🍋Yandere!Male!Sakuya Izayoi X Maid!Female!Reader🍋

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This was a request by ME!

Sakuya male name: Saki

Remila male name: Remin

Meiling's male name: Meilin

B/T/N: Butler tormentor name

M/T/N Maid tormentor name

M/T/N #2: Maid Tormentor #2

C/N: Crush's name

You were a plain maid for the Scarlet Devil Mansion under the rule of Remin Scarlet with your chief butler Saki Izayoi. You also didn't have much friends because most of them were jealous of you getting special treatment from Saki and they hated it. Saki would let you off easy if you made a mistake or let you take multiple days off from work if you worked too much or too little which you didn't mind but a bit uncomfortable when you think about it. But what you didn't know was that the reason Saki was giving you the treatment was an unhealthy obsession and will do whatever it takes to get to you. Now you were cleaning the mansion with all the other maids to get ready for a special event for all the fairy maids


I got a rag and soaked it in water then took it out and squeezed all the water out then scrubbed it across the table. I cleaned the area of the table until it was shining then went to do the same routine with the towel and cleaned another area of the table until the whole table was sparkling clean. "Ok I'm done cleaning the table for the party now I have to scrub the whole floor of the dining room then we're good to go." I said to myself as I got the rag and bucket of water and went into the kitchen to keep the rag and pour all the dirty water in the sink. I then filled the bucket with water again and put some soap in it then got a big sponge to clean the floor and went out of the kitchen into the dining room.

I then got onto the floor and got the sponge then put it into the soapy water and started scrubbing the floor to get rid of the dust. While I was scrubbing, I heard footsteps approaching me so I turned around to see my tormentor maids and butler. "Well look what we have here." M/T/N said as she went infront of me and kicked me in the stomach making me fall down. "Little miss perfect is cleaning the floor." B/T/N taunted as he kicked me again making me slide across the floor in pain. "P-please s-stop." I stuttered but M/T/N #2 stomped on my back and pressed down harder making me wince in pain saying, "Shouldn't you be taking your day off like mister Saki told you?" as they all left but not before B/T/N kicking the bucket which spilled all the water on the ground saying, "You better clean that up .

(You cleaning the floor)

I shakily got up to clean up the mess but I couldn't due to the pain i'm feeling in my back and stomach. "D-Damnit I can't slack off now I have to finish the job or else Saki will be mad at me." I said as I got up again ignoring the pain and went up to the mess B/T/N made. 'Sigh guess I have more work to do.' I thought to myself as I got to the floor to clean up the water until I felt a freeze then out of nowhere the floor was all cleaned up in 1 second. I was surprised then thought, 'Oh guess I have less work now.' as I went to do more work but I bumped into someone only to see the one and only Saki Izayoi.

(Your surprised face)

Saki POV

I was looking around the room looking at all the maids and butler cleaning around the mansion to get the party ready for my student maids and butlers. All of them were doing a good job keeping the place neat but I rarely showed a smile so I just looked at them sternly and walked my way. As I was walking around, I saw 2 maids and 1 butler just returning to their post and act like nothing was wrong. I went over to them with no suspicion to question them about their strange arrivals. "B/T/N, M/T/N, and M/T/N 2? May you care to explain why you guys are acting strange and come to your post when you're suppose to be working." I questioned them sternly as they looked at me curiously but I know they did something.

(Pretend it's Saki looking at your tormentors while questioning)

"What are you talking about Sir we've here the whole time." M/T/N 2 said as I looked at them sternly then smiled a little saying, "Then explain why I saw you 3 coming out of somewhere and start doing the work and act like you didn't do anything in there?" They all looked at me speechless and frightened but B/T/N spoke up saying, "We weren't doing anything sir. You must be crazy if you think we were slacking off." Everyone looked at me and B/T/N feeling sorry for him while I looked at him more sadistically. I made a fist and uppercut him very hard that he went up into the sky then went crashing on to the ground knocked out. I looked at M/T/N 1 and M/T/N 2 who were shaking and pale then said, "Next time that would be you two." as I walked off to the dining room while the other maids and butlers went back to work.

