"I can leave you alone, if you wish..." (0/6)

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~ Name ~

"Oh, me?"
The male seems surprised, blinking as he brushes some of his long hair back.
"I'm... I'm Alarik," the male murmurs softly.

~ Age ~

Alarik adjusted his cloak with a thinking expression.
"Well, for each human age, I will be a hundred years old... So in human age, I'm twenty-eight which means I'm two thousand and eight hundred years old," he mutters before he nods, as if to confirm his own answer.

~ Gender ~

Alarik looks confused.
"Is it my hair that deceives you? Or my body figure?" He asks curiously, tilting his head.


~ Species ~

Alarik looks down at his tail before looking back up at you, still seeming confused.

(Naga! Snakey boi!)

~ Sexuality ~

"What does that term mean?"

(Which gender are you more likely to fall in love with?)

Alarik thinks carefully for a moment.
"I think if you're able to get pass my appearance and love me for my personality, it will not matter what gender you are, or appear to be. I will love you in return," he murmurs softly before smiling sheepishly.

(Awwwe! He is Pansexual!)

~ Appearance ~

"I suppose I must take off my cloak?" Alarik sighs at my confirming nod. He take off his cloak, revealing he had no actual arms. One of his hands was pale while the other was the same colour as his body. Blue magic glowed from his enchanted hands...

"Many scream at my appearance..." Alarik sighs once again, lowering his head in shame.

(Alarik is quite a beautiful male, with long black hair that will, at times, have strands fall in front of his face. Talking about his face, he has what people would say is a flat face,  with straight features and a sharp jawline. He has tan skin, with the skin on his chest being decorated with scars from a recent battle. He has bandages, however, which hide most of the scars on his chest. Alarik had pointed ears, which are pierced with one gold ring in each ear, and he wears a gold necklace with deep blue jewels. He has a moon arrow tattoo on his back and a moon compass on his chest, hidden under the bandages.)

~ Personality ~

Alarik fiddles with his cloak as he pulls it on, hiding the lack of arms.

(Alarik is a soft spoken individual, rarely raising his voice or speaking his mind. Because of this, people can think of him as a naive pushover, but that's not true. He knows how to say no and will think things out before even coming to a choice. He does become a bit of a pushover with children or his lover however, unable to say no to them. Alarik is encouraging towards others, wanting to see someone smile, but can be negative towards himself, having thought he was weak and worthless ever since a recent event in his life...)

~ Likes ~

Alarik smiles softly, tilting his head.
"What I like? No one asked me before. Well, flowers have a lovely scent... And I suppose I like lounging in the sun when I can. Oh, and I love reading. It's amazing how words can transport me into another world," he sighs happily.

(Alarik adores being warm, being able to freeze too easily. Also because of this, he loves hugs and cuddles, acting incredibly shy when he does get one. Alarik enjoys tying his hair back and braiding it, not minding others doing so or if children decide to play with his hair. He does adore children, and could never kill a baby animal, even for a desperate meal. He loves being in quiet or at least not incredibly noisy places, and prefers being outside comapred to being inside.)

~ Dislikes ~

Alarik's face falls to a sadden expression as he looks down at his hands, his hands curling into loose fists to hide how they were shaking.
"Those who took my family, my kingdom away... How I was, and still am, too weak to stop them," he whispered with a shaky voice, sounding defeated.

(Alarik hates the cold and is scared of being locked up, either in chains to restrain his movement or in a small room. Alarik cannot stay inside for too long, and gets nervous when in noisy locations. Alarik is terrified of being forgotten and left behind, having been alone for too alone, but he hates being a hassle even less. He worries for those who sees themselves as worthless, knowing too well what that does to your own mind...)

~ Powers/Weapons ~

"I try to remain peaceful, so I have no weapons. However, I do have basic magic, though I am trying to learn more. The magic-users of the Northern Moon kingdom taught me..." Alarik smiles at the memories, fingering his necklace lightly.

~ Family ~

Alarik's smile fades away as he glanced away.
"Taken..." He murmured sadly.

~ Virgin or No ~

Alarik looks over with a blush.


~ Position ~

"Uh... I wouldn't know..." Alarik stammers, his blush deepening.

(Seke, switch)

~ Turn Ons ~

"Um, I... I have no idea!" Alarik squeaked, his blush going bright red at realising he just squeaked.


~ Turn Offs ~

Alarik hides his face with his hair


~ Other ~

Alarik thinks for a moment after his blush faded away, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
"I... I guess it would be fair to open up about being the prince of the first naga kingdom, Riverdawn..." Alarik murmurs with a sad smile.

(Alarik does tend to cuddle with his full body, just warning.)

Alarik hides his face sheepishly as I giggle.


Scenario 1

(No ideas at the moment, but I will come up with something!)

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