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"Hey, Kyo-chan…" Tsuna whispered against his guardian's ear. The said guardian just shuddered at the smoothness of his voice. "…you're getting bored aren't you? Well, how 'bout I show you what I learned so far?"

Without a moment to spare, the Vongola Boss' lips were already against Kyoya Hibari's, molding and pressing their bodies together. Tsuna licked his lover's lips and Hibari gave in almost too eagerly. But not really allowing himself to bottom, the Cloud guardian tried to flip their positions, only to have the brunette grab his lower regions quite abruptly. Hibari knew it was a futile effort. Tsuna broke the kiss panting. "Now…let me start educating you."

Making his way down south, Tsuna began nipping at the bare skin below Hibari's jaw. Hibari shot his head back in pleasure, feeling the painful then satisfying feel of his lover's teeth against his pale skin. "G-get…get it over with… T-tsunayoshi…" he moaned.

Fingers began fluttering everywhere as the current seme unbuttons Hibari's shirt, leaving him topless under the florescent light. As if suddenly remembering, Tsuna took something from under his pillow. The panting Hibari's face garnered a curious expression.

Tsuna took out three dying will pills.

Horrified, Hibari stared. "Y-you will not, Tsunayoshi. Don't d-" Too late. Tsuna swallowed the pills, and the Cloud guardian twitched. His ass wouldn't last long now.

Most people would think that Hibari was the 'master' of their relationship.

God, were they wrong.

Not that he was always bottom, oh no. But there were times when he couldn't catch up on the...energy that his little vixen was exerting.

Times like right now.

"Now, where were we?" Tsuna asked. His voice was now deeper, his eyes half-lidded and above all that, there was that damn forbidden flame flickering on his forehead.

Time when he looked like a fucking sex god.

"...Kyoya~" he moaned out.

Wait, scratch that. He looked like a fucking horny sex god.

Hibari was still shirtless and he looked perfectly edible at the moment.

Wanting to break the tension, Tsuna kissed Hibari abruptly and the older man snapped out of his reverie. Too much force made Hibari shut his eyes and Tsuna could feel the triumph.

Discreetly, the Vongola boss' fingers danced their way down his lover's abdomen, then to his pelvic area playing with the button holding his jeans. All the while, he didn't release his lips.

The kisses were making Hibari light headed and he couldn't help but release continuous moans. "T-tsunayoshi…"

At the sound of his name, Tsuna found the urge to rip Hibari's trousers off.

…And so he did.

So now the Cloud guardian was writhing in pleasure on bed, left with only one article of clothing to cover his lower regions, and suffering a needy frustrated feeling.

All courtesy of the sweet and adorab—er, skimpy and seductive Hyper Dying Will mode Tsuna.

"Now, where was I?" Tsuna scrunched his nose and sighed. "You have to stop interrupting me, Kyo-chan. I keep on getting distracted." With that in mind, he removed Hibari's boxers with his incisors, all the while keeping eye contact with the raven haired man. This earned a lengthy groan from Hibari, who couldn't contain his happiness.

Proof? Yeah, check south.

"Alright. So the production of the sperm cells begin in the testes." Tsuna pointed at the area, before fondling the skin, Hibari had the best view and he nodded, relaxing under the touch. "The sperm cells move to the epididymis and that's where maturation occurs." The teacher scrunched his eyebrows and leaned in Hibari's member. "I think it's somewhere…" he licked the foreskin, "…here."

"…hah…w-wait, T-tsuna…" Moaned the Cloud, beginning to move further to the bed to relax his body a little. The brunette waited patiently, watching him with mysterious eyes and a secretive gaze.

"O-okay. I'm fine…already." Hibari said when he found a good position on Tsuna's soft sheets. The other nodded, leaning over his body again and kissed his lover on the lips before trailing back down.

"So after the epididymis is the vas deferens, the…pathway," The Vongola Boss stuck his tongue out as he tried to find the right word, but what was the right word for describing the male anatomy? "…to the prostate gland."

