salem created.

The Grimm Knight Tom.....

A/N Thus enter my Grimm self it been a long time since I update this so yeah. And also get ready as two authors will be entering this book soon in the next chapter as they will fight the Grimm Knight anyway that all I have to say I'll see you all soon 

-Tom out

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