Chapter 9: "Divided we fall"

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Nurses: "Move clear the way"

It shows a bunch of nurses and doctor pushing a stretcher with Knight Tom on it to the ER one of the nurse was pumping air to his mouth as his face and body was covered in his blood. After the fight with Saiko. 

As the doctors pushed him to the operating room they began treatment. Outside of the room Team, MARN watched outside the ER room waiting for the Knight to be clear.

Meanwhile the others

Outside of Alpha safehouse

A portal opened up showing the others and Sam exiting out of the world they were in. Once getting out the portal close making Sam takes a breather after going through everything in that world.

Samantha: "Definitely not going back there again."

Alpha: "Yeah...Now your mind tell us who are you and how you know Tom"

Samantha: "It's a long story."

Alpha: "Long Story bullshit...What secrets is Tom keeping from us"

Samantha: "It's something you better to not know."

Flatcap: "Ok you two calm down."

Jay: "We can't be fighting over this we just need to calm down and think."

Divine: "Um guys...Not wanting to be a buzz kill um where Tom?"

This made Samantha remember about it as she quickly opened a portal and ran in hoping that her old friend is not dead.

Back in the hospital

It shows Tom laying down on the hospital bed as his gear was on the table right next to him his hands were handcuffed to the bed Micheal stands in his room seeing the Knight's faces bandage after taking a grenade to the face. Seeing the boy was not going to wake up he then walk out of the room where Ryan, Alex, and Nick are outside of the room.

Ryan: "He still out?"

Micheal: "Yep..."

Alex: "I just can't believe he would do something like that."

Nick: "Piecing a pole into a girl's body. Damn what a horrible way to go out by."

Micheal: "Well to be fair I was wondering how the hell he is still alive for taking a grenade to the face."

As they continued discussing what happened. Tom slowly opened his eyes as he feel a bandage cover his face and his body he tried to move but feels his handcuffed to the bed. Seeing this Tom look around to see if anyone was watching not able to see anyone watching him Tom tries then break out of the cuffs.

Ruby: "Hey Micheal.....How is he doing?"

Micheal: "Still out...."

Blake: "I can't believe he would've killed that girl that brutally."

Weiss: "Agree."

Ruby: "Micheal you don't mind that I check up on him to see he is awake."

Micheal: "Sure. But called me if he wakes up."

Ruby: "Sure thing."

Walking to the room Ruby hears wind blowing in the room. Opening the door wide open she then was surprised to see the Knight disappear off the bed with his equipment off the table. seeing this Ruby ran out of the room.

Ruby: "HE GOT OUT!"

Micheal: "What?!"

Nick: "Where the hell did he go?"

Before Ruby could say a word her scroll ring showed the caller ID Jaune answered the call Jaune told Ruby that he saw the Knight swing out in the city.

Ruby: "Ok Jaune keep following him"

Jaune on the Phone: "No Problem Ruby...Um, he going fas-"

Ruby then hung up and turned to Team MARN and her Team.

Ruby: "He's in the city."

Yang: "Ok what are we waiting for let's get him."

Vale Downtown

It shows Tom swinging to the side of the building as he then lands on top of a building running on the roof he then jumps off and shot another web to another building swings around. As Tom was trying to lose the heat on him. As Team JNPR was chasing him as Jaune was breathing hard getting tired of chasing the Knight.

Jaune: "Man......He......Fast....."

Swinging around in the city to find a safe place Tom notices Team RWBY breach open a door of the roof to the direction of where he swinging. As they load electrical dust bullets they began shooting at him. He managed to dodge the bullets from hitting him as soon he was able to shoot another web Michael aimed at Tom's chest and stunned him making him fall to the car roof shattering the car window and rolling to the ground, electrified by the lighting bullet.

Michael: "I got him!"

As Micheal lower his Springfield rifle down the three-team surrounded the Knight Nick grabbed zip ties and tied Tom's hands together making the Knight sit up Ryan walked up to Tom and give him a cocky smile.

Ryan: "Thought you can escape us you son of bitch."

Seeing Tom not responding Ryan places his hand on the bandage that is wrapped around the head as he slowly peels it off. As Micheal sees Ryan doing he tries to stop Ryan from doing that everything slows down as Ryan managed got the bandages covering the eyes ripped off making Tom open his eyes he then swipes Ryan's feet off the ground quickly getting up from the ground Alex then shot at Tom making him miss but hit the zip ties off his hands Tom did a flip quickly shooting two webs at Pyrrha and Nora face blinding them. As he landed in front of Alex he aimed his M1 Grand at Tom's face he quickly disarmed him and hit Alex across the face with the end of the rifle knocking him out. Michael aimed at Tom tossing the weapon to the side Tom shot a web at Michael pulling him and throwing him to Team RWBY as Ren and Jaune came rushing in Tom shot another web making them stuck together as Tom did another flipped dodging Ryan's M60 machine, gun from hitting him.

Shooting a web on the gun taking it off his hand. Ryan then charged at Tom throwing his fist as Nick aimed at the two fighting. Seeing a clear Nick fires barely missing Tom by an inch as the bullet hit Ryan's shoulder. Seeing that Nick shot him, Tom gives a nice right hook on Ryan's face knocking him off his feet and tossing him to Nick making the two fall to the ground. Grabbing Ryan M60 he then breaks in half making sure he won't use it to shoot at him.

Looking around his surroundings Tom just defeated everyone who tries to arrest him. Seeing them not getting up a portal opened up as Samantha came to see Tom's face all bandaged up happy to see her friend is fine she ran up to him and hugged him.

Samantha: "Thank God you are all right"

Knight Tom: "Yeah...We need to get out of here"

Back to the Safehouse

As it shows everyone in the safe house waiting for Tom and Samantha's arrival. The front door opened revealing the pair walking in seeing Tom's face all bandaged they know the fight went bad.

Jay: "What the hell happen?"

Knight Tom: "Took a grenade to the face"

Flatcap: "Jesus mate your lucky to survive that"

Divine: "Yeah."

Cmonkey: "So now what Tom?"

Knight Tom: "Hm?"

Rubes: "Are you finally going to tell us your secret."

Knight Tom: "I'm sorry, but I can't"

Saying that Tom was punched across the face by Alpha as Tom stumble a little a bit by the punch making Sam went to Tom side rubbing his face as Alpha glared at Tom.

Alpha: "How many lies or secret are you going keep on holding on us Tom."

Knight Tom: "I did it for our protection."

Alpha: "Protection?! Tom you have been not yourself lately and that you are making all us of to lose trust in you and now you are not going to tells us." *Scoff* "I don't even seen you as a friend...I you see now as a damn lair......."

Knight Tom: "I....See....."

Samantha: "Thomas...."

Knight Tom: "No it fine......I guess it really over......"

Alpha: "Tom....."

Knight Tom: "No, no I understand.......I'll see myself out......"

Tom then starts moving to the door leave the safehouse as Sam watch her old friend leaves as a tear roll down her face seeing her old friend sad. Just like when their were kids seeing Tom left Sam turned to Alpha and slapped him.

Samantha: "It your fault....."

Sam then leaves the safehouse searching her friend as the group then look at each seeing that their team up is over....

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