Without warning, Tsuna inserted his long index finger inside Hibari, making the other wriggle at the sudden intrusion. "Ah..! S-shit…" the older man cussed.

Tsuna licked his lips at the delicious sound his lover was making and it only encouraged him to do more.

He leaned over once again to Hibari, whispering in his ear delightfully. "That's it, love. Go ahead and scream." And Tsuna licked his earlobe after.

The other just glared, stuttering words like, "How could I? Your mom's downstairs." But it ended up sounding like, "H-how..Ungh, I-I? M-mom…Ah!" How adorable was that?

Tsuna smiled triumphantly. "Oh, don't worry. I asked Reborn to take them somewhere in the meantime. While we're… studying." The Cloud guardian twitched at the sound of his voice, feeling frightened. But just a little bit. He couldn't really say anything at the moment. The Vongola Decimo left him in awe and he was rendered speechless.

To catch Hibari's attention once again, Tsuna wriggled his finger which was still stuck inside the guardian. The raven haired began to gasp for air, the overwhelming pleasure made him shut his eyes.

"Where is it…" the brunette began saying under his breath. The middle finger wandered inside the tight hole, looking for a bunch of nerves which—"A-AH! TSUNA..!"

"Oh, there it is~" Sang Tsuna in an invented tune. The Vongola Decimo continued pumping into that same area and watched happily as Hibari's toes curled in pleasure and his back arched at the never ending throb in his lower region.

S-shit… was the only word registering inside the Cloud guardian's head.

Oh, and So… c-close…!

But everyone knows that HDW Tsuna and his super intuition is always a step ahead everyone else. Except maybe Reborn.

And it was totally expected when the brunette harshly pulled out his finger from Hibari's hole. Well, sort of.

Kyoya Hibari's eye twitched and he slammed his head against the pillow he was supposed to be leaning on (yet forgot when Tsuna began doing his… thing) in frustration. His voice was frail and anything besides what other's thought of the Cloud guardian. Yet for Tsuna, it wasn't that… unusual anymore. "N-no…why did you…hah…w-why did you take it out..?" He complained.

Chuckling, Tsuna began lazily dragging his fingers along the raven haired man's long and slender legs. "I want you to beg, my little Kyo-chan~" He smirked against the new patch of reddish skin he bit as a mark.

Hibari heard his own jaw lock at the suggestion. It even sounded like a command. A terrible, terrible command.

You have more pride than that, Hibari.

The humming Tsuna traced the almost invisible veins in Hibari's leg, heading up to his abdomen, then back down.

Don't give in…

Almost immediately, the grazing finger was replaced with a hot and slick tongue. Teasing and kissing the skin all around.

Don't giv—aw, to hell with it.

The older man released an expression which sounded like a "Tch."

And the Tenth Generation Vongola Boss knew that his Cloud Guardian was petty in his hands.

"P-please… Tsunayoshi…" he began, almost inaudibly. Hibari shut his eyes tightly in embarrassment, sexually frustrated tears forming at the edge of its closed lids.

Tsuna pretended not to hear his voice, and leaned his ear a tad bit closer to Hibari's upper body. "Come again?" He teased in a fake innocent tone.

"Tsunayoshi…" the aloof man started again, this time a little clearer, but it didn't keep him from swallowing hard. "I-I…" and stuttering. "I need you… i-inside me. Not your fingers. Y-you…please..? It hurts, Tsuna…"

Yeah, all hell broke loose since in less than a second, Tsuna's tongue was inside Hibari's mouth, his hand stroking the raven haired man's desperate cock and his own member entering the Cloud guardian's tight entrance.

The Vongola Decimo's hands were gripping Hibari's waist tightly, using it as support so as not to hurt the older man. Kyoya's eyes shot open at the incredibly large member making its way inside him. No matter how many times they do it, it's always a bit large for the prefect. "Ngnn…s-shit…" Cursed Hibari, and Tsuna distracted him with his mouth, swiftly running his tongue over Kyoya's lips like a secret password to get to the inside cavern.

