Chapter 15: "Day Two before the Assault"

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Meanwhile, somewhere with Villain

It shows dead bodies surround Henry as blood is dripping off from Henry armor as he is resting on the rock that is right next to a tree resting under the tree Henry close his eyes and then imagines the world he wants to create a world without Pain and suffering all he wants is a world of only Peace, Love, and Victors.

Meanwhile, a man was bleeding on the ground trying to crawl away. He knew he wasn't going to make it, but he decided to struggle on anyway... at least, he wanted to. But the pain was so great, he could barely move, and tears were forming in his eyes. Suddenly, Lyla ended his misery by slashing him with her scythe, a look of sympathy in her eyes.

The Second Sister stabbed another soldier trying to crawl away, though she had a sadistic grin on his face.

Henry: "What are you grinning about? Do you find it satisfying to end a man's life?"

S.S.: "Not necessarily satisfying... I would say... therapeutic."

The mandalorian known simply as Thraz was seen cleaning off his blade. His chestplate splattered with blood as he had slashed the neck of a few soldiers. Soldiers who decided to try to get personal with him, and failed. The blood on his helmet dripped from his visor but didn't mind it. A deep chuckle releasing from his throat. Experiencing a fight that he had been longing for after so many years of putting up with an aruetii (outsider).

Henry: "You people sure do kill a lot... You all really don't understand yourself, you all are just thugs who just got lost in the mist that you all ended up here."

Thraz: "You could say I was relieving stress. Especially after dealing with a certain girl."

Henry: "A girl named Striker? Thraz..."

Henry said that not even bothering moving from where he's seated as he has his eyes closed while resting under a tree.

Henry: "You guys can't even control your faith in where you all are going."

Lyla: "Hey, Sir Grim Dark? I do believe we're supposed to be allies. Not the time to be instigating."

Henry: "Yes we are allies... But there are some people in this group who are planning to betray one and the other... Am I wrong?"

Lyla: "What the hell would we gain from betraying each other?"

Koth: "With all due respect, my lord, she has a point. We do not know how we arrived here, we do not know how to return to our own worlds, this planet seems to be so primitive that conquering it would provide little in the way of gain. What good would betraying each other do?"

Lyla: "Yeah, exactly. We may not be the most ethical of people, but we're not idiots. We don't like wasting time or resources... except you, apparently."

Henry: ".... Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you will realize the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain, suffering and futility... Listen everywhere you look in this world wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well."

Lyla: "One, great, I'm working with an edgy motherfucker. Two, you're full of shit. Three, the rules of this world don't apply to us because none of us are of this world."

As soon Lyla finished that towards Henry he then didn't even bother to move out of his resting place but raised his left hand and snapped his finger making Lyla be covered by darkness.

Lyla said nothing, and hardly reacted, except a raised eyebrow. Suddenly, a white, flame-like substance exploded from Lyla's body and canceled the magic Henry was using.

Henry: "The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace, initiate wars and hatred is born in order to protect love. There are causal relationships that cannot be separated in this world....I want to sever the fate of this world we are in... A world of only Victors...A world of only Peace... And a world of only Love... This world that we are in I will create such a world that we are standing....For truly, this reality is a hell..."

Lyla: "Yeah... once again, we aren't from this world, ergo, we don't give a shit about it. If you want to rule over this place, go ahead. I, personally, would like to do what I came here to do and go home."

As Henry said that he then opened his eyes having blood dripping out of his eyes making Henry wiped the blood that was coming out of his eyes.

Henry: "But you can't....You are here for a reason, Lyla. I know who you want and who you want to kill..."

Lyla: "Except I can. And good on you for stating the obvious. Clearly, nothing can escape your scrutiny. Now, if you're done trying to play with my emotions with your high-school-mean-girl-psychology-bullshit, we should get moving."

Henry: "You wanted to get back at what Nathan did to you....Isn't that your reason..."

Lyla: "Really? That's the best you can come up with to screw with my head? It's not exactly like I've been keeping that a secret."

