Chapter 8

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Thousand Year Kagura Festival Executives won the vote

Me:Well it's been a long time to making this book anyway let's start the chapter.
The next day

Y/N was awake

Y/N:*sigh*Another horrible day Jennifer was killed by the Tengu Squad and i'm stuck living with the SK girls,i can't take it anymore i want go home now.*sniff*

Y/N hop off the bed and went the room and saw the SK girls are gone

Y/N:Finally...their gone.*saw a note*

Y/N pick the note

Y/N:*gulp*Please no invited girls here to take care of me.*shivers and pickup the note and read it*

Asuka:Dear Y/N today me and the girls having a Peach Beach Splash contest oh your food is in the table and we be back at night my love~ Sincerly Asuka and P.S. The Thousand Year Kagura Executives are coming to take care of you~

Y/N:Oh no,no,no,no not them,umm...what should i do,i don't come in here,i know.

Y/N close the door,back door and window then lock it and hide behind the couch

Y/N:I hope they are gone now.

Jasmine appears beside him

Jasmine:Oh really~

Y/N:*shocked*Oh no...

Jasmine hug his head to her breasts

Jasmine:You so cute boy ever Y/N~

Y/N let go her

Y/N:How did you get in here!?

Jasmine:The closet~

Y/N:Please don't bring your teammates Jasmine i beg you.

Jasmine:Too late~

Jasmine unlock it and open the door and her teammates enter the mansion

Renka:*run and hug* so cutest boy ever~

Y/N:Please let me go now...


Hanabi:Ok that's enough sis~

Renka let go of him

Y/N:So what do you want?

Ryouki:Oh didn't you saw the letter~?

Kufuru:Cause we gonna take care of you~

Hanabi:Yea you can touch our body Y/N~

Y/N:Umm...i'll pass.*blushes then went to the kitchen and start eating his food*

Jasmine:Girls let's make in love with him~

Hanabi:Oh yes we can be together forever along with Asuka and the others~

Kufuru:And we can protect him forever~

Y/N finished eating the food and try go to his room but then Jasmine pull him to her while his head stick to her breasts and Y/N blushing

Y/N:W-w-what are you doing!?

Jasmine:Making fun of you~


Jasmine:No buts fufufu~

Y/N:I'm gonna take a bath for now...*rush in the bath,take ff his clothes and start showering himself anf his thoughts*I need to find the way out of this place,they keeps haunting me.*gulp*

But then Ryouki enters

Ryouki:Hey Y/N~

Y/N eye wided

Y/N:R-r-ryouki!? What are you doing here!?

Ryouki:I'm gonna was your back~

Y/ thanks Ryouki,i will do it myself.

Ryouki:Come on please~


Ryouki smile while she blank space and Y/N shocked and terrified of her

Ryouki:Wash your back or else~😈

Y/N:*shivers*Ok,ok,ok don't punished me...

Ryouki:*back to normal*Good~*start washing his back*You like that~


Ryouki giggles and continue wash his back

Y/N:*his thoughts*Someone help me.


At Peach Beach Splash

The Hanzo Squad victorious against The Crimson Squad

Homura:Good match Asuka.

Asuka:Thanks Homura you too as well.

Mirai:I wonder Y/N doing?

Asuka:Oh he will be fine,he's with Kagura Executives.

Yomi:That's awesome.

Asuka:Just only halfway girls in love him and we can married him~

Homura:Oh hell yes~

Hibari:I'm so excited~!

Katsuragi:Same here~

Asuka:Ok let's watch the others.

The girls nod and they watch the match


Y/N was running away from Renka,Hanabi and Kufuru for making love with him

Y/N:No,no,no get away from me!!!

Renka,Hanabi and Kufuru:Come back here~😍😍😍

Y/N:SHIT,SHIT,SHIT!!!!*bumped Jasmine and Ryouki*Ouch...

Y/N acccidently touch their breasts and he shocked

Jasmine and Ryouki:Oh my~😍

Y/N:Oh no...*let go off them*I'm sorry...

Jasmine and Ryouki pinned him while they smirk

Jasmine:We don't need an apologized,cause we want you~


Y/N push them and start run away quickly out the mansion but suddenly bumped a girl named Elise(OC) and let her go

Y/N:Oops sorry i didn't see you here.