(Everyone looking shocked)

(Also you don't EVER insult Saki or Sakuya EVER)

(Or this will happen to you. I could've knifed him but i'm saving it for the best part)

(M/T/N 1 and M/T/N 2 being terrified)

As I was walking to the dining room I was thinking about my special maid Y/N who was cleaning in there working hard. She was the only one who kept me going and I want her to be mine only but it's sad that I can't have her completely because she's only a low class maid and i'm the chief maid and also Remin established that rule that forbade different class maids from loving each other. When I got to the dining room, all I saw was my sweet Y/N on the floor with bruises on her body struggling to gt up to clean the mess. "D-Damnit I can't slack off now I have to finish the job or else Saki will be mad at me." Y/N said as she finally got up to go clean up the water but I thought to myself saying, 'No this will not do for her.' as I got my pocket watch out of my pocket and stopped time. I went over to the mess and grabbed the nearest rag then cleaned the mess off the ground. After that I put the rag away and shouted, "Cancel!" as time resumed. I saw her approach me without looking and bumped into each other with her looking up at me shocked.


I looked up at Master Saki with fear and said, "O-oh Master, i'm so s-sorry for bumping into you! I'll just see myself out now." as I walked past him but Saki stopped me and said, "That won't be necessary my dear. Why don't you go to your quarters to rest and then get ready for the party later." which made me surprised because I still need to do some cleaning up so I said, "But sir I have a lot of cleaning up to do, I can't just rest now." as I went my way but out of nowhere Sir Saki appeared in front of me out of nowhere with a stern look. "I said...why. don't. you. stay. in. your. quarters. to rest." Saki said as he picked me up bridal style and carried me all the way to my quarters with some maids looking at me with disgust but mostly M/T/N 1 and M/T/N 2 with malicious intent.


After getting stared at for what seems for like a long time, we finally got to my quarters and Saki opened my door to reveal my bedroom. It was not like the other rooms the maids and butlers have with their rooms only having beds and a bathroom while I have a full sized bed with F/C bedsheets and blanket with a mirror and nightstand. Saki then went inside to put me down on the bed and looked at my injuries. "Oh my this will not do. Don't worry I'll patch you up in no time then you get some rest." Saki said as he took off part of my clothes and put some ice on the bruise on my stomach then bandaged it up.


After all that bandaging and cold agony, Saki looked down on me staring at me creepily with something called lust. "U-um Saki, are you o-ok?" I asked him but he slowly crawled on top of me and put his face on my neck. "U-um S-saki, w-what a-are you doing?"I questioned him but he ignored me as I felt a wet sensation on my neck. I realized he was licking and kissing my neck while gripping me down so I can't get up. "S-saki ngh please get off!" I said but he kept licking my neck then he sucked on it making me moan. Saki then looked up to me with a blush on his face and said, "I've waited so long for this and now it's finally happening." as he started to grind against my crotch. I struggled to get out of his hold but he just gripped harder and grinded harder making me groan. "Ah, Ngh Saki please." I moaned out as he bit my neck then looked at me panting then leaned into my face. I realized he was going for a kiss so I tried getting out of it but he held me place making me not move. As he was 1 inch from my face to kiss me, a knock on the door interrupted us and we heard a voice say, "Master Saki, Master Remin wants to have a private meeting with you." which made Saki get off of me and off the bed but not before saying, "You best be good now and get ready for the big night today." then he left the room leaving me shaking and confused looking like a blushing mess

(Saki's lustful face)

Saki POV

"You best be good now and get ready for the big night today." I said to her as I left the room to meet one of my butlers named C/N. I looked at him sternly then walked away all the way to the throne room where Remen was waiting. When I got there I saw Remen sitting in his usual position with the smirk on his face. "You called me Master." I asked as I kneel down in front of him and he said, "Yes Saki, i've called you to discuss something very important to you." as he got up and walked over to me. "So what's the message about master?" I said then he said, "I've been thinking about the rule about forbidding you to marry a low class maid." "What are you saying master?" I talked as he sighed and said, "I think it's time you finally found yourself a wife." as I cheered in my head but still gained my composure. "Thank you Master Remen." I said as I went my way then let my eyes turn red and thought, 'Oh Y/N, soon you'll be mine and only mine.' as I walked all the way back to her room.

