Chapter 21: "How the Loop Started"

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Before the Yandere series started 

Location: [Redacted]

Dead bodies were shown on the ground as there was group of Soldiers wearing Knights Helmets after the battle that the soldiers have they were checking the bodies of the enemy that they killed as it shows one wounded leader backing away from the group trying to get out where the soldiers are one spotted he points his weapon at the leader until. 

??: "Wait hold your fire. I'm not done with this person yet." 

Knight Member: "What could this person have for us Thomas?"

Thomas: "It's something that our leaders wants." 

Wounded Leader: "It doesn't matter what happens.... The Loop is about to be begun."

Thomas: "Who give a shit about the loop I want to know where the artifact is." 

Wounded Leader: "It is hidden in the forest I've seen the future from the artifact it must not be-"

Thomas: "Wait, wait, wait! You used the artifact?"

Wounded Leader: "Yes I did the power on it..... Shouldn't be in the hands of-"

Thomas: "BORED!" 


Thomas then put a bullet in the leader head as he places his pistol back to his holster as the group that Thomas is in looked at him in horror. 

Knight Member: "Thomas what you did violated the Chivalry code that we swear on oath!"

Knight Member 2: "You killed an unarmed foe who have no weapon to defend herself don't you have honor!?"

Thomas: "Who give a shit what the chivalry code says all I know she is a damn bandit and enemy to our order right now we need to get to the artifact before anyone else could get to it." 


After traveling through the forest the group of Knights then stumbled upon an old ruin of a temple surrounded by trees seeing this Thomas then motions to the group to follow him as he leads them to the temple once they enter the ruins of the temple the Knights then search the old ruins place looking for the artifact that the leader told the group right before Thomas shot her in the brain. 

Knight's Member 3: "There is nothing here Thomas... We look everywhere."

Thomas: "It has to be here just look harder."

Knight Member: "Hey guys! I think I found it?"

Hearing that they all regroup back to the Knight as they were staring at the Summoning Key that is rest in it place cover in web and dust. 

Knight Member: "What is it?"

Knight Member 2: "What should we do with it?"

Knight Member 3: "Let's take it back to our leader maybe they'll figure it out." 

Thomas: "Well I guess I'll carry it with me-"

Right as Thomas touched the Summoning Key he then felt something as the summoning key shoots a beam right at his face as it hits Thomas then started to breathe heavily as he sees the future for him...

Thomas: "OH MY GOD!!!"

 Season 1 

??: "I don't know guys, but I could tell you this that we survive from them and their nightmare... But right now we need to prepare for something worse that is coming..."

??: "Oh yeah like what?'

??: "Maybe I don't know he'll get kidnapped or something."

??: "Yeah, but what we need to do is to secure a better tomorrow..." 

Season 2

??: "You need to rest my Knight."

??: "Rest for what?! I can not do that if I do the girls will come back and find us here and kill everyone else here! I can't let that happened."

Season 3

??: *Heavy breathing* 

??: "Shh you are all that I have left with the power of the summoning key I can finally do whatever I want with it... I can go to a different dimension with you and build a new world with you in it actually this world we are in.... Will be our new world as we enter the will of the light, and we can start a family together.... You are a Father, and I'm a Mother on this New world.'

??: *Heavy breathing*

Season 4

??: "You're a savage! You're a maniac! You are a bandit AND I AM THE GODDAMN HERO!!"


Thomas: "I understand.....OH MY GOD I UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING!!!" 

Knight Member: "Thomas!" 

Smacking the summoning key off Thomas hands he then collapsed to the floor as the summoning key roll on a floor right next to it as Thomas couldn't believe what he witnessed for his future. 

Knight Member 2: "Thomas can you hear me what happened!"

Thomas: "I-I-I..."

Knight Member 3: "We got to take him back to base grab the artifact and Thomas we need to leave!"

As they pulled out a stretcher the Knight members then place Thomas on and later grabbed the Summoning key and place it away as the other didn't want to touch it and took Thomas and the Key back to their place.


 Knight leader: "So the enemy have used this artifact?"

Knight's Member: "Indeed they did sir before we could question their wounded leader about it Thomas kill her and then tries to take the artifact back here but as he grabbed it the artifact somehow active it and showed him something about the future."

Knight leader 2: "The Future? What kind of future did it show to Young Thomas."

Back to Thomas

It shows the room that Thomas is in writing in the journal he has as he was in the middle page of the journal writing a knock was heard as Thomas stop writing and walks up to the door of his room and opened it a little to see Sally standing outside from Thomas room.

(This is what Sally look like)

Sally: "Hey Thomas are you free?"

