Epilogue: The Betrayal

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Alpha: "Man it feels weird being back here."

Flatcap: "You can say it again."

It shows the group standing in the old ruin of Beacon Academy where Alpha, Flatcap, Cmonkey and Tom first meet up. Speaking of which yeah ever since Cmonkey blown himself up killing Lyla the group held a small funeral for him which it was not sad as it was ruined by Blue who is dancing on his creator grave knowing that his nerd creator is dead but that short moment was ruined as Samantha came back and revive Cmonkey back from the dead.

Anyway as they enter into the school walking past the old blood stain on the floor and old bullets shells on the floor where they have to fight against hacked control atlas droids still wandering around the old ruin of the school.

David: "So where is the room that the Alpha is being kept?"

Still searching the room that is hidden Samantha continue scan around the room not until she hears someone's voice going through her head.

The Alpha: "Twelve-thousand forty-two bottle of beer on the wall. Ya take one down ya pass it around Twelve thousand forty-one bottle on the wa-"

Samantha: "Alpha?"

The Alpha: "Huh.... Omega? Is that you? "

Samantha: "It can't be I haven't heard you ever since-Wait don't tell me..... The cycle..... It must be resetting itself right?!"

The Alpha: "Well yeah it is I tried to stop but..... Damn it been so long that I have ever been place in these pods."

Samantha: "Don't worry Alpha we are coming to find you."

After Samantha finished talking to The Alpha as she was about to continue her search she pulls up Tom old journal and reads every important details that Tom wrote still reading on the journal she then sees a drawing of a Warden of the cycle as it said.

"He must not escape!"

Confused on this the summoning key is acting strange then before not knowing the cause of what this the group then hears a voice echoes throughout the ruin school.

???: "My time has come! The Alpha and Omega is here I'll be free soon."

The Alpha in Samantha head: "Sam you cannot let him leave! Hurry find me!"

With that the group then hears zombies coming as they began killing the undead they began quickly search for the room where the Alpha is hidden fighting their way through the undead horde.

Hitman: "Where is this lab?!"

Rubes: "I don't know, but we must keep searching for it!"

Kahn: "Sam I know you are talking to The Alpha in your mind so where is he?!"

Samantha: "I don't know, but we got to keep searching! But we cannot let the Warden leave this realm!"

David: "Wait a Warden? Who the fuck is this Warden?"

Samantha: "That I don't have time to explain that we must keep searching!"

As they began every door that they see which it leads either an old class or old dorm room still moving throughout the building Kahn notice to see one door that is different looking at it a little bit of closer he then noticed it was the same the door model like the one he saw in the fake Tom mind.

Kahn: "Found it, guys!"

David: "Well opened goddamn it we can't hold out these zombies anytime soon!"

Turning on his lightsaber Kahn immediately cut the door down showing stairs that lead down as they began heading downstairs David was the last one to head downstairs before he can follow the others down to the lab he quickly grabbed one C4 and place it on the wall and blew it up blocking the path for the zombies.

As they quickly move down heading to the lab what they found is a person wearing a lab coat and underneath was an old combat uniform looking over the book he's reading the man spoke without even looking up at them.

??? 2: "You guys are late.... Very late."

Blue: "Oh, hey, a scientist. Y'know, I'm something of a scientist myself."

Blue then caught himself and realized what he just said.

Blue: "Traveler-dammit, did I just make a Spider-Man reference?"

The Alpha: "Well I'm the one who lead you here."

As the Alpha turned to face the group the author's eyes widen a bit as they see that the alpha has the same familiar look on Tom style but more different

Alpha: "Why do you look like Tom?"

The Alpha: "It really complicated alright, and I don't have the time to explain it right now, but we need to find the stone.... The Stone that can end this nightmare."

Blue: "And yet how do we find this stone?"

The Alpha: "It's something that the Omega and I have to find you guys have to kill the Warden..."

Removing his lab coat the then removed his coat as he gets his gear ready once he's done that he turned to Samantha who is standing right next to him

The Alpha: "That all I have to say, and I bid you all luck come on Omega."

