Chapter 35: The Heart of the Cult 2/2

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Arthur: "Is that so Brother why would I think that you will help me defeated the mother huh are you saying that, so you can kill me behind my back."

Henry: "You know I wouldn't be talking to you if I just start attacking you right?"

Samantha: "He got you there."

Arthur: "Whatever point is why do you want to help me."

Henry: "Arthur..... I know we don't see eye to eye ever since our war..... But this is bigger than any of us so for this once brother. *Holds his hands out towards Arthur* "Come on..... Just like old times."

Arthur then stares at his older brother's hand and then slowly raises his right hand towards his elder brother.

Meanwhile, back to the group

As the battle get intense it shows the Authors and some Oc's in cover as they were merely inches away from reaching the Capital staircase with a lot of cover that the remaining loyalist Cultist are defending.

Flatcap: "They are really digging into defend their capital!"

Alpha: "Well not for long we will blow our way in if this keeps up."

Still slowly moving their forces towards the staircase as the defenders still holds their ground. In the sky the noise of both jet engines from F-4 Phantoms and F-14 Tomcats roared throughout the skies above the ground followed by the droning sound of many piston engine aircraft mostly from WW2 such as P-51D Mustangs, F6F Hellcats, and F4-U Corsairs. These aircraft were all from the American foreign legion's air force branch. The jet fighters were in charge of securing air and clearing the way for the piston powered attack aircraft. The cultist on the ground then started getting strafed by .50 cal machine guns and blown up by 5 inch rockets and 500 lbs bombs blowing up the wall to pieces.

Cultist: "The walls has been breached!"

Cultist Commissar: "Fall back, Fall back! We can't let this capital fall!"

Carter: "Well that settles that then....Let's move!"

Meanwhile, back to Blue and Ruby

Blue deflects an attack from Ruby, then countered the attack with his own slash. Ruby managed to block it, but she was sent sliding back a few feet. She looked up and was about to charge at Blue, but she saw Blue was charging at her, sword still in his mouth. She charged anyways, and when the two were close enough, slashed at each other, samurai style.

Neither of them were injured, as the slashes blocked each other. They both then turned around and staring each other down. Ruby was breathing heavily, and Blue was becoming fatigued by blows that he had taken earlier.

Ruby: "Normally I would be surprised that you're not out of breath. But considering that you're essentially a zombie, I guess that makes sense." (Tom, feel free to edit that if you feel the need.)

Blue said nothing as he continued to stare Ruby down.

Suddenly, Samantha appeared beside Blue, the Summoning Key in hand.

Samantha: "Hey, need a hand Blue since you're using your mouth to the sword still."

Blue then tossed the sword from his mouth and into the air.

Blue: "Wouldn't mind having my arms back. Ghost is still stunned. After that, let me rough her up a bit more for David. Because let's be honest, he's probably the one who's gonna finish this."

Samantha: "Very well then"

She then raised the summoning key and used its power and hers as the key then slowly regenerate Blue arms back in place.

Blue then flexed his arms and hands to make sure they worked properly. He then looked up at his sword, which was conveniently struck by lightning in midair.

Blue: *Thoughts* 'Well, saves me the trouble of charging it with my Arc Light'

Blue then catches the sword as it falls back to him.

Samantha: "Blue are you sure you want to fight this long I got something more crazy to see the next fight is."

Blue: "Why not? It's my job, anyway."

Samantha looked at Blue, then to Ruby with a glare. She then looked back to Blue and nodded once before teleporting away.

Blue then took a stance, as did Ruby.

Ruby: "Well your arms are not going to stop me fucking edged emo warlock."

Blue: *Thoughts* 'David likes his nerd quotes... so I guess it's my turn.'

Blue: "Alright, then... LET'S DANCE!!!"

Blue then charged forward towards Ruby, and she charged at him.

When they met in the middle, They slashed at each other. The slashes deflected each other, and Blue used the opportunity to sweep her leg. As she was in the air, Blue brought down his sword. Ruby blocked it, but was smashed into the ground. Blue was about to bring his sword down again, but Ruby kicked him in the stomach and rolled away.

Blue quickly recovered from the kick, then tried to slash Ruby again. Ruby blocked the attack, and swept Blue's leg to return the favor. However, she had made the same mistake that her father from another universe had made: she swept Blue's legs. Blue then, in mid air, wrapped his legs around Ruby's and tripped her. Blue then got back on his feet, but so did Ruby before Blue could do anything.

Blue then went to punch Ruby, and he had put a lot of power into the punch. Ruby tried to block the punch with her sword, but due to Blue's raw strength, the sword shattered. Blue then punched Ruby away from him, and she ended up sliding back quite a few feet.

