Chapter 6: "Here come the Grimm Glider"

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The scene opens to the recovery room where the authors are resting in bed as they are recovering after the Grimm Knight attacked. As They were resting the door of the room opened showing the normal Tom. As he walked in the room Alpha perked up.

Alpha: "OH! Come to say you're sorry after you beat us up."

Knight Tom: "??"

Samantha: 'What?'

Alpha: "You broke my fucking arm dude like come on man!"

Knight Tom: "What do you mean I was with Qrow and Henry."

Jay: "Bullshit!"

Rubes: "Then who is the guy that attacked us?"

Knight Tom: *Still confuse* "I don't know what you guys are talking about?"

Alpha: "While we were shopping around we spotted a figure who looks exactly like you. But he looks like a Grimm."

Flatcap: "Well he is you but different."

Knight Tom: "How different?"

Cmonkey: "Well he was asking where are you. And he moves fast."

Knight Tom: "Like Spider-man?"

Alpha: "Sure..."

Knight: "Wait he is like Spider-Man?!"

Alpha: "In a way yes."

Knight Tom: "Then where is he?"

Meanwhile, in a forest

It shows Grimm Knight swinging in the dark forest alone until a sword then cuts the line of his web making him fall to the ground. As it shows Raven without a mask walking up to the Grimm Knight.

Raven: "Nice try Knight, but you ain't fooling me twice."

As she faced him to her. She was then stunned by looking at the Grimm Knight's face as it screamed at her and jumped to one of the branches of the tree that was right next to them.

Grimm Knight: "Raven Branwen......"

Raven: "Who the hell are you then?"

Grimm Knight: "We met before don't you remember me?"

Raven: "You..... You are that Knight earlier?"

Grimm Knight: "Bingo."

Raven: "Then why are you here?"

Grimm Knight: "You want Flatcap don't you Raven?"

This made Raven stiff as the Grimm Knight slowly crawls towards Raven with a little smile on his face.

Grimm Knight: "I know you have feelings for him~"

Raven: "How do you know that?"

Grimm Knight: "Because I know that you have more feelings for him than your husband"

Raven was speechless as the Grimm Knight then starts to use his web hanging upside down to Raven as he smiled at her.

Grimm Knight: "Plus you're not the only one who has feelings for him."

Raven: "What do you mean?"

Grimm Knight: "You will find out soon. But I think you should give a call to a friend in the school."

Before saying another word the Grimm Knight then shoots a web somewhere in the trees and starts swinging away in the forest leaving Raven alone. Raven stood there putting her right index finger on her chin and starts wondering in her mind.

Raven: "I think it's time to give Lionheart a call..."

Back to the group.

In Alpha's Safehouse

Knight Tom: "Wow I didn't know I kick ass and kicked all your guy's asses."

Alpha: "I hate you...."

Jay: "Shut up being thrown at the window was not fun....."

Knight Tom: "Well sorry I didn't know I went all Spider-Man on you guys...."

Alpha *Tighten a bolt* "Yeah you sure did on us..."

Knight Tom: "Well sorry that my long-lost me broke your arm."

Jay: "Wait Alpha two things one how come your arm isn't broken anymore? And two why do you have so many cars?"

Alpha: "Well one, my arm isn't broken anymore due to my semblances, and two........ Well, I'm a little rich."

Knight Tom: "I call bullshit."

This made the three laugh as Tom check his scroll looking at what time it is.

Knight Tom: "Anyway I got to go."

As Tom starts leaving Alpha and Jay alone. Samantha spoke inside Tom's head.

Samantha: "So?"

Knight Tom: "So? There a freaking a Grimm version of me out there?!"

Samantha: "Well things are just starting to get stranger."

Knight Tom: "Yeah... Wait what do you mean it starting to get stranger?"

Meanwhile with the Girls

Winter: "So our loves are in Mistral..."

Coco: "It seems that the Grimm Knight led us right to him."

As soon Coco said that they hear webs shooting in the distance until seeing the Grimm Knight swing to them and then land right in front of them.

Grimm Knight: "Found them..."