Hibari was just too happy too oblige.

Meanwhile, Tsuna's other hand attended to the Cloud guardians member threatening to burst any minute now. Stroking lewdly, Hibari gasped and wriggled at the pleasure emitting from different parts of his body. Tsuna's body tensed when he felt the member buried deep inside Hibari hit the same bundle of nerves that made the older man wild.

"Ah! T-Tsuna…more, p-please!" Screamed the man beneath the Decimo, and it only added fuel to the fire. Tsuna thrusted deep within Hibari in fast paces, moans and lustful groans leaving their lips.

When Tsunayoshi felt the walls within Hibari tighten, he lifted the prefects legs to hook them to the Sky guardian's shoulder and pumped into him roughly to catch up with his lover's euphoria.

"Oh God, oh God. T-Tsuna… Tsuna!" gasped Hibari when his release came, spurting white hot liquid across his chest and Tsuna's. After a couple more thrusts, the Vongola Decimo's legs gave in when he felt himself explode inside Kyoya, and he collapsed against Hibari's chest.

After a few minutes of deep breathing and catching of breaths, Tsuna traced Hibari's arm slowly with his finger. "The sperm cells… are released through the urethra, exiting the body and into the female reproductive system."

Hibari chuckled, wiping away the strands covering Tsuna's angelic face and the flame on his forehead diminished slowly. "You have good memory." Commented the raven haired. "Just don't forget your promise." Tsuna nodded, and before he could drift off to the invites of sleep, his lover carried him to the bathroom to clean themselves off.

That was a pretty helpful book. Thought Tsuna as he snuggled against Hibari.

"Gokudera Hayato. As usual, a hundred." Said the droning voice of their biology teacher. He handed the test paper to Gokudera, who took it without giving a damn. "Tch. Who the hell would fail the stupid reproductive system test?" He scoffed.

The whole class except for him, Yamamoto and Kyoko pointed at Tsuna.

"W-what?" The dumb brunet asked, looking more lost than usual.

The teacher waved the fingers out of the way as he approached the Decimo's table. "Tsunayoshi Sawada. 95. Not bad, Sawada. Any secrets? Cheating perhaps?" Teased their teacher.

Tsuna defended himself by saying, "I didn't cheat!" And he heard Yamamoto's light laughter. "Wow, Tsuna! Awesome!"

Kyoka-chan too. "Tsuna-kun, good job!"

But of course, there was Gokudera. "JUDAIME! THIS IS GREAT! WE SHOULD CELEBRATE! I'M CALLING REBORN AND FUUTA… OF COURSE MY SISTER WOULDN'T BE INVITED…" and he's back in his own world.

Tsuna scratched the back of his head laughing.

Don't forget your promise.

This memory made Tsuna smirk under his bangs. Worry not, Kyo-chan. I won't.

Meanwhile, the prefect was secretly watching his lover through the window and leaned against the tree branch.

"Hm, now to get my handcuffs ready." He said to himself, jumping off the tree.


Vongola Decimo was a patient and strong man. But when it came to personal matters, he wasn't tough at all.

After his morning meeting, he returned to his large office to finish his paperwork alone. It wasn't like he wanted to be alone, per say. He could always do without Lambo and Reborn fighting, or Ryohei bursting in and being extreme. But his office looked strangely empty with no one but himself to fill it. His desk was in the middle of the room, facing the large mahogany doors and a wall-sized window. His eyes drifted to things he didn't usually notice: The flower vase on the armoire was chipped at the neck's lid, probably from a scuffle between Reborn and Lambo; the Steingraeber & Söhne piano he kept in the corner (Gokudera played for him every Tuesday night) was a little lopsided, one leg shorter than the rest; The Bukhara rug Basil bought him was starting to fray, most likely from all the pacing he had been doing lately.

Tsuna sighed. He needed to buy new furniture, apparently. But that was beside the point.

The phone on the corner of his desk was intimidating, yet awfully friendly looking. He looked from his paperwork to the device and back again, contemplating. One phone call couldn't hurt...but who to call?

