Best Friends

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"Dude, should we go jogging tomorrow?", Vincent faced his best friend.

Trent, who was about to take a sip out of his soda can, looked at him as if saying 'Are you nuts?'. Trent set down his drink on the coffee table in front of them and leaned back against the couch, throwing his head back before looking at Vincent.

"You seriously want to go jogging? You know how I hate-"

"Going outside and running, I know."

Trent raised an eyebrow and waited for Vincent to say something else.


"But you know it's been weeks since we last jogged together!", Vincent whined.

"You only want to jog because of the girls!"

"No, I don't!"

"Don't pretend, you pervert! I know you love jogging behind girls-"

Vincent covered his ears and chanted as loud as he can, making Trent pop a vein.

"Because you want to stare at their asses!"

"Not true!"

"Stop that!"

"As if you don't do it too! I know you like that one babe with the pink eyes, pink hair and big boobs!"

"The fuck?! I'm not like you!"

Vincent let out a drawn out whine before fske crying and clinging onto his best friend, wrapping his arms around him and making sure he can't escape.

"Trent~! Let's go jogging!"



After hours of hanging out with each other, Vincent grabbed his bag and smiled at Trent, who escorted him to the door.

"See you tomorrow morning~ Make sure you get up early.", Vincent grinned.

Trent flicked his forehead, "Whatever, but if you get accused of sexual harassment, I am not saving your ass and I'm going to pretend that I don't know you."

"Hehe, OK~ Bye!"

And with that, Vincent went to his own unit on the third floor. Trent closed the door and leaned on it, running a hand through his dark red hair.

"Why am I even friends with that guy...?"

Trent smiled and chuckled before going to his bathroom to wash up and get ready for bed.

Ever since Trent bumped into him in highschool, Vincent never left Trent alone even though Trent pushed him away every time he gets close to him. Vincent believed that they were destined to meet each other and be best friends. Trent still tried to push the blonde away but he soon gave up because despite his attempts of driving him away, he only seem to draw Vincent even closer to him. He allowed Vincent to be his so called best friend and he was the first person who Trent became comfortable with.

They were always together up until college. After 3 years, Vincent never changed. Trent, however, learned to open up to him. He used to get irritated whenever Vincent would ask him personal questions but now, he would answer any question Vincent would ask. Now, they are in their third year of college and they are still as close as ever. The two of them decided to live in a condominium owned by Vincent's uncle because Trent did not want to share a room with anyone else. The building was close to their university anyway so why stay in a dorm?

Vincent unlocked the door and stepped in his unit. He placed his bag beside his shoes on the side and walked in the slightly messy room.

"Hehe, what would Trent say if he sees my whole place like this?", Vincent smiled to himself.

He let out a small giggle before picking up his scattered clothes on he floor, washing the pile of dishes in the sink and throwing away his trash. Trent would usually clean Vincent's room for him since he's the type of guy who doesn't care about how messy his place is. While sweeping the floor, Vincent remembered the first time Trent came in his room and cleaned.

"Do you really have to leave your used boxers on the staircase like this, Vincent?"

Vincent looks up from his gravure magazine and smiled, "Yep, it's my room anyway."

"But you still have visitors coming over, you dumbass!"

"Hehe, right."

* * *



"When will you learn to wash your clothes?", Trent glared at him while putting his clothes in the dryer.



"Yeah, never because I know you're here to wash them for me~"

"I'm not your housewife!"

"You wanna be?", Vincent wiggled his eyebrows.

Trent, without hesitation, threw a pair of denim jeans at the teasing male.

* * *

"Seriously, you can't even arrange your disgusting magazines.", Trent grumbled as he collected the magazines and neatly placed them under the coffee table.

"Do you want me to lend you one?"

"Lend me what?"

"A gravure magazine, duh!"

"Hell no! I don't look at those!"

"Really? Then you're not a real guy."

"The fuck did you say?!"

Vincent smiled and placed the broom back in the kitchen, leaning it against the side of his fridge. He went to the bathroom to prepare for bed. day~

Trent knocked impatiently on Vincent's front door and tapped his foot on the ground. He clicked his tongue and twisted the doorknob, opening the door. He was surprised that the door was unlocked but he didn't care. He walked in and sighed in relief when he saw how clean Vincent's room was.

He walked up the stairs and to the blonde's room. He didn't think of knocking because he thought Vincent was still asleep. He opened the door and took a few steps in before his eyes widened at the sight in front of him. Vincent turned around and smiled, wearing nothing but a loose towel around his waist. He wiped the side of his face using the smaller towel that was hanging around his neck before turning his smile into a smirk.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

Trent's face exploded in embarrassment and he looked away, using his hand to cover his face.

"P-Put some clothes on, idiot!"

Trent heard a snort coming from Vincent before looking back at him with a glare, making Vincent lose control and laugh uncontrollably.

"I'm kidding.", Vincent smiled after calming down.

"Not funny.", Trent said in an annoyed tone.

Trent turned around and walked towards the door, face still red. Vincent watched him walk out and thought of how funny his friend's reactions are while putting his clothes on.


