Chapter 8: "Moving to Atlas"

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Rain started pouring outside of the safe house as it shows David standing looking up to the shatter moon feeling the drip of the rain it is slowly getting rid of the blood off from David body while feeling more of the rain David then grabbed the locket he had kept in his pocket as he also pulls out a picture of his wife Summer.

(This Picture it not lewed Fuck you Cmonkey)

David: "Summer....I'm sorry...."

David then falls to his knees holding the picture close to him, trying to fight back the tears.

Kahn then looks over David's shoulder and sees the photo.

Kahn: "Wow... you're a lucky guy."

David: "Yeah that's what everyone says to me when I married her."

Kahnn: "Yeah, and trust me, they're all speaking honestly, because... damn... though I do question why she's flaunting her ass in that picture."

David: "Well, she took this picture just to keep me motivated as I went on some mission."

Kahn: "What, motivated by the power of boners?"

David deadpanned at Kahn for saying that.

Kahn: "What? You're telling me that you don't think your own wife is 60 out of 10?"

David: "Are you trying to say you want to hit on my wife? If you do, you know what is going to happen."

Kahn: "Dude, look at her! I'd be genuinely surprised if every other guy she came across didn't try to! But don't worry, I don't roll like that... but, just be thankful my pal Sero Calrissian isn't here... or anywhere near her."

David: "Yep I'm glad she is with me. Just like the old tale that I heard when I was kid."

Kahn: "Love is a truly beautiful thing. I know it's a cliche thing to say, but from what I hear, it's true. And it provides us with a power and clarity that the Jedi and Sith could only dream of."

David: "Love is a beauty like you will give your life trying to protect like the Captain and the angel."

After saying that, David then opened the locket and heard the small music locket plays as he looked at the drawing of the angel.

Striker walked in calmly and knocked on the wall.

Striker: "Hey. We finally got him talking. Took some persuading but he is talking at least."

David: "What did he say?"

Back inside the interrogation room.

Kahn and David were following Striker back to the interrogation room as the cultist was breathing heavily trying to catch his breath as they looked at the cultist David walked up to him picking up his chin to look at him.

David: "So, are you ready to talk?"

Cultist: "Please for the love of god no more!"

Keiran simply brushes his knuckles and walks to the corner of the room with an unbothered face.

David: "What is in the cargo?"

Cultist: "A Chemical Bomb that the Mother order us to deliver to their target."

David: "What targets?!"

Cultist: "The targets of all the different worlds, Mother and Father, showed us a vision that we can have a world with no more wars."

Back to Not From This World

Cultist: "There will be no government to rule over the people"

It shows Nick standing in the war room trying to calm world leaders on all the calls he's taking while U.S. staff are still investigating to find the gas attackers


Location: Coruscant

Story: Art of the Force

The Senate was in an uproar. This recent attack has everyone in a panic. Countless accusations against numerous people were made.

Senator #1: "The Black Sun Syndicate has terrorized this great city for too long! This recent attack of theirs is unacceptable!"

Senator #2: "The Black Suns?! This attack is too organized to be common thugs! We could be dealing with hardliners trying to push us to war with the Empire!"

Senator #3: "Open your eyes! This isn't someone trying to push to war with the Empire! This is the Empire! Who else has the knowledge to create chemical weapons and coordinate a strike of this scale near the very building we sit in now?!"

As the entirety of the Republic Senate bickered among themselves, the Supreme Chancellor was dumbfounded. He did not believe that any of the suspects being accused were the ones behind this. The fact that this was an organized attack with the use of chemical weapons meant that criminals such as the Black Suns were out of the question. The casualty count of the attack meant that if this was the work of hardliners, they would have immediately lost the support of the Republic People. He did not believe that the Empire would do something so brazen, as it would have lost them the element of surprise. The Hutt Cartel was also out of the question, as doing this would get them the entire Republic Army at their doorstep, ending their criminal enterprise.

Dorian Janarus: "I know that these are confusing times, and this attack has only raised tensions more than ever. Rest assured, whoever is behind this attack will face justice for their crimes against the Republic. Not even the Jedi can ignore this."

