Chapter 8: The Titans return.

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Everyone was down stairs talking Yang walked down the stairs to talk to everyone.

Blake: How is he?

Yang: He's fast asleep.

G/N: (chuckles) Just like his father. He's dad always found an opportunity to fall asleep weather it was finishing up some work in here or fighting a Kaiju. For so long I never thought I would see my grandson again but here I am. And again I have to thank you for taking such good care of him.

Yang: It's my pleasure. He's been my little bundle of joy.

Pyrrha: We are all happy to help him.

G/N: I'm happy he found the right people and not the the wrong hands.

Blake: Wrong hands?

G/N: Yes believe or not there have been Some Godzilla Faunus who weren't defenders but destroyers they ether were pushed so far that they become destroyers or someone evil adopted or kidnapped one of our own and morphed them into there own weapon.

Yang: That's... Horrible.

G/N: Yeah. Y/N is very powerful the most powerful Godzilla Faunus I know.
They all looked at G/N with curiosity.

Yang: How stronger.

G/N: Well you see I've seen my fair share of powerful kings and well at the time my Son was the strongest But as soon as Y/N was born we felt his power immediately it was something we never felt before. He surpassed his father's power at Birth.
Everyone eyes widened hearing that Y/N was that powerful.

Nora: Ok I'm really glade that he's on our side.

G/N: Well I'm glade you took him in. You raised him right.

Yang: Hey um going to up to bed with Y/N.
Everyone tells her alright and have a good night Yang walks up stairs and sees Y/N face screeched up and wimpering Yang silently runs towards Y/N and plays with his hair Y/N starts to calm down and smile Yang smiles as well and kisses his forehead.

The next morning everyone was outside of the hide out ready to go home They found a near by lake Y/N was enjoying his swimm. Y/N was swimming but then something caught his eye that no one saw it was someone with a red hood and cape at first he thought it was a cult member but then he remembered that they were a cloak and it's not as colorful as this ones looks back to were the group is and fallows the hooded figure Y/N then dipped Underwater so they couldn't see him and noticed that they were a female Y/N then slowed down his pace and lifted his head Ruby stopped walking Y/N hides behind a rock then Ruby turns and grabs her weapon.

Ruby: I know you're fallowing me. Show yourself.
Y/N was stuck between revealing him self or staying still.

Ruby: I'm not asking twice.

Y/N: Ok ok I'm coming out.
Y/N then reveals him self Ruby eyes widened and so does Y/N. Y/N gets out of the lake and looks at Ruby for a few minutes Ruby then kneels to Y/N level.

Ruby: Your a kid... a Godzilla Faunus at that.

Y/N: Auntie Ruby.
Ruby eyes widened again because he knew her name and called her auntie.

Ruby: Auntie?

Y/N: Yeah Mommy has told me a lot of things about you.

Ruby: She has?
Ruby then starts thinking then realizes who he's talking about.

Ruby: (whispers) Yang.

Y/N: Your very pretty in person.
Ruby chuckles before putting her hand hand his cheek.

Ruby: Aww thanks your very sweet.
Y/N leans in her warmth making her smile even more.

Ruby: And very cute too.
Y/N then lifts his head and grabs Ruby's hand.

Y/N: Come back with me. Everyone misses you.
Ruby sadly looked at the group and slowly pulled her hand away.

Ruby: I'm sorry. I can't come with you.

Y/N: Why?
Ruby sighs then sits down on the grass Y/N then sat infront of her.

Ruby: Has anyone told you about King Kong.
Y/N was curious to who this King Kong is.

Y/N: No. who is this King Kong.

Ruby: Well King Kong was a Grimm a living legend. My uncle used to tell me stories about him so one day I went out to kill him but It didn't go so well I got captured by the cult.
Y/N then looks down.

Y/N: You too huh?

Ruby: You we're too.

Y/N: Yeah but finish your story first.
Ruby nodded.

