Chapter 17: "Attacking the Father"

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David: "Get down! Get down!"

It shows David and his troops running to cover as gunfire goes off everywhere as the Cultist were pushing up having a truck with a .50 cal machine gun on it firing at David positions as guns fire continues on.

David: "Take out the Technical before it ripped us apart!"

After saying that one soldier pops up out of cover having a grenade launcher in his hand firing one single round towards the truck killing the Cultist on the truck as David and his team push up as the battle continues on...

A few hours earlier...

Blue: "Right, hang on... what the hell are we doing? And please, slowly and quietly, because I am way too hungover."

David: "Get your shit ready Edgy boy the mission starts."

Blue: "Hey, Captain Dipshit? I just said now is not the time."

David: "It has been three days since we are here in my base so get your shit ready I don't care now is not the time."

Blue: "I was talking about calling me edgy, you dumbass. Now, go over the plan, please. And again, slowly and quietly."

David: "Whatever emo kid..." *Leaves the room*

Blue: "Y'know... when this is over... I'm gonna do it... I'm going to kill him..."

Meanwhile, with Tom.

Knight Tom: "Billy I want you to repeat what I said alright? Go."

Billy: "Squid fuck!"

Tom: "Close enough. Let's try it again, if the enemy comes over the horizon you shoot them immediately, got it?"


Knight Tom: "BILLY WHAT THE FUCK NO!!! GOD NO!!! THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID!... *SIGH* Okay... let's try this one more time. What do you do when the enemy comes over the hill?"

Billy: "I killed a man with a trident."

Tom: "I saw that. You should probably lie low. But please answer the question."

Billy: "Easy! When they win, and let's be honest, when they win, we counter attack with our own hill charge! Like this!"


Knight Tom: "..... You know what, just forget it..... We might win this."

Back at the hangar

It shows David and Nick going over the plan looking over the drop zone for Squad A as they were discussing the route for the convoy through the city as they know they will be under fire by the roofs and in the alleyways.

Nick: "We will be under fire by the roof and the alleyways while we are transporting the prisoners."

David: "Well you could take this route." *Points it at the map* "It looks safer and there will be less firefight for your convoy."

Nick: "Ok and how the hell will Squad A get out?"

David: "We have the extraction point a few kilometers away from the ruined kingdom thanks to Robin Resistance we have some Intel where the meeting will be hosted."

Nick: "Alright.... Let's get this sumbitch."

Blue: "Yeah, now all we're missing is Otacon with a Winter Soldier arm, and we'll have a full house."

Nick: "Who let this emo kid in here?" *Points at Blue.*

Blue just inhales and exhales deeply.

Blue: "Yep... alright."

Blue then takes out his pistol and shoots both Nick and David in the pinky toe.

Nick: "Ow...That sting like a bitch."

David: "Ow! Hey I didn't say shit!"

Blue: "Bullshit you didn't!"

Samantha: "Well he didn't certainly say nothing..."

Blue: "Oh really? I seem to recall him calling me emo or edgy about... 4 times, give or take?"

Samantha: "But did he say anything just at this moment?"

Blue: "No, but it's his fault for incurring my wrath through previous slights. As for Nick, he was just unlucky enough to be in the room."

Samantha: "Then there's your answer."

Ghost: "Wow... you're almost as big an idiot as he is..."

Blue then shot a quick bolt of Arc Light at Samantha, which made her muscles lock up and caused her to fall to the ground and start convulsing, as though she had been hit with a taser.

Blue: "Well, anyways... I'll be waiting for David to give the go ahead to start the mission. I'll see you chucklefucks then."

Blue then walks past Sam's convulsing body and out of the room.

Nick: "Should we start the mission?"

David: "Yeah... Assemble the men."

Blue: "Oh, shit, are we starting now? Alright..."

Blue transmats his rifle into his hands and his helmet onto his head.

Blue: *Doing a redneck accent*"Let's go fuck some bitches over."

Nick: "Ah great he a cousin fucker."

Blue: "May have been in my first life."

Nick: "Why does that not surprise me?"