Henry: "No....You're not keeping it a secret. I can feel it. The others can't sense it... well maybe Koth, but I know you wanted to get back at him after what he did to you.... How did it feel when he left you... How does it feel that he abandoned you and your friends..."

Lyla: "About as bad as having to listen to your atrocious english... which I find odd, considering that you're a cockney fuck. Even stranger is your inability to understand english. I literally just said that I haven't been keeping it a secret. The others don't need to sense it because they already fucking know."

Henry: "Don't overstep what you are, little girl."

Lyla: "... Are you telling me to fall in line and bow to you, oh edgy one?"

Henry: "Hmm...."

Lyla, a calm and collected look on her face, walked up to Henry. Suddenly, she grabbed the collar of his chest plate and forced him to look at her at eye level.

Lyla: "I've submitted to human rule and law before... never again."

She then let go and turned and walked away. Seeing that she walks away Henry then starts to chuckle at her little threat not till he starts laughing at Lyla's statement.

Henry: "You think I'm human, little girl...."

With a blink of an eye Henry then appears in front of Lyla and then proceeds through Lyla's chest grabbing a little of her soul. However, almost immediately after the punch connected, Lyla's body burst into white flames, which then faded. Henry turned around and saw the real Lyla still walking away.

Lyla: "You may not be human... but you're just as arrogant as them."

Before anyone says anything else, she turns to face the rest of the group.

Lyla: "I'm going to scout ahead. You people feel free to do whatever the fuck you want until we decide to move."

Lyla then ran off into the woods, leaving the rest of the group by themselves.

Meanwhile, back with the Heroes

David: "Alright, I don't know anything about an Uncle of mine. Look, we don't need anyone to freak out about this, not now... so just, keep this between us for now. Only say something if it becomes an immediate issue."

Kahn: "Considering that he managed to contact me through telepathy without the Force, I would say it's pretty close to an immediate issue."

David: "Look just keep this between us as much as you have questions about this to me, I don't have the answers."

Kahn: "I already have answers to said questions. Mind reader, remember?"

David: "Right space wizard and shit."

The two then decide to leave the room and split off to do their own thing.

Day Two

Somewhere in the U.S. Base

David: "Alright listen up Washington is letting us handle this mess, so this mission will be Operation Arrowhead right now we got intel confirmation that the Father will be here in this location along with his top advisor of his these are the guys we will be after for tomorrow the mission will be like the same as Operation Gothic Serpent hopefully they won't be shooting down our Black Hawks and all. Anyway the Mission time will be at 10:45 AM Squad A will land near the target building and seize all suspects in the building. Squad B will be on guard duty watching Squad A back as they load up any suspect in the target building. Which means Squad B you guys will have a four block perimeter block watching and covering Squad A until Nick comes in with a Humvee convoy rounding any suspect we have in the convoy any question?"

U.S. Soldier: "Yeah I got one what if the Father isn't there?"

David: "Well he has to be there if it is not him who is late to his own meeting."

U.S. Soldier: "What will be our Air support?"

Nick: "Well Washington isn't letting us use F-22 or AC-130 for our air cover, so we will be using Black Hawks and Little Birds as our Air Support. Listen these cultists are not to be missed around with so let not make any mistakes you all are dismissed..."

With that, everyone got up and left the room. David walked down the hall, thinking to himself about the events that could occur in the near future... that is, until he walked into the main hangar where the rest of the heroes were lounging around... all except for Blue, for whatever reason.

David: "Hey where the hell is Blue?"

Just then, Blue walked in the room, dancing to some song that he was clearly listening to through the speakers in his helmet, as no one else could hear what he was listening to.

David: "Well there he is. Now, I must go. I'll be back in a bit."

After saying that David then walks out of the hanger leaving the others in the hangers.

Meanwhile, while David is doing Captain America shit, everybody looks back to Blue, who is still just vibin'... though they had to admit... he actually wasn't a bad dancer.

Seeing this, Striker lets out a soft sigh and then decides that she needs to do something on her ship. Check on a couple things and make sure all the systems read green. So, she went to walk away towards her beat up but rather robust ship that sat in the hanger.