He wasn't going to trouble all his friends outside the mafia, and all his guardians were out: Gokudera was with Bianchi and Shamal for some party, Yamamoto was out training with Squalo again, Lambo was off with Reborn doing god knows what, Ryohei usually crushes the phones he buys him (he wasn't going to chance it), so that left...

Mukuro and Hibari.

He shivered.

Hibari had always been a mysterious man. He was only there for Tsuna when he absolutely needed him; otherwise, he was with his organization, hiding away somewhere. Hibari would, however, visit Tsuna unexpectedly sometimes, lavishing (if he could even call it that) him with gifts from his travels: kompeito from Tokyo, digestives from Bristol, hybrid tea roses from Austria, chocolates straight from Neuhaus in Brussels...

He snapped from his thoughts before it went farther than it needed to, red-faced and jittery.

On the other hand, Mukuro was also mysterious. He remained beyond Tsuna's radar like always, but brought his mission reports through Chrome. The few times a year he'd see Mukuro were only special occasions, like his birthday or Christmas or New Years. And those visits were always his favorite days of the year, memories of sweet nights and even sweeter words...

His knee abruptly jerked up into the desk, making him curse colorfully as he bit his lip. There would be a sizeable bruise.

All the thinking and nothing being done was killing the young man. With shaking hands, he dialed the numbers. He brought the phone to his ear, letting out a wavering breathe, waiting.

"Beep, beep, beep..."

"Come on," he whispered.

"Beep, beep, bee- Yes?"

His throat constricted and his oxygen was gone.

"...Hibari-san?" he croaked. He immediately felt dumb, like a love struck girl.

"Yes, what is it? Do you need me?"

The words stuck in his head and refused to leave. His face turned even redder.

"I was...I was just wondering what you were up to," he managed to get out, swiveling in his fancy leather chair. He listened to the slow collected sound of Hibari's breathing, and felt his heart beat fast.

"...That is very unlike you, herbivore. You know how important my privacy and independence is. We've discussed this."

In all truth, Hibari was on his way back to the base from Wuhan, a new bouquet of Blush China in tow. He was going to surprise Tsuna again, but his unexpected call made him a little annoyed, a little more tentative to keep it a secret.

Tsuna smiled to his empty office. "I know, sorry...I'm just...I just feel strange today."

Hibari drove a little faster, the speed limit a thing of the past.

"Tsunayoshi," he barked. Tsuna jumped. "Are you ill?"

"N-No, of course not, I'm fine!" he defended. His stomach was feeling a little knotted, and his heart was beating too fast, but it was no sickness. His face heated thoroughly. "I j-just...Hibari-san..."

And Hibari understood.

His eyes darted across traffic, to his passenger seat filled with roses, to his clock. How long would it take until he was home?

"Tsunayoshi," he said again, this time much softer. He heard the barely contained whimper on the other line. "Is anyone with you?"

"N-No," he whispered, closing his legs tight to keep the need away. It wasn't helping, but what else could he do? "I'm a-a-alone."

"Good," he snapped, "because I want no one hearing this besides you."

Tsunayoshi nodded to himself, taking a deep unsteady breath. "Mm-hmm."

"When I get back," he started, "do you know what the first thing I'm going to do is?"

"N-No, Hibari-san..."

"I am going to kiss you."

Tsuna went silent, his throat tight and his eyes burning. "Y-Yeah?"

"Yes. And then do you know what I'm going to do?"

Tsuna found himself looking down at his throbbing need, almost ready to touch it. He wanted to wait for Hibari, even if it took days. "...N...No..."

"I am going to fuck you until you can't walk anymore."

Before Tsuna could even utter a moan, a voice let itself be heard.

"Kufufu. How vulgar phone-sex is...Do the Japanese have any taste these days?"

Silence. Tsuna held his breath, not only from the sound of Mukuro, but also for the impending doom that was about to be heard.

