~Under the beasts~

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Heyyy friends this is my first Oneshot! I'll hope you like it and have a great day! :D This story came in my mind so have fun with it~ By the way I think Todou would prefer a chubby girl just my thoughs... X3

Yandere Aoi Todo x chubby reader x Yandere Yuji Itadori

Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen

Request: None

~(Y/n) pov~

This is my first day at the Tokyo Metropolitan College, you won't believe it when I tell you that a teacher with white hair and a blindfold rescuit me. He tells me his name is Gojo Satoru and I'm in his team. I'm can't believe it I mean I come from (C/n) and this is a huge difference for me but I'm still excited though.




Suddenly a loud tone appeared. "Ugh... C'mon just five more minutes" you complained with yourself as the clock still rings. 𝑩𝒆𝒆𝒑. 𝑩𝒆𝒆𝒑. You look with your (e/c) eyes on the time 7:45 a.m. "It's that late? No that can't be!! I can't be late at my first school day!!! Gojo~san is going to kill me..." You finally get up and run to your closet. You open the closet and search for the dark blue school uniform. "There you are~" you grab the uniform and rush in the bathroom. You brush your (h/c) (h/l) hair and change your clothes. "Mhm...." you look at the mirror and view yourself. Your stomach is hidden by the top, not that you cared about it though. Your happy with yourself even when your old classmates would tell you other and would judge you. "I'm beautiful and nobody can stop me~" you telled yourself and grab your backpack.

Finally I arrived at the school. "Ah there you are (Y/n)~Chan, we waited for you." You look behind you and see Gojo~San with tree other people. One of them has black hair, he seems really pissed. "My name is Fushiguro Megumi" he tells me and looks away. The next one is a girl with short orange hair, she looks annoyed too "I'm Kugisaki Nobara"
"Oh no they seem to hate me already..." you said to yourself

And finally the pink haired boy with a red hoodie under the uniform and a big smile on his face tells me his name is Itadori Yuji, he doesn't seems to be angry at me. I smile at him and Gojo~San starts to talk." So this is (l/n) (y/n) she is our new member. She comes from (C/n). So please be nice to her." They nodded and Yuji~San starts to speak. "It's nice to meet you I'm really glad that we have a new member! ~" I smile at him and so we go together in the school.

During the break I sat myself at a table. "So this is my first day so far..." I think to myself as I grab my bento box and start to eat from it. "They seem to hate me though, I'm such an idiot.." You though about how Megumi and Nobara glared at you the whole time. As suddenly someone sets himself beside you, you look who it is "Yuji~san what are you doing here? You should be by your teammates" you said and he looks curious. "You are one of my teammates!~ he starts to grab his lunch box too." I know it can be hard in a new country and a new school but don't worry it's going to be better~" he said and suddenly a loud voice was to hear in the whole cafeteria."Best friendo what are you doing here?!"

I look at the voice and see a big guy with a scar on the right eye. I start to shake a little bit, he seems to be really scary though. Yuji~san starts to speak "Brother! Don't worry I'm not alone I'm just spending time with my new teammate and new friend!!!" he tells happily and I start to blush. This man starts to laugh "I see..." he looks with his black eyes at me and starts to smile. "I'm Todo Aoi and this is my best friendo~" he tells me and I start to shigh. He isn't that scary though. "Ouh... I understand." I said a little bit curious. The huge man sits himself beside me too and now I'm in a sandwich (?) position. I start to blush more as Yuji~san laugh. "How was your mission?" he asks and so our lunch break is coming to an end.