As the portal opened for the Alpha and Samantha she turned to the other and nodded her head and leave through the portal once it closed it leave the group there confused on finding the warden.

David: "So where will we start our search for this warden?"

Blue: "How about his last known location and track him from there? Y'know, like any smart person would do?"

David: "Yeah that the thing...... What was his last location?"

Kahn: "Well, we obviously have to find it."

Meanwhile, with The Alpha and Samantha

Once the two exited out of the portal they returned to the world that Samantha and Tom were once in before the cycle restarted seeing everything still the same well expect area is all abandoned walking through the [Redacted] hallway Samantha began having small flashback where Tom and her first face Sally who tried to kill them.

Samantha: "It has been a while since I been here..."

The Alpha: "Yeah I can tell.... Anyway the stone should be around here somewhere."

Just as the two can continue their journey in [Redacted] Samantha and the Alpha then hears radio chatter and group of unknown soldiers as they were wearing heavy armor and have different gadgets on them.

Samantha: "Who the hell are they?"

The Alpha: "I don't know I just hope they are not after the same thing we are looking for."

Radio: "Requiem squad report."

Requiem 1: "Nothing to report Mr. Director we are still searching."

Radio: "Keep searching the stone is around there somewhere we must get it and clean up the world that is fucked by Zombies and Yandere."

Requiem 1: "Don't worry sir we will find it..."

The Alpha: "This is not going to end well."

Samantha: "Yep... hope the other are doing well."

Back to the group.

David: "God damn it move!"

As it shows David and the others moving to a different room while cover the other from the zombies that are coming towards them once killing the last horde of undead they quickly enter the empty classroom and barricade the room as they tried to catches their last breath.

David: "Everyone good? Because Jesus.....I never thought that this would get me tired..."

Blue: "I haven't felt tired in centuries."

David: "Of course you're undead we get it..... All you ever want to do is killing yourself."

Blue: "Last part is wrong, but okay."

David: "Whatever...... So anyway back on topic how many orbs did we collected?"

Micheal: "Well in total we got seven orbs...."

Cal: "And the last one has it is the Warden."

David: *Sigh* "Well Kahn is tracking where the Warden is so let hope he finds him soon so we can kill him.... I just hope Samantha and The Alpha got the easy part."

Back to the two.

Requiem 2: "They got the stone!"

Requiem 1: "Stop them!"

The Alpha: "Quickly Sam open the portal now!"

As it shows The Alpha and Samantha in cover while exchanging gunfire against this Requiem squad that showed up after stealing the stone they were looking for Samantha was struggling to open a portal as in something is preventing from her of using her power."

Samantha: "I can't, I feel like something is blocking my making of portal."

The Alpha: "Well how about we combined our power together will that work?"

Samantha: "Maybe I don't know it might work."

The Alpha: "Well then we must try."

As the two combined their power one of the soldiers tries to reload a new bullet in his gun and was about to take aim at the two but failed as a new portal opened making Samantha and The Alpha escape from that world with the stone. Unpleased of what just happened the soldiers radio back to command and told the Director what happened hearing what the soldiers said the Director give them the order to find the two and captured them.

Back to the group.

Once the Alpha and Samantha came back with the stone they see the group staying in the room cover in blood after they just finish finding the warden and killing him once they're done that David holds all the orbs they collected and given it to the Alpha who now wield the summoning key.

The Alpha: "Good you guys are alive."

David: "Yeah barely..... Are we close of ending this nightmare?"

The Alpha: "Soon very soon... Right now what I have to do with the summoning key is try and destroyed the soul of the Warden which that will be easy after you guys killed him. While after I extracted the Warden soul everything will be good, and we all could go home to our worlds."

Alpha: "Finally...."

Cmonkey: "Hell yeah! Prison break!"

David: "Finally this nightmare can end."

As the Alpha was about to use the summoning key something snatch the key away from his quickly turning to see who snatch the key away what they see was Sally who is possessing the Warden body.

The Alpha: "Sally? I thought you died?!"