"You son of a fuck," Hibari whispered, road-rage mode activated. 70 miles an hour was nothing anymore. "How the fuck did you tap this?"

"Simple," he said, "I'm an illusionist. There are few things I can't do."

Mukuro had really just been on small errands with Chrome all day, and felt the need to call Tsuna. The line had been busy, but it was child's play to fix that. With the sound of a boss in need, Mukuro sent Chrome back to Kokuyo Land and was off to the Vongola mansion.

"Staying out of other people's business for one, you bastard."

Tsuna shivered. "G-G-Guys, really...T-This is unnecessary..."

"Now, Kyoya...Tsunayoshi-kun is not just yours, but mine as well. I know your mother never taught you to share, but at your age, you should have learned it on your own by now."

"Shut your filthy mouth already."

"Both of you: quit it!"

They were silent. Tsuna was still trembling, his desire unrelenting and near painful. He leaned over the desk and panted.

"I...I need someone."

"Me," they answered simultaneously. So it began: the contest.

"Tsunayoshi, I'm going to fuck you and you will love it. You'll feel me for days."

He moaned, finally pressing a hand to his crotch.

"Kufufu. Italians are bigger than the Japanese, Tsunayoshi-kun. You love my cock, don't you?"

He couldn't deny it. He opened the zipper of his pants.

"Damn it, you fucking love it when I tie you to the headboards and pound you down. You're so beautiful like that."

"Oya oya, did you like my illusions? Did you like two of me on you at once? You were so loud!"

Tsuna whined into the phone, hand fisting his erection slowly.

And quickly, Hibari was parked and running for the mansion.

Mukuro's pace quickened as the base was in sight.

"P-P-Please!" he cried, his stomach in peril.

"Don't worry," they answered in chorus, "Just remember."

Hibari held the cell phone receiver close to his neck, merely listening to Tsuna's heavy panting as he bolted down hallway after hallway, narrowly dodging sharp corners and scurrying maids.

Mukuro charged through the front door, easily waved off by the doorman, and up the stairs faster than a bullet. Tsuna's moans were driving him crazy, making him run until he actually began to feel fatigue. Determination exterminated it quickly.

They met in the hall, staring each other down, each with a slim phone pressed to their ears. They could not speak out at the same time, in fear of Tsuna catching on.

At that moment, they shared a temporary and silent truce. For Tsuna, they thought.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard," Hibari whispered. He looked to Mukuro, who had placed a hand lightly on the door. He nodded, grinning.

"Kufufu. Tsunayoshi-kun, I'm going to make you mine once again, make you mine again and again until you are ready to explode."

But he did just that, coming over his clenched fist with a scream they not only heard over the phones, but through the thick doors. He pressed his face against his cool desk and moaned loudly, arching impossibly. He heard the doors to his office open, but in his current state, all he could do was look up to see his two guardians closing their phones with audible clicks, throwing them to the side, and taking a step forward.

Tsuna could only smile


"So you can go out and make more copies? No way."

Tsuna pouted now. "How mean." He gave another kiss, this time on the forehead. "But whatever, lets continue. You're going to be my distraction for the hour."

Mukuro snorted. "We'll see about that."

"And then maybe I'll show you my new picture of Reborn (he's an adult). I caught him taking a shower." Tsuna leaned over for another kiss. He could still remember taking that one and running like the devil was behind him (which is somewhat true). "That is…if you submit to me." He still had that sly smile on his face.

"That…" Mukuro huffed, losing into the heat and giving up. "That I want to see."

"Good." Tsuna took that chance to kiss along the neck, his soft lips running over the tender flesh. His warm breath danced over it, an almost ticklish feeling to Mukuro. His lips trailed up to the right ear, licking along the back of the lobe, making the illusionist shiver at the sensation. But Tsuna didn't stop there, he moved into the ear and bit down roughly onto the lobe, earning a gasp. As he worked on that, his right leg was spreading Mukuro's apart, sliding teasingly all the way up. When he reached the end, he gave a soft nudge, his knee digging into the groin.