Ruby then roared in rage and charged at Blue with speed that actually kind of surprised Blue. She then shoulder bashed him hard enough that he rolled a ways and dropped his sword. Then, as Blue tried to get up, Ruby grabbed his head.

Ruby: "Is that all you got?

Blue: "... Every dimension I go to, you villains always spout the same cliche bullshit!"

Ruby then headbutted Blue, then punched him in the face, which knocked him down. Then, as Blue tried to get up, Ruby swung at Blue again. However, Blue managed to flip out of the way and onto his feet, grabbing his sword and slashing at Ruby mid-flip.

Blue then slashed at Ruby twice, which she blocked with her reinforced leather bracers. She then tried to punch Blue, which he blocked with his sword. He then tried to use the opening to stab at Ruby, but she moved the sword away from her and wrapped her arm around Blue's.

She then tried to punch Blue in the face three times, all of which Blue dodged. She then managed to grab Blue by the neck and lift him in the air.

Ruby: "That was impressive. I like you but I'm giving up another shot."

Blue then wrapped his legs around Ruby in an attempt to break her hold on him, but she ended up throwing Blue so hard that he smashed into the ceiling of the cathedral looking room. On the way back down, Ruby kicked Blue hard enough that he flew and smashed into a wall.

Blue then got up and immediately rushed Ruby with a flurry of attacks, all of which Ruby either blocked or dodged.

Blue then slashed at Ruby again, but she swung her fist to deflect the attack. She swung with such force that she not only deflected the attack, but she ended up knocking the sword from Blue's hands and made it fly out a window.

Ruby: "Ready or not! You will died here!"

She then attempted to uppercut Blue, which he just barely dodged by backflipping away from her, kicking her midflip. However, when he landed, she punched him in the face, which caused him to tumble away for quite a few feet.

When Blue got up, he picked up a large shard of glass from the window that shattered when his sword went flying. He then threw the shard at Ruby, who just deflected it with her bracers as she charged at Blue. She then swung at Blue twice, which Blue dodged. Ruby then swung at Blue a third time, and this time, Blue caught her fist.

Blue: "That's right, keep talking. More focus on one liners and less focus on the fight."

Blue then managed to push Ruby's fist back hard enough that he made her punch herself.

Blue: "Come on... I know you're frustrated... but no need to resort to self-harm..."

Ruby then tried to punch Blue in the gut, but he deflected and used the brief opening to quickly jab her in the throat. Ruby then tried to kick Blue, which he deflected with his own kick, and he used the opening to kick her in the stomach. Blue then leapt up and hit Ruby with a punch that was enhanced by Arc Light electricity, which she blocked, but was sent sliding back a few feet. When she recovered, Blue grabbed her shoulders and kneed her in the face, then swept her leg, before kicking her in midair, which sent her tumbling a few feet.

Ruby then got up and swung at Blue, which he dodged. However, she then uppercutted Blue, which he tried to block, but she punched with such force that his defense was broken. She then grabbed him by the neck again. Blue, again, tried to break her hold on him, but couldn't. Blue then grabbed Ruby by the neck, but his strength was leaving him due to fatigue from all the blows he's taken.

The two then grapple for a bit, pushing against each other. Ruby managed to push Blue back a few feet, but they kept on grappling. The two then apparently shared a brain cell for a moment, as they both headbutted each other. Ruby then managed to get Blue on his knees, then kneed one of his arms and broke the grapple. She then punched Blue in the face twice, the second punch being hard enough to turn Blue around. Ruby then grabbed Blue's head and slammed it on the ground. Ruby then punched Blue in the face, then spartan kicked him halfway across the room.

Blue then weakly got up, only for Ruby to deliver a punch powerful enough to knock him back down. She then stomped on Blue's back, then kicked him so that he was laying on his back. She then stomped on his chest twelve times, then jumped on him, bringing her feet down on his chest hard. She then stomped on him again and ground her foot into his chest.

Ruby: "Why do you keep fighting uh just why do keep insisting on fighting against me! All I wanted before you and the other show up was me spending time with my love Tom who tried so hard trying to stop but failed just like the other before including your creator the reason why I started this Cult with Tom was to end all of this the violence, the pain and the lost but you guys keep resisting that! Just why are you stopping my way towards your guys worlds!"

Blue was silent for a moment.

Blue: "... Y'know... I... was wrong... about... you... I thought... you wanted to... rule everything... like a typical bad guy... but now... now I see... you just want... to spend the rest of your days... sucking Tom's dick... and you know what... I respect that..."

Ruby: "Am I getting through to that thick head of yours?"

Ruby then helped Blue get up.

Ruby: "I knew you would at least understand. Someone who also knows a love as strong as mine."

