~Under the beasts~ Pt. 2

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Hello there ~ I'm back from the dead!! Just joking I'm really busy with school and yeah I'm kinda struggling with my mental health... :( But I try my best to upload some story's!! I hope ya all doing great. Thank you guys for your support! You're amazing <3

trigger warning: gore, blood, murder, some smut elements, depressive thoughts

Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen

Requested: @taeys_veinyhands


~3rd pov~

3 months have passed and nothing changed. The two students love the chubby (s/c) girl like it's their first time they met her. They spend a lot time together, they cuddled, they kissed and of course they had together sex. For normal people this would be the perfect relationship. Two handsome guys who love a cute, chubby girl but for (Y/n) it was a true nightmare. The girl was everyday fighting against her depression, she felt like everything was her fault. Her whole existence was a failure. It was her fault that Megumi died... (Y/n) set alone on their shared princess bed and cried. Her comfortable (f/c) hoodie is already wet from all the tears she cried. She is shaking like a scared deer who is caught by two big bad wolves. How could this happen?!

"... Why?.."

"... Megumi sama..."

She sighed softly as her tears only increased, this had all happened because she thought she had a chance to escape the two monsters who kidnapped her. Suddenly a loud novice is heard. They coming home... "Princess... we are home.." a loud, happy voice sounds through their home. "Todo..." she whispered again as she clean her tears with her small hand away and fakes a smile. "I'm here" she slowly moves out of their bed as she straightens her (h/c) (h/l) hair. "We bought you you're favorite cake!" screams the pink haired boy. It is clearly to see that the girl is broken but she tries to hide it. She don't want that they found out how she really feels, so she fakes it.


~(Y/N) pov~

It was a Friday afternoon. The sun is still shining and the birds are happily cheaping. "At least they are doing well.. " I though as Yuji suddenly hugged me. "You're so adorable (Y/n) ~Chan!" he tells me with his usual happy voice, as he grabs my hips and looks into my (e/c) eyes. His smile gets bigger as he kisses me on my mouth. "I love you ~" he tells me as he kisses me again. My body starts to shiver. I don't want that it don't feel right but I don't have much of a choice. Another voice is to hear "Hey brother!! Let me taste her too!" I start to shiver even more. "Why.. Why me?!" I though as I feel fresh air in my throat, Yuji let go of me as I suddenly feel a harder grip around my head. "You're right she is so perfect our little princess~" Todo squishes my chubby cheeks as he kisses me too on my mouth. "So cute..." he tells me as he starts to kiss my neck. "No not again..." I try to defense myself but I suddenly feel another body against my back. "Princess I want you..." Yuji whispers in my ears as Todo starts to bite in my neck. I let a little scream out of my mouth as I feel some hands around my (b/s) boobs. I feel how my eyes become again wet. "Please I'm not in the mood." I try to sound as strong as possible but I can't, I'm too scared... "Pshhh princess we're going to be gentle to you! I know the last time was a little bit harsh for you but we missed you so much.." Before I can say something else I feel myself laying on the bed. They bot smiled as I see how they dropped their school uniform on the ground. I close my eyes in hope it will end soon.

After they were done with me they layed themselves down next to me and started to hug me, now I was trapped again. My tears streaming down my face again. I stopped to count the time how many times I cried because of them... I feel so useless... "This was wonderful like always princess!" "Yes it was!!" they both agreed as I could listen how Yuji told me in an obsession voice "You're our princess forever!"~ When someone tries to take you away from us..." "We are going to kill them!" Todo agreed with his words. After a while I could here loud snoring, they felt asleep. I wish I could sleep...


I wake up when I realize how much space I have, no strong grips to hold me down. No kisses. Nothing. As I stand up I notice a letter on the bedroom table. It was written in a beautiful black print. "We're on another mission. We're sorry princess, we have a lot of food in the fridge for you! See you later" Suddenly my heart is filled with hope! I can't stay at this place any longer...! I was surprised how motivated I was. Something in me changed last night! I'm not scared anymore, I can make it! I start to smile as I open the bedroom door. I go to the living room as I see a red phone. I ignore it because I was in my fantasy world planning a way to escape them. After a while I noticed the phone. "It's Yujis!" I said happily, the luck is really on my side today! I grab his phone as I go through his contacts. I stopped as I see the number I needed. "Megumi ~Sama" I said to myself as I bite on my underlip. Please go on your phone... I beg in my thoughts as I start to call him.



"Yes? Yuji what do you want I though you're on a mission." he sounds annoyed. I can already imagine his eye roll.

"M-Megumi..." I start to shake. Is it true...? Can I really escape? For a short time, the line was quite until I hear his voice again.

"(Y/N) ~Chan... Why are you on Yujis phone? I though you are in (y/c) again..." he told me confused. This is what they told them? I'm in (y/c)? This makes me quit angry.

"No... I'm not.. Megumi please I need you're help!" I told him hopefully.

"For what?"

"I got kidnapped by Aoi and Yuji... They both are cr-"

"(Y/n) ~ Chan I think you image something Yuji isn't the type who kidnaps someone and yes Todo is a weirdo but he respects woman, he would never hurt them." I could hear is disbelief through the phone.

" N-no please Megumi do you think I would really call you on Yujis phone when I'm in my country? Do you think I disapear without saying anything? Please... "

"... You're right it's sounds weird. Where are you? Tell me where they keep you.. I will help you out. Even when I still can't belive what they did. " he told me with a honest voice. Yes! I did it, someone so strong as Megumi will help me out of this hell! Finally my begs getting heard. Because I don't really know where I am I send him my location. I throw the phone on the ground as I run with my thicc legs in the bedroom and start to pack some things in a bag.


