Chapter 1: "The Past never dies"

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A Few years later

??: "May Knight Tom step forward...."

It shows Tom walking forward in the courtroom as Tom was wearing his Knight armor and standing in the middle of the room where the lights are as it shows 5 Knights leaders sitting in a circle looking at Tom.

?? 2: "Knight Tom do you know why you are here?"

Knight Tom: "Yes....."

?? 2: "And you know what action that you did and know what is at risk..."

Knight Tom: "Yes."

?? 3: "Very well. Knight Tom, you are being charged with disobeying orders, failing to follow one of the rules of Chivalry, and fleeing from battle is that true."

Knight Tom: "Yes that's true..."

?? 4: "And what do you have to say for yourself."

Knight Tom: "I don't regret my action.....What I did is to save some other Knight's lives we walked into a trap that we didn't expect when our leader said to stay and fight we were outnumbered so I have no choice but to pretreat with the men that are wounded."

??: "What you did is shows of a coward you don't run away from a fight you fight till your last breath!"

Knight Tom: "Well maybe I survived to live to fight another day!"

?? 2: "This has gone long enough...Knight Tom by the order of the council and Knights leader we striped you from your Knight privilege and you won't become a real Knight because you failed on being one! You are dismissed!"

Tom didn't say anything but walked away Tom then ripped the emblem off his arm and threw it to the floor and walked away as one Council Knight said nothing but watched Tom leave the room. As he then looks down at the floor seeing the emblem there.

Present Day

It shows Alpha driving following a snowy path as he stopped on the snow path as he then got off his Charger and look off in the distance to only see the City of Mantle and the floating city of Atlas.

Seeing the city Alpha then got back inside of his charger and then starts driving into the city. Once making it inside the city Alpha then looks around in Mantle seeing how things have changed since the last time he was there.

Alpha: "......Man...It's been a while since I've been here I hope she's still around." 

While looking around the city Alpha wasn't paying attention to the road as he failed to notice people were walking across the street. But these people were anything beyond normal as they were huntresses well not any normal huntresses they are the happy huntresses of Mantle and they are on a nightly patrol through the city. 

As they were crossing the street one was falling behind the main group and didn't see the charger come to her left. Thankfully Alpha then turns his full attention to the road as he then he was close to hitting someone on the road and realized the girl had sheep ears. 

Alpha: "Shit!"

Alpha then slammed on the break very hard as the tires locked up and skirted towards the sheep girl. As the girl then hears the screeching of the tries and then saw a black car coming straight toward her. As the car came within about an inch of hitting her she tripped and fell on her but as she looks up at the car getting back on her feet making Alpha relieved that he didn't hit her.

??: "Hey what's your deal?!"

Alpha: "I'm so sorry!"

??: "Sorry?! You could've killed me."

The noise of the yelling and tires also got the attention of the rest of the group as they turned to see one of their members almost run over by a black car. But as the leader of the group was about to call out Alpha she then stopped and look closely at him.

?? 2: "Alpha?"

Alpha: "Robin?"

?? 3: "Boss you know him?"

Robin: "Of course, I do ain't that right? Alpha"

Alpha said nothing as he smiled and walk up to Robin as the two looked at each and smiled.

Alpha: "Been a while"

Robin: "Yes it has...What are you doing here?"

Alpha: "I need your help..."


Mistral Prison

It shows the girls locked up behind bars, as they were sitting in their cells and started to think of how to break out of Prison. Not till a red portal opened up showing Raven and Vernal there as they look at the group.

Raven: "Quick in the Portal we can't have the guards notice us."

One by one the girls then entered the portal leaving the cell empty one guard went past saw the cell empty and began to panic.

Guard: AW HELL!!

Back to the group

It shows the group all bored as Samantha was holding the summoning key as she stare close at it, not till Henry snap her back to reality.

Henry: "You alright?"

Samantha: "Uh...oh yeah I'm okay just hoping that Tom is okay."

Henry: "Don't worry I'm sure he hanging in there..."

Samantha: "Any word on Alpha?"

Henry: "I'm afraid not. But I'm sure he will tell us a plan."

Hearing what Henry just said, made Samantha happy as she then began to relax until hears, someone packing curious as to who packing Samantha walked to the main room and sees the group getting their gear ready.

Samantha: "What going on?"

Cmonkey: "Alpha called and said meet him in Mantel he said he has a plan to get Tom back."

Rubes: "Yeah and also I just got off the phone with my headmaster turns out that the yandere broke out."

Flatcap: "Oh you got to be shitting me..."

Jay: "How the hell did they get out"

Divine: "It's probably someone I used to know but I'll talk about that later right now let's hurry to Mantle..."

Back to Alpha

Alpha was then walking by the sidewalks as he passed stores and small businesses. As he started remembered the fight in Mistral where Tom was kidnapped hearing the pain of Tom getting shot, hit, and slashed.

Alpha then sees Tom slowly crawl toward him as blood was coming out of his mask as he raised his hand towards him.

Knight Tom: "Why didn't you save me!?"

Blood splashed on Alpha's clothes, as he began slowly back away from tom who was slowly, crawling toward him leaving a trail of blood as he hears Tom calling him or and or again not till see Pyrrha walking up to the bloody knight cutting his head off as blood splattered on the floor as Pyrrha smiled about Alpha.

Pyrrha: "You'll never get rid of me that easily senpai."

??: "Hey are you okay sir?"

Alpha then was snapped back to reality seeing him on the ground on the sidewalk as a man wearing Military gear standing in front of him checking to see Alpha is all right.

Alpha: "Yeah...I'm okay..."

The man raised his hand towards Alpha which he grabbed it picking him up from the floor, as Alpha then stands up to his feet.

Alpha: "Thanks"

??: "No problem man you just seem like scared of seeing a ghost."

Alpha: "Probably I did...Anyway, I will be going because I have someplace to be."

??: "Alright, see ya mate..."

As the two then went off on their way. Alpha then starts to make his way to Atlas's upper levels knowing that he needs someone to help him as Alpha was heading to Atlas Academy...

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