~Always my (your) Kid~

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Rahul didn't quite know how he ended up in front of Virat's door with a bloody knuckle, gazing, at the door blankly in great dilemma. He didn't know what to do now? He didn't remember how he ended up here? But it was like his feet had a mind of their own leading him to Virat's door like always. He might have left Mayank and Shami somewhere reeling, his whole team might be totally disappointed and disconnected with him.

But presently Rahul didn't quite care. For he was rightfully burning in fury, a "I want to tear everything apart, destroy and lit up the whole world," kinda fury. God, he couldn't even feel the blood dripping down his knuckles. From all the earlier ramblings, wasn't it quite clear that he wasn't quite in his senses?

Taking in a staggering breath, he rapped his bloody knuckle against Virat's door.

And that's how Virat found a handful of a kid in his arms. Rahul's face hidden in the crook of his neck, hot burning tears soaking through Virat's cozy night shirt. Virat tried to break the hug and check on his Rahuliyaa, ask him what was wrong? What had upset him after his victory? But Rahul just tightened his grip around Virat, snuggling in Virat's arms, letting the angry tears fall like a fountain.

And Virat let him be, standing on the doorstep of his room with his weeping kid in his arm. Virat let him seek and embrace solace out of his arms like always. Virat stood there trudging his fingers in a calming manner through Rahul's hair, patting his back in a "I'm with you, you're fine" manner. He could clearly remember every single time, every single time he held an emotional wreck Rahul in his arms. After every sad and happy moment, he had been Rahul's shield hiding his emotions from the world and today was the same.

Rahul let his angry tears seep out of him with all his anger and pain in Virat's embrace while Virat pondered whether he should warn Rahul about Dev and Washy's presence in his room but thought better of it. Rahul will totally close off, wearing his poker face, acting all tough and mature when he is all but a kid to Virat. A kid who needs to let his emotions out. So, Virat stayed silent letting Rahul let his distress seep out in Virat's arms.

Just like he did, after the KKR vs KXIP loss. He didn't care about rules or stuff. All he knew was his kid was hurt and he had to do something to ignite a smile on his kids face.

"Your knuckles are bleeding," a surprised exclaim from behind startled both of them and finally prompted Rahul to raise his head slightly to check on the source of yelp. He was actually displeased finding Dev and Washy starring at him wide-eyed and that the yelp prompted Virat to finally break the hug and check Rahul's knuckles all concerned, shooting, Rahul a very displeased look.

Rahul shot a withering glare towards Dev and Washy as Virat dragged and disposed Rahul on his bed. Virat didn't notice Rahul shooting glares after glares at Dev and Washy who fidgeted at their spots but refused to walk away. It was their big brother's room. They were staying, no, matter what a glaring being expected them to do.

"Did you fight someone?" Virat asked Rahul, still analyzing Rahul's bruised cracked knuckles very attentively and concernedly, if, at that moment someone noticed Virat's eyes closely. They would have found them glassy and hurt. It looked like Virat was the one in pain, not Rahul.

Getting no answer, Virat looked up slightly and found Rahul shooting glares at Dev and Washy, who, looked back at Rahul defiantly. No one seemed to win this war of wills.

"KL stop glaring at those poor kids," Virat admonished. " And how the hell did this happen? Did you fight something? Punch the wall or what?"

Rahul looked down grimacing.

Dev and Washy knew they shouldn't be smiling but they couldn't help it. Their big brother defended them, take it now "You big glaring being," both of them wanted to say sticking their tongues out. But kept their sentiments to themselves. They didn't want to get scolded next like a big meanie.

"Why?" Virat asked softly blowing air over Rah's knuckles.

Rahul continued glaring at the floor.

"Dev bring the first aid box, kid" Virat ordered,sighing, as he held on Rahul's bruised hand while Rahul tried to snatch his hand away from Virat. Why did he get such stubborn, sour, poker faced kids?

Nodding, both Dev and Washy jumped off the bed and went to search the first aid kid. And Virat turned back to Rahul expectantly.

"What happened, Rahuliya?" Virat asked Rahul softly and Rahul felt his resolve crumbling just like that, this stupid, obnoxious, untastefull nickname had quite become his weak spot. He couldn't, just couldn't hold out when that stupid name comes out to play. Not at all, when Virat is the one using it looking so concerned.

"I hate Monku," Rahul stated matter of factly, glaring at Virat's door with ire of the whole world combined.