(Saki's eyes turning red)


After Saki left the room, I covered myself up with the blanket and lied down to think about what just happened. 'What was Saki planning to do with me?' I thought as someone opened the door and said, "Are you ok Y/N!" I looked up to see C/N at the door with a worried look then later said, "Did anything happen to you?" as he approached my bed then sat next to me. I uncovered myself a little and told him, "I'm fine just a little surprised and confused." as I blushed then covered myself up again. "I heard you had to get some rest because of a beat down." C/N said as he tried to uncover me but I quickly got the blanket and covered myself again blushing. "Hey now I don't bite." he said as he uncovered the blanket again more slowly and looked at the bandages Saki patched up. "Yikes M/T/N 1, M/T/N 2, and B/T/N really did a number on you huh?" "Yep but don't worry as long as they don't hurt me severely." I said as he gave me a worried look and said, "Why do you always let them treat you like this?" "I-it's nothing really." I said as he felt my stomach then rubbed it in circles which made me flinch but made me a little sleepy then I yawned which caught C/N's attention. "Oh I guess I should let you rest for the party." "Yeah all this crazy stuff is making me very tired." I said as I was getting real tired and heard C/N giggle saying, "Ok get some rest now." as I drifted off to sleep and said "Yeah night!"

(How you slept)

Saki POV

When I approached Y/N's room, I saw C/N come out of her room and go on his way to do his job to get everything set up. But first I went to check on what my Y/N was doing so I opened the door and there she was sleeping in her beautiful form. I walked over to her very quietly not to wake her up to look at her angelic face and shiny hair. I then reached out for her locks of hair and stroked it feeling her soft, smooth hair then thought to myself saying, 'She's so beautiful and pure I can't let C/N have her in fact I'll have a little chat him.' as I got up and covered her up again but not before leaving her a present I had been saving and put it on top of her wardrobe.

After that I went out of her room closing her door gently then went down hall to meet up with C/N. I saw him walking down the hall and looking around like nothing was wrong so I called him saying, "Hey C/N, can I have a word with you?" as he stopped and turned around to me saying, "Oh ok." and then followed me while I walked. We kept walking until we reached a secluded area of the mansion where no one can hear or see us then I stopped when we were far enough. "Um master, why are we here? Shouldn't we be where the other butlers and maids are?" C/N said as my eyes turned red and made a knife appear in my hand then turned around to face him and then shoved him into the wall pointing my knife at his throat. "Listen here C/N, if you value your life you stay away from Y/N! She's mine and only mine in fact I plan on marrying her so I suggest you never see her again understood?" "O-ok I-i w-will!" as I let go of him and went on my way but not before saying, "Oh and one more thing....mention this to anyone or even Y/N and I will slit your throat then cut your tongue out." as I walked away leaving him shaking and pale.

(Couldn't get a picture of Saki threatening C/N so I used this)


After master Saki left, I just stood there shaking with my body pale thinking, 'Was Master Saki really going to kill me all because of Y/N?' while not noticing 3 people approach behind me . "Hey C/N! What are you doing here?" one voice said as I turned around only to see M/T/N 1, M/T/N 2, and B/T/N infront of me with smug grins on their faces. "W-why should I answer you three?" I questioned them back angrily but they still had those smug grin on their faces which made me more angry. "Oh now that's no way to talk to your fellow maids and butler besides you wouldn't want to upset poor Y/N when you're dead." I looked at M/T/N 2 in shock then angrily said, "How did you know about that?!" as B/T/N went up to me and grabbed me by the collar then shoved me back to the wall. "Oh you know, we were just 'walking' around when we stumbled upon you getting threatened by Master Saki so we decided to use that to our advantage." as he gripped my collar tighter then M/T/N 1 came up behind him and said, "So we decided to come up with a plan." "We're gonna beat Y/N up but we can't do that without bait so we chose you to be our bait." I looked at shocked then said, "What makes you think I'll be your plaything?" as B/T/N shoved me back in to the wall again but harder making me grunt in pain. "Remember that Master Saki threatened you to kill you if you were near Y/N, well we could say that you kissed her and he can torture then kill you or you can go by our plan and let Y/N have her fate." B/T/N said as he dropped me to the ground with me too weak to get up with M/T/N 1 saying, "So what's your choice, your death or your life?" I looked up at them with anger on how they could take advantage of this but I thought again about my life and Y/N's life but Y/N's life was more important so I shouted, "I will NOT do it! Even if you break me or if Saki kills me I'll never join you!" then B/T/N kicked me in the stomach making me slide across the floor. "It wasn't a choice C/N you either join or we tell Saki so he can kill you and Y/N would be very sad that she'll have no one to protect but you don't want that right." "Kngh Fuck...you. I'll...join." I said as I was left on the ground out of breath with M/T/N saying, "Great! Meet us at the beginning of the party to hear our plan." as they left me to do their everyday thing and act like nothing happened. 'Those bastards!' I thought then fainted.

