Chapter 8 "Salvation is coming"

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 It shows Samantha in Tom's room as she was sitting down on the floor having her feet cross as the Summoning key was floating in the air as Samantha was hearing all different voices coming out of the key until she opens her eyes and she see Tom there standing over looking at the map of Atlas and Mantle. Confused of seeing Tom there Samantha walks beside of her old friend seeing him panic under his mask Samantha then hear the doors opened revealing Alpha and the others cover in blood as he got into Tom's face.

Alpha: "Tom how come you didn't told us that they were coming!"

Knight Tom: "I-I"

Alpha: "You knew they were coming it shows us! The Summoning key shows us! You leaded us to doom Tom."

Knight Tom: "I didn't mean to- Guys really! I didn't mean for any of this to happened! Listen I could fixed it. Watch!"

Alpha: "I'm done listening to your lies Tom....Goodbye...."

Before Tom could say a other word Alpha then grabbed his knife and stabbed Tom in the stomach and starts slice it open it making his guts spill out as Tom splatted out blood out of his helmet. Cover on his own blood Tom then slowly falls on Alpha's shoulder as Alpha hold Tom for a bit as he hears the struggle of his breathing.

Alpha: "I'm sorry...But you failed us."

Let go of Tom he then falls to the floor as Samantha cover her mouth with her hands as the group didn't say nothing as they watch Tom slowly bleeds on the floor with his guts out as they began leaving Tom there to died. Watching them leave Tom was coughing out blood as he slowly closed his eye's taking his final breath while Samantha fall on her knees watching her friend dies in front of her.

Seeing that made Samantha opened her eyes as she drop the summoning key to the floor as she was breathing heavily. Controlling her breathing Samantha then collectives herself picking up the summoning key up from the floor and places it on the desk after seeing that alternated future Samantha then looks at the group who were chilling at the main room with Qrow and Oscar. She then starts to wonder are they really Tom's friends or are they going to backstab him in the future.

Meanwhile with Alpha.

After seeing Tom save a girl and preventing her death the Ace ops told Alpha to go in the Hospital where someone's wanting to meet him. Curious of this Alpha then went to the hospital to find the person who wants to talk to him as Clover was leading him in the hospital he then stops at one of the room and turns to Alpha.

Clover: "Alright he here Alpha go ahead."

Looking concern at Clover like this Alpha then enters the room as he stops to see Ironwood in the recovering bed having his right arm in cast while he was watching TV of the latest news report and having his lunch on the small table right next to him. Seeing this Alpha then speaks up getting the General attention.

Alpha: "You risk your life and limb to save the free world and what do they give you a jello and bad 70's TV show's"

Hearing the small joke from Alpha Ironwood then chuckles at that as he then finished laughing turning his attention to Alpha.

Ironwood: "Alpha been a while since I've seen you."

Alpha: "What do you want General."

Ironwood: "I need your help.....My specialist Winter stole something from Atlas Military and planning to use it on something. Which I don't know what her target is all she kept is saying is she will get her 'beloved' with it."

Alpha: "Wait Winter is here?"

Ironwood: "Yes she is. She broke my arm after our fight before I get to finished her off." 

Alpha: "What did she stole General?"

Ironwood: "She stole big brother one of the porotype's we are working on it can track down any of it targets no matter where it hiding we got built in drones and stuff in it I figure you know what it is."

Alpha: "Yeah I know but the question is why make it General?"

Ironwood: "To keep whole world of Remnant safe Alpha. Safe from Salem."

Alpha: "Salem is dead! The Girls kill her!"

Ironwood: "What do you mean?"

Alpha: "Let me explain general...."

Meanwhile with Tom

It shows Tom there walking in his room having a bag of a take out food that he just bought from the fast food restaurant he was just in. Entering the safehouse it shows the group chilling watching TV or playing games on their computer or scroll as Tom then place the food on the counter of the table grabbing his Chinese take out food. 

Knight Tom: "He guys! Food is here!"

Divine: "Finally! I been starving."

Hitman: "About time you got us something Tom."

Knight Tom: "Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever Hitman."

Oscar: "Um Tom?"

Knight Tom: "What up Oscar?"

Oscar: "You're friend Samantha is been acting weird can you check up on her."

