pet peeves (ft. bts reaction images bc im trash)

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oof lets go

1. "why is *insert thing here* so popular?"

this annoys me because it's like... you're clearly not actually interested in knowing. if you were actually curious you would do some fucking research or at least ask someone who's actually a fan instead of making passive-aggressive posts about it.

2. when people are wayyyy too disorganized

like to the point where it ruins shit for other people. like for example i have this teacher who literally can't even fucking give us due dates and my grade is suffering because of it, like it's below my average and it just makes me

like for fuck's sake i'm suffering get your shit together

3. people who hate on people they don't know (or hate on people in general)

hate is a strong word and shouldn't really be used so loosely. if i had a dollar for every time i've seen someone say "i hate bts" even though they haven't done even a bit of research on them i'd be rich. like, YOU DON'T KNOW THEM.

4. people using religion as an excuse to spread hate

like even logical people who aren't religious know that ain't what most religions are about so calm your tits and accept that you're just an asshole

5. normalizing incest/pedophilia/abusive relationships because "it's just fiction"


6. people who shove their opinions in your face

like stopppp i'm trying to enjoy my life

7. all this negativity

this is less annoying and more sad

i can't sleep at night because of all the shit that goes down her lmao send help

8. me

that's it

just me

9. writer's block

i'm suffering

10. people who fight over ships

like chill it's really not a big deal

11. people who act like they're your friend but talk shit about you behind your back

don't do this. it hurts.

that's all i have for now lmao bye

also i didn't make any of the edits except the uncultured swine sign and the upcoming love bombs uwu

these edits took wayyyyyy more time than they were worth lmao

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