Chapter 29: "Tom Return 2/2"

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Somewhere in space

It shows the U.S.S Vengeance still making it way towards Coruscant Tom is sitting on the captain chair looking at the view of the space hyper jump staring off the wonders of it everything that is around Tom the sound of the ship and crew stop slowly getting off the chair Tom stands up and takes one step forward.

Taking another step the background changed to a battlefield of troops on the ground with the blood on the floor as Tom continues to walk forward he hears the fainted war cries of his troops running to battle as missile fires right next him sliding his hand along with the missile leaving the missile alone Tom then continue to walked forward looking on the battlefield he then sees Samantha walking towards him along with the Authors that Tom thought they died. 

With troops running behind them, they began to engage with Tom cultist army as they clashed against each other Tom stands in the middle of battle with his sword resting on his shoulder as Samantha have her arm crossed looking at Tom with a sad look on her face.

Ship Staff: "Captain we are arriving to our destination."

Knight Tom: "We are?'

Ship Staff: "Yes sir." 

Knight Tom: "Alright get the weapons and shield ready once we exit out of the hyper jump the enemy will be firing upon us with their ship." 

Ship staff: "Yes sir."

Meanwhile, back in hanger.

Ghost continued scanning through the files that he had managed to pilfer from the Cultists' network, when all of a sudden, he was alerted by something.

Blue: "What the hell is that?"

Ghost then switched over to the alert.

Ghost: "Shit. Kahn, Striker, Cal, get in here now!"

Nick: "What going on?"

Ghost: "I just picked up some chatter that either concerns Kahn or Striker. Who needs to get in here!"

Just then, Striker and Kahn walked into the room.

Striker: "What what? We're here? What's up with all the yelling?"

Kahn: "Yeah, what's with all the yelling?

Cal: "I don't know."

Ghost: "I would assume that you three are familiar with Coruscant?"

Striker:"Uh yeah. I don't really have much experience with it but I am familiar. Been there a couple times on various hunts."

Cal: "I grew up there to become a Jedi Knight."

Kahn: "What about it?"

Striker took note of the concern in his voice, then remembered the events he lived through, therefore his tone checked out.

Ghost: "I just picked up chatter about an attack on it."

Striker: "Ok wait. What time frame? Mine or Kahn's because those are two very different versions."

Ghost: "Does 12 ATC ring a bell?"

Striker: "Not at all. I don't remember reading about that time at all."

Kahn then immediately ran out of the room and towards his ship. Everyone in the room then looked at each other and shrugged before following him.

Nick: "So the father made his move on attacking on one of our worlds am I correct Ghost?"

Ghost: "In a nutshell, yes. And from the looks of it, it's Kahn's."

They then followed Kahn into The Messenger, which had been repaired to a decent extent.

Kahn then looked to his crew.

Kahn: "Denor, get a transmission going to Alkame! T3, amplify it as much as you can!"

Kahn then looked over to Nick and Ghost.

Kahn: "Nick, hook up whatever your strongest amplifier to the holo-transmitter! Ghost, you amplify as much as you can on top of that!"

Nick: "You got it."

Striker: "I can help with that! Kom'rk has decent long range transmission."

Kahn: "Then do it!"

Striker nodded and went to go help. Normally she would ask why he's so antsy about this, but given the context that he's told her, she already knew.

Meanwhile, with Alpha, Michael, and the other Authors

Alpha: "So we're going after Tom huh?

Michael: "It seems that way."

Cmonkey: "When I'm through with him, he'll have shit so many bricks he'll have put himself and his fellow Mexicans out of business."

Alpha: *Blank stares* "You need mental help dude..."

Cmonkey: "Well, it certainly doesn't help that I'm getting my very upsetting memories back out of order."

Alpha: "Fair enough."

Keiran: "Getting your memories back?"

Cmonkey: "Oh, yeah, I have amnesia."

Keiran: "... Considering that you're my creator, that's mildly concerning... anyways, if we're going after an entire ship, we'll need a small army. And I can't help but ask where we're gonna get that."

Alpha: "Well-"

Cmonkey: "Oh, well, we just use Alpha's."

Alpha: "What have I told you about telling people about that? Actually, now that I think about it, how do you know about that? I don't remember telling you about that."

Cmonkey: *Looks at the camera* "Insert shameless plug in for Alpha's upcoming Senran Kagura book."


Camera crew: "CUT IT OFF BILLY!!!"

