Senpai X Reader: Red Cherry Blossoms

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I stood under the cherry tree, waiting for him.

"You like Taro Yamada!?" Saki almost yelled at me. "Will you be quiet!? Anyone could hear you right now!" I looked around the lunch room. "Oh, calm down! Everyone's too busy talking about other stuff!" Saki told me. "Saki, just be a tiny bit quiet....... this is a private conversation" Kokona shushed Saki. "Thank you Kokona-Can- actually, I was wondering if you still liked Taro-Senpai....... I know you used to like him and......" I started to trail off.

I took a deep breath in. I then heard footsteps and then panting. I looked behind the tree and saw Taro. He was panting. I walked around the tree.

"Oh! I don't anymore! Why? Were you thinking of confessing to him?" Kokona tilted her head. "If so, we should totally help you! Kokona and I can do your hair and makeup!" Saki started to fangirl. "Uh...... I don't really want to wear makeup or look too fancy" I rubbed the back of my neck. "Then how about taking out the pigtails you always have in? You look so pretty with your hair down" Kokona suggested. I grabbed the end of one of my pigtails and looked at it. "You do! That's why I love brushing your hair during our sleepovers!" Saki smiled. "O-Okay! Then we'll do that!" I felt a blush on my face as I played with my pigtail. "We?" Kokona asked. I nodded my head. "Yay! This is exciting!" Saki clapped her hands and jumped up and down. Kokona laughed at her. I just stood there and smiled. But I felt like someone was watching me.

Taro jumped when I came around the tree. Once he noticed that it was me, he smiled. "Hey, Y/N-Chan! Did you ask me to come here?" Taro asked. I nodded my head. My face heated up as I held the confession note in my hand.

I started to walk out the school with Kokona and Saki. Saki suddenly stopped. We both turned around and looked at her. "I totally forgot something from class! I'll be right back!" Saki turned around and dashed off. Kokona and I stood at the door was at the lockers. "When are you confessing to Taro?" Kokona asked. She sounded serious. "Um, tomorrow after school. It is a Friday then" I answered. I was a bit confused. "Y/N, listen carefully" Kokona turned to me. She looked serious too. Almost emotionless. "Saki and I have found out that there's a threat at this school" My eyes widened. A threat!? Who would be a threat!?

"Is everything okay?" He asked. His eyes sparkled. I looked away. My face must be so red. I then held out the confession note. I then felt strong and warm hands hold onto mine and the note. I looked up to see Taro smiling at me with a hint of a blush.

"She has tortured Saki and helped me. But she did something awful to Musume to help me" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Saki had to go through therapy to get back to her normal self...... or close to her normal self......." Kokona looked down at the floor with dad eyes. I just stared in surprise. "She kidnapped Musume and threatened to cut off her fingers if her father didn't stop what he was doing to my father......." I then remembered how Musume acts now. She's always so blank and stays away from everyone else. She even tried committing suicide.

My eyes started to water. "Y/N...... why are you going to cry.......?" Taro asked a bit worried. He stroked my cheek. I then smiled. "I love you" he bent over a bit. He was so close to my face. "I love you too" the tears started to flow. But I kept smiling. Taro smiled and then leaned in even more. But our lips didn't met.

"She asked me to stay away from Taro...... that's why I don't like him anymore......." Kokona then looked up at the sky. I looked around. I felt like I was being watched again. "But watch your back. She could do some horrible things to you. I haven't been through any of them but other students have. And it's horrible" Kokona looked at me. I shivered. "Why? Why do I have to watch out? Why is she doing this?" I asked, looking straight at her. "She's doing it for him" Kokona looked in front of her. I don't know why but I couldn't understand. Saki soon came back up to us. We then continued our walk home. Kokona acted like nothing happened but I couldn't stop thinking about what she's told me. So I was dead quiet. I was soon walking home alone as Saki and Kokona went to there homes. I kept looking behind me. I still felt like I was being watched. I have all day. A paper ball hit the back of my head. I turned around and picked it up. I unraveled it with shaky hands. It said "Stay away from Taro Yamada". I curled it back up and put it in my bag. I then looked around. No one was around. I shivered and continued my walk home.
The next day went as normal. But it then came to the time where I would confess to Taro. I had completely forgotten about the note and warning I got.

I then yelped in pain. It felt like someone stabbed me in the shoulder. I grabbed onto my shoulder and knelt onto the ground. Taro knelt down to me. I took my hand off and looked at it. It was covered in blood. Taro then looked up and his eyes widened. "A-Ayano!?" Tears started to flow as the pain increased. "She's just a temptress, she doesn't love you" I could hear Ayano's emotionless voice behind me. "That's not true! Your lying!" Taro then wrapped his arms around me. I leaned up against his chest and spread my legs out. It hurt so much. "My love is worth more than her!" Ayano yelled. I was then ripped away from Taro and thrown onto the ground. I yelped as the ground collide with the cut. Ayano hovered over top of me and held out a bloody knife. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to die. Taro held back her hand. Ayano then turned around and threw him up against the tree. He hit his head and hissed. Ayano then turned back to me. She stroked my cheek with her knife. I gasped as the knife started to cut my cheek. My tears stung as they hit my cut on my cheek. I almost couldn't breath as she put a foot on my chest. She then bent over and put her knife in my hand. I started sobbing dramatically. "Y/N!!!!" Taro yelled out to me. I tried breathing but I could barely. "GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!" I could hear Sensei Rana yell out. I looked over to see her running to the hill. Ayano took her foot off me and walked over to Taro. With all the strength I had, I pulled the knife out of my hand and put it off to the side. I then got on my stomach and tried breathing again. Ayano bent down, kissed Taro, then hugged him. I felt mad and sad that she stole our kiss. It started to rain. With more strength, u started crawling towards them. I then stopped as I couldn't feel any of my body parts. I lied on the ground and watched her. Taro, with teary eyes, put his hands out to me. He wanted to help me. Suddenly, Sensei Rana came and tackled Ayano. Then, everything went black and I couldn't breath.

I woke up in my bedroom. I looked to my bedside to see machines with tubes that were hooked up to me. I was in a hospital dress which was odd sense I was in my room. I then looked over at my bedside table again. I then saw a figure leaning on my bed. It was a male but his arms were covering his face. I then only thought of one person. "Taro........" I croaked. The male then lifted up his head. It was Taro. "Y-Y/N!?" There were tear stains on his cheeks. I weakly smiled. He then smiled as his eyes watered. He then gently wrapped his arms around me. He started crying. "Taro....... why are you crying? I love you" I remembered him saying that to me. "I love you" he then kissed me cheek. "I love you so, so, so, so, so much!" He said in my ear. I smiled and my eyes started to water. With all my strength, I wrapped my arms around him. He then looked at me. Our faces were so close. He then leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back. He separated the passionate kiss. Our noses were touching. "No one can hurt you....... not as long as I'm with you......." he whispered. I smiled. This was everything I ever wanted. I could never ask for more. I then noticed that my ceiling was painted. It had a cherry blossom tree and a beautiful sunny background. It was like the cherry blossom at school. But the only thing different were the, cherry blossom petals closer the the ground were more red. Red cherry blossoms.

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