Hearing that coming out of Oscar mouth made Tom a little word he never seen her friend Samantha act weird. Placing his food to a side Oscar then points where Samantha is in his room placing his hand on the holster of his side Tom slowly walks towards his room and knocked on it getting Samantha attention in the room.

Knight Tom: "Sam are you okay-"

Before Tom could say a another word Samantha quickly open's the door and pulled Tom in quickly in the room. Stumbling inside of his room Samantha then quickly locks the door as tom looked at her confused seeing her pacing herself and mumbling something under her breath.

Knight Tom: "Sam are you okay?"

Samantha: "No Tom I'm not okay the key showed me something. Something I never seen in my life."

Knight Tom: "The Summoning key showed you something? What did it shows you?"

Samantha: "The future, Different universe and everything."

Knight Tom: "What?"

Samantha: "I saw your death Tom!

Backing a few feet from hearing that Tom then see Samantha falls to her knees on the floor with tears rolling down her face's after seeing what the summoning key have shown her. Getting in front of his friend Tom then places his hand on her shoulder and looked at her with a concern look on his face.

Knight Tom: "How did I die? Sam if you don't mind me asking?"

Samantha: "You were trying to figure out a way to stop the girls from taking over Remnant but you failed. The Girls took over Remnant while you were planning to take it back as you were planning the other like Alpha, Cmonkey, Flatcap, Jay, Divine, Ryan, Rubes, and Hitman comes in and kill you. I just can't believe they would do such a thing to you in the future. After all the things you done to them they betrayed you. Why would they do such a thing to you?"

Hearing that Tom then places a hand on Samantha face making her look at him as Tom then spoked up. 

Knight Tom: "That can still change Samantha okay....It hasn't happened yet and it will never be happened I promise you Samantha whatever happens in the future we can change. Beside what we are doing I am trying to secure a better tomorrow I can promise you that Sam."

Samantha: "Okay I trust you Tom......"

Knight Tom: "Good.....Now let me eat my food I'm staving."

Samantha then wipes the tears off her eyes as she smiled at bit seeing Tom foolish cheering her up. As Tom then place the summoning key away in his bag pocket.

Meanwhile in Salem castle

It then shows Ruby watching the broadcast of Atlas off her scroll seeing authors saving the day in Atlas as it show a picture of Tom saving the girl falling from the building this made her clutch her fist as she continues to hears Tom voice echo in her mind saying 'No' to her choice. As it shows a another picture of Tom with the group standing along each other Ruby then crushed the scroll in her palm of her hands as she breath angrily.

Ruby: "They are all lairs! They are planning to take them away from us. I can't allow I can't let them...I can't let them take away my love from him. He mine, mine, mine, mine! Soon the whole Remnant will see's how weak is Atlas is......"

Ruby then leave the throne room as she make her way to the other girls are as they are preparing themselves for the invasion of Atlas seeing her teammate and the others ready Ruby then pick up the picture of Tom and the others as she stared at it having her rub her hand along with the picture.

Ruby: "You have no idea what you're in for........Thomas......"

Back to the Hitman and Ryan

It shows the two patrolling around the city of Mantle it was nice and quiet nothing to see bad is happeneing as they were walking Ryan then spoked up as he turn his head to Hitman.

Ryan: "Pretty quiet here huh?"

Hitman: "You say it."

Ryan: "I wonder how will the girls look like if we encounter them I mean Tom and the others fought them before in Beacon and in Mistral I wonder what are they like?"

Hitman: "Psycho path girls are on drugs that is what they are like."

Ryan: "Hmmm fair......Also have you ever seen-"

Before Ryan could finished his sentence explosion was then heard in the distance as the alarm of the city of Mantle starts going off people started to panicked as they are heading inside. Hearing the alarm going off the two earpiece of the two came alive.

Knight Tom on the radio: "Guys the girls are here!"

Hitman: "What?"

Knight Tom on the radio: "You heard me! The Yanderes are in Atlas!"

Before Tom could talk in the radio Hitman and Ryan then hears a Atlas transport flying above them as the two then look up in the air they then see's Winter and Penny controlling it as the machine gun pointed at the two as it shows Neo in the helicopter smiling at Hitman.

Hitman: "Oh.......shit..."

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