"Oh! You don't have to call me Master!" (0/6)

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~ Name ~

"My name is Lucas! It's so nice to meet you!"
The boy in front of you giggles with a grin.

(Lucas Michael Sensel)

~ Gender ~

"Uh... Male?"
Lucas looks at you confused, tilting his head.

~ Age ~

"Welp, I'm twenty-three!" Lucas answers cheerfully.

~ Species ~

"Human, though I would love to be something else, even just for a week!" Lucas sighs longingly.

~ Sexuality ~

Lucas blinks a couple of times before he looks down with a shy grin and a blush.
"Guys interest me more than girls, but I do like both!" He admits openly.

~ Looks ~

(Anime image -

Real life image -

(I couldn't find any boys with purple eyes that didn't look way older then I picture him to be... -.-)
Written Form -
Lucas is an adorable sweetheart with bright purple eyes and a skin tone somewhere between pale and tan. He has messy brown hair, soft from being washed regularly and being brushed too.)

~ Personality ~

"Hm... Dad says I'm very sweet!" Lucas hummed in thought.

(Lucas is a kind and gentle soul, always trying to think on the positive and to be positive with others around him. He can be flustered and awkward at times, but that's mostly due to the fact he rarely has anyone to speak with, mostly speaking with his father. Lucas will put others needs and safety above his own, yet can be childish and innocent at times.)

~ Likes ~

"Oh, I adore a good book!" Lucas sighs happily before adding "I also love soft things, like blankets, pillows and..."
Lucas now blushes softly in embarrassment.
"Teddies... I have a whole collection!"

(Lucas not only likes those things, he loves being outside and feeling the sun shining on him. He enjoys sweets, chocolates and desserts, just sugary foods in general make him happy. He loves the feeling of being protected, although he will try to be independent, and being loved. He loves colouring books, not really caring what age they are for, and is learning how to draw.)

~ Dislikes ~

Lucas shivers suddenly, frowning as he wraps his arms around himself.
"Blood... I get queasy and sick at the sight of it. So I try to avoid violence," Lucas sighs.

(He hates seeing someone in pain or personally experiencing pain. He is scared of the dark and small spaces, and he doesn't enjoy being ignored or forgotten. Lucas doesn't exactly like the situation he is in, but wouldn't leave it in fear of someone he doesn't know using him against his father or for their own pleasures.)

~ Powers/Weapons ~

"No powers, sadly," Lucas sighs before adding "Father has taught me how to use a handgun though... For emergencies."

(What he said.)

~ Family ~

"Oh! There's my father! Otherwise, I guess the gang is kinda like..." Lucas trailed off, his eyes widening in horror at what he realised he said, looking at you with guilt.
"Please don't repeat what I said!"

(This is Lucas' father, Charles. Charles is a generous and caring man, taking good care of anyone who is in the gang as the gang's purpose is to help those the police ignore or don't know. He is however protective over his son, not wanting to lose Lucas like how he lost Lucas' mother.)


(This lovely lady is Elizabeth Julekins. Elizabeth is one of the head chefs for the gang and is the most accepting woman you'll ever meet. She doesn't care for skin, species, disabilities or anything else of the sorts, just as long as you show a good personality, she'll gladly help you if you ever need it. She has done this with Lucas, shown him kindness when he cannot approach his father due to nervousness.)

(Here is Elizabeth's daughter, Kaylee. Kaylee is a fun, bright and bubbly girl, almost always seen with her mother or playing with her friends. She is like Lucas' younger sister, the two playing together whenever Lucas is playing with the children in the gang.)

(Okay, to confirm, this is a boy and he has green eyes. I couldn't find a close enough picture in anime/art or real life.
Anyway. This is Atlas, an orphan boy who Lucas' father found in the forest near their hideout one day with a wolf pack. Atlas had the ability to change into different animals and can turn invisible as well as climb walls. Atlas's is a quiet and soft spoken boy, not speaking too much but he does show more personality around either Lucas or Kaylee, being close to those two more then anyone else in the gang.)

(His right eye is green.
This good boy is Spot, being around Lucas'  age. Spot was saved from another gang when Lucas' father bought him from his cruel owner. Spot is bubbly and cheerful, but that can quickly change to jumpy and terrified if people grow angry around him, having been used for anger by his owner before. Spot tries to be good boy, proving to be loyal, determined and optimistic most of the time.)


~ Backstory ~

Lucas still seemed panicked about what he said, nervously twisting his hands as he whimpered "Please don't tell anyone what you heard! We're not a bad gang, it's just we do some illegal things to protect everyone.

(Lucas' mother died giving birth to him, so his father, one of the largest gang leaders known in the criminal empire, had to try and take care of a child who was too innocent and curious for his own good. Due to his sweet nature, many gang members would try to trick Lucas, so his father always kept him close, unless he was going to meetings with other gangs, and refused to let him leave the gang house alone. However, this restricted who he could socialise with, so his father would get slaves to be friends for his son. This did work for awhile until Lucas would feel guilty and let them go with enough money to start off their own life...)

~ Position ~

Lucas blinks, now distracted from his mistake before.
"Uh... What?"

(Submissive Uke, but will try seke)

~ Virgin or No ~

"Pardon?!" Lucas squeaked with deep red cheeks.

(Virgin! Complete relationship virgin to be more accurate, as he hasn't even had his first kiss.)

~ Turn Ons ~

Lucas hid his red face behind his hands, shaking his head shyly.

(Unknown, but does get particularly flustered with his chin being grabbed)

~ Turn Offs ~

"Ev-Even though I haven't done it... Rape and no consent is a no-no," Lucas mumbles as he peeks between his fingers at you.

(Unknown still)

~ Other ~

"I have a rainbow teddy bear named Dew! I sleep with her often!" Lucas hums happily.

(Sorry if there isn't enough information to go by, I had made this OC in someone's book awhile ago, and finally decided to finally write him up! I will add more details but this is the best my sleepy brain can come up with. XD)


Scenario 01

(Until I come up with an idea, you may make your own scenario!)

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