~Timeskip to evening when you wake up and party starts~


I started to open my eyes a little when I saw bright lights and C/N not here in my room and a present on my wardrobe. I checked to see what the time was and it was already evening and then said to myself, "Dang it the party's already started and I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO WEAR SHIT NOOOO." as I quickly got up from bed and checked my closet and wardrobe to put on anything to wear even if it was silly or humiliating. I then stopped and looked at the present on the wardrobe and went over there. I looked at the tag that was attached to the present which said it was from a secret admirer. 'Probably from C/N' I thought as I opened the present to see a beautiful bright F/C short dress with white heels and a necklace with a pearl. I took out the dress and shoes and put them on which made me feel glamorous then I got the necklace and put it on which made me feel like a princess. 'Hm I guess I could wear this to the party.' I thought to my self then I heard a knock on my door then a familiar voice saying, "Are you ready yet Ms.Y/N?" as I went to the door but then stopped to realize Master Saki's voice. What was he doing here? didn't he try to engage in sexual manner with me? As I had those thoughts in my head, the door opened revealing master Saki in his formal form. "Are you ready my dear?" I looked at him happily without showing my true emotion and said, "Yes Master Saki, I'm ready." as he took my hand softly and we left my room peacefully.

~Timeskip when you get to when you arrive at the party~

"Well ms. Y/N, we've arrived!" Master Saki said as we walked into the party with every maid butler talking with each other. I entered the room in amazement but something pulled me back and holding me side to side together. "Now now ms. Y/N you know can't just barge in without an escort it would lead to trouble wouldn't it?" Saki said as he held me tighter making me blush madly making me say, "U-um yes master but don't worry I'll be fine on my own." I said to him as I slipped out of his hold and went on my way to join some of the crowds. Some of the butlers and maids were talking bout food or gossip about other people so I just went to look for C/N. 'Hm I wonder where he is, he said he would meet me at the party.' I thought to myself as I walked through the crowds of fairy maids and butlers.


I looked at M/T/N 1, M/T/N 2, and B/T/N in disgust as they got my suit and tie adjusted for the plan. "Ok C/N you know what to do right?" I didn't say anything and only looked away in anger but B/T/N pushed me to a wall making a hard thud with him gripping on my collar. "Hey man we can do this the easy way or the hard way to make the plan work." "Damn you guys." I said as B/T/N let go of me and walked to the party. "Now remember your role to the plan you go to Y/N without Saki seeing you and lure her here to us so we can teach her a lesson." 'Damn bastards.' I thought to myself as they pushed me out of the door into the crowds of people. "Now remember C/N time is ticking." M/T/N 2 said as they closed the door behind me leaving me all alone. I walked around the party looking for Y/N without being spotted by Master Saki. I sometimes heard about gossip, rumors, or anything else while searching for Y/N then I bumped into someone by accident. "Oh my C/N are you alright?!" I looked at the person which turned out to be Y/N. She looked so beautiful but I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her say, "C/N are you ok?" as she looked at me with concern. "Oh i'm alright just nervous." "You don't need to be nervous you got me remember?" Y/N said as she took my hand to take me to the dance floor. I was scared to be seen by Saki so I took my hand back and said, "um actually I can't dance because I've sprained my ankle during cleaning." I sheepishly said as Y/N looked at me with sympathy then said, "Oh no do you need me to check on it?" "Oh no don't worry I already got it checked by master Patchouli." "Ok so what do you want to do now?" "We could go to my special place where we can have our own privacy." I said as Y/N smiled in amazement and said, " That would be great I don't like crowded places anyway." as we walked out of the party to the hallway where her tormentors are waiting but I had a strange feeling that someone is watching us.

Saki POV

After Y/N left to enjoy the party, I jumped up to the stairway and walked up to the top to see how everyone is doing. I was actually looking at Y/N most of the time to make sure she was safe nut then C/N came up to her and they chatted. 'C/N I told you to stay away from her guess you have to die now since you've disobeyed me.' I looked at them in jealousy then saw them going to the door which led to the hallway so I lept down from the top to the bottom and followed them there to the hallway.