Elise:Oh it's ok,it's was an accident.

Elise stand up

Elise:So what's your name?

Y/N:I'm Y/N.

Elise:Nice to meet you i'm Elise,wow you look so cute and adorable.


Elise:Wanna hangout with me?


Elise:Great,let's go.

Elise hold his hand and Y/N blushes and they walk away but then he didn't noticed that the Kagura Executives was spying at him

Jasmine:That bitch,stealing our love!

Ryouki:My hubby...*blank space*i'm gonna murdered her!

Renka:No one take our love by her.

Hanabi:We will make her pay!

Kurufu:Let's kill her.

Jasmine:Onward team!

The Kagura Executives disappears

Meanwhile with Y/N and Elise

Y/N:Elise i want to say something?

Elise:Oh sure what is it?

Y/N:All my previous girlfriends got killed by Senran Kagura girls and i got scared of them for raping me.*sobs*

Elise hug him

Elise:Ssh,ssh...don't cry i like to be your girlfriend.

Y/N:You will?

Elise:Yes.*kiss him*


Elise:*giggles*I love you Y/N~

At far distant the Kagura Executives are triggered at them

Renka:That's it let's killed her now!

Jasmine:Wait,i have a plan~

Back to Y/N and Elise

Elise:Wanna go to the movies?


Elise and Y/N went to the movie theater

Y/N:You stay here and i will pay the tickets.


Y/N left but then Elise got caught by Kagura Executives and dragged her in the alleyway and Jasmine tied her up

Elise:What the!? What's going on here!?

Jasmine smack her face hard

Jasmine:Don't make you're stupid question slut! You steal Y/N away from us!

Elise:What are you talking about i didn't steal him.

Jasmine:Liar!*smack her again*Renka!

Renka:I'm on it!*smack her by her weapon and she screaming painly*You want more,this is what you pay for our Y/N slut!

Renka keep attacking her by her weapon then she stop and Elise was crying in painly

Elise:Please stop,no more i'm promise i stay away from him please i beg you...*sobs*

Kurufu:No we saw you kissing him and holding hands with him!*kick her in the guts*


Y/N find her until he saw her in alleyway brutally by Kagura Executives

Y/N:No,no,no this can't be happening...

Jasmine:Oh my looks who's here.

Hanabi and Kufuru pick her up and Ryouki triggered her rifle and point at her


Ryouki shot her and killed her

Y/N:Elise!*drop his knees and start crying*Why,why...have you done to her?

Jasmine:That slut steal you away from us,you been a naughty boy Y/N we are gonna punished you for running from us~

Y/N crawl back away

Y/N:Please don't...

Renka:Too late~*knocked him out*

Meanwhile at the unknown room

Y/N awake and was tied up in the bed

Y/N:Oh no...

???:Oh yes~

The shadows fade away saw the Kagura Executives

Y/N:Jasmine please i beg of you,please let me go this instant...*tear come out his eyes*

Jasmine:I'm afraid no,you will belong to us now along with Asuka and the girls and no one will save you fufufu~

Y/N:Please don't raped me,i beg of you...

Jasmine:It's time~

Kagura Executives take off their clothes

Y/N:Oh no...

Jasmine:Let's have some fun~


The Kagura Executives starts raping him while Y/N screaming


the girls are return back to the mansion

Asuka:We're back~

Jasmine:Hey Asuka how was the match?

Asuka:It's was great and awesome!

Yumi:How was Y/N?

Jasmine:He at his room sleeping peacefully~

Asuka:Good only halfway girls to go in love*turn yandere eyes*And we will married him for good~

All SK girls:*turn yandere eyes*Oh yes~*yandere giggles*

At Y/N room

Y/N was sit at the corner while hugging his knees

Y/N:Someone help me get out this nightmare.*sobbing*

the end

Me:Ok time for the next vote sets of girls for the next chapter.

Request list

1. Municipal Squad

2. Industrial Squad

3. Hakuoh Squad

4. Dance Fan Squad

5. Reika,Hiroki and Narako

Me:I see you at the next chapter bye.

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