~Yuji pov~

Today was a exciting day. We got a new team member and she is beautiful. I mean her body, her personality and her smile~ Yes her smile is everything. I know that I met her just today but something in me changed as I first saw her. She is just so precious. I think I should protect her. As suddenly Sukuna starts to speak "Oi boy....you seem to like this girl." I start to blush and Sukuna grinned sadistic. "Imagine some curse would hurt her..." he starts to laugh more and I get angry. "Stop it!! It won't happen I will protect her..." My eyes starts to flinch. "Ouh and how do you want to do it? You can't be always by her side except..." he grins "Except what?" I ask curios what does he plan now? Sukuna suddenly disappeared and then I hear Todo~san voice. "Best friendo are you alright?" He asked worried and I nod. "Yes, everything fine I just though about someone..." He nods and grins "About (y/n)~chan"? I nod again and he laughs. "She is cute right? And her body did you see her Ass?" he grin pervertly and I start to grin to "Yes brother she is really amazing!" he agrees and so we spend hours on talking how awesome this new girl is and what a beautiful figure she has! ~

~Timeskip a few months later~

~3rd pov~

Today is the day where the young chubby girl has her first mission. She is really excited she can finally show everyone her technique! She goes with her friend Megumi~san in the city to met the other members at the meeting point. It lasted a few days but the boy finally opens up to the new girl. They both are now friends and they talk literally about everything. "Megumi~San?" the (s/c) girl asked as the boy stands still "Hm...?" The raven haired boy asked and looks at her "What is (Y/n)~chan?" The girl starts to shake "I feel watched again..." Megumi starts shocked at her. "Again?" It isn't something new that (Y/n) had the feeling of being watched. Since her first day someone is stalking her. She doesn't now what to do as suddenly the boy grabs her arm. "Nothing gonna happen to you. I'm here for you and we find this creepy who stalks you." he said serious and the girl start to nod. As they both continued to go.

Little did she knew that she wasn't watched by one person. The boys aren't really happy about the friendship of their precious darling and Megumi. Of course the get jealous.

As the two friends finally arrived is Nobara already there. The short haired girl sighed "Finally..." she said and suddenly Gojo~san appears. "So where is Itadori?" He sighed and suddenly the pink haired boy runs to his teammates. "I'm sorry for being late." The teacher nods as they start their mission. The mission is simple, a mysterious curse always appears in the forest near the city and kills every human being who starts to walk in this forest.

The team splits up and so everyone is for himself. When someone encounters the curse they should give a special sign. So that everyone knows where the curse is.

~(Y/n) pov~

I go through the never ending forest. Everywhere are trees and branches, I really can't see anything just trees. I continue to go further in the forest as I suddenly here a grumble. It doesn't sound humanily. "The curse!" I though to myself as I put me in a fighting position. "Come out! I'm not scared of you." I scream and suddenly the curse jumps out. I look shocked as I see how huge he was. He had a big tongue and one big eye. I take a big breathe as I start to attack the curse but it seems like the creature don't get affected by it. I bit on my lips and starts to attack more "I can do it I'm not week"

The fight continues a few minutes as suddenly the curse grabs my arm and smashed his fist in my stomach. I scream and fall on the ground. The last what I see are two figures. "Don't worry princess we safe you."
"Nobody is gonna hur you" they said and I fainting.

As I wake up I feel myself laying on a huge bed, my (e/c) eyes seems to get bledet by the light. "Where am I?" I ask myself as I note that my right hand is chained. "What the hell?" I scream as suddenly the door opens. "Besto friendo our princess is finally awake." Todo smiles and Itadori appears behind him "Finally. I'm happy that she is alright." he sighed happily.

"What the hell Yuji? Todo?" They both continue smiling "Princess we understand that you scared but don't worry you're safe her!" the huge man said and gives me a thumbs up. "Right, nobody can hurt you and nobody takes us away from you!" the pink haired boy said and I start to shake. "You both are the one who stalking me the whole time? You creeps..." They both glared at me "Don't you dare to call us creepy. We did this all for your own safety someone precious like you can't get hurt." Yuji angrily said as Todo sits himself beside me and Yuji did the same. They both look at each other as they kiss me both on my cheeks. "Now princess be a good girl and do what we want~"

I'm finally did it!!! I really hope you liked the story ^^

Words: 1713

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