Ruby: They tried turning me into a Grimm but Kong managed to save me. Then threw out this adventure I realized that Kong was indeed human as well. They tried to make him the most powerful Grimm in the world but luckily he still hade his soul. I managed to defeat there leader but. when King Kong tried to escape they killed him. So I'm in this forest because the cult is still looking for me.

Y/N: Oh I'm so sorry that happened to you.

Ruby: Don't be.
Y/N walks over to her and hugs her this surprises her but she hugs back. Y/N release the hug.

Y/N: I hope I made you feel better.

Ruby: Yeah a little.
Y/N then looks at his tail.

Ruby: What's wrong Little Goji?

Y/N: Well it's just... ever since I found out that my dad was the king and all. I feel like i have a big responsibility. But I know how worried mommy gets.

Ruby: You shouldn't let anyone stop you from being a hero. If you want to go out there and kick giant monsters butts go ahead fighting for what's right is never bad. And I think you make a great hero.
Ruby pats Y/N head making him smile then they hear Yang calling out for him.

Y/N: I have to go but it was nice seeing you auntie Ruby.

Ruby: Same here.
Y/N was about to go back into the water when he stops then looks at Ruby.

Y/N: Auntie Ruby.
Ruby then looks at Y/N.

Y/N: One day I'll bring back with us and we can live as a happy family.
Y/N then jumps in the water and swims off Ruby then smiles.

Ruby: I know but (whispers) I need to protect my son too.
Y/N then swam to where his mom is Y/N came out of the water.

Yang: Where have you been?

Y/N: Oh I went further from you guys.

Yang: Y/N what did we say about that?

Y/N: Don't wonder off to far.

G/N: Don't be to mad at him Yang. He's still a child.
Yang looked at G/N then at F/N. Then Y/N and G/N sense an aura that's not human.

Y/N: What is this... This aura.

G/N: You can sense too huh kid.

Yang: What is it?

G/N: A kaiju.
Then they see a bullhead flying over the forest.

Pyrrha: It's a bullhead.

Nora: They need us.

G/N: Indeed and I'll coming with you.

Jaune: What?!

Blake: It's not safe.

G/N: Yes but out of all my people I have the most knowledge of fighting Kaijus and you'll need all of the help you can get.
Everyone was hesitant at first but then they all nodded.

Y/N: Quick question how are we going to get grandpa there as fast as possible?
Everyone turned to look at him until Weiss Glyphs appears blow him and There was an glyphs version of a boartusk.

Weiss: He can ride on that now come on.
Everyone starts running to were the Bullhead they finally make it to met with Doctor Oobleck Winter Ironwood and Professor Port.

Oobleck: Oh good you saw us.
Then they see G/N.

Oobleck: And who might this gentleman be?

Yang: This is G/N my sons Grandfather.

G/N: A pleasure to meet you. I have lot of knowledge on there's monsters.

Ironwood: How do you know them?

G/N: Because.
G/N then reveals his tail.

G/N: I had my fair share of battles with these creatures.
Everyone in the bullhead eyes widened seeing another Godzilla Faunus.

Time skip the bullhead fly's them to a military ship It lands everyone gets out to see that the military Have been studying the kaijus and when they see Y/N and G/N they stare Y/N grabs Yangs hand tightly.

Y/N: Mommy why are they starring at me like that?
Yang then looks at the shoulder.

Yang: Well you see it's because you're very special and cute too.
Yang tickles Y/N making him laugh almost everyone aww at how adorable it is.

Winter: Was really appropriate to have a child her. He's been here for only a minute and everyone is already distracted.

Ironwood: Winter he's just a child obviously everyone is going to be looking. Besides he might be our only hope.
They finally make it to a room and play the video of the monsters destroying the city.

Yang: What the hell is that?

Ironwood: We... we don't have a name for them.

G/N: We do. We called them Mutos. There's not many of them left but they need to be put on cheek. There a parasitic race. They will devour this planet.

Ironwood: We gave it everything we got but nothing seems to work. All of our weapons bounce off like an armored truck. But there is one more option we have.
Ironwood and Winter both look at Y/N then everyone looks at him.

Y/N: Me?