With that, the groups of Squad A and B moved out to commence the mission. As they grab their gear and weapons they stand together with their weapons in their hands one of the Private is nervous not till his buddy hits his shoulder making him look at his friend.

U.S. Soldier: "Hey cheer man this can't be all that bad."

U.S. Soldier 2: "You said that about Mozambique, and look what fuckin' happened! Tommy's dead, Will got his balls shot off, and Scott got an erectile dysfunction!"

U.S. Soldier: "That was in the past. Besides, Scott is fine, see?" *Points at Scott.*

Scott: "Fuck you, Wade! I can't have sex anymore because of that fucking stunt you pulled back then!"

U.S Soldier: "See? He's fine..."

Blue then looks at Wade, then to the scared private.

Blue: "What exactly happened in Mozambique?"

The private then explained, in detail, what Wade did to cause the clusterfuck at Mozambique. Blue then slowly looked to Wade.

Blue: "Alright then... Wade?"

Wade: "Yeah?"

Blue: "Congratulations... you're now the man in the front row seat during the mission... so good luck with that."

Blue then looks to Scott and tosses him a pill.

Blue: "Scott, you get the day off. Take that and go find a hooker."


David: "Alright men listen up! We have our orders inserting at LZ Epsilon down and dirty just like we taught you in boot camp. Everyone knows what's going on? Everybody knows where they are going?!:

Squad A and B: "Ooh-Rah!"

David: "Everyone is ready!"

Squad A and B: "Ooh-Rah!"

David: "Let's move out Scott and Wade led out!"

Wade: "Let's get this one done Scott...Come on bud."

Scott: "Damn it...."

U.S. Soldier: "I don't like where this is going to end."

Blue: "I'll lead with Wade... Scott? Go get laid, man."


Scott then runs out of the room before anyone can say anything. But as soon as he left everyone came running out from the hanger and entered the Black Hawks Helicopters as Squad B enter the little birds as Nick left the base with the convoy as the Helicopters began to take off.

Keiran was staying behind with the others (except for Michael, who went with David and Blue), marveled at the coordination and communication with this army.

Back with Tom

Knight Tom: "Ah.....Finally some peace and-"

Cultist: "Uh, sir, one of our factories is under attack."


Back to the present

It shows more Cultists coming towards David's squad as the gunfight began there as one of the Soldiers used his Machine gun cutting down the Cultist that were moving into their position.

David: "Reloading!"

U.S. Soldier: "Where the fuck did they get this much firepower!"

David: "Just keep shooting and keep me covered!"

As when David said that he then grabbed his radio and activated it calling Nick.

David: "Nick, how are things going on your end?"

Meanwhile with Nick Convoy

Nick: "Kind of busy here David!"

After he said that Nick continues driving the Humvee he is in as the man in the .50 cal machine gun continues firing taking out the Cultist that were in the roofs and alleyways. As they were trying to get the convoy out with the prisoners they had captured as they were pasting one street one of the Billy came out of cover and shot one of the Manned Machine Gunner off the fifty cal. As Blood splattered on the Soldiers inside the Humvee.

U.S. Soldier: "Sarge is dead! This place is fucked up!"

David on the Radio: "Nick what happened!"

Nick: "Sarge is dead!"

David on the radio: "What is his status! What is his status!"

Nick: "He's dead! Somebody get on that fifty!"

One of the Soldiers from the passenger seat quickly shifted his position to the Machine Gun as he began firing at the roof or windows where the Cultists were shooting from.

Back to David

David and the other soldiers were firing on the cultists, when suddenly an LAV rolled in out of nowhere.

David: "You've gotta be shitting me..."

David and the soldiers then take cover as the vehicle opens fire. David reaches for his radio to call in some heavy ordinance, when he suddenly hears the sound of a handgun firing. He looks over and sees Blue shooting at the vehicle.

The shots obviously did nothing to the vehicle, but the bullets did end up finding some cultist heads to take up residence in.

Blue then rolled over a concrete barrier and took cover beside David, where he reloaded his pistol faster than David had ever seen before.