Blue then stumbles forward into Ruby, causing her to accidentally hug him. She didn't know what to do at first, but she just shrugged and let it happen, patting Blue on the back.

Blue: "I would respect that... if you weren't batshit insane!"

Blue then jumped up, wrapped his legs around Ruby, then flipped, throwing her halfway across the room.

When Ruby got up, Blue charged forward and swung at Ruby, which she deflected. The two then went on to exchange many blows, many of which were either deflected or blocked.

Ruby then managed to punch Blue in the face, which sent Blue tumbling away a few feet. However, he managed to land on his feet and immediately charged towards Ruby at a fast enough speed that she couldn't react to the first punch, which Blue enhanced with his Arc Light. Blue then proceeded to use the Arc Light electricity to enhance the speed at which he could deliver blows and proceeded to punch Ruby many times at comical speeds.

The final punch, Blue used both his fists and sent Ruby sliding back a few feet. He then punched Ruby in the face, but she used that as an opening to uppercut Blue into the air. While he was in midair, Ruby punched Blue into the ground hard enough that he actually bounced back up into the air. Then, while he was in midair from that, Ruby punched him so hard that he went flying out the window that his sword flew out of. He then proceeded to fall for four or five stories before landing on the ground.

As he laid there, he looked up and saw Ruby flying out the window and towards him, roaring in rage. She attempted to suplex him for whatever reason, but Blue then used his hands to propel himself forward for about a foot or two and ended up kicking Ruby in the side so hard that he heard something in her body crunch.

When Ruby landed, the two then charged at each other and swung at each other. Ruby's punch just barely missed Blue, but Blue's fist connected with Ruby's face hard enough that it sent Ruby flying a few feet.

Blue then looked down by his foot and saw his sword conveniently lying there. He then stepped on the blade and made the sword flip into his hand. Ruby then swung at Blue, but Blue dodged the attack and got behind Ruby. Ruby then turned around just in time for Blue to stab her in the abdomen.

After Blue took his sword out of Ruby, he was then teleported away.

Just when Blue teleported off the battlefield she then slowly stands to her feet slowly recovering from the stab wound that Blue left on her just as she on her feet she then hears two footsteps heard in the battle ruin catholic room turning to see who coming is Arthur who is still control David body and Henry the two knights bloodline standing before Ruby.

Henry: "Well it seems your friend did some number on her am i right brother."

Arthur: "Right..... But let not let our guard down shall we?"

Henry: "Are you telling me or yourself?"

Arthur: "Does it matter?"

Henry: "No it doesn't."

As Ruby clutches her wound and later glared at the two brothers who stand before her.

Ruby: "I kill you....I KILL YOU ALL!!!"

With the room quiet for a moment the two brothers quickly move in fast as they raised their fist to punch Ruby only for that to get blocked as she holds Arthur's and Henry's fist with her hands.

(Play the fight song)

Ruby: "You two can't match me...."

Arthur: "Well let's teach her a lesson right Henry?"

Henry: "Right!"

With that the two quickly uses their eyes going into their final phase of their powers as they quickly move as fast that Ruby have hard time to keep track of their movements as she tries to deflect Henry's and Arthur's attack as Henry does a jump spin kick hitting Ruby sending her away few feet away from the two brothers as she ready herself and watches the two to see who will move in first. Seeing the two coming in fast she quickly tries to take one on each alone but watching how fast that the brothers recover quickly was insane that they keep going.

Ruby kicks Henry to the air as he then quickly summons his dark sword and threw towards Ruby which she stopped the blade from hitting her while facing Arthur alone as the two continue to exchange punches at each other Arthur quickly punches her in the face to the side after taking the hit Ruby glare at him and was about to yell at him not until Henry comes in from behind giving a nice kick to the back that made her flew away from the two as she quickly balances herself and quickly picked up a metal staff from the statue that the was holding on to in the side.

As the two brother continues to charged at her, they quickly summoned their swords as they began clashing their blades against Ruby metal staff she's holding as Arthur broke the staff he hits Ruby with his sword with a powerful wind slash that sends her to Henry who use the same trick and send Ruby flying out off the catholic room. Once out of the room Ruby quickly stumbles outside the Capital in the back as she hears the battle in the background goes on inside the building while Ruby slowly catches her breath she then sees the two brothers teleported themselves where Ruby is as Arthur and Henry stares at the wounded mother.

Henry quickly pulls out a bow behind his back and loads an arrow and shouts to his brother Arthur who places his hand together.

Henry: "Here we go Arthur!"

Arthur: "Right!"

Henry: "Dark Magic! Black Flame!"

