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Hi guys long time no see😂 anyway I wanted to write this because I was bored hope u enjoy it😘(warning this is not edited!I'm very sorry for my poor English😥)

Jungkook POV
I had just finished practicing our song 'danger'. I was sweating like hell. I looked at the time and freaked out. It was already 3 in the morning! The rest of the BTS members were already in the dorms sleeping. I quickly packed up my things and headed for the dorm.


'Where is Jungkook? He was suppose to be home ages ago. Should I go look for him? I'll wait a little longer'

Jungkook POV

I ran to the dorm. On the way, I decided to take a short-cut through a lighted alley way. I was running when I suddenly got slammed into a wall. "Watcha doin here boy? Taking a stroll to your death?" Someone spat on me whilst talking. He was much more built than mine. I started to get scared. "No sir, I'm just on my way home" I replied timidly."Im a little bored. Wanna play wif me?" He asked. Even if I was scared this was going to far."NO!" I yelled. His face turned from a smirk to furious. He started to punch me and kick me. I fell to the ground. He continued for a few more minutes before he fled. I was in so much pain. But still I managed to get up before any other guys attack me. I limped all the way he with my remaining strength. I unlocked the dorm door and heard Jin ask, "is it you Jungkook?" I answered with a shaky 'yes' and I saw jin emerge from the kitchen his face changing to a shocked expression. He was by my side within the next second."Oh my god. What happened?" He practically screamed. I was about to explain when everything started to go black and I fell myself falling into someone's arms...


I was mthinking of making for Jungkook some food when he returns home so I went to the kitchen and started baking some muffins. Halfway through though, I heard the dorm door open. "Is it you Jungkook?" I asked. I heard a shaky 'yes'. I went out to see what was wrong with him and boy was he a mess. He had bruises everywhere. He was clutching onto his stomach."what happened?" I practically screamed at him. He was opening Hus mouth to say something when he just suddenly collapsed. Luckily I caught him in my arm." Guys! Help! Jungkook's hurt!" I yelled. Within moments, the whole BTS members(Rapmon,Suga,V,J-Hope,Jimin) They helped me lay Jungkook in bed while Suga and I started treating his wounds. We were done in an hour,but Jungkook still wasn't awake yet. Now the time was already 5 in the morning. Since we have a day off today, I told the members to go back to bed. They all nodded and headed back. I stayed with Jungkook since I was already his roommate.(Authors note:I'm not really sure who Kookie's roommate is so just imagine its Jin) I held onto his hand."Jungkook please wake up" I whispered and fell asleep beside him.

Jungkook POV

I heard someone whisper something to me before it went silent. I was tired so I fell asleep again. After a while, I woke up. I saw the sun shine into my room. "What happened?" I asked no one in particular. I tried to move but felt a stinging pain on my stomach. That's when all the events started playing in my head. I looked around and found Jin lying beside me. HE WAS HOLDING MY HAND! I blushed when I saw this. That's right I have a crush on Jin. I just love the way he smiles how the sun shines down on him. How cheerful he is, how his laugh is so beautiful, how broad his shoulders are. Basically I love every part off him. I lifted my hand and kissed his knuckles. He stirred around in his sleep before waking up. His eyes went wide."Jungkook you're awake! What happen? Why were you home so late?" He asked all at once. "Ok. First of all I was home late because I was practicing our dance. And secondly, I was like this because while coming home, I got beaten up by a guy..." I trailed off suddenly remembering vividly what he tried to do to me. He tried to take my virginity! "Jungkook why are you crying? Does it hurt that bad?" Jin asked worried. I awoke from my trance and touched my cheeks to only find them damp. "He tried to take my virginity hyung!I was so scared! I didn't want that! I only want to lose it to you..." I trailed off. My eyes went wide at what I said. I blushed 50 shades of red. I looked over to Jin expecting to see a look of disgust but I meet with the same expression as mine. He suddenly smirked. "You wanted me?" He asked. I only nodded shyly. "I like you hyung" I said. He giggled. "I love you to Jungkookie!" He said with his charming smile. I was shocked. He took hold of that opportunity and kissed me...

Authors note: hey guys! How was that? There is a second part to it which will be a full smut. I really lobe this ship! Anyway this is actually only a oneshot! I wanted to do a story but then halfway I'm like nahhhh. So yea. I hope you all liked it. And I'm open for request. Just tell me whom you wanna ship, if its a fluff or smut,the location and whom is top or bottom. I luv you guy😘😘


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