The two males panted softly while jogging side by side. Trent spotted a bench and tapped Vincent on the shoulder. Vincent turned his head and responded with a 'hmm'.

"There's a bench, let's take a break."

"Mhm, OK~"

They jogged over to the bench and sat down, feeling the muscles in their legs relax. Vincent took out his water bottle and drank from it, the cool water cooling him down. Trent looked at his best friend from his peripheral vision and couldn't help but stare.

Vincent's head was tilted back as he drank, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down with each gulp. The sweat on Vincent's forehead and neck made him glisten under the sun. Vincent finished drinking and placed the cap back on the bottle before slicking his hair back with his hand. He looked at Trent and sent him a smile, causing the male to flinch and look away.

Vincent chuckled and let out a sigh as he closed his eyes. Trent looked around and saw a group of girls pointing their colored nails at him and Vincent while whispering to each other and giggling. Vincent heard their girlish giggles and looked at them before giving them a smile, causing them to squeal and wave at him in a flirty way.

As Vincent waved back, Trent felt something inside him boil as he watched. He clicked his tongue and stood up, catching Vincent's attention. Vincent stood up as well and decided to ask his friend.

"Dude, is something-"

"Let's go.", Trent grumbled before jogging away.


"Ahh~ I really like jogging with you, Trent.", the blonde male chirped.

"Che.", Trent scoffed and walked to his kitchen.

Vincent tilted his head back in confusion before following his friend to the kitchen. He saw Trent getting a few cans of beer from his fridge so he decided to help by getting the snacks.

"Bro, let's watch the game, yeah?"

"Sure, whatever."

They walked back to the living room and set all of the food down on the table. Trent grabbed the remote and turned the TV on, flipping through the channels until he found the sports channel.

They both relaxed on the couch while waiting for the commercials to end. Vincent glanced at Trent, seeing him open a can of beer and throwing his head back as he drank. Trent averted his eyes away from Vincent and tried to clear the thoughts of his friend in his mind.


After a few cans of beer, the blonde male was starting to feel a bit tipsy while Trent was still sober. He rolled his eyes at Vincent, who was blabbering random things while smiling like a big goof.

"Tch, I hate it when you're drunk..."

"How do you think the earth was made? Why do you think we can't have super powers?", he slurred as he continued to say most stupid things.

Shaking his head, Trent grabbed the can of beer from Vincent's hand and put it in a plastic bag. Grabbing the rest on the table, he put them all in the bag and stood up to go to the kitchen and throw it away. Before he could take one step, Vincet fell to the floor and clung onto his leg.

"O-Oi! Let go!"

"Don't leave me~!", his drunk friend cried.

"I need to throw these away before you drink more and get even more drunk! Now, let go!"

"No! I won't let you leave me!"

Trent's eye twitched as he looked at his stupid friend clinging on his leg. Knowing he has no other choice, he dragged Vincent with him to the kitchen. He grumbled a few things under his breath and threw the plastic bag in the trash bin. Trent shook his leg, trying desperately to get the annoying blond to let go of him.

"Seriously, Vincent! If you don't let me go, I'll kick you out!"

Vincent suddenly went still and quiet but not letting his grip on Trent's leg loosen. The redhead looked down at his friends in confusion, waiting for him to say or do something.

Vincent let out a muffled groan before lifting his head and looking up at his friend with an intense stare.

"Dude...why are you looking at me like that?", Trent swratdropped and averted his eyes away from his friend.

Instead of answer the simple query, Vincent let go of Trent's leg and stood up on wobbly legs. Trent has to hold him up so he won't fall over and slam his head on the floor.

"Dumbass...", Trent sighed. "Come on, I'll tuck you in."

Vincent let out a groan as a response and Trent couldn't help but shake his head before carefully bringing his drunk friend to his bedroom. Trent lay Vincent down on his bed, the blonde male muttering things under his breath as his back made contact with the soft mattress.

Trent helped Vincent adjust by gently pulling him up so his head was resting on the pillow and his whole body was on the bed. He grabbed the blanket and was about to pull it over Vincent when the male suddenly grabbed one of his wrists. Trent looked at Vincent's face, seeing him looking back at him with lidded eyes.

"W-What?", the redhead uttered out.

All of a sudden, Vincent threw his arms around him and pulled himself up, slamming their lips together and making Trent's eyes go wide like saucers. After a moment, Vincent slowly pulled away when he didn't feel Trent kissing back. He peered up at him, no longer looking tipsy and instead looking extremely guilty.

"I'm sorry...", he whispered, his arms alowly loosening.

Trent, finally snapping out of his shocked state, shook his head and gently grabbed Vincent's arms, letting them stay on his shoulders.

"Don't be.", he whispered back.

Vincent opened his mouth to ask a question but Trent silenced him by gently pressing their lips together again. The kiss was soft and sweet, making both of their cheeks bright pink.

Vincent let his tense shoulders relax and pulled Trent closer, enjoying the moment.

They both knew this started a new chapter of their lives.


would you guys believe me is i say that this book has been in my drafts since 2018 :>


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