"S-Shit…" Mukuro huffed, tilting his head to the opposite side to give his lover more room. "You're getting g-good at this."

"I've had some practice." A chuckle came from the younger man, pulling away from the ear and went to the other one, doing the exact same thing. His hands were pulling up the white shirt, all the way up to the neck, revealing the creamy pale skin, not a single mark or bruise on it. It was perfect. Smiling, his fingernails scratched gently across it, leaving lightly-tinted red marks. Now, he licked his lips, the skin didn't look as perfect.

Mukuro, not wanting to be the only one left naked, reached up with shaky hands to loosen Tsuna's tie, tossing it to the side. That was one piece out of the way. He unbuttoned the younger man's white shirt, opening it up. Then suddenly, he bit down on his bottom lip to hold back a moan. Tsuna had managed to find one of his sensitive spots right along his collarbone and the leg below that was rubbing between his own was doing wonders to his body. He had to cover his mouth to prevent another moan as he was pressed in harder.

Tsuna nibbled along that spot below the neck, one of his hands (the right) slipping down to Mukuro's pants, unzipping it. His fingers slipped in, sliding underneath the underwear, and pulled everything down all at the same time. Mukuro shivered at the cold fingers and jolted slightly as they touched his member. He pulled his hand away from his mouth to speak.

"Oya, oya…" The illusionist huffed, his mismatched eyes watching, trying to keep his voice even. "It seems like you're enjoying this."

Tsuna glanced up. "And whys that?"

"You're smiling."

The brunet blinked, his so-called smile growing wider, quickly turning into a feral grin. He leaned in for another kiss, quickly dominating and tasting the lavender within. His left hand ran into the dark locks, sliding through it until he reached the hair tie, yanking it off. The long strands spread out over the end of the couch, going all the way to the floor. Mukuro's fingers continued to roam above, touching every place he could from his position. He tried to fight back during the kiss but Tsuna wouldn't allow him the chance to do so. And even if it did hurt his pride, he strangely didn't mind. He just allowed the younger man to do whatever he wanted. That and he really wanted to see that picture.


Tsuna broke the heated kiss, a thin trail of saliva dangling between them until it snapped. Staring down at the illusionist, his eyes would trail over the lovely body before him while his fingers would pump Mukuro below teasingly, rubbing his fingernails over the tip. He bit his bottom lip at the sight before him when the older man let out a gasp then attacked at the neck again, sinking his teeth into the skin hard enough to leave a bruise. Soon after, he licked it gently as if nursing the wound he had given. Mukuro groaned softly, bending his right knee back. His toes rubbed against the inside of his shoes, twitching. It felt good, so good.

Tsuna leaned up and whispered into his mist guardian's right ear. "You're enjoying this."

"Kufufu." Mukuro laughed. "I've really been influencing you far too much."

"What do you expect?" Tsuna pulled the other's pants further down, giving him more room to work with. He reached over to a bottle of lotion that had been conveniently placed to the side (Mukuro stares at it, knowing it hadn't there before) and covered his fingers with the liquid. Slowly and carefully, Tsuna slicked a digit into the entrance. Mukuro jumped at the intrusion and clutched onto Tsuna's clothes to help himself get used to the feeling. The brunet continued talking as if nothing was wrong. "We've been together for six years so eventually I was going to gain some of your traits."

"You said something like that the last time I allowed you on top." The illusionist managed to keep his words and voice straight even as the finger inside was wiggling relentlessly around. When the second one entered, he unconsciously spread his legs wider to ease himself in. He was glad that there was a pillow underneath his head or else he would be uncomfortable against the hard surface of the arm of the couch.

"But it's the truth." Tsuna observed his mist guardian carefully with a soft smile, slicking the third and final digit in. He watched Mukuro squirm at the uncomfortable sensation, still searching for that single spot deep inside. Then he hit it.

"A-Ah!" A moan tore through Mukuro's throat, eyes going wide as he saw white spots and stars. He arched his back at the pleasure, his hands turning white as they clutched harder into Tsuna's clothes.