Thomas: "Um... No I'm not free at the moment something came up yeah sorry Sally. I just need to be alone right now okay?"

Sally: "Ok Thomas I'll come back to check on you." *My love~*

As Thomas close his door of his room he then began trying to figure out what the artifact showed him was it the future that was about to happen to him or just an illusion that the artifact that is playing tricks on his mind. Still having question in his mind Thomas then pulls out his phone and starts to call someone he knows that will help him with the problem he's going through.

Meanwhile, with Sally

Sally was walking past her comrades as they greeted each other's regularly in [Redacted]  as she continues to mind her own business Sally couldn't help but think about Thomas it always lingers around on her mind she thinks that one day Thomas will confessed his love to her as this will make her happy as they will be together forever as they will be married and have kids like family that she wants from him. 

Still thinking about her future vision of her and Thomas Sally then hears talking in the meeting hall as this snapped her back to reality hearing the voices of the leaders talking to each other concerned and worried in their voices. Sally then starts to eavesdrop on the Knight Leader council meeting.

Knight Leader 1: "The artifact that Thomas and his team brought back is too dangerous."

Knight Leader 2: "Agree one of the members was concern of Thomas mental health being because what the artifact showed him was the future."

Knight leader 3: "The Future? How that's possible?"

Knight Leader 1: "Well it didn't clearly show what will happen in the future, but it did showed Thomas of what he's going to be in the future."

Knight Leader 2: "Indeed... Thomas has been locked in his room for a while not letting anyone near him." 

Knight Leader 3: "Maybe he's trying to protect us from something that we don't know that is coming but what is he trying to protect?"

Knight Leader 1: "I don't know, but he called an old friend that will help him in his problem that he's facing."

Sally: 'An old friend."

Knight Leader 2: "You mean Samantha? The Girl that Thomas is close to?"

Knight Leader 1: "Yes. Right now she will be with Thomas until they figure out what the artifact showed him." 

After hearing what the Knight leaders were talking about Sally then leave the area without being spotted as she was walking Sally couldn't get the girl name Samantha out of her mind who is she? Why is she being tasked to stay with Thomas? Is she trying to take him away from her? No... She couldn't let that happened she must not let Samantha take Thomas away from her feeling the thirsty for blood Sally then stopped and think what the Knight Leader has said. 

If the artifact showed Thomas his future what is her future going to be like? She thought about it thinking it will be her and Thomas together forever in the future but when she thought about Samantha then imagines she and Thomas will be together forever leaving Sally alone. As she couldn't stand it any more Sally then turns her head back where the artifact is and starts to smile sinisterly.

Fews Days later  

Meanwhile, with Thomas

Thomas: "Then I see myself ruling over people calling me Father. Do you get what I'm saying Sam?"

Samantha: "Um.... Yeah, a little a bit... But why rule over the people of the unknown planet that you were in?"

 Thomas: "I don't know.... Right now Sam I just finished writing my journal of what I have seen in the future maybe the leader that I killed was warning me about something."

Samantha: "And what did she warn you about?"

Thomas: "The loop or the cycle that she calls it. So can it be what we are doing could be part of the cycle or the loop."

Samantha: "Probably so..... I don't know we need more answers."

Thomas: "Oh yeah from what?"

Samantha: "Where's the artifact that your team put?"

Thomas: "Oh we put it-"

There was a huge shake from the ground as this knocked Thomas and Samantha to the floor once the shaking was done Thomas help Samantha back up to her feet as the two were checking at themselves to see that they were hurt lucky they were not. 

Thomas: "Are you okay?"

Samantha: "Yeah I'm fine what the hell just happened?"

Thomas: "I don't know."

Radio: "All Knight Personal! CODE RED!!! I SAY AGAIN CODE RED!!!

Hearing that Thomas and Samantha look at each other with a concern look on their face.

Meanwhile, with Sally before the Alert.

It shows Sally walking towards the summoning key as it was resting on the display with the rest of the artifacts seeing the key there Sally took a couple of steps towards the artifact, but before she could even reach for it the summoning key then starts to activate for her as she was apporaching to it. 

Once she facing at the artifact Sally then slowly raised her right hand towards it, but as she grabbed showing her different visons of her future until she saw her end as it shows Thomas standing right next to Samantha as the two were happy for each other as they were married and holding a bay that is wrapped in it blanket. 

Sally: "No....It can't be...."

After seeing that vision Sally then fall to her knees still holding the summoning key in her hands still shock from her vision it shows the guard knight going on his patrol guarding the artifact right before he turned to the artifact he then spot Sally in the chamber of the artifact. Seeing her holding it the guard grabbed his radio and alert the others guard through his radio. 