Winter: Base on what the stories say you can transform into the creature you inherited. You can save lives.
Y/N looks at everyone and thinks about his answer.

Yang: You can stop right there because my son isn't fighting any Titans.

Winter: You do understand the situation we're in right?

Yang: I do but I also care about my son's safety so sorry to say but you'll have to find another way to kill these things.

Ironwood: We don't have any thing you're son is the only one who—

Yang: Do you not understand that I said no? Make a giant robot or something.

Ironwood: Miss Xiao long I don't think you understand what—
Yang eyes turned red as her hair was on fire she turned around to look at Ironwood and punches the table as hard as she could as the table cracked a little.

Yang: I SAID NO!
This shocked everyone and scared Y/N a little bit but he took a deep breath and walked towards Yang and held her hand.

Y/N: Mommy please calm down your scaring me.
Yang took a few deep breaths finally calming down as she went back to normal.

Yang: I'm sorry General but my son will not be involved in this battle. Come on guys we got work to do.
Yang grabs Y/N hand and starts to walk off Y/N turns his head to look at the Mutos destroying the city the only ones left in the office was Ironwood Winter Oobleck and G/N.

Oobleck: Told you she wouldn't accept it.

Ironwood: Damit! That kid was our only chance! I swore that I would protect Remnant from anything no matter what it takes.

Oobleck: So what your just going to try and kidnap the kid.

Ironwood: If it's necessary.
Oobleck eyes widened.

Oobleck: You are unbelievably you know that.

Ironwood: It's the only option I have I was hoping that Yang would listen to reason.

G/N: You didn't need her approval.
Everyone looks at G/N in confusion.

Winter: What do you mean?

G/N: The last thing he looked at before leaving was the Mutos and if he's anything like my son I know he's going to go after them. Get the bullheads ready for evacuation.

Meanwhile Yang told him that her and the rest of the group would evacuate the kingdoms while Y/N stays here. Y/N was taking a breath and tried to transform but it didn't work.

Y/N: Transform. (Nothing) traaaaansform. Nothing Transform. (Nothing) Come on.

G/N: Disobeying your mother huh?
Y/N flinched as he turns around to look at G/N.

Y/N: Oh hey grandpa.
He just smiles and sits next to him.

G/N: You know when my son you're father learned how to transform when a kaiju attacked he immediately wanted to take action but his mom said no. Every time he begged to let him go she always said no. Then he came up to me and asked me what I think he should do and I told him. What ever feels right and then he jumped into the water transformed and saved the day and when he came back he got scolded but stood his ground So let me ask. Do you really want to do this.

Y/N: Yes!
Y/N then realized how loud he was.

Y/N: Sorry it's just. I'm might be. No I am the only one who can stop these things and I want to help as many people as I can. I want to be a hero.

G/N: (Chuckles) Well if that's how you feel I can tell you how to transform easily.
Y/N eyes and smiles.

Y/N: Really?

G/N: Yup... Now close your eyes And tell me when you transformed what did you feel?
Y/N closed his eyes

Y/N: I felt angry that they were going to try to kill my mommy and I didn't want her to die.

G/N: What else?

Y/N: I wanted to protect her from the cult.
Y/N then feels the Power with in his body to grow stronger.

Y/N: I wanted her to be safe I didn't want her to share the same fate as my other Mommy and Daddy. Wanted to protect Mommy auntie Weiss Mama Blake auntie Ruby I wanted to protect everyone.
Then Y/N gets flashbacks of his life


Y/N: You won't hurt me?

Yang: Of course not I'm here to Protect and care for you.


Yang: You ready for bed?

Y/N: Yes mommy.


Y/N: I love you.

Yang: I love you too my little Titan.
Then he also sees everyone else Y/N body starts to glow Y/N opens his eyes then dives in the water. Then a large dorsal Finn appears out of the water then it turns to we're the Mutos are.

Ironwood: Yes he was right! Fallow him!

Few minutes later Y/N was still swimming in the water then he finally made it to his destination seeing the make Muto he roared getting its attention. The Muto finally noticed him and roars back it wasn't as loud as Y/N team WBY and JNPR were all evacuating people when they hear the monsters roaring then turn there heads to look were it came from to see Y/N in his Godzilla form facing off against the male Muto.