Samantha: "Same here me and Tom saw you burned up and David kill your last host how are you still alive?!"

Sally: "That I'm not telling my secret to you all..... You don't know how long I have to suffer in that girl body Samantha..... Even though I managed to have Tom with me during the rise of the cult.... But It's not enough of getting rid of you.... But now since the Alpha and you the Omega I can be finally free out of this hellhole.... And I can restart the cycle making us repeat what we did over and over again until I win...."

The Alpha: "Well you know never win!"

Sally: "Oh no..... This time I win!"

With that she used her magic letting out a strong smell making everyone including the Alpha and Samantha who tried to resist the strong sleep spell can't hold it out long but passed out.

A Few Hours later.

David: "Argh.....My head....What happened?"

As David slowly get up he then notices every author and Oc's are sitting in the cell with all of their powers, gears and weapons taken away from them with David the first one up the other began slowly gets up having small headaches.

Blue: "Got gassed. Passed out. Nothing new, at this point."

Ghost: "Yeah, honestly, this is just Thursday at this point."

David: "Why am I not surprised at this point."

The Alpha: "No... No, this wasn't supposed to happen..."

With the sound of concerning and panicked in some authors and Oc's Sally appears walking to the side of the group cell looking at them in disgusted.

Sally: "You think this is your prison? That you can repay your debt to existence ? This is not a matter of debts. Though the debt you certainly owe. This is my life sentence ever since you Samantha and Tom did this to me and now you and The Alpha are now here with me I can finally be free and escape out of this cycle.... But for the others that you brought in.... Their life sentence begins! You two should get some rest soon we will began...... LIGHTS OUT!"

With that the light of the school went out leaving Sally leave the room as the Oc's and Authors sighed knowing this would be their life sentence behind bars.

David: "Well this sucks... Pretty sure you have a plan of getting us out of here Blue or Kahn?"

Blue: "The f*ck are you asking us for?"

Kahn: "Yeah, fairly certain Sam's the one who can get us out of here."

David: "No, I meant this spot specifically."

Kahn: "Oh. Yeah, one second."

Kahn then shot out his hand, causing the wall to explode.

Blue: "Prison break!"

The Alpha: "Okay now we need to stop Sally from escaping out of here she cannot be allowed to leave or else all of our worlds would be doom of her roaming around. "

As the group quickly leave the cell room as they were running the alarm went off making the hellhounds began to spawn in as it chased after the group while they were fighting their way out of the old school as soon of making to front door of the school The Alpha and Samantha stop the group before heading outside.

The Alpha: "Okay listen up.... Before we all go out there this is really the end of our journey once we stop sally from escaping here and finished what we started here then me and Sam can send you home.... Thank you for staying with us..."

After saying what needed to be said the Alpha quickly opened the door of the courtyard only to see it change as the group sees Sally there trying to start the machine but coudln't start as it need the blood of The Alpha and Omega... Seeing that they are there Sally glared at them as give them a crazed sinister smiled.

Sally: "Finally you two are here now we'll begin as you all will die!"

Once she said that Phantoms of Cultist honor guards were spawn as more zombies comes in to face the group.

Blue: "Oh, Traveler-dammit, not more of my cannibalistic cousins."

David: "I knew it you were a zombie!"

Blue: "Did I ever deny that?! In fact, I think I was the first person to call me a zombie!"

David: *chuckle* "No but I'm going to miss this ever since this well be our last fight together."

As the Alpha and Samantha continue to fight and shot Sally magic orbs from charging up the machine, so she can't control it having difficult time against the group Samantha knew they have chance to end this fight, but the problem is who would be the one sacrificing themselves as Samantha close her eyes and think back then of all the things she has done...

All what she ever wanted was to be with Tom in the end but not knowing where is Tom all what she can think about of him waiting for her on the other side as when Sally was stunned again the alpha was about to push her back until he stops and notice Samantha approaching the machine before hooking herself on.

The Alpha: "Samantha what are you doing?!"

Samantha: "Ending this nightmare! Stand back you idiots you want my blood?! TAKE MY BLOOD!"