Knight Guard: "Drop the artifact and put your hands up now!"

Hearing the guard demand Sally tries to defuse it only to get worse as more guards came in the artifact chamber surrounding Sally pointing their rifle at her as Sally tries to calm the situtaion but didn't work as they started to throw in tear gas in the room. Begging at the guards Sally felt anger knowing that they will keep her away from Thomas even she continue to resist against them having no choice Sally then use the summoning key power and send a powerful shockwave sending the guards to the floor and cause the whole area to shake. 

Seeing what she done Sally began to panic a bit for what she did but before she could do anything she then hears a voice echo through her head. 


Sally: "Who said that!"

What do you think?

Sally: "Thomas?"


Sally: "Why are you in my mind?"

Because I know you love me don't you, and you will do anything to keep us together right?

Sally: "I do...."

Good.....Now I want you to find me and take me away  I want us to be together forever.

Sally: "Forever?"


Back to Thomas and Samantha

Hearing the alarms from the base they are in Thomas and Samantha were both running through the empty hallway as they were running the two then stop only to catch their breath with the alarm going on Thomas and Samantha don't know what going as the two looked at each other with an confusion look on their face.

Thomas: "You know what going on?"

Samantha: "No I don't we been running together through this hallway trying to see what going on but no we have not reach to the place of what going on!"

Thomas: "Okay, okay don't need to be in a piss fit on me jeez let me radio the others they probably know what the hell is going on."

As Thomas then start talking to his radio Samantha then notice a figure move in the dark on one of the hallways they are in only to hear creepy laughter that was coming from the dark hallways. Slowly freaking out by this Samantha then tugged on Thomas shoulder trying to get his attention of what happeneing but didn't get his attention as he was trying to contact anyone on the radio but with no one answering Thomas give up only to get annyoned at Samantha tugging.

Thomas: "What do you need? Can't you see I'm-"

Samantha: "Thomas shush!......We are not alone."

After Samantha said that the laughter continue on making Thomas and Samantha tense up as the two pull out thier weapons as they were looking around the surrounding hearing where the laughter is coming from every direction where the two is standing. Not taking anychance of this Thomas started to shoot at every direction where the laughter is coming from after when the clip came empty he then starts the change a new mag only to hear the laughter stop as Thomas smirk as he turned to Samantha.

Thomas: "There problem solve nothing bad will happened to us at all just along we are f-"

Right before Thomas could finish what he was saying a strong magic hit Thomas making him crashing into the wall as Samantha eye's widen in shock to see her friend take that hit. 

Samantha: "THOMAS!"


Samantha: "Who the hell are you?!"

Pointing her pistol at the figure Samantha raised her eyebrow in confusion only to see Sally coming out of the dark hallway only to be cover in blood as she was holding the bloodly sword that was tripping from the tip looking at Sally Samantha knew something is off but couldn't tell what is it, but before she could question futhur Thomas began to groan in pain in the background while slowly getting up from the floor. 

Once he was back up his feet Thomas eye's widen in shock only to see Sally covered in blood as Samantha still have her gun aimed at her.

Samantha: "Thomas do you know this bitch?!"

Thomas: "I do her name is Sally." 

Sally: "That right you will scream that name when we spend our time together alone away from everyone who will try to take you away from me."

Thomas: "Sally what the fuck are you saying?"

Sally: "I'm saying that I love you! and I will do anything to keep our love together strong then ever."

As Samantha turned her head to Thomas he then shrug his shoulder out of confusion only to spin his finger in cicrle saying that she crazy in her head. After doing that the two turned to Sally who is staring at the two as Thomas spoke up to her. 

Thomas: "Why do you want me?'

Sally: "The reason why is because the summoning key showed me the future and I will do anything to achive it my love."

Seeing the Summoning key on Sally hands Thomas and Samantha tense up their stance as they stared at Sally. 

Thomas: "Sally give me that artifact that thing is dangerous."

Sally: "No it not dangerous it showed me a lot of things that you two will never understand!"

Samantha: "And why is that?"

Sally: "Because the cycle is already started and when it start we will be having this standoff over our lifetime again and again. As we continue to repeat what we are doing I'm going to reset everything only to have me and Thomas here to live in the new world like the Father."

Thomas: "Wait so you want to erase our whole reality so you can create a new one only me in it?"

Sally: "That right!"

Thomas: "Well not taking my chance on that so I'll be taking that off your hand!"

With a quick thinking Thomas pulls out one of the protype web shooter that he was working on shot one quick web at the summoning key off of Sally hand only to be on Thomas hand as he give it to Samantha. 