Having the arrow turns into a fire with its color black Henry's fires it as Arthur uses his own magic supporting Henry's arrow that he just shot.

Arthur: "Magic Art! Multiple flame arrows!"

Seeing the arrow multiple Ruby quickly tires to dodges all those arrow, but some either hits her or scratches on her cheeks leaving some burns marks on her body once the arrows were stopped she then notices one of the brothers are gone looking around her surrounding the ground cracked a bit revealing Arthur who quickly uppercut Ruby and sends her up in the air when Ruby faced Arthur she then sees him holding a huge fireball in the palm of his hands as he threw it towards Ruby. She tries to deflect it but was surprised to see Henry swap places with the fireball as he was about to deliver the final blow with his sword.

As She grins at this Ruby quickly pulls out a chain and wrapped Henry in place thinking she got one of them she then stares at Henry's eyes until she finally found herself wrapped herself in chained while Henry gives her a small cocky smile turning to face Arthur she sees him drop-kicking her back to the catholic room which breaks through the ceiling and later crash to the floor.

...Not yet...

Rain began to pour inside the room through the destroyed ceiling as Ruby was still laying down on the floor as she felt the rain drops dripping on her body as blood slowly came out of her wounds as she can barely catch her breath.

...Get up and finish this!...

As Henry and Arthur enter back to the half destroyed church room the two turn to each other and starts to smiled at their small team up that they miss for a long time while two brothers smiled at each other Ruby slowly gets to her knees as the voice echoes in her mind...

...Get up....Get up and kill him....kill the last grandson....kill the redeemable knight!"

Ruby: "I'm...... Beaten......"

...No you are not....... Do it...... Pick up that dagger.....and stab him!.....DO IT!!!

Looking to the side Ruby sees the dagger on the floor picking it up she then slowly got up her feet and charges straight towards Arthur behind his back hearing the footsteps of running Arthur quickly turns his back and sees Ruby close and ready to stab him. As Arthur was about to raise his phantom sword to strike Ruby down time was then suddenly stops as Arthur sadly sighs and looked at Ruby

Arthur: "Ruby Rose......I don't know what caused you to act like this, but I know you are hurting inside... You're just like David which you two are daughter and father in our world but in this one.... You just reminded him of her...... I know you can hear me David so go ahead and speak before....You know.."

David: "I know...." *Looks at Ruby*

David: "Ruby..... I don't know if you have a father in this world or not but ever since the day you were born.... You were the happiest thing I ever had in my life.... And the times we spend together...." *tears began to roll down from his cheek* "It was the greatest moment in my life....... I may not be your father in this world but please let me have this moment......To hold you in my arms.... Once again..... So you can go in peace...."

As time slowly returns the bodies' movement were slow as David had tears rolling down his cheek as he speaks again before the blades were close to their hit points.

David: "So please let me save you this once..... This is all I can do as a father and the captain of my squad. I have to save this world and the people who have suffered by you, I may be protecting my daughter from my world..... But the one thing I won't forgive myself is..... By killing....."

The blades of the dagger and the sword hits their targets which blood splatter to the ground as the sounds of blood is dripping to the ground.

"... The different version of you..... My Daughter..."

(Play this to the end)

As it shows David and Ruby still not moving David clutch his teeth holding the pain of being stabbed while for Ruby she felt cold as she coughed out blood to the floor as the two slowly moves away from each other Ruby was about to fall the floor as David caught her in his arm.

David: "It okay...It okay Dad is here...I got you kid....."

Ruby: "D-D......Dad.... Is that you?"

David: "Yes it is everything is going to be okay baby you hear me?"

Ruby: *Tears running down her cheek* "Daddy....... Why...... Why is it hard to find love.... All ever I wanted is to love someone...."

David: "Well love....can be complicated just complicated...... All you have to wait is a perfect one that will come to you."

Ruby: "Really....... Well.... I never thought of it....... I really shouldn't listen to the voice that was telling me what to do." *coughs as blood continue to drip*

Ruby turns to David with tear steaming out of her face.

Ruby: "Daddy.....I'm sorry.....I'm really sorry for what I did.....I'm sorry."

David continues to hold her as tears were running down his cheeks.

David: "I know it not your fault....

Ruby: "Daddy..... I feel cold..... I don't want to feel cold......"

David: "I know it does just rest easy...... You deserve to rest......"

Ruby: "But........I don't want.....I don't want to go......."

David: "You have to..... Don't worry......I'll be fine......Just rest my little rose..... I love you......"

Ruby: " Too.... "


With those were the final words of Ruby Rose the mother David close her lifeless eyes shuts as he cradled Ruby body in his arms as he let out a mournful cry while holding his daughter body while the rain continue drop on the Knight and his dead rose....

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