As for everyone else, they were just speechless... I mean, what are they supposed to say to this?

Micheal: "What are you listening to?"

Blue then looked over to the group.

Blue: "Oh, hey guys. What was that?"

Pyro: "What were you listening to? It's making you dance like a modern Saturday Night Fever."

Blue: "Oh, it's a Pre-Golden Age song Ghost and I found in the field and managed to reconstruct. Take a listen. It's tits!"

Ghost then materialized and began playing the song.

*Play the song*

After a few minutes it shows David walking back to the hanger wearing his normal U.S. Army uniform while having the Captain America helmet on his head when he enters it David was busy holding a clipboard with the list of things he needs to do in the base,

David: "Hey guys I'll be busy for a bit due to things I have to do and-... what the hell is going on why is there music going on?"

Kahn: "We just wanted to know what Blue was dancing to... kinda makes me wanna dance, too, if I'm being honest."

Striker soon had come back with a datapad in her hands. The music had got her attention as it was decently loud.

Striker: "Ok what in manda is that song?"

Blue: "Don't know. Me and Ghost just found it and reconstructed it. It's kinda dear to us too. It wasn't compatible with any of the City's civilian technology, so me and my old fireteam decided to re-sing for them to listen to."

David: "I see..."

Blue: "Sometimes it's good to just let loose and dance a bit. Helps you to forget just for a moment how breathtakingly fucked the world is. You should try it some time."

As he said that, he then looked at the group.

Blue: "Actually, now that I say that..."

Striker: "Yeah nope! Not happening. I'm going back to my ship."

Blue then slides in next to her and grabs her by the back of the collar area on her chestplate.

Blue: "Hehehe, no you're not."

He then drags her to the middle of the hangar, where he lets go.

Blue: "Now then, as the most wound up member of the group, you get to be the first one to unwind."

Striker: "Blue please. I am not a dancer in the slightest."

The green armored mandalorian started to walk away from the middle. She really did not wanna be a part of that. She did not dance. Striker maybe had only danced....once in her life.

Unfortunately for her, Blue immediately grabbed her and basically threw her back to the middle.

Blue: "Come on, it ain't that hard. It really is just moving to the beat, and yes, I know that it's corny as shit. I find that the corniest things are the most true... here."

Blue then looked at Ghost. Ghost then rewound the song and played it from the beginning.

Blue: "Watch."


Blue then starts tapping his foot to the beat of the song. Then, as it went along he slowly started moving more parts of his body until he was doing this.

David: "What is this a dance party?"

Blue: "Why the hell not? Like I said, helps to unwind."

David: "Yeah I'm not dancing right now I gotta deal with reports I'll be back after your guys dance party is done."

Blue then grabbed David by the Captain America mask and pulled him back into the group.

Blue: "She's not getting out of this, and neither are you."

Striker took a couple steps back before she lifted off using her jetpack. Trying to head back to her ship and then recede to lock the ship if she was able to get there.

Blue then made a finger gun and shot a single bolt of Arc Light into the jetpack, short circuiting it. Striker then fell to the ground on her ass.

Striker: "Blue, respectfully, fuck you."

Blue then danced as he gave both middle fingers to Striker.

He then took her hand and began to help her. Everyone else on the other hand, decided 'fuck it', and joined in.

Seeing that he had no choice David then started dancing along with song that Blue is playing even though he didn't want to dance.




Eventually, Striker managed to get in the groove, and... turns out, she actually felt good. Really good.

Striker: "Ya know, this is not as bad as I thought it would be."

Meanwhile, Micheal was trying out a dance move that Blue had showed him.

(A.N. Alpha, I'm sorry, that just looks like a dance move Micheal would do, given the time period he's from... and please don't give any sh*t to Tom... you know who I am)

Eventually, everyone got into the rhythm and the room turned into... this.


When the music was over and everyone stopped their dancing frenzy, Striker looked to Blue.

Striker: "Honestly, that was the most fun I have had in a very long time."

Blue: "I told you, it's a good outlet for unwinding... I remember Kurisu and I danced all the time together..."