Jacksepticeye: "SCREW YOU, BILLY!!!"

Cmonkey: *Maniacal laughter as the whole thing burns*

Jay in the background: *very deep sigh*

Meanwhile with David...

David slowly began to wake up only with background talking of what is happening?

Alkame: "Look, I'm just as curious as you all are, but we have to approach this carefully."

Miyabi: "Alkame, he knows where Kahn is! We may not have a choice!"

Ikaruga: "I understand your stance on this, Miyabi-chan, but we all know that Kahn would only give up his lucky coin if he was dead or he trusted someone."

Mirai: "All the more reason to interrogate him!"

Rego: "Normally I'd agree, especially right now... but both Alakame and I sensed that his essence changed when Hanzō found him."

Imu: "What, are you saying he was possessed or something?"

Vaoha: "That's certainly not out of the realm of possibility."

David: *Groans* "God my head...."

As David slowly wakes up he then sees himself in the infirmary trying to rub his head to get the pain away from his head.

As the Shinobi, Mando, and two Force users see this, the shinobi then decide to clear out. While some of them wanted to stick around, they decided it was best to let Alkame, Rego, and Vaoha take care of this.

David: "Who the fuck are you people?"

Rego: "People who are interested in where you got this?"

Rego then takes out the coin that David had dropped when he was possessed by Raul.

David: "It's a coin, what so special about it?"

David then looked at it closer and saw that it was Yen. He then remembered where he got it.

David: "Oh yeah! A friend gave it to me after he lost a care game."

The three then looked at David in silence.

Rego: "Bullsh-"

Vaoha: "Before you go on... that actually sounds like something he would do if he trusted this guy."

Alkame was about to say something, but then thought about it.

Alkame: "Well, you've known him longest, so I guess you would know him best."

David: "Ok one who the fuck are you guys talking about."

Alkame: "Language!"

Rego: "Shut it. We're talking about Kahn Killian. Smuggler, former Jedi. Has a bit of a cocky attitude."

David: "Two Fuck you go suck a dick I could cuss whatever I want and three why do you want Kahn?"

Rego: "Answer the question, or I toss you down a pit."

David: "Am I supposed to be scared about that?"

Suddenly, David couldn't breathe. He felt something around his neck. He raised his hands to grab it, but found nothing there. He then felt himself suddenly lift from the bed.

Alkame: "Rego!"

Rego then sighed, then David fell back into the bed and could breathe again.

Alakme then turned to David.

Alkame: "I apologize for my friend's actions. Unfortunately, you arrival was poor in its timing. The Republic is going through some stressful times right now, as you no doubt know. As for why we're looking for Kahn... he's our friend, and we haven't seen him in weeks."

David: "Well if you are truly Kahn friends and not trying to kill me fine I'll talk right now me and Kahn is trying to stop an-"

Suddenly, Alkame's Holo began to chime. He then takes it out and turns it on.

???: "...-llo? Is thi-... -s it worki-... -hello?"

Then, a staticy hologram then appeared on the holo device.

Alkame: "Kahn?!"

Kahn: "Alkame! Thank the Force! Alkame, listen, you gotta listen to me! An army is coming to attack Coruscant! Let the Senate know and get the Republic Army ready to defend the planet!"

Vaoha: "I'll let the rest of the clan know as well!"

Vaoha then ran off from the room.

Alkame: "What about this guy here? He says he knows you."

Kahn: "Is he dressed in spandex and have a giant A on his head?"

Rego: "Yes."

Kahn: "Then yes, I do know him! Listen to him!"

David: "I really need to change out of these clothes I fucking hate it."

Kahn: "David! Priorities! We have bigger issues right now!"

David: "I know that! Goddammit!"


Kahn then disappeared from the holo device. In all honesty, David was shocked by the fear and anger in Kahn's voice. He had known Kahn as the more chill one of Cmonkey's band of idiotic degenerates.

Back to Tom

Ship Crew: "Captain we are coming to the world of Coruscant."

Knight Tom: "Alright."

Ship Crew 2: "Sir we are detecting Signals from the planet we are arriving.

Knight Tom: "So they warned them before I got there.... Very well then Red Alert get the shields on and weapons system ready."

Ship Crew: "Copy Captain."

Knight Tom: "I'll let the ground's troops know what is going to happen."

Turning the intercom on Tom then speaks up catching everyone's attention.