Blue: *Nonchalantly* "Well, you guys seem like they were quite prepared for this."

David: "Nah! Shit Sherlock!"

Blue: "Yeah... that armored vehicle is a pain in the ass, though."

David: "You want to take it out, wiseass?!"

Ghost then appears beside Blue.

Ghost: "Want me to boot up a song from the battle track?"

Blue: "You fucking know it."

Ghost: "Any suggestions?"

Blue: "You know what? Hit me with a blast from the past."

Ghost: "I got just the thing."

Ghost then disappeared and music started playing.


Blue then rolled out from behind cover and walked towards the LAV as he fired his pistol and killed seven cultists, each with one shot, which was very cinematic, especially with the explosions going on around him.

Blue then started to run towards the LAV, which began to open fire on him. Blue threw down a Void Wall as he ran, blocking the bullets.

Blue then jumped off of a piece of concrete debris. Using his Glide, he jumped over the LAV while dropping a scatter grenade into the open hatch. Flashes of purple light emitted from the hatch and crevices in the vehicle.

When Blue landed, he was immediately attacked by cultists. Blue then pulled out his rifle and shot two, then used the gun to block an attack from a third. Blue spun around and bashed the third cultist in the back of the head with the butt of the rifle. Blue then fired again, the bullet killing a cultist that was charging towards him, and the recoil sending the butt of the gun into the face of one that was sneaking up behind him.

Blue then watched as a bullet went right past his face and killed a cultist coming towards him. He looked over and saw Micheal with his gun raised and smoke coming from the barrel. As thanks, Blue gave the marine a two finger salute and a nod.

The two were then attacked by two more cultists. Michael whipped out his pistol and kneed one in the crotch, sending the cultist to his knees. Blue bashed the other in the face and spun around and placed his rifle on his shoulder. The two then executed the two cultists, Deadpool 2 style.

Blue then looked over and saw a bunch of cultists running towards him with three gigantic, clearly genetically enhanced, dogs. Blue immediately ran in the opposite direction. As he ran, he picked up a machine gun off a dead soldier. It wasn't loaded, but thankfully he picked up a magazine as he ran as well.

Blue ended up getting chased into the factory and up the stairs, then into a hallway. In the hallway, Blue managed to finally load the machine gun. Once loaded, Blue turned around and intentionally fell onto his back while firing the machine gun, killing the dogs and cultists that were chasing him.

Outside, with David

David then heard the familiar whirring of a helicopter nearby. He looked up into the air and saw a cultist attack helicopter fly over the factory roof and open fire on his men.

David: "Move to cover!"

Inside, with Blue

Blue was running towards the end of another hallway. All of the sudden, a heavily armored juggernaut rounded the corner with a spun up minigun... which he didn't get to even fire because of the Fact that Blue fired a Nova Bomb at him.

Outside, with David

David and his men were pinned by the enemy attack choppers. Suddenly, the side of the factory exploded on the third floor. Out of the smoke, Blue came flying out. Whilst still in the air, Blue threw a grenade at the chopper. The grenade stuck to the underside of the chopper and exploded... actually, it exploded three times... which was kinda overkill, considering the fact that the chopper was destroyed on the first explosion.

Blue landed on the ground on his feet, and the flaming chopper landed behind him and exploded again.

The rest of the cultists had retreated to inside the factory, so no one was firing on Squad A while they were outside at the moment.

Blue: "Alright, let's go."

Blue then began walking towards the factory. Meanwhile, behind him, the entirety of Squad A that was still alive had their jaws on the floor regarding what they just saw... except for Michael and David.

Micheal: "He knows what he is doing."

David: "Whatever...Let move up-"


One soldier was dropped dead as there was a bullet pierced through the soldier helmet.

Blue, within the span of a second, raised his rifle and headshotted the sniper.

David: "Everyone is good?"

Ghost: "Looks like he got Wade."

Blue: "Eh, nobody liked him anyways."

Soldier #3: "Yeah, fuck you Wade!"

