Osorō X Reader: I'll Protect You

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(A/N: Two things. One, Osorō is my favourite male rival! Two, just pretend that it's the male Osoro in the picture. Anyways, enjoy!)

I always go to school early. I normally go right after the teachers enter the school. Why? Because I'm afraid. Afraid of being bullied. I have been bullied ever since middle school. But now that I'm in high school, I can hide from everyone else. I normally go to the gardening club, since everyone is nice there or, I go to the library. I just sit there and do whatever I can. But today I decided to do something different. I entered the school grounds and started to speed walk to the track field. I stayed close to the school building so I wouldn't be noticed. I could see the cherry blossom tree until the walls to the incinerator came. I then froze as I heard talking. "Where's Osorō?" I could hear a female voice ask. She definitely had a deep and menacing voice of a delinquent. I stepped a bit closer to the corner and listened in. I just needed to wait for the right moment. "I think I see him coming" I could hear a male delinquent answer. I then looked around. No one was around me so he was coming from the opposite side. Great. I can't go yet. "Osorō, aren't you late?" The female asked. "It doesn't matter if he's late or not! Are you stupid!?" The male yelled at the female. "Your the stupid one here!" The female yelled back. It sounded like they were going to start fighting. "Hey! What are you doing here?" I heard a female delinquents voice behind me. I jumped and whipped around. She had green in her bright brown hair and a blank mouth mask. She was scowling at me and holding her bat over her shoulder. "I-I don't want t-trouble........." I croaked. "Well your gonna get a whole lot of trouble if you don't explain!" She yelled. She then started to walk towards me. I tried walking away until I tripped over my feet and fell onto the ground. I wasn't hiding behind the corner anymore. She kept walking towards me but, being on the ground, it was almost like she was stomping towards me. "Hey, who's this bugger?" The female and male delinquent walked up to me. They were then towering over me. My breathing started to pick up. "I-I'm sorry!" I felt my eyes start to water. I knew this was a bad idea. "Sorry isn't going to cut it, brat!" The male yelled at me. My heart started beating and emotions overwhelmed me. I knew that I was being bullied. The one thing I've been trying to avoid all year. Musumo is the only bully I need. I don't need three more. A tear ran down my cheek. "Aw, are you going to cry?" The female with the red in her bright brown hair, asked me. I quickly wiped away the tear but more tears kept coming. I couldn't hold it in. "What's going on?" I then heard his voice. The deepest of them all. They all stepped to the side to reveal the leader of the delinquents. Osorō Shidesu. He stood in front of me as I cowered on the ground. "She was peeking around the corner of the incinerator" the green haired female told him. "Is that so?" He looked down at me. "Why exactly were you?" He asked. I gulped and then opened my mouth. "I-I was just trying t-to get to the cherry tree........" I tried to not whisper but that was almost impossible. "Then get lost" he almost demanded. I quickly stood up, and turned away from them. I then ran to the cherry tree. I leaned up against the tree and sat on the ground. I closed my eyes and put my head up to the sky. "Then get lost" his voice rang through my head. It was menacing yet soothing. My face heated up, just by thinking about him. I looked over to where the incinerator is. I then noticed that he was looking at me. I quickly looked away and took a deep breath in. I wiped away a tear as the petals fell to the ground. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. Class was starting in fifteen minutes. I just put in my ear buds and listened to music.

~Time Skip~
I hide my face in the crowd as I left the classroom. I didn't want to run into any delinquents or- "Hey, Y/N-Chan" I turned around to see Musumo. The second thing I didn't want to run into. "So, do you have them?" Musumo leaned up against the wall. "Why would I have them? It's illegal" I answered. He looked at me. "We made a deal, you get me my cigarettes and I leave you alone, did you forget?" He leaned on his arm. I tried to be strong but I was dying on the inside. "N-No, I just don't-" he cut me off. "I'm sorry to have to say this but, Y/N, I'm not going to leave you alone until I get what I want" he pounded his fist against the wall. I jumped. I looked around to see that no one was in the hallways. "I forgot!" I backed away from him. "Don't use that bull sh*t!!! I want my cigs or you get it!!!" He started to stomp towards me. I quickly turned around and started running down the hallway. I looked back to see him chasing me. I looked back to in front of me. I quickly turned the corner instead of ramming into the wall which, Musumo did. I looked back at him to see that he stopped for like, two seconds. I then suddenly ran into someone. I looked up to see Osorō. I quickly backed up and bowed. "I'm so-" Osorō put his arm around me and moved me behind him. My eyes widened. Was he helping me? Musumo came running down but stopped as soon as he saw Osorō. His eyes widened as he looked up at him. "I just need Y/N! I don't want to start a fight!" Musumo begged. "Your gonna get a fight if you keep this up!" Osorō yelled at him. I stood there shocked. Musumo looked at me then growled. "Fine! She's useless anyways!" Musumo shoved his hands in his pockets and walked away. I felt my knees shaking as Osorō turned around to face me. "Are you okay?" He asked calmly. I was a bit surprised to be honest. "Y-Yeah......." I answered. I averted eye contact. "Let me walk you home. There's strange people around there" I looked back up at him. His face had a slight blush on it. "I-It's okay...... you probably have more important things to do-" he interrupted me by grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. I soon started walking with him, not noticing our hands were still together.
We finally made it to my house. "Um...... th-thank you......." I thanked him and turned to face him. I then looked down to see that our hands were still together. He didn't say or do anything about it. "Do you live alone?" He asked looking directly into my eyes. "Um...... yeah....... my parents kicked me out of there house......." I looked at my house. It was just right for me. "I'll stay with you tonight" I whipped my head to face him. My face completely red. "W-What!?" I looked at him shocked. "Is there a problem?" He asked. I looked down at our hands and then back up at him. There had to be a reason he wanted to stay over, right? I shook my head. "You can stay the night if you want but, I'll probably fall straight to sleep" I answered, looking up at him. He then smirked! "Then let's get inside" he then pulled me inside of my own house. I almost fell over from how sleepy I was.

~Osorō's POV~
I locked up all the doors and windows inside her house. I made sure there was no way for her to get inside the house. Y/N was upstairs doing her homework so, I took this into my own hands. Once I checked everything, I went upstairs. I put my big jacket on the end of the railing and opened her door. I looked over to her desk, to see her asleep on her text book. She looked so cute. I walked over to her and checked if she was heavily sleeping or just napping. I then picked her up form her desk chair and lied her on her bed. I turned off the lights and looked over to the window next to her bed. I sat on the end of her bed and watched her.
Of course there was a reason why I was staying for the night. I have feelings for her and I don't want her to get hurt. I've heard that Taro Yamada might have a crush on her and that triggered a Yandere. I don't know who the Yandere is, but I will protect Y/N. No matter what.

(A/N: Continuation?)

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