Knight Tom: "Listen up we will be entering hot landing of this planet we are invading I know we all gone through a hard time trying to show our way to the people who resist but now since these people don't want our help then it's a shame we will show no mercy to anyone who beg for us to stop so now my noble troops let began our reign against anyone who stand against us."

Ending the intercom Tom turned to his ship crew cheering for his speech he then turn to the driver and spoke up.

Knight Tom: "What is our ETA for our arrival."

Ship Crew: "In Ten seconds sir."

Knight Tom: "Good."

Back to Team PTNS

Pyro: "I can't wait to go to space!"

Torn: "We're going to a warzone in space! It's not a field trip!"

Pyro: "Do you get to go to space everyday?"

Torn: "No."

Pyro: "Then it's considered a field trip!"

Torn: "Field trips don't have war involved!"

Pyro: "Then it's a Huntsmen field trip!"

Torn: "You can't just make up classifications!"

Pyro: "Well I just did!"

Sky: "To be fair, Pyro's not entirely wrong..."

Torn: "You don't get to take sides! Since you want to suck his di-"

Razor: "What is this Operation Called again Carter?"

Nick on the Radio: "The Operation will be call-"

Sky: "I can't believe you would accuse me of that!"

Pyro: "Ok wait, what does Sky want to suck?"

Sky and Natura: "Nothing!"

Torn: "Don't try to change the subject now, flamingo!"

Pyro: "Hey! You don't get to call her that! ...I think it's derogatory?"

Ramirez: "Stupid who the fuck named this Operation that?"

Nick on the radio: "Hey don't blame me blame the kids that David was babysitting."

William: "Mate, whose idea was to name this operation?"

Nick on the radio: "Guess one Person who doesn't know the things we know."

Sarah: "I can't believe we are going to name this Operation W-"

Pyro: "Operation WAFFLEO!"

Everyone looked over at Pyro as they all looked confused at him.

Blue then looked at everyone and was confused at their confusion... then realized what they were confused about.

Blue: "We're All Friends, Friends Love Each Other. It was the only name he agreed to. Though I don't know why he added the O."

Torn: "Because Each Other is two words."

Blue then looked at Torn with a look of confusion.

Blue: "Is it really?"

Natura: "Yes."

Blue: "Huh... I guess even after you live for enough centuries that you lost count, you can still learn something new every day."

Ghost: "It took you long enough. How many centuries did that take you?"

Blue: "Why the fuck wouldn't you tell me?"

Ghost: "Because I thought it was funny that you still didn't know that after so many centuries."

Blue: "Fuck you. Mute."

Ghost: "Fuck you, that was funny- *BLOOP*"

Nick: "The friends love each other...... That is fucking stupid...."

Blue: "I would agree... but I've seen more evidence to the contrary. Though I agree that calling us friends is a bit of a stretch. We're more like forced acquaintances that don't like each other."

Nick: "I guess..... What is our ETA for our arrival?"

Meanwhile, with the Authors

Alpha: "So... why is Cmonkey rocking in the corner in the fetal position?"

Divine: "I dunno. He started just after he heard the Operation name."

The camera then cuts to Cmonkey, who was rocking in the corner in the fetal position, babbling to himself as tears ran down his face.

Back with the OCs

Striker sat in the cockpit of the Kom'rk before placing it into autopilot before standing up. Her helmet once again masking her face as she tried to keep it on the most when she was in her ship. Her footsteps slightly echoing before stopping. She opened a door before it closed behind her. Getting some things from her room that she may or may not need. Sometimes being over prepared was needed. A couple moments later she walked out and walked over to where the three others would be.

Striker: "Well, I hope everybody is ready. I have no idea what we're gonna find when we get there."

Striker then looked over to Keiran, who was examining the cycler rifle Striker had given him. It was the closest thing she had to the guns he had described to her that he was used to working with.

She also noticed that he seemed a bit uneasy.

Striker: "Keiran breath. The blaster won't burn up as long as you don't overcharge it. Also, don't worry too much about what's going to happen. If people get injured, people get injured."

Keiran: "That's not exactly what I'm concerned about. I'm used to fighting close quarters against giant monsters with the intelligence of animals. This isn't the type of war that I'm used to. I can evade easily enough, and I have plenty of experience in scouting. Aside from that, however, I'm sorry to say that I won't be much use to you."

Michael: "I survived the battlefields of the great war, so this is something I can manage, especially from what I learned from Beacon."