~Megumi pov~

After (Y/n) called me I was confused. Why should they do something horrible like that to her? But then I though more and I realized how they treated everyone who just looked at her. "This gives me already headaches..." I thought to myself as I start to go to the location. It was quite cold for this time. I look around as I realize that I'm in a Forrest. That's weird...but then again they needed a place where nobody founds her. I shighs as I go deeper in the forest. As I finally arrived at the location I noticed the large house. It was white , with wooden windows on it. I step the three stairs up when I kick the door open. "(Y/n)~chan?" I scream as I can hear footsteps. "I'm here!" I look to the right side as I see her. It was true, she was kidnapped. I consider her as I see her (b/t) shaped body in a cute, (f/c) dress. She wears a big ribbon on her head. She looks like an idol, I could tell that Todo wanted her to wear that." Come with me we don't have much time!" I said in a honest voice. "We're going to Gojo~sensei he can help us..." I tell her as I see her agreeing. "Yes you're right." I took her chubby hand in mine and start to run out of the forest. I could hear her exhaustion in her voice but we needed to proceed.

~Todo pov~

As we finished our mission we both go back to our home. We missed our sweet, little princess. Always when I think of (Y/n)~chan I can't stop smiling. I really love her, everything is perfect, she has a beautiful smile with an sexy body who I can easily grab. She is our angel who where send on earth to safe me and my brother. She is was a real men need. But I stop daydreaming as me and Yuji saw a broken door. How is this possible? (Y/n) ~chan isn't strong enough to break this door, we both make sure that this can't happen. I could see how my brother was scared and angry at the same time. His eyes turned completely black. "Somebody took our princess." he told me as I see him run into the house. I couldn't agree more... Who did this? Who tooked our beautiful princess from us? When we found him we going to kill him, nobody takes our girl away from us?! My hand builds a fist as I go too in the house. I notice how Yuji lost his mind and starts to crie. "We..we lost her..." I sighed as I try to calm myself down, after I cleared my mind I go to Yuji and lay my hand on his shoulder. "Brother we need to think clear where she can be... We can't loose our minds" Yuji looks up to me and nods slowly. "You're right brother... We find her and safe her!" I nod at his words as I can see that he calmed down too. We both decided to search some proofs. Suddenly I see Yujis phone on the ground. As I took it I could easily see that some contact are open. "Brother... I know who took her..."

~(Y/N) pov~

I made it! I'm finally free from this monsters, thanks to Megumi~san. After I step in his apartment I feel safe for the first time again. "Thank you..." The black haired boy nods and sit himself on a wooden kitchen chair. "Do you want to tell me what happens?" he asked with a serious voice. I sit myself beside him as I start to tell him everything. After I telled him I break out into tears. He is surprised as he sees how miserable my state is. "I'm... I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know that they did something so horrible to you... You deserve better" he told me as he sighs and stands up. "I make us some tea." I nod as I watch the sorcer boy. Suddenly a loud BANG could be heard, Megumi shattered the tea can as he runs to me and stands himself in front of me in a protective way. "(Y/N)!! Stay behin me...!" I feel my whole body shake as I see who broke the door.

"Megumi...how could you...? How could you take our Princess away..." Yujis eyes are again black, but this time it's worse. Todo walks behind him as he raises his finger at Megumi. "I'm gonna kill you..." This is the first time I see the boys being so angry and creepy. How could they find me...? I try to get my ass together as I step next to Megumis side. "Please... Let him alive... I'm going with you.." I said in a defeated voice. I don't want anyone to die just because of me. Why am I so useless? Why am I to scared to fight them? I know I can't beat them...

"(Y/n) ~chan... Don't do that when Gojo-" but before Megumi could end his sentence, a wind blows on my face as I look slowly to the side. I see Todo and Yuji punching Megumi in his stomach. The punch is so hard that Megumi crashes through many apartments. "Stay there we talk later" Todo told me as they both dissappear. I couldn't belive what I see Megumi is their friend... Why... "Please stop this!" I scream in hope for Megumis sake but I already know that it's useless. "I need to help Megumi~San! I can't just stand here I'm a independent strong woman!" I told myself as I start to run trough the destroyed walls. But sadly my legs are not so fast like they. The only thing I could do is beg.

"STOP!!" I scream again. My legs start to hurt but I keep running. I need to. As I reached the fight scene I see how Megumi summoned his shadows but he is to slow, Yuji attacks him from behind and punches him in the back. "(Y/N) is ours! Ours alone and nobody stands on our way!" he screams with a lot of passion suddenly I hear a clap as Todo changed with Yuji his place as he attacked Megumi too from behind. The whole ground is full of Megumis blood, I start to fall on my thicc knees." P-please..." But they don't stop, it's all my fault...

The fight took a while but of course they won, the evil always wins. Megumis corpse lands on the ground a hand through his heart. They both stand full in blood as they throw the corpse away. Todo shighes as he comes to me and kneels himself down. "Sorry Princess we don't want you to see this..." His whole body is full of blood. Yuji starts to smile as if nothing happend as he starts to kneels himself down too. "You are a very bad girl. Why did you run from us...?" I couldn't speak. I was disgusted and sad at the same time. Todo shighes "Seems like someone need a punishment"

~Flashbacks ends~

This is how I ended the life of an amazing friend. Just because I though I could survive. I was so stupid. I start to hug them both as I feel the baby inside my stomach punching. How..?

I wish I never had called Megumi for help.


Sooo this is one of my longest story's I ever wrote! I hope you really like it :)

Words: 2529

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