After the first Sniper was killed it shows a different Sniper in position as it shows Tom and the Cultist with him in the distance hidden the bell tower seeing Blue lower his rifle Tom turned his to side and spoke to his follower.

Knight Tom: "Is it set?"

Cultist: "Yes."

Knight Tom: "Do it on my mark... Three... Two... One..... Executed"

As when Tom said that the Cultist then pressed the device he has on his hand starting a small deactivation on Blue Ghost causing Ghost a malfunction catching everyone's attention including Blue.

Blue: "GHOST!"

Seeing this Tom took his chance and pulled the trigger on his sniper as he shot Blue dead on the spot as David and the other went to cover for the other sniper.

Blue: "BLEEEK!"

David: "There's a second sniper!"

Micheal: "Blue is down!"

David: "Did anyone get eyes on him!"

Seeing they are in cover Tom looks in his binoculars and grabs the radio next to him and speaks to it.

Knight Tom: "If anyone listening in this radio call sends more reinforcement in my positions we got some snakes cowering in cover."

After speaking to the radio a Black Hawk flew by Tom and one of his Cultist that is with him past him seeing the helicopter fly past them the two got up and went out of their sniping positions as the two were walking together Tom see's one of his Cultist holding an RPG on his hand snapping his finger for his attention the Cultist ran to Tom still holding the RPG and looks up where Tom is pointing.

Knight Tom: "Bring that Bird down now!"

Cultist: "I got him, Father!"

Meanwhile, with one of the Black Hawk Helicopters.

U.S. Soldier: "We got an RPG on your left side!"

When one of the Machine gunners said that the RPG was fired hitting the back tail of the Helicopter making it spin out of control as the pilots of the Black Hawk tried to control it flying but couldn't as it was going down.

Pilot: "This 6-1 we are going down! Mayday! Mayday!"

After saying that the Black Hawk finally crashed down to the ground.

David: "Nick we got a Black Hawk down, tell me you are at the nearest crash site."

Nick: "No we are not! We are running into roadblocks David, and we can't reach the crash site."

David: "Shit...."

David looks around to see his men taking turns firing at the Cultists as the Captain looks at Micheal shooting his rifle as David yells at Micheal.

David: "Micheal!"

Micheal: "What!'

David: "You are in command of this team while I'm gone!"

Micheal: "Where are you going!?"

David: "Saving one of the pilots that is down..."

Meanwhile, with the Crashed Black Hawk

As the Black Hawk was down in the ground one of the pilot slowly wake up from the crash with the pain of his leg and back looking at his surrounding he only sees the rest of his team is dead as many Cultists were running towards the crashed helicopter as they began shooting the helicopter making the Pilot grab his pistol and starts firing out of his side taking out many of the Cultist he can as they were surrounding him from all sides.

Still firing his pistol his first mag was empty as he tried to reload one of the Cultists came to the pilot right side aiming his rifle towards him only for him to be shot in the back as David ran towards the crashed helicopter alerting by hitting the side of the down Black Hawk.

David: "Friendly, don't shoot!"

Pilot: "Captain it's good to see!"

David: "It is good to see you too. Took any hits?"

Pilot: "No sir, just my leg is broken, and my back feels weird."

David: "I'll get you out of here just hang on!"

Killing many Cultists that were coming towards them David then moved his rifle to the side and grabbed the pilot and slowly took him out of the crash helicopter as the pilot began to scream in pain of his leg as David carried him to cover Once the two were in cover David hand's him his pistol and ammo.

David: "Alright you are locked and loaded! If any of these cultists come around in these corners you watch my back!"

Pilot: "Captain! Where is the rescue team?"

David: "I'm it.... Just hold tight."


Blue shot straight up.

Blue: "AH! WHAT, WHY, WHO?!?!"

Ghost: "Okay... I do not want to do that again... that was not fun."

Blue: "You didn't think that was fun? You weren't the one that was dead for about 5 minutes."

Ghost: "Really? Because the way you screamed like a little bitch when I got shot makes me think otherwise."

Blue: "Whatever. Let's just group back up with David and get this done."

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