In the Interrogation Room

Cultist: "A place we don't choose sides"

Location: Concordia


The forest moon and its inhabitants were confused. The members of the Black Sun Syndicate were thinking it was a directed attack. The pirates and smugglers just returned to their ships and stayed put. The chemical was unknown and most of them did not want to deal with it. Rather it be lethal or not. The machines in the Beskar mines came to a halt and its workers stood confused. Communicating over their radios to one another and among other people. Ever since the Clone Wars ended, the Mandalore System has been in disarray. Rather it be the Empire or a Mando on Mando clan rivalry. The main camps immediately put on any protection until it passed; or if it passed. The remaining forests were drenched in the chemical fog that stuck to the air. An overall silence falling within the trees and brush. People across the moon were scattering and either staying inside and or leaving the world behind, even though it had metal that many would be after.

In the Interrogation Room

Cultist: "A place with no rivalry against one another."

David: "Where is the chemical being made?"

Cultist: "Somewhere in Atlas, the mother has been really busy with the Father. But if you think that you all will stop us, you can't."

David: "Kieran shut him up." *Hands him his pistol*

Without hesitation or reluctance, Keiran pulls the trigger and kills the cultist. His face was completely devoid of guilt... or any emotion, really. Just a cold, stoic face. It looked as though he was a professional just doing another job... which kind of disturbed some of the group due to his young appearance.

Striker looked at the one who just shot the cultist who hated talking for some reason. The young face made her curious and she looked at him. No one could really tell what emotion she was showing because of her helmet and rather dark t-visor.

Striker: "Hey Kieran. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

Keiran: "Fifteen."

Striker: "Wow. I remember when I was that young. You shot him with no issue. However, from the way you act and speak, you had to grow up fast and deal with the world. Feels similar to what the Mandalorians had to teach me."

Keiran: "I served in the military and came to realize that I lived in hell... needless to say, if there is any innocence in my world, it's lucky to last a few days."

In that moment, all the battles Keiran suffered came to the forefront of his mind. Trost, The Forest of Tall Trees, The battle with the Female Titan in Wall Sina, and the final stand at Wall Sina where he nearly died. He then remembered Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt, three people he had trusted with his life and their betrayal. Finally, the last thing he remembered were the faces of his friends as they were ripped apart and eaten alive by the Titans, their screams of agony echoing in his mind. Thankfully, David managed to snap him out of his memories.

David: "Alright, gather your gears guys, we are heading to Atlas."

Ghost: "Alright, road trip! I call AUX cord!"

Striker: "Atlas I'm guessing is a city. I was gonna ask but at this point, I really shouldn't."

Blue: "Yeah, that's all well and good, but I would like to point out that we have a teensy-weensy problem... how the fuck are we gonna get there."

Samantha: "Don't worry I got you."

Ghost: "Traveler-dammit, where the fuck did you come from?!"

Samantha: "You don't want to know anyway, here you go." *Snap finger*

(Pictured above is Striker's ship. The big one in the back not Slave-1)

David: "Are these you guys ships?"

Striker's eyes widened under her helmet as she saw her Kom'rk come into existence once more. She looked at Samantha and then went back to her ship.

Striker: "Wait-hang on-wait- How the kriff did you get that here?!"

Samantha: *Giggle* "It's a secret."

Ghost looks to Blue.

Ghost: "Do NOT transmat rocks into the cockpit this time!"

Blue: "That was one time! And you're the one who transmats shit, so I don't know why you keep getting all bent out of shape about it! You could have easily just said no!"

Ghost: "Orders are orders!"

Blue: "When the fuck do you actually listen to my orders!"

Ghost: "When you're not being a dumbass... which is just a hair above never!"

Blue: "Really?! Because it sounds like you seem to follow them when I'm drunk off my ass just so you don't have to take accountability and start bitching!"

David: "Okay that enough from you two I giving you two a direct order to shut the hell up-"

Blue: "I don't recall your name being Zavala, Ikora, or Cayde!"

David: "Kid I don't really care about your rank bullshit."

Ghost: "Yeah, we don't really listen to the Vanguard anyways."

Blue: "And don't call me kid. Fairly certain I have a few centuries of experience over you."

After what Blue said, David quickly sweeps Blue's legs, causing the Warlock to fall. However, Blue quickly planted his hands on the ground, wrapped his legs around David's and twisted, causing the Captain to fall on his ass while Blue swiftly got up to his feet.

Striker: "I don't know who to say good job to because that was clean. Kriff it, Blue, that was very clean and looked easy."