"There it is." Tsuna whispered, leaning over for another kiss, silencing Mukuro as he pressed into the spot again. He could hear footsteps outside, getting louder. The brunet tensed, hoping that it wasn't for him and if it was, he was going to send the person away with a few threats (meaning he was going to lit on fire them even if it was someone he knew). But with luck, the person passed by his door, disappearing. He eyed the door closely and then looked at Mukuro. "Guess I better make this fast before someone actually comes in. That would be bad."

Mukuro couldn't put a response in as his spot was hit again, letting out another moan. Tsuna grinned, retracting his fingers, and unzipped his pants, pulling it down along with his underwear, just enough to give him room. Knowing that time was against him, he carefully pushed himself in without much thought, listening in on Mukuro's cries. The brunet knew for a fact that what he had done hurt like hell (not enough to bleed) but he didn't care much. Mukuro always did the same thing to him when they were pressed for time. A little vengeance wouldn't be too bad. Tsuna stilled himself to give time for the illusionist to adjust, breathing deeply and moaning softly as the walls crushed down on him. His cold fingers ran over the pale bare chest, sliding up and down over those red lines he had given previously. Mukuro shivered at the coldness but it felt good against his hot skin.

He felt as if he was burning and more so when he saw the light in Tsuna's eyes. It was rare for him, for anyone, to see the lust and desire that swum in it. No one except for him knew about this other side of the Vongola and it was something Mukuro would rather keep to himself. He licked his lips to moisture them and spoke. "Start…moving already."

"Hai, hai." Tsuna whispered, pulling out and almost all the way before shoving back in.

Mukuro's entire body twitched as Tsuna managed to hit his prostate gland, that sack of nerves, in one shot, crying out in both shock and pleasure. He arched his back, wrapping his legs around Tsuna's waist to push himself deeper. His toes curled from within the confinements of his boots as the brunet hit the same spot once more. His eyes were only partly open and cried out louder as he was hit there again.

Tsuna examined over the man before him, his lips curving upwards and picked up the pace, bending forward for another heated kiss. Their tongues tangled together, both moaning hotly for each other's warmth. Mukuro's hands stopped clutching the jacket and instead moved to wrap around the neck, pulling Tsuna closer and further into the kiss. Sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room and sweat glittered on their bodies from the sun light that managed to peek through the curtains. Their clothes became attached to their skin like glue, curving out their figures. Tsuna moaned, his fingers digging into Mukuro's waist, using it as leverage to strike that nerve over and over again.

Then Tsuna remembered about one thing. He had forgotten to set up a video camera to record this moment. Oh well, it was too late now.

After all, as he stared down at his lover, there was a picture camera inside his desk drawer ready for use. He smirked.

"T-Tsuna…" Mukuro breathed as his body shivered. He was close to the end. His cheeks were red and he could taste the sweat on his lips, licking it. He moaned louder as Tsuna breathed warm air into his right ear. That was just enough to push him over the edge, letting out one last cry before spilling himself over his stomach. And with the walls clenching down, Tsuna didn't last much longer and came, letting out a long moan as he buried his face into Mukuro's neck. He felt both drained and satisfied.

He would have almost collapsed onto his mist guardian but had brought his hands out in front to prevent that from happening and slowly slid himself out. A low groan came from below, making Tsuna smile in glee. The mismatched eyes were closed shut and Mukuro was breathing heavily, his heart pounding from within his chest.

The brunet ran a hand through the long hair, stroking it, and stood up, heading toward his desk. It took him a few seconds to get his body working again as he almost tripped from exhaustion but as much as he was worn out, he had things to do and willed himself to move. He reached for his camera and came back. Knowing that Mukuro had fallen asleep out of tiredness, he snapped a few pictures and hid the camera once more. Tsuna quickly cleaned his mist guardian up and placed everything back in order, leaving the slumbering man on the couch as he went back to work. After all, that paperwork wasn't going to complete itself and he'd rather not get killed by Reborn yet.


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