(This is how Saki was looking at you guys)


After we chatted, C/N and I went to the dark hallway with an eerie feeling crawling on my back. "U-um C/N why are we here I thought this was a special place." but he said nothing as he looked down like was was ashamed about something. "U-um C/N are you ok?" I asked him but all he got out was, "I'm sorry." as we walked further down the hallway. By the time we got far enough he stopped and looked down with tears in his eyes. "C/N is something wrong?" I said but then I heard voices coming from the hallway with one saying, "Well well well look who the cat dragged in." "You did well C/N guess I shouldn't have doubted you" I walked back looking scared then said, "C/N what are they talking about?" as I felt an elbow punch to my neck making me fall onto the ground. "Heh looks like we got ourselves a treat after all." a familiar voice said as a kick to my stomach made me slide across the floor. "C/N help me AH." I tried to tell him but someone punched me in the face hard making a bruise on my face and land on the ground. "W-what do y-you want from m-me?" I whimpered as someone picked me up using my hair to face B/T/N, M/T/N 1 and 2, and C/N. "Oh we just want some revenge for what you've put us through." B/T/N said as he threw me on the ground then stepped on my back making me yelp out in pain. "And you can also thank C/N for bringing you here to us." I was shocked at what M/T/N 1 said then looked at C/N saying, "Why C/N, I thought I-AHOW!" but I was kicked in the back making me roll on the floor. Tears flowed down my eyes as I just laid there knowing C/N betrayed me. "Now its time to finish this." I looked up to see M/T/N 1 and 2 flying up making power balls aiming for me with C/N saying, "I thought you guys wanted just revenge not kill her!" as B/T/N said to him, "This is our revenge!" as I waited for my end to come but it never came. I looked up to see Master Saki infront of me with knives in his hands with my tormentors shocked.

(Just say that's you getting beat up)

Saki POV

I followed them all the way down in the hallway without being seen then said to myself, 'C/N you don't know where you've gotten yourself into.' as I got my knife out to stab him but then I heard voices around the hallway so I hid behind a pillar next to me to see what was going on. I then heard a yelp in pain to see her tormentors beating her up. My eyes turned red in rage and got my knives in hand saying, "C/N you're going to regret it even B/T/N, and M/T/N 1 and 2." as I stopped time to get in front of Y/N. I then carried her to somewhere far from the battlefield then resumed time to see her tormentors shocked. "M-master Saki surprising to see you here!" I didn't answer as they flew down and looking all innocent. "So you thought that you could beat one of my fellow maids and almost kill her using your magic just for revenge. Well guess what you guys are going to get punished by my hands especially you C/N since you've disobeyed my orders to stay away from her." "Ugh this is pointless AAAAAHH!" B/T/N charged at me but I stopped time then threw multiple knives at him aimed for his chest area including his heart then resumed time again which cause the knives to pierce his body killing him instantly but it wasn't enough so I went over to him and stomped on it hard which made blood spew out his mouth.

(Demonstration on how B/T/N died)

I looked crazily at M/T/N 1 and 2 with blood all over my clothes and knives in my hands then stopped time again. I jumped up and threw several knives at them as sets aiming for their bodies mostly their hearts and head then landed on the ground with clock in front of me. "This is what you get for hurting my maid. Cancel!" I said as time resumed as knives went down to them piercing their heads, hearts, and other internal organs which also killed them instantly as blood spilled out of them. I then turned to look at Y/N but she was gone and so was C/N. 'Damn you C/N! When I find you, you'll die a horrible death.' I thought as I ran to their direction to get my Y/N back.

(How the girls died)


I watched as Saki killed the 3 of them then I looked over at Y/N who was also scared so I got myself up and ran over to her then picked her up from the ground and ran with her far away from the scene. When I got far away from him enough, I placed Y/N down as she looked at me. "Look Y/N I know you're mad at me but you have to let me explain. B/T/N and M/T/N 1 and 2 threatened me to lure you into their trap so I had no other choice but I couldn't stand the sight of you getting beat up by them." I explained as I looked down in shame but then I felt a hand on my cheek caressing me and Y/N saying, "C/N I know you would never do something like this because I love you too much."as she looked at me with sympathy then came closer to my face for a kiss. I followed her lead to but then I was pulled back from her which made me crash into a wall. "So now you want to steal her first kiss you'll pay for that." I looked up to see Master Saki infront of me with a crazed look on his face.