Blue: "Damn right."

David: "You're pretty good but not good enough..." *Throws a flashbang out of his bag pocket*

Blue then uses his sword to bat the flashbang into the air, where the ensuing explosion doesn't affect anyone.

Seeing this David took his opportunity and quickly gave Blue a uppercut to his lower helmet and quickly disarmed Blue off his sword. David then swung the sword at Blue, not worried about killing him due to the whole... y'know, immortality thing. Blue, however, manages to move away and uses one hand to push the sword away from him, and uses his free hand to jab David in the throat. Blue then takes David's wrist and knocks the sword from the Captain's hands, then pulls David forward as he kicks him in the stomach, knocking the captain back on his ass.

David: "Is that all you can do? Man, I have been hit harder before, so show me what you can do."

Blue does nothing and says nothing. David then gets back up.

Blue looks as the captain gets back up and sighs.

Blue: "Alright, look. This is just wasting time. I don't like you, you've made it clear that you don't like me either. Thankfully, this isn't the first time I've had to work with people I don't like. People we care about are in danger, and we're apparently the only ones who can stop these attacks. So let's just put this aside, get this done, then we never have to see each other again."

David: "You have people to come back to... but I don't... but you are right, we are wasting time, let's move on."

The two then walk over to Blue's ship. Meanwhile, Striker looks to the rest of the group with a nervous smile under her helmet.

Striker: "Alright everyone else with me!"

Striker walked over before looking down to her gauntlet. Pushing a button and the ramp started to lower. It was a bit slower than normal but she shrugged it off for now. The ship had been through A LOT of abuse over the past few years.

Kahn: "I guess she ain't pretty... but considering how much she's apparently been through, I guess she's got it where it counts."

Torn: "That's all well and good, but will it fit all of us?"

Torn then waves to the six others.

Striker: "Don't worry about fitting all of you. This thing was meant to carry twenty-four people at a time. There will be eight of us aboard. You won't have to worry about touching each other."

Kahn: "Wait a minute, if this ship can hold twenty-four people, then why does Blue need his ship?"

Samantha then slides in from the side of the screen with a mischievous grin.

Samantha: "Character development."

Before anyone could say anything about that, Kahn speaks up.

Kahn: "Okay, then. Let's get on the ship!"

A few moments later

After the little fight between David and Blue it shows the two ships flying through the clouds as David was looking through his phone seeing the map of Atlas on his phone.

Striker was sitting in the cockpit watching the clouds. Her eyes shifted from the different displays. The sensor array was a main one but as well as other things. A small sigh coming from her lips. A small urge to take off her helmet.

Kahn, who was trying to nap in the copilot seat, spoke up, his hood covering his eyes.

Kahn: "No need to be cautious regarding your face. I don't plan on using that against you, and I don't think any of our passengers care enough. They all live in different universes anyway."

Striker pressed a button on the console and the ship took control of the flying for the time being. The Huntress reached up and took off her helmet. A slight hiss before it sat in her lap. Her hair falling in her face and her eyes adjusting to the light. Taking a breath and leaning back slightly.

Striker: "I wear it out of protection and I have never had this many people inside of this ship before."

Kahn: "No need to explain the protection thing to me, that I understand very clearly. As for people, I believe I already explained that.

David on the radio: "Alright, that's enough chatter. Listen up I'll be going over this once we are approaching Atlas airspace which means they would have a lot of AA or air defense weapons in the ruined Kingdom, so to get in the Kingdom undetected we have to skydive our way in to find the factory of the chemical. Does anyone have a question?"

Kahn: "Yeah, do either of these ships have a stealth mode?"

Blue: "That's what I kept trying to tell him! This baby can slip past any radar and insert us at any location we need to be."

Striker: "In fact she does. I had to install it for, well, job reasons. I can activate it and they won't even know we showed up."

Meanwhile inside the Air Control

It shows two Cultists checking the radar of the sky seeing nothing as they continue their business.

Radar 1: "The scope is clear as always."

Radar 2: "Yeah, it's just the same thing."

Before the two could relax Tom came walking in the control room seeing the two slacking off their duty.

Knight Tom: "Anything to report?"

Radar 1: "Nothing to report so far sir the sky is clear there is no one coming into this Kingdom."

Hearing that, Tom then walked to the side of the control room looking at the window looking up to the sky seeing how clear Tom then turned to the two and spoke up.