Cmonkey: "Fuck! The one time I actually need my vampire OC!"

As the machine began sucking Samantha blood out of her this alerted the group hearing scream in pain when the needle were injected in to her.

David: "Samantha what are you doing?! Someone get her out of there!"

Seeing what Samantha is doing the Alpha quickly pulls out the stone that he and Samantha stole using the power of the stone it sends a powerful shockwave killing all the undead and Phantoms Cultist soldiers including Sally making her soul leave the warden body until her soul turns into a pile of ash. Once seeing the soul of the damned floating in the air leaving this world the group felt some kind of sympathies for those poor souls who were damned here in this world for so long.

David: "Look at the soul of the damned.... They are free out of this cursed world."

Blue: "Fucking finally."

Blue then takes out his flask and takes a swig.

David: "Can I have some of that?"

Blue then hands David his flask.which the captain drank a little a bit and handle it back to Blue.

David: "Could use a little whiskey...even though it good drink"

Blue: "It's a homebrew of mine... which is 45.8% whiskey."

David: "Huh.....I could barely taste any of it."

As the Oc's and Author slowly recover after what happened they all turned their attention to Samantha who is slowly bleeding out by the machine which is slowly sucking all of Samantha blood out of her body trying to her best to stay alive she watch as the Alpha slowly walked to her.

Samantha: "The Alpha..... Please don't let...... Don't let me bleed to death..... You need me so we can end this...."

The Alpha: "The cycle is now broken Samantha.... But the sad thing to say this the insurance polices that you and Tom have been using are no longer needed..."

When he said that he took Samantha's blood vials out of her pocket and holds it in his hands and place away in his pocket.


(Play this song till the end)

The Alpha: "I really wish I could tell you Samantha.... But I cannot...... You and Tom caused enough damaged that you made him the Director come looking for us but now you are like this..... He would have a hard time for finding me.... Now thanks to you and your group..... I now have the power of the summoning key back at my hands again."

When he said that The Alpha quickly uses the Summoning key powers making the Oc's and Author body frozen in place was suddenly floating in the air as portals opened behind them The Alpha gave the group a sad smile.

The Alpha: "It such the shame to see you all go like this but now you're time is up for being here in this realm you guys can't stop me as I will be destroying everything that will be threat..... Thank you all and now Goodbye!'

Tossing the Oc's and Author back to their own worlds the portal closed on them not making them return back to The Alpha and Samantha as she see's this Samantha clutch her bloody hand before yelling at The Alpha betrayal.


Smiling at this the portal opened making the Alpha step inside leaving the dying Samantha alone....

Meanwhile, in the Author and Oc's returned to their own home world they were either pissed or shocked to see the betrayal of the Alpha before trying to figure out on how to get the portal opened they were all suddenly stun or were tossed to the ground  as it shows a group a Requiem surrounded them  except for Cmonkey and Blue, who just said "well, shit" and took another swig from Blue's flask as they had guns pointed at their face. 

Seeing the body camera of every squad going to the ones who was responsible of freeing the Alpha it shows the Director stand up from his desk watching all this before he could leave his office one of the soldier spoke up to him.

Requiem Soldier: "Sir we have captured those who freed the Alpha...." 

??? 3: "Good bring them in?"

Requiem Soldier: "Yes sir.... But who will be questioning them?"

Next thing you know it show the director revealing his face to the soldier and answer his question.

Knight Tom: "It would be me....." 


Game Over You Survived Round 71 (Season 1-4)

A/N: IT OVER!!! SEASON 4 is officaly over! I wanted thank every author who stuck by till the end writing this story with me but boy this story was surely the longest I wrote by anyway I want to.

Thank ussamerica2018 AmericanFlatcap Cmonkey512 Divine_Quirk PlayingGamesForLife USMCGamer101and Veynsen aka Rubes and Finally MandoOnTwo for helping me write this story like I said guy what awesome way to end this story in the cliffhanger but anyway that all I have to say I really hope you guys love the Yandere saga that I made and I all will talk to you all later. 

-Tom out

The Author and Oc's will Return....

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