Saki POV

I pulled back C/N from Y/N to make him crash into a wall. "So now you want to steal her first kiss you'll pay for that." I said as I stopped time and used my two knives to slash him crazily still leaving him in one piece. I then resumed time again then backed away from him as he felt nothing but froze as my slashes came to him slicing him up into pieces as blood went everywhere from me to Y/N. I then turned to look at my maid who had a scared expression as she screamed and cried for that bastard. "Y/N~" I cooed at her as she stared at me with a horrifying expression as I went to her and couched toward her level to caress her cheek. "Won't you be mine?" I said as she fainted due to too much fear in her body. I then carried her bridal style and kissed her on the cheek saying, "You're all mine now and i'll prove it to you by showing you how much I love you." as I walked all the way to my room with my soon to be wife in my arms.

After a long walk to my room, I opened the door to reveal blue and white decorations around the bedroom with a king sized bed for me and my Y/N, I then walked over to the bed to place her there to rest then I went to change out of my bloodied suit into a new one then went outside to watch over the party again until it was over.

How C/N was killed

~Timeskip to when the party is over~

"Ok ladies and gentleman the party is now officially over now you can go to your quarters to rest for another day" I announced as they all nodded in understandably and went to their quarters leaving the hall a mess. "Hey Patchouli could you please help clean up the mess?" I asked as she came into the hall and said, "Ok but I'll allow this once since you've been watching over the maids anyway."as she used her spell book to clean all the mess. "Ok well I should go to bed now." "Yep we have a lot to do tomorrow."We chatted as we parted ways to our rooms then my eyes turned red for excitement that I'm about to do. 'Oh Y/N prepare for what i'm about to do to you.' I said in my head as I made my way down to my bedroom where my soon to be wife was waiting.

After a long walk to my room, I opened it to see my Y/N still resting on my bed with her beautiful dress still on. I walked up to her and got on top of her on the bed to look at her sleeping form. I then started to take off her clothes using my knife to cut off the tight places of her dress to see her laced bra and panties. Then I took off my suit from me except my boxers and also started to take off her panties and bra but left the socks on for a little bit of warmth but then heard a moan and shuffle signaling she's waking up.


I felt a cold sensation around my body and a sharp feeling around my clothes which caused me to snap out of my blackout. I opened my eyes slightly to see Master Saki with red eyes and a lustful face like the one he made last time TAKING OFF MY CLOTHES?! I tried to move away from him but Saki gripped my hands tight making me not move. I struggled to get out of it but he just kept looking at me with pleasure of seeing me get out of his hold. "Saki please get of-MMPH!" I pleaded but he kissed me on the lips making me quiet and not breathe. I started to lose oxygen and thought I was gonna faint but he parted from my lips and said, "Y/N~, do you want to know why I killed those people in front of you." he cooed at me as I kept struggling but with no success. "I killed those people because they were in the way of our love especially C/N I hate it when he always gets your attention. But other than that they're gone now and I get to have you all to myself." as he went to kiss me again then went to my neck licking it making me blush harder. "S-saki n-no!" "shshsh hush my maid now where were we in our make out session before I was interrupted." Saki said as he licked my neck again then kissing my cheek. "Now prepare for one hell of a night!"


Artic Chan POV

He started to kiss then lick your neck to taste you and weaken you for a little bit which made you whimper in response not giving you any satisfaction. "N-no Sa-AH" you tried to plead with him but he bit your neck hard drawing blood then licking all of it off you then he sucked your neck on every spot on the left and right side then creating another bite drawing blood and licking it to create two hickies. He then moved down to your breasts and then started nipping on your left nipple then licking it in circles. You moaned quietly which made Saki a little upset so he started to suck on your left nipple while licking it in circles again to get satisfaction out of you. You moaned a little loud which Saki heard so he switched to the other side while massaging the left one. "Ah-mm!" You moaned out as he kept sucking on it then he got off of you leaving his saliva on both your nipples.