Pyrrha: "Is Alpha there?"

A vital was later thrown to her as the Grimm Knight smirked as he was holding two more vitals as one was empty.

Grimm Knight: "The Vital you are holding Pyrrha is Alpha blood... Before you could throw your fit at me he is still alive."

Pyrrha: "Then why do you have his blood?"

Grimm Knight: "Because..." *Shot a web taking the vital out of Pyrrha's hand* "He will be perfect like me....."

Winter: "Like you?"

Grimm Knight: "Yes..."

Coco: "Then that will make things easier for us love~"

Grimm Knight: "It will be now where my four love."

Ruby: "Right here~"

Turning around the Grimm Knight smiled as he see Team RWBY walking up to them he place his right hand on Ruby's cheek.

Grimm Knight: "How are the preparations?"

Blake: "Going well... Did you find other you?"

Grimm Knight: "Not yet... But I got someone after him."

Yang: "Who?"

Grimm Knight: "Let's say I got a friend on the job."

The Grimm Knight then later clutches his right hand showing the empty blood vital as it has a name on the glass named 'Cmonkey'.


It shows Tom walking by himself as he was checking his wrist looking at the device he built. As Tom pulls the summoning key out of his bag that he had wrapped around his body.

Knight Tom: "So you want to go check something on a different world?"

Samantha: "Yes."

Knight Tom: "Alright what world are we going to."

As the portal opened before Tom could step inside it, he failed to notice someone on a glider flying towards him. Hearing something flying towards him he sees a glider fly towards him as he then kicks Tom into a portal making the glider follow him through.


John: "Well... She has been thinking about this a lot."

It shows a WW1 British Soldier severing Team RWBY and JNPR during the Vytal Festival tournament as they are at the noodle stand where John is working. Before Ren could speak a portal opened up above the noodle stand showing Tom falling.

Knight Tom: "AHH!!!"

John: "The bloody hell?"

Before Tom could hit the ground the glider then grabbed him as the two flew past the group Tom was fighting the masked glider while they were flying past the stands. As the masked glider then grabbed Tom's face trying to break free from his grip the glider then pulls out a wrist blade cutting Tom's chest as he screamed in pain.

Knight Tom: "ARGH!"

Kicking the glider off of him Tom then fall to the ground as he raised his arm aiming at the nearest building.

Knight Tom: "Hope this work!"

Shooting a web to the building it got locked as Tom smirked at this as he began to spin in a circle in the air as Tom pulls his M1911 out of his holster and starts firing at the glider. As people on the ground record the fight below. As John and Team RWBY, JNPR were watching the fight happening.

Ruby: "Who are those two?"

John: "I don't know?"

Getting shot in the shoulder the glider then cut the web line with his blade making Tom fall again not before hitting Tom to the food stand on the ground as the glider flew to the Knight as crack his knuckles and neck while he sees Tom slowly recovering. Shaking his head Tom then sees the glider looking at him as he then took out his mask showing his face as he steps off of his glider. Making the Knight shock.

Knight Tom: "Cmonkey?!"

Grimm Cmonkey: "Hello Tom..."

Throwing a punch at the Knight. Tom then jumped out of the way making Cmonkey miss him as Tom looked at the Grimm glider.

Knight Tom: "Where my Grimm self is he too afraid to show himself?"

Grimm Cmonkey: "No he's busy with something I came here to captured you..."

Knight Tom: "Well let's see you try..."

Back to the group

John: "Who are those guys?"

Alex: "John!"

It shows Alex, Arthur, and Richard running towards John with their weapons ready as John was surprised to see them.

John: "Guys why are you doing here?"

Alex: "We got a call cause of that!" *Point at Tom and Grimm Cmonkey*

Tom threw a punch at Cmonkey as he caught his fist making him smile widely.

Grimm Cmonkey: "Impressive!" *kicked Tom*

The kick sent Tom crashing any stands that were in the way as people were running out of the way of the fight as the four soldiers watched as people were panicking.

Arthur: "We got to stop those guys! Before they attract the Grimm!"

WAR: "Right!"

