Chapter 1: Peaceful Town at Night

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whoooo actual actual chapter finally XD

I've been updating but not writing all day lol

it's weird and not getting my creative juices flowing like I want to


The bells were starting to toll as she walked through the gates of Castele. The guards nodded to her as she passed, and she did in return. Purity was well known by the guards in Castele, or anywhere really. 

Purity the Wanderer, people called her. 

She sighed as she examined the crowded buildings lit by orange by the street lamps that were forever burning. Some people were out and about, others were just waking up, and others still were heading to sleep. In a land where it was always night, people just go to sleep whenever they got tired. 

Purity sighed longingly again as she passed the house rental place she lived on top of, run by the four sisters, Pam, Joe, Amy, and Beth. The Attic room normally they didn't rent out to people, but for some reason Pam made an exception. 

Her sisters' faces were so shocked, it was weird... The door to the attic and the rest behind it was calling her. Almost home. But I need to see if Pierre is around... 

Pierre, even with his ridiculous hairstyle (of which people say he had even when he was an absolute doofus, which all of it Purity finds hard to believe) was one of the top buying-and-selling merchants around. His brother Butch was technically Lifeless, but he was always helping his brother in his booming business. Pierre and Butch, petty thieves. Yeah right. 

The girl walked up where the boisterous brother was talking and exchanging things with people while the (honestly cuddly) brother ran in and out of the back storage room. 

"Ah, Purity! How is it going this fine hour?" 

Since no one knew what time it really was (anymore?) people just used simple units of time to make daily life seem more... normal...? Purity nodded and gave Pierre a casual shrug. 

"Ah, same. It just goes, does it not? I remember back in the day, this place used to be the General Goods store. It was quite boring honestly. The only people who actually came in here were tourists..." Pierre started rambling about how Life used to be before it was always night. Purity liked listening to new stories from that time, but when you hear the same ones over and over again it gets boring. 

Plus, she did not always fully believe everything the adults said. 

Was there actually something that could brighten the whole world of Reveria at once? Calm monsters? Differentiate between night and "day"? Purity was never truly sure. For so many adults to tell of it, there must have been a "sun" at some point, but it seemed impossible for the black Purity had grown up in to disappear and reappear every twelve hours on a regular cycle. There's just too much dark... 

"Hey bro, you gonna trades with ol' butterfly or no?" Butch butted into his brother's ramblings and Purity's thoughts as he lugged a large crate out of the storage room. 


That was what people called her, as well as the Wanderer. Purity knew of the legend, of Ben and Yuelia that tried to stop this eternal darkness. But they failed. They've been missing for years. They're probably dead, crashed into the ocean or eaten by monsters. Why do people still make it a big deal that I'm "Butterfly"? To her it seemed disappointing. But to everyone else, apparently her nickname was something of importance. Maybe it's because I'm silent like a butterfly. 

Pierre shook his head, crescent hairdo waving a little. "Yes, yes, of course. Excuse my rambling, Purity. Now, what do you have to sell today?"

Purity collapsed onto her bed in her cozy Attic room. 

Good to be home... 

Pam had been attempting to cook dinner downstairs, but since there was no "Cook" Life (anymore) the skills to make elaborate meals had been lost some. Pam's sister that used to be a Cook and sold food in the Shopping District sometimes came over and cooked, but since all the sisters were always doing chores trying to make some Dosh it was not very often. Three of the four sisters were Lifeless, so Life was hard for them a lot of times.

Purity gazed at the many collectibles scattered around her room. 

All the colors of bell flowers marked different locations, as well as filled her room with all sorts of scents. There were collectibles from all around Reveria cramped into this one small space. From a piece of magma ore from Lava Cave on Mount Snowpeak to a moon cluster from the Adrian Desert. 


A copper dagger caught Purity's eye and sparked memories. It was her first weapon, which she found in the bottom of the closet of this same attic room when she first moved in. She remembered hearing Gramps once talk about how he gave the hero Ben his copper dagger in exchange for some mustard. And then how one of the first Doomstones fell into this roof while he said to have lived in here all those thirty years ago. 

He must have left it at some point... She felt no awe or anything from the weapon, Ben probably never used it. Just shoved it in his closet once he helped out Gramps and then let it get buried with junk from all his other adventures. 

But that was a long time ago. In an age Purity had no part in. 

Gramps had passed when she was six or seven; saddening all of Castele with the loss of the elderly storyteller. Thinking of Gramps, Purity's thoughts wandered to the crystal. The shard of strange mineral sat next to the dagger, in the "Castele" part of her room (marked with a redbell). It shimmered rainbow-translucent, and gave off a barely ghostly glow in the darkness. 

It's strange that it has his voice, even years after he passed. The meteor shower happened years before then, so how and why did it capture his last words? One of the last astronomical events had happened a few years after the darkness had set in, where one last meteor shower had scattered these chunks of this crystal across Reveria. Some were blank, but others sometimes had someone's voice recorded almost inside it. Purity held up the one that she had that held Gramps's voice to her ear, hearing the faint message it spoke. 

"I wish... I wish to see the sun one last time. I know it ain't ever gonna happen... But to feel that warmth on my skin... that's the best thing to keep a Life going..." 

To see the sun... It was a little bit of a strange thought, Purity noted, that Gramps and others talked so fondly of the thing, yet no one from that day onward was ever going to see it again. 

No child was ever going to get to play carefree around the fountain again without a weapon in case a Bandit tries to invade. Eventually, the adults that remember the sun are all going to die, and blue sky will be nothing more than a myth. There will be no way to say, "this existed." It's like a lost part of time... I should really get some sleep. Freaking Spookies are a pain in the butt to farm... 


Lol like there's so much of hinting at the plot in this chapter

But its true Spookies are a pain in the butt to farm

But what is worse is Sand Golems in the Adrian//Drysand Desert

Especially when they won't give you those frICKEN SUN CLUSTERS TO COMPLETE THAT ONE REQUEST FROM PAIGE--


...I'll go now.

Auf weidersehen!

-Becca out 

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