Weiss: Is that Y/N?

Yang: He's in so much trouble.
Y/N runs at the male Muto the Muto flys at Y/N then stabs him in the back of the neck then gets on his back Y/N retaliates by biting the arm the Muto stabbed him with and crushes it then throws him off of his back the Muto try's to get up in time but Y/N connects two claw attacks to the face making him fall Y/N  then put his foot on the Muto's face ready to crush him when the female charges in tackling him Y/N was able to stop her grabbed her neck and lifted her up in the air and bit her neck But then the male stabs Y/N again then the female tackles him into a building they both started to Stab and and hit Y/N but The only thing it did was piss him off even more. The male Muto was about to stab him when Y/N moved his head out the way and but down on his other good arm crushing it the Male Muto screeched in pain as it stumbles back the female gets looks at her mate then back at Y/N ready to attack again but Y/N ignores all the blows and hits her in the face with his claws then tail whips her into a building making her fall as she was about to get up Y/N charges his atomic breath and shoot her with it but it was much smaller and weaker.

Back at the ship Winter Ironwood and G/N are watching the fight and both Winter Ironwood and Oobleck were confused.

Winter: Isn't the atomic breath much stronger.

Oobleck: Yes it was so why is it—

G/N: It's because of the Muto's.
Everyone looks at G/N.

G/N: The Muto's at least the male as you know has an emp shock wave but if not only effects the electricity it effects out atomic energy.
Everyone got worried.

Back to the fight Y/N stopped using his atomic breath smoke coming out of the Muto's body Y/N then looks at the Muto knowing that he's Atomic breath got weaker Y/N then tackles the female into the group then he lifts up his foot and stomps onto the Mutos head the male Muto roars in an outrage seeing the dead female Y/N turns around and gives out a small grunt telling the Muto to bring it. The male Muto then flys towards Y/N. Y/N then grabs him with his arms then bites this neck then grabs his shoulder and pulls then Y/N rips the Mutos head off as green blood starts leaking out Y/N spits the head out then roars he walks into the water and swims away he couldn't help but smile because he managed to some what defend the kingdom.

Back in the ship Y/N entered were everyone saw the fight and they all started clapping for him.

G/N: Congratulations Y/N on your first Kaiju fight.

Y/N: Grandpa why was my atomic breath so weak?

G/N: It was because of The Muto's but don't worry you'll recover soon.
Then someone else entered who's face wasn't very happy. Yang looked at Y/N and hade her arms crossed.

Yang: Y/N didn't I tell you to stay on that ship.

Y/N: I know but—

Yang: You know what I don't want to hear it we'll talk about this later.
Y/N looks down on the floor.

Yang: And you! (points at Ironwood) I thought I made it very clear that he is not to go fight those things.

Ironwood: Well believe it or not he made his own choice.

Y/N: Mommy.
Yang then looks at Y/N.

Y/N: I'm the only one who can stop them with this Godzilla form—

Yang: Y/N you do realize your not invincible right?! They could kill you!

Y/N: Buts our only chance.

G/N: He's right Yang we have to think about the Kingdoms all of Remnant.

Yang: I don't care about Remnant I care about my Son!
Everyone was silent then Yang fell on her knees as some tears fell down.

Yang: When Ruby left because of us I practically lost everything but when I found you I felt like my self again and I can't lose another family member. I want to see you grow  live your life.
Everyone felt sad for Yang and Blake started to tear up Y/N walked up to her and put his hands on Yangs cheek and then they looked at each other in the eye.

Y/N: I understand mommy and I want to as well but I can't if everything is destroyed. That's why I must do this. To protect you auntie Weiss Everyone. I want to be a hero.
Yang smiles and hugs Y/N and Y/N hugs back.

Yang: Since when did you learn to talk like that?

Y/N: My family taught me.
Everyone in the room smiled At this.

G/N: (Thinking) This might be the happiest I ever been since Y/N was born

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