As Tom was getting up from the hit he see Team WARR aimed their weapons at the Grimm Cmonkey as he smirked at his creation.

John: "Hold it right there!"

Knight Tom: "Ah crap..."

Grimm Cmonkey: "I surrender!"

Walking forward to the soldiers they aimed their weapons at Cmonkey as Alex shouted at him.

Alex: "He said sta-"

Before Alex could finish he was later punched out of the way as John tried to bayonet stab Cmonkey he grabbed John's rifle and then snapped in half and whack the butt end of the rifle to John as he later punches Richard and Arthur out of the way. Not till getting kicked by Tom as the Knight turned to the four more solid on the ground.

Knight Tom: "Stay out of this!"

After saying that Cmonkey then got back on his glider and flew at Tom catching him off guard as the two were fighting on the glider as they flew to the school of Beacon. As Cmonkey then punched Tom in the face as he grabbed him and starts dragging him across the school building as Tom was getting hit by the wall and window.

Not Before Cmonkey throws him to a window making Tom crash through the school as Cmonkey soon follows the Knight.

Back to the festival.

Arthur: "Damn that hurt..."

As Team WARR was slowly getting up from the ground as they see the two fighting in the school John saw Ruby running towards him.

Ruby: "John are you alright?"

John: "I'm fine Ruby... Where are they?"

Weiss: "They are in the school. Come on Team PEAC are coming in!"

Back to the school ground.

Grimm Cmonkey: "Is that all you got Knight!"

After saying that debris was suddenly thrown at him as Cmonkey move a side dodging that as he turned to face Tom not till he got kicked as he swing in hard. While on the ground it shows Team PEAC running to the courtyard seeing the fight going on.

Penrich: "Boy...This is above our pay grade..."

Eniko: "Watch out!"

They hit the ground as Tom was swung away from Cmonkey as he chased him with his glider firing a machine gun on him. As the two got out of range they see Nick, and Ben running right next to team PEAC.

Ben: "What the hell is going on?!"

Alexi: "I don't know we were supposed to be raiding the White Fang hideouts until we got a call of this."

Back to the fight.

Getting Punch again by Tom he then growls at the Knight as he was swinging around.

He looked at Tom coming towards him getting ready for the Knight he then punches him making Tom fall to the ground.

Facing the ground he saw Ruby and the others running towards another group.

Grimm Cmonkey: "Let's make this more fun."

Flew right straight to Ruby he grabbed her as John screamed out for her as pulled his pistol trying to shoot the glider off. While not trying to hit Ruby.

John: "Can't get a clear shot!"

Ruby: "John help me!!"

Seeing Tom swing after the two he then tries to get in front of the glider.

Smiling at Tom doing as he ready his wrist blade ready to kill him. Not this he got web shot in the face as Tom grabbed Ruby out of Grimm Cmonkey's hand.

Knight Tom: "I got you!"

Swing down to the ground Tom settles Ruby down. As he pulls out his pistol and fired three bullets at the glider making it spin out of control Cmonkey ripped the web off his face and yelled out to Tom.

Grimm Cmonkey: " We'll meet again Knight!"

Knight Tom: "Sam Portal."

As the portal opened the Grimm Cmonkey flew in making his return back to their world as Tom then sighed in relief as he turned to Ruby only for her to be hugged by John as Tom then smiled at this. Before he could leave John stopped him as Tom looked at the WW1 soldier.

John: "Thank you for saving Ruby. But who are you?"

Knight Tom: "Well you know who am I"

John: "I do?"

Knight Tom: "Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man"

Shooting a web up to the building the group then watch the Knight swings away and into a portal. As it close when the Knight enter it.

Samantha: "You need to stop watching the Spider man movies..."

Knight Tom: "Hey the movie's are good."

Samantha: "And yet you said that."

Knight Tom: "You have to be a buzz kill don't you Sam."

Samantha: "I always will be your buzz kill Thomas..."


A/N Holy crap That was the longest fight that I ever written in my life or I think Idk anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will see you all later...

P.S Also Team WARR, PEAC, Nick and Ben are from Cmonkey512 so go support him.

-Tom out

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