Knight Tom: "Call and send a squadron to check around the clouds."

Back to the group

Striker looked over to Kahn and then saw a very familiar sliver look shimmering from under his sleeves.

Striker: "I see you got beskar. I am not mad at you, trust me, I am just pointing it out. Now if it were anyone else, I can't say the same for them." *She chuckled softly*

Kahn: "I took these from the corpses of two Mandalorians who killed numerous padawans. I'm just glad I put those jakstsil in the ground where they belong."

Striker: "By chance, what faction were said Mandalorians? If you know that is, because that may depict my next answer."

Kahn: "I don't know, nor do I really care. With the exception of one, I don't, and likely never will, trust Mandalorians."

Striker: "I mean I am sure you have your reasoning. To be fair, if they were Death Watch, I don't care. That seems like kinda a them thing to do. No one really likes 'em. Well, except for the crime syndicates."

Kahn: "Really? I mean, I knew you were usually bounty hunters, but on top of helping the Sith sack Coruscant, you now decided to owe favors to jakstsil like the Black Suns?"

Striker narrowed her eyes slightly in confusion.

Striker: "Wait wait wait, what do you mean helping sack Coruscant with the Sith? From the things I learned, the people have never really liked force users. Plus, no Mandalorians helped with Order 66."

Kahn: "Order... what? Whatever, don't pretend like Shae Vizla didn't murder countless Jedi when the Sith attacked the Jedi Temple and destroyed the rest of Coruscant."

Striker: "Mandalore the Avenger helped with that? I only know the name, not the person. Also, from recent history, Mandalorians haven't helped with...anything to my knowledge on Coruscant. Last time I remember learning about it was when the Mandalorians went and took back the Dark Saber."

Kahn: "the Dark what now?"

Striker: "I don't know much about it but it was a lightsaber created by the first, and so far only, Mandalorian Jedi, Tarre Vizsla. It was what deemed someone Mandalore after the mask vanished."

Kahn: "Mandalorian Jedi? That's the first I've heard of it. And I'm honestly surprised that the Order would let a Mandalorian in after what Shae did ten years ago. And her son, no less... though, I suppose I'm one to talk."

Striker: "Wait, ten years ago? That happened hundreds if not thousands of years ago."

Kahn: "What? What does that... wait a minute... this Order 66 that you mentioned... was it orchestrated by a Sith lord named Malgus?"

Striker: "Malgus? What no. It was orchestrated by someone that was that Chancellor of the Republic that went by the name of Palpatine. Who turned out to be a sith and that played for both sides."

Kahn and Striker then look away from each other in confusion. Was this true? Were they really separated by thousands of years and have somehow come together in one time period?

David on the radio: "Hey guys don't want to interrupt your story or such, but we got contacts closing in towards us."

Striker sighed and then grabbed her helmet. Placing it on once more and facing forward. Sitting up and regaining control.

Striker: "Wait, I thought both our ships were undetected?"

David: "Well I don't know. How the hell did they find us?"

Blue: "Probably because SOMEBODY doesn't know what 'don't touch the dashboard' means!"

David: "Hey I didn't touch shit! If someone did then it was an accident. Now if you're such a good pilot now is a good time to do so!!"

Suddenly, a beeping noise can be heard in the cockpit of the Kom'rk. Kahn and Striker looked down at the console and saw a flashing red light. Striker then switches on her speaker system to talk to the rest of the group in her ship.

Striker: "I would highly recommend grabbing onto something or strapping yourselves in. It is about to get rough!"

Meanwhile, behind Striker's ship, two missiles were closing in on the ship fast. Suddenly, Blue lowers the throttle, and his ship slows down, and the Kom'rk passes under Blue. The second Striker's ship is out from under him, Blue pops his flares, causing the missiles to veer away from their original target. When the missiles explode, he immediately puts the throttle up to full power as he spins away to shake anything that might be behind him... which happens to be three enemy aircraft that follow him.

Suddenly, an entire swarm of enemy aircraft emerges from the clouds and flies towards the two ships.

Blue: "Shit."

Ghost: "Yeah, you know what I said about dog fights after that clusterfuck with the Fallen?"

Blue: "Yeah?!"

Ghost: "Forget that! Do everything! Do everything I told you never to do again!"

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