Chapter 3: Mysteries of the Night... Or Day?

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I got this wireless keyboard thing and I love it because I can type SOOOOO much better on my phone and tablet now!! It's amazing!

I apparently had this chapter finished but forgot to post it so when I went to upload NEXT chapter I had to go back and do this one RIP

Only problem is that stupid Wattpad app doesn't change HTML stuff into italics OR keep my italics from Google Docs so I have to go and do that grr

Does anyone even read this? I mean I know Fantasy Life is a small fandom and right now I find this story surprisingly easy to write, but does anyone actually read it?? I mean I'll write it either way lol XD


"Oh! Hello Miss-" Purity sprinted past the Office Clerk outside the Guild Office.

"Hey! Where are you off to Miss Purity?" Roslyn questioned as she ran by through the square.

Purity did not even glance back at the curious people that she knew were watching her take the steps up to the castle three at a time.

This is too important! Queen Laura needs to know about this!

Purity practically rammed the castle doors, starting the guards both inside and out.

"Excuse me! Miss Purity, you cannot simply burst into the castle with such rambunctious behavior!" The prime minister (AKA the old butt that was somehow still alive) scolded.

Purity was breathing heavily as she pointed up to the throne room.

The prime minister hesitated. "No, I'm sorry miss, but you cannot go meet with the queen at the moment. You do not have the proper attire nor-" Purity's glare at him was enough to make him stop himself.

She almost lost her aloofness at his fearful expression.
If I REALLY wanted to, I'm sure no one would miss this old stickler. Not that Purity was going to slice him down the middle with her Giga Buster.

The door to the throne room swung open.

"Mister Minister! Are you playing that darn attire card again? What have I told you? Everyone is allowed to see me! We're not in a time we can refuse people anymore, you old geezer." The warrior queen of Castele stood at the railing above them.

The prime minister looked between her and Purity, then bowed and stepped back. "My apologies, your highness..." his farewell was laced with annoyance, but he left without complaint.

The paladins throughout the hall laughed quietly at his eternal fight against the queen.

Purity looked back up at Queen Laura, who was smiling casually and waving.

"Hello Purity! What brings you here? And in such as hurry?" She placed a finger on her chin in questioning.

Purity reached into her pouch and grabbed her notebook, and started writing in shorthand as fast as possible with her discovery. Then she raced up the steps to the queen, and held it out for her to read.

Queen Laura's eyes went huge and her face paled considerably. "Come with me." she said and hurried down the steps again.

I just came up to go down huh,

Queen Laura walked as if she was on a mission, that she did not care there were any paladins lining the halls. Purity hurried to catch up, speed walking slightly behind the queen.

Despite Laura's casualness and friendliness, Purity was always intimidated by her position and power.

Same with Olivia or Andy or Damien or heck, even Odin. Cervantes even though he's passed was definitely scary, especially for a nine-year-old me while he's reenacting one of his battles... Not that I don't miss them now.

Laura instead of going into the palace gardens like Purity expected instead turned inwards to the inner chamber. Wait what? No one goes in the inner chamber.

The paladins stationed in front of it crossed their lances as they approached.

"Your highness, I must ask, what is so important that you must come in here?I thought King Erik sealed this for a reason." The left Paladin questioned.

The queen's serious glare was enough to get them to uncross their lances. "You are correct. My father did seal this room. However, he has retired and since I have authority I deem the news Miss Purity brings serious enough to be discussed in private in this room."

The Paladins stepped aside completely with Laura's complete wielding of authority and pushed open the large doors.

"Come, Purity." Laura glanced back and gestured to the young Mercenary. Purity glanced between the two Paladins uncertainly, who shared (although more blatant) uncertainty Purity did and they shrugged.

The Wanderer stepped into the inner chamber. Laura waved her hand, and the Paladins gingerly closed the large doors behind them.

"So," Laura started, not facing Purity. The queen sighed. "It's been a long time since this room was used..."

The white-blonde girl tilted her head. "This room was last used for the Reveria Convention, if I'm not mistaken. Where the leaders of all the parts of Reveria met to discuss the Doomstone ordeal that was being brought to light."

Purity blinked. Damn. That's a long time, thirty years then. There must be a LOT of dust.

"Tell me what you saw, Purity. And not tell me any phonies; I know your reputation well enough I wouldn't think you would tell me what you did just for a small attention grab."

Purity reached into her pouch for her notebook, before her queen spun on one heel and threw her armored hands in the air.

"Oh come on! I know you can talk! You told me yourself once that you didn't believe in the sun, when you were just a child. Don't think I don't remember that. Now, please Purity, explain to me what you saw. Because I can't... I don't know." Laura pleaded.

Purity's voice stuck in her throat for a moment. She remembers that? Well shoot, that's annoying.

The Wanderer sighed. "I... I don't know either." She closed her eyes, trying to make sense of the thing still at the front of her memory. "I was at the pirate shipwreck in Tortuga Archipelago. There was a... quiet? Small? Dim? Beam of this weird, silvery light. I look up to see what was making it, and there was a white circle in the sky. That scared me enough, but there was also a... cross, scarring the surface, on the bottom right... corner? It was round, it didn't have corners. But that's the best I can describe it. I look back up after I fast traveled to the Guild Office, and it was gone."

Laura was looking at a painting of several young leaders and some others Purity had not seen physically, around a much less dusty version of the table the queen and the Wanderer now stood by. Laura whispered something under her breath. Purity tilted her head.

"Lunares. I think you saw... Lunares."

The Wanderer's sense of everything froze.


"Lunares. The moon, as Yuelia called it sometimes. Thirty years ago, one fateful day, Lunares showed up in the sky with a huge red 'x' on it. It meant the start of the doom of Reveria, the warning for the start of the eternal night."

Purity blinked as Laura turned to her. "You saw it. How? Wait... You were at the shipwreck you say?" Laura rounded on Purity, most of her formality lost to her usual bluntness. Purity nodded nervously. Laura was nodding, her finger on her chin in a thoughtful manner.

"It makes sense, Lunares marks the spot. But what does it mean...?"

I... I don't know...

Purity never signed up for this when she took that request.
I should really start charging more for my quests...

"I think we both need time to think about this. Go home and get some sleep, Purity. But, don't tell anyone what you saw. We don't know what this means yet, and I don't want there to be false alarms or rumors. Got it?"

Purity saluted.

Laura chuckled. "You know you're welcome at the castle anytime right? Don't let what ol' Mister Oldtimer get to you."

Another cheeky salute and a grin, before Purity made her leave. She could feel the curious stares from the Paladins and others as she left the Great Chamber and out the large front doors. As she walked down the many steps that led to and from the castle, Purity looked to the black sky once more.

I've never known anything but black and darkness. Is it really possible what I saw? LUNARES? Next thing I know the sky will be blue. Yeah right...

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