As he said that, David took note in his change of tone when he mentioned this Kurisu girl.

Striker: "Well, hopefully you will be able to do it again. Guessing that is your cyare'se?"

Blue: "I'm just going to assume that that means a romantic partner... in which case, yes."

Striker: "It always is the worst feeling to be separated from a partner. However, when you reunite, it is one of the best feelings. At least, that's what I think."

David: "Alright since we are all doing our dance and all let's rest up. We have an important thing for tomorrow so get some sleep."

Meanwhile, with Tom

In one of the ruins of Beacon Academy it shows Tom walking down the bloody hallway of the old school seeing nothing but old destroyed Atlas Robots and bullet shells on the floor as they were being kicked to the side as Tom looked around the old school.

Knight Tom: "They all looked at me the same way don't they... They see a failure or a rat I'm a survivor there is no shame of that."

Walking to the destroyed bloody courtyard of the school Tom then stops as he hears footsteps behind him slowly moving his head Tom then see's Samantha standing a few feet away from him wearing Tom old combat uniform in Season 3 as the two didn't say anything but stared at each other until Samantha spoke up.

Samantha: "Thomas... Why are you doing this?"

Knight Tom: "What do you think I'm doing....I did what I can't do. It brought peace to my new empire."

Samantha: "You're a new empire? Wait NO, NO, NO!!! WE ARE NOT DOING STAR WARS REFEREES!"

Knight Tom: *Chuckles* "Still haven't changed one bit Sam..."

Samantha: "And you need to change what you are doing... You're literally killing and hurting innocent people that you protected in the past. It is not too late to come back. Please come back for me. I missed my old friend..."

Knight Tom: "You're... Old Friend is dead... I will not go against my children as I'm the father in this new world Samantha so don't bother trying to convince me...."

Samantha: "I will bring the friend I know back...But one day Father Tom you're Downfall is coming for you and Ruby.."

After saying that Samantha then snapped her finger disappearing out of Tom's view leaving him there alone as Tom didn't even bother but give a little smile as he leaves the area but as soon Tom leaves the area he then stops to see a Dark illusion covering his surroundings.

Knight Tom: "Finally we meet again my Dark Creation..."

Without moving his head it shows Henry standing behind Tom with his arm cross walking towards Father Henry standing to the side of Tom as he smiled.

Henry: "It's good to see my creator doing well..."

Knight Tom: "That I'm doing good how you, and your little group are doing?"

Henry: "We are making progress of getting know to each, but I'm kind concern of Koth I'm afraid he may know our connection to each other by the force he calls it."

Knight Tom: "Just stick to the plan Henry I know you want the stones to create your own perfect world, but that has to wait... Just do what you have to do."

Henry: "Ok what about my nephew?"

Knight Tom: "His time is not up yet he still needs to know what he fights for so when you encounter him leave the group and if the group tries to kill you for leaving.... Kill them."

After the small Henry then gives Tom a small smile as he slowly disappears showing Henry sitting on the floor having his leg crossed with his helmet and sword to the side with his eyes closed slowly opening his eye's Henry then gets up and walks to the others.

Henry: "Let's move, we are killing daylight."

Koth: "Of course, my lord... and if I may be so bold, there should be no issue with your orders regarding your nephew... after all, we're all busy with our own vendettas."

Lylay: "Yeah, I mean, when you think about it, we're all here for the same reason. Find who we want to kill, kill them, and go home."

Henry: "Indeed so let's get it done..."

Back with Tom

After his trip to Vale Tom returns to Atlas as he is sitting in his desk going over or writing reports of his new mission not till one the cultist enter the room.

Cultist: "Father Tom we have received a video?"

Knight Tom: "What video?"

Cultist: "This video the people sent is for you."

Watching the whole video Tom didn't say anything but got up from his desk and slowly walked out of his office still watching the video. After watching the Video Tom slowly begins to lose his mind as he starts to have a small mental breakdown after having his mental breakdown Tom then takes a deep breath and walks away.

A/N: And here the end credit song for this song as I'm began to hear the echo of the damn

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