❤"P-Please dont shoot! I-I'm harmless!"❤Uke

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"GAH! M-Mack! Why??"
Mackly Josh Earld

Around 200 years old, although he looks around 18

"W-why?! What do y-you want from M-Me?!"

He gave a soft squeak


•×Hair Colorו
A soft lavander

•×Eye Colorו
Ice blue

Around 5:0, a bit taller but not by much

His job, working at a maid café
His family
His little kitten

Most people
Dogs, they terrify him
Being on T.V.
The hunters after him
Being himself at times

Mack is timid and scared at times, but in all reality he is just anxious of getting killed. He is the last of his kind, so of course he can get anxious. He can be strong and hide himself, and he is a powerful speaker. He is a lier, a cheater, and a stealer although. He lies to get himself out of trouble, he cheats others out of their money and for hospitality so he isn't on the streets, and he steals from those who have too much.

He has a lot of scars, from times he just barely escapes hunters

•×Body Modificationsו
He has stars and clouds that float around his head when he gets surprised, flustered, or angry. The stars change color depending on his mood.

Yellow - neutral
Green - sick
Blue - sad/depressed
White - happy
Pink - in love
Black - just back away before you get killed



He is a magical being called a Nightmare

You were a hunter, on the tracks of killing Mack, but you had been his best friend for as long as you could remember. You only took the job to kill him because of the money, and you felt so bad about it. You had watched him enter the small park in town, where anyone rarely went. He sat down at a bench calmly, looking at the ground. He wasn't on guard, a perfect shot. You aimed your gun, a silencer attached. Anxiety sweeping over you, shooting, but you had missed a deathly shot. You hit Mack's shoulder, the male gasping as he fell over, holding his shoulder as a sort of blue liquid came out. You watched, your kill ruined. Your dear friend started crying although, the bullet still in his shoulder. You?

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