"No, you don't," Virat wanted to tell his stupid kiddo but thought better of it. He didn't want his Rahuliya to turn into a scowliya and sulk while shooting him "Et tu, Brute" looks. So, Virat stayed silent, knowing, Rahul will inform him the reason of his hate quite soon himself. He knows his kids best, after all.

"He didn't let him punch them. He didn't let me shout and give them a piece of my mind. He didn't let me stand up for you. They were so wrong. I hate them. I hate him. I don't want to go back take me with you," Rahul said childishly, wallowing in his misery. He was so angry with his team right now, unreasonable people, just meet him when he is in Indian blues. He'll give all of them a lesson, they won't ever forget.

"Why did you want to punch them? and what made you think you should stand up for me?" Virat asked Rahul smiling softly. The miserable child like look on Rahul's face reminded Virat of the 21-year-old Rahul, he took under his wings. His sulky miserable kid carrying the burden of world's words on his shoulder.

"They were badmouthing you," Rahul exclaimed with wide despair filled eyes looking like bad mouthing Virat was the greatest crime in the whole world, in Rahul's book it absolutely was but it didn't matter much to Virat. Virat was used to people hating him.

In Virat's book, Mayank did the right thing stopping Rahul. It wouldn't be good if Rahul fought with his teammates over him and who was he really? Just the opposite team's captain, badmouthing him, after their victory was acceptable. But their captain punching them for him, not at all,so, in Virat's book Mayank did the right thing.

Mayank was looking after Rahul like always. Virat knew. Virat knew how much Rahul mattered to Mayank. He had seen Mayank looking at Rahul with hawkish attention during the matches. Ignoring their jokes and even when Virat nudged Mayank with his bat. Mayank ignored him and concentrated on Rahul on the crease with similar dedication. Mayank was right Virat knew but he won't tell that to Rahul now. He valued his life, thank you very much. His dearest scowliya will kill him if he disagreed with him on this.

"What were they speaking?" Virat asked Rahul instead. Well, it's not like he was going to hit them or something. He just wanted to know what they said to push Rahul in a state of such frenzy.

Rahul looked so sad, his eyes full of despair and agony. He glared at the door again as if it was the root cause of all of his misery.

"Rahuliyaaaa," Virat spoke gently yet firmly.

Rahul huffed irritably. The govt. should ban this nickname or something.

"They said you're a bad Captain. They were laughing at you," Rahul scowled darkly trying to set things on fire with his gaze.

"And," Virat asked looking somewhat amused with Rahul's expressions. Virat had admitted to himself a very-very long ago. He was a bad captain

"I stormed away from there," Rahul shrugged, his words undermining his exit. He had stood up abruptly and totally unexpectedly, shooting withering glares at everyone present in the team room. He had stormed out turning a deaf ear to everyone calling him, banged the door close with more force than necessary and then punched a wall somewhere on his way.

He was just so angry. They were laughing at his Virat Bhaiya, calling him names, questioning his skills and saying his Virat bhaiya needed to learn how to play from Monku and him as if that even made sense. They were uttering absolute nonsense and Monku didn't let him give them a lesson they won't ever forget. Remembering their words Rahul was seething with anger and mentally imagining turning people into pulp.

"That's it," Virat asked Rahul quite surprised. Rahul wasn't the one to lose his calm so soon.

"That's it!" Rahul exclaimed in a tone that made it clear it was a very-very big thing.

"I'm a bad captain, Rah. I make many bad decisions, they weren't wrong and Monku did the right thing," Virat said in a self-depicting way that Rahul hated very much. 

But he could just scowl at his Virat bhaiya as Dev and Washy had reentered the scene with first aid kit and tea. Taking the first aid kid from Dev, Virat gently started cleansing Rahul's scraped knuckles. He couldn't quite believe Rahul punched a wall because someone called him a bad captain. His stupid Rahuliyaa.

While Virat cleansed and treated Rahul's wound. The three kids shared looks with each other. The tension was palpable in room. It was broken by Dev. The shy, silent one couldn't take this oppressive aura around him anymore.

"You're not a bad captain, Bhaiya" Dev announced firmly. His captain, his elder brother could never be a bad captain in Dev's eyes.

Washy nodded his head vigorously in Dev's support. They were biased to their elder brother. They knew it but they didn't care.

"I'm kiddo, I made many stupid decisions," Virat admitted with a stupid wan smile that made all his kids scowl. They won't ever believe that statement, their cap was the best just their luck was stupid.

"Yeah, like backing me up," Rahul grumbled unhappily, if, Virat didn't back him up as much as he did. He won't ever be in the position he is now. Huh, Virat's believe in him