Cal: "I survived Order 66 for a long time, now. And I have reconnected with the Force, I am ready to face what's coming to us."

Striker: "Well, if what we hear is true, then these will be the same cultists that we fought not too long ago. Besides, we have a couple things we can use anyway. Explosives, gun fire ranging from plasma to...what was it...brass I think. Anyway! We should be fine. Believe in what you want to believe in. As long as I don't get shot in the thigh anymore, I will be as much help as I can be."

Back To Tom

Ship Crew: "Arrival to Coruscant in five, four, three, two, one."

As the moment ship exited out of hyper jump the ship began to take on heavy fire with the ships that is waiting for them causing Tom and the crew to shake a bit making him shout out to the crew on the ship.

Knight Tom: "Status"

Ship Crew: "Shield is taking the hit sir!"

Knight Tom: "Get the Plasma and Phase Cannons ready to fire continue to evading the enemies targeting, they will have a hard time to hit us."

Ship Crew: "Yes sir."

Continue to evade the enemy ship's that is firing on Tom ship it began to take on each of the ships one of a time taking some hits from the enemies fires Tom he then launched Proton Torpedoes damaging that ship they are engaging against as the Torpedoes went through the enemy ship shield causing one or more ship to exploded killing the crew in those ships.

Knight Tom: "Status on the enemy fleet."

Ship Crew: "We got more still engaging at us sir, but we managed to destroy some of their ship in the process."

Knight Tom: "Well it is an unfair fight that they're starting, but we will finish this quickly tell the lower deck to teleport our surprise to the enemy ship."

Ship Crew: "Yes Captain."

As the Battle in space goes on three ships exited out of hyper speed and looks on what is happening seeing the ship's losing to Tom ship as one exploded and the other one losing power.

Pyro: "That really isn't good."

Natura: "Yeah, tell me about it."

Nick on the Radio: "We can't do anything for them right now, we need to head to the ground and help with their defense."

Ship Crew: "Sir we detected two ships exited out of Hyper jump.

Knight Tom: "Send everyone on the ground and kill anyone that tries to stop us..."

Giving Tom a nod he then began to activate the ship teleported and started sending troops to the ground as each different battalion in the ground watched the hangers of his troops teleport to the ground Tom turned to one crew member and pointed at him.

Knight Tom: "Send him and his group in, I believe he waited long enough for this bloodshed to happen again."

Ship Crew: "Yes sir."

Meanwhile, in the main city of Coruscant

David: "I really hope that your soldiers are ready for the upcoming fight.'

It shows David walking with Alkame and Rego as they pass many Republic troops who are setting up defenses of where the enemy is landing.

Alkame: "The Republic put protocols in place to avoid a second Sacking of Coruscant."

Rego: "Hopefully those protocols will be enough for this cult. If they really are as big as you say they are, then we're gonna be in for a rough day."

David: "I see that, but we can not underestimate the father attack plan so right now I really hope you guy's ship could hold them because right now we are still setting up-"

Republic Soldier: "Contact!"

Seeing the Cultist somehow gotten to the ground and began to engaged with the Republic troops David look and sees that Civilians are still evacuating trying to get out warzone.

David: "We need to protect the Civilians who are still evacuating get many people you can get and take them to safety we cannot let these cultists get their hands on them move!"

Quickly dismissing Alkame and Rego David went on to protect one of the transport that is still picking up the civilians seeing the Cultist making their move to the transport David quickly make his way towards the transport David took out anymore cultist that is attacking the transport once it was filled the transport then radio to David who is still fighting against the enemy.

Transporter:"We are away thank you Captain."

David: "Get those people out of here we need to hold this ground now many of the Cultist who are still is taking the city fast!"

Republic Soldier 2: "Captain David we need backup now! It's tearing my squad!"

David: "What is happening soldier?"

Republic Soldier 2: "It's- OH GOD AHHH!!!"

(Video of posting fleshing ripping sound of effect)

Hearing the flesh and the sound of blood trip to the floor on the radio David then hears a voice that he was unfamiliar with that is speaking like Atriox.

???: "I thank the father for letting me come for this battle."

??? 2: *Sniff in the air*

??? 3: "Smell something brother ?"

??? 2: "Yes..... The Blood of the Knight is here...."

???: "So the bloodline of the Knights are here good..."

??? 3: "Lord Valbrandr it seems that we have company..."