"Looks like my maid's a little warmed up now for some appetizers." Saki said as he looked down at your pussy with some cum oozing out of it. He then inserted one finger into you and started pumping in and out of you then inserting another finger into you making groan and blush harder. "Ah..Gnh..M-master...Ngh!" You groaned out but he ignored you and kept pumping in and out faster making you about to cum. "M-master...i'm...about...to...Ah!" You told him as you came onto his fingers. Saki then took them out of you and licked your cum off his fingers saying, "Your cum tastes delicious how about we both have a taste of ourselves." as he got on top of you then turned around for you to see his huge cock while he could still see your wet pussy. "M-master I-I dont think-GAK!" You tried to tell him but he shoved his cock in your mouth all the way down your throat while he went down to your pussy and started licking your clit. You had a hard time sucking his cock since it was too big for your mouth but he forced you to suck on it while he had no trouble at all as he started to eat you out like an appetizer. You then started to twitch indicating that you were about to cum while his cock started to throb slowly signaling you he was cumming. 'AH i'm about to cum AH!' you internally moaned to yourself as you and Saki came into each other's mouths with him licking your pussy clean from your cum while you were choking on it.

Saki then got off you with his cock sliding out of you while you were still choking on his cum as some went down your throat. He then grabbed your cheeks and brought you up to his face saying, "Now be a good maid and swallow all of my sweet juices." as you swallowed in reflex since you were terrified of him. Tears started to flow down your face wondering why this was happening to your thoughts were soon interrupted when Saki pushed you on all fours then got on top of your back rubbing his cock all over your butt making precum ooze out on your butt. "S-saki p-please don't-AH!" You pleaded with him but he shoved his entire cock up your ass making your legs shake from his size. "Shsh don't worry you'll feel pleasure soon." Saki said as he started to thrust into you hard making you grit your teeth and more tears flow down your face due to the pain you're experiencing. "AH...NGH....OW....SAKI...AH!" You wailed out as he thrusted deeper and faster into you with wet skin slapping against each other. "Ngh...Y/N...you're so tight i'm about to cum sooner." Saki moaned out as he thrusted very harder and deeper into you with you feeling a throb in your ass. He then licked your back and then you started to feel pleasure but you still felt like it was pain so you didn't give him any satisfaction. "Ah my maid i'm about to....AAAARRGH!" "AAAHHH!" You gasped out in pain as Saki released all his hot semen into you making a splash on your ass.

He then came out of you with a pop while you collapsed on the bed panting and silently crying to yourself. Saki then got on top of you again and flipped you over then spread both your legs apart positioning his cock infront of your entrance. "S-saki p-ple-GAH!" You tried to plead with him but he ignored you and shoved his huge cock into you hard making it hard to adjust to his size. He then leaned on you to lick your neck to ignore the pain and feel pleasure. Tears flowed down due to the pain as Saki started to thrust in and out of you hard. "AH...OW...NGH...IT HURTS!" You shouted as he thrusted faster and deeper into you hitting your G spot. You curled your toes and squirmed when he hit it which made him more excited as he thrusted harder and faster into you making you moan and groan. M-master...AH!" You moaned out as you came on his dick but he still kept going faster and harder. "Say master again my dear and louder." he demanded as he went to suck on your neck hard. "Master...OWAH!" He made you cum again on his cock making his thrusts sloppy and his cock very slippery making it easier for it to go in and out of you. "Master...i'm-" "So...am..I!" You both moaned out as he started to slow down. "Dear i'm about to-GNH!" Saki moaned out as he released all his cum into you with you cumming after him the third time. He then took himself out of you with some of his cum coming out on both sides. You on the other hand had more tears coming out with your tongue out panting with drool coming out.He then carried you on the bed and put you on the pillow for you to rest and covered you up then he joined in with you and covered both of you up.


Saki POV

I watched her as she slept in peace after I had my way with her then got out the engagement ring I've been saving for her. I slid it on to her ring finger then cuddled next to her feeling her soft skin. "You're now my wife forever my dear and we're going to be together forever whether you like it or not." I said as I cuddled her tighter next to me knowing I finally got rid of those pests and now get to have Y/N all to myself.



I was currently looking myself in the mirror as the fairy maids got my wedding dress and makeup ready for the reception. "You're very lucky get married off to the one and only Saki Izayoi." "Yeah you should feel honored because it's rare for him to marry one of his servants." The fairy maids chatted as I looked in the mirror in neutrally but then showed cheerfulness saying, "I don't know what if I mess up?" "Don't worry I'm sure he'll understand your concern!" "Thank you." We chatted as someone came bursting in the door saying, "Girls hurry the weddings about to start so we can't be late!"as we looked in shock the the fairy maid handed me my bouquet of flowers and helped me get up from the chair.