Thomas: "Quickly hide it!"

After saying that a knife was thrown at Thomas shoulder hitting him after getting hit by one of the knifes Thomas then see's more knife were being thrown towards him Thomas then dodges all the attacks as long Knives were swung at him getting a clear opening from the two attacks he shot a web to a chair that is right next to him and tossed it to Sally making her get hit by it and later crashed into a room that was right next to them.

Knight Tom: *breath* "Just shake it off.....I'm okay...."

Slowly recollecting himself he then hears music playing in the room. As he hears a creepy lullaby playing in the music room Thomas slowly enters that room as soon he enters he carefully looked around but is not able to see through the darkness. While walking around the room he was in suddenly he was punched in his face, not till a figure continues hitting him over and over in dark in any direction.

As he was knocked down to the ground Thomas tried to get up not till he sees the rope wrapped around his next  not till there were pulled making him struggle to breathe as Sally smiled widely for this. 

Sally: "Thomas I bet you didn't see this coming."


??: "Well Thomas this could end if you acc for what I'm doing for you."

As the rope were getting tighter on to Thomas neck as he tries to fight back but couldn't as his breathing is starting to get slower seeing this happening Samantha then look at the summoning key on her hand and actived it. Once she weild the power of the summoning key she felt the power of the artifact burning her insides as she screams in pain while holding the summoning key seeing this Thomas raised his hand towards to Samantha trying to reach her but couldn't as Sally was choking him. 

But before Thomas fall unconscious Samantha then caused a rift catching Sally off guard as she loosen the rope she holding while chocking Thomas.  

Sally: "What the hell-"

Feeling the loose of this Thomas took his chance and elbow Sally on the right side of her face making her stumble as Thomas then quickly took the roop off his neck and tackle her to the ground as they were continue fighting. While the two fight Samantha falls to her knees still feeling the power of the artifact burning her body for using it she then see's Sally on top of Thomas holding an knife and tries to stab him with it having seeing this Samantha yelled out to Sally.

Samantha: "Hey bitch!"

Sally: "Huh?"

Samantha: "Sup!"

Samantha then use her new power that the summoning key give her shot Sally off Thomas but towards the rift with the power and the rift combine caused Sally to be stuck in the rift as it began to burn her up bad letting the rift shards enter her body as she scream in pain as Thomas and Samantha see's this the ground began to crack showing bright light as Sally contiune screaming she raised her hand towards Thomas before during into a spark. 

Sally: "Senpai!!!!"

Once Sally is gone with the rift the ground continue to shake as more bright light began to appear as Samantha was slowly recovers her wound she recived from the summoning key she used she stumbles to Thomas who was on his knees trying to cover the wound he have suffer against Sally. 

Samantha: "We need to go!"

Thomas: "No it too late the cycle is starting again." 

Samantha: "What are we going to do?"

Thomas: "I got one idea that might work." 

Samantha: 'What that?"

Thomas: "You need to find me of where this new world when I get in this new world I will lose memories of what we done together Sam so right now you need to get out of here I will try to meet you up again later Sam in this new world where I'm going. "

Samantha: "Good luck Tom."

Knight Tom: "You know my luck is." 

As the bright light could consume Knight Tom Samantha then opened a portal escaping out of the world that Tom and Samantha were in as she enter the void holding the summoning key. 

Meanwhile in Remnant Somewhere in Patch

Ruby was then punched to the ground as she is groaning in pain until Yang spoke up as she standing over Ruby. 

Yang: "Come on...You totally could've dodged that." 

Ruby: "Yang I already told you I'm just not cut out for hand to hand why can't I just use my beautiful Crescent Rose." 

Yang: "That exactly why I wouldn't let you bring it."

Ruby: *Growls*

Yang: "I'm going to be leaving Beacon soon I wanna make sure my little sis can hold her own while I'm gone let try it again." 

Ruby: "Fine."

But before Ruby and Yang continue training it shows the spark floating obsevering the two girls until the spark look driectly at Ruby. 

??: "Yes.......You will be prefect for my host....."

Present Day During Chapter 20

It shows Father Tom walking towards his fighter before he could enter into his fighter one of his cultist run toward Tom. 

Cultist: "Father we got news." 

Knight Tom: "More bad news?"

Cultist: "No sir....We found this girl that you are hunting for..."

Knight Tom: "The real one or the fake one because I swear to god I'm done dealing with fake Sam I already know one and yet you idoits dresses some random chick's corpse and covers her marks with markers. I will admit it was amusing that the first dozen times you guys did it but now my office smell like blood and marker fumes SO QUIT IT! And let me deal with the real one it will require me alone to fight her." 

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