Valbrandr: "Let them come...."

As Valbrandr said that Team of Shinobi go by Crimson head towards the positions where they last hear the republic soldiers radio seeing nothing but bodies and blood everywhere as one of them spoke up.

Mirai: "This is very creepy..."

Homura: "Well, let's find this squad we need every hand if we must defend against these cultists that the Captain says."

As they continue trying to find the lost squad Homura was then suddenly grabbed by the neck that something lifted her up in the air this caught the other's attention as they then attack the figure that is choking Homura who is later was thrown to the side like a garbage bag and attack the others. Trying to hurt or defeat the thing that is attacking nothing can stop it neither their Shinobi power can contain it as they were either thrown around like a rag doll or get brutally beaten.

As Homura push Yomi away for safety as she quickly slashed the attacker with her swords having one of the blades stabbed deeply in the ribs of the attacker she didn't hear any grunt or noise of pain as blood drip to the ground grabbing a hold of Homura right arm shoulder she tries to break free from it grasp not till only feel her shoulder being crushed and rip away from the body until it was ripped making Homura screamed in pain as blood pour to the floor as Homura falls back to the ground seeing her right whole arm falls to the ground. She then looked in fear of a man wearing something different kind of armor as it was not like one of Henry children's but totally different hearing the man growl he then shows his mace to Homura who then hits her knocking her out cold while her team watch in fear and shock to see their leader go down.

Walking in clear light he shows his appearance having blood on his armor and his face painted of white of a human skull on his face laughing of the fight he just had the girls quickly picked up Homura and leave the area watching them leave it then shows Valbrandr the man who nearly kill Crimson squad laugh at their retreat.

Valbrandr: "You are just nothing but little girls...... Yes....... Run Little Rats.... Bring me your Knight who can fight..."

Back at Space

Ship Crew: "Sir all enemies ships are either destroyed or disabled."

Knight Tom: "Good.... Any progress on the ground."

Ship crew: "Well Captain it seems that we are making progress against the enemy."

He then shows the ground battle map in hologram seeing what the units are station on as some are engaged with the enemy or waiting on standby looking at this battlefield map he then looked at what the enemy positions until he then made his move.

Knight Tom: "Well..... Since we are having the main unit distracting against the enemy let's have the side units move in and take them by surprise. After that we will then target their transport that is still taking the people out of the warzone."

Ship Crew: "Shall I move the units now?"

Knight Tom: "Yes do it now we must take control of the main city and then later we will then make the enemy fall back."

Back to the ground.

David: "Negative! We need to hold this position. If we lose the main city we will be falling back!"

It shows David yelling on his radio until later returning fire against the main units that are continuing pushing forward slowly as many Republic troops are holding their position as one by one go down as the Cultist troops slowly push forward.

Republic Trooper: "Main city?! The entire planet is the main city, you-"

He was cut off, however, when he got shot in the face.

David: "Next time get your fucking head down you stupid motherfucker!"

RT: "You're giving advice dressed in bright blue with a giant symbol on your forehead?!"

Motor fires right next to the position of where David is having dirt or debris small fall on top of him as blood is spattered on David uniform as he turned to look to see another Republican Trooper died by the motor fires.

David: "God damn it fall back!"

David yelled as he and others fall back while some didn't want to as they charged forward only to get themselves kill seeing on how they are not retreating and charging into battle only to get themselves kill making David guess on one thing about them.

David: "Jesus Christ are they really being like the Japanese for dying on honor crap?!"

RT: "They're rookies! They've never seen combat before!"

David: "Shouldn't they be trained for scenarios like this?!"

RT: "Usually, but our company got it's arm twisted by the Empire since we were trained just on the border of Republic and Imperial space!"

David: "Empire?! What Empire?!"

RT: "What rock have you been living under?!"

The trooper then went back to firing. David, still behind cover, then loads his rifle. Before he got out of cover, he heard an explosion. He then peeked behind cover and saw Rego standing there, surrounded by ashes.

Rego: "Captain! Take half your men and get everyone in this sector into the shelters! The other half, flank around the left and help the 104th encircle the enemy!"

RT: "Yes sir!"

The troopers then split up, doing as instructed. Rego then looked to David.

Rego: "You. You're coming with me. We've managed to keep them contained in the areas where they landed. And hopefully we can keep it that way with your help."

David nodded and followed Rego, looking up at the sky and seeing the chaos that was unfolding upon the planet.

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