"Just try to be calm ok Ms. Izayoi?" "Ok" as we arrived at the closed doors of the reception. "Oh almost forgot!" One fairy maid said as she put a veil over my head covering my face. Then they went to the back and lifted my cape to prevent myself from falling down. "You ready?" "Yes please." I said quietly as they opened the doors to reveal many fairy maids and the people of Gensokyo even some from underground. I walked slowly over to the altar where Saki was with his suit and tie smiling down at me. I got on to the altar with Remin as the preacher of the wedding ready to say the vows.

"We're have gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Saki Izayoi and Y/N Izayoi." Master Remin said as me and Saki looked at each other cheerfully and everyone looked at us in amazement. "Do you Saki Izayoi take Y/N as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" "I do" Saki said as Remin turned to me saying, "And do you Y/N Izayoi take Saki as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" I looked at Saki then everyone else then looked at Saki Izayoi whose eyes turned red making me a little scared so I said, "I do." As his eyes turned back to blue as I sighed in relief. "Bring out the rings." Remin said as Meilin brought out the rings and gave then to us. Saki took both of them and put one on my finger and I put on his finger then we held hands again.

"Now Saki do you have any vows you want to share for Y/N?" "Yes I do, Y/N when I first met you my heart skipped a beat. Your angelic face reminds me of an angel in the sky, your eyes are as bright as the sun, and your personality is like a flower blooming in the spring. Bubbly, cheerful, kind, innocent, and helpful. You're so precious to me that I'll protect you from anything that would hurt you. Y/N I want to be with you forever and ever until the ends of Gensokyo. That's all I have to say." Saki said as Remin turned to me saying, "And you Y/N do you have any vows you want to share for Saki?" I was about to say something but time stopped around us with Saki's eyes turning red. "Sweetie do you remember your vows?" "Y-yes Saki I do." "You sure because if you mess up, you're gonna get a painful punishment after this." Saki said as he gripped my hand tighter and pulled me closer to him. "Do you understand my dear?" He whispered in my ear as he gripped it tighter almost breaking my wrist. "Yes Saki." I replied back as he held my hand softly again and his eyes turned back to normal as he resumed time again. I cleared my throat to say my vows and then thought of the words. Then when I got everything ready I said, "Saki, when I first worked with you as a low class maid, I was in the dark when my tormentors would terrorize me for days on end. But that came to an end when you Saki became the light of my world when you took justice into your own hands to get rid of the darkness. I am forever grateful of you for protecting me from every horrible thing I had to endure and now I want to repay you with my protection and and servitude for your health and love. Saki Izayoi I want to be your forever for eternity protecting and caring for each other in the good and bad times and I am forever happy to be with you. That's all I have to say." I said my vows perfectly as Remin gave me a cheerful look.

"And if anyone has a reason for these 2 not to be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." We looked around to see no one saying anything but looking in amazement. "You may now kiss the bride!" Remin cheerfully said as he closed the book then Saki kissed me on the lips then I kissed him back as he carried me down the altar. Everyone cheered and rooted for me and Saki as we went all the way out to the door. "Well my dear guess we get to spend time together forever and ever now." "Yep." We said to each other as we went outside to the carriage. Saki helped me in the carriage and he got in it to sitting next to me. "Oh Saki could you please throw the bouquet." "Of course my dear." I said to him as he took my bouquet and went outside to throw it leading to some to fight over it. Everyone waved back at us saying their farewell to us while we waved back at them. "I'm going to enjoy my life with you." "Y-yep and i'm grateful that you helped me get through my fears." We chatted as we rode off into the sunset to enjoy our new lives.

The Bedroom

The ring Saki gave you

The dress you wore for wedding


Artic Chan: Hey guys this is my first Touhou one shot which took forever to make

Sakuya: wait why did you make me a boy

Artic Chan: Just because

Saki: Eh

Artic Chan: Anyways next up is another oneshot for Lunasa Prismriver

The Prismriver sisters: Yay

Artic Chan: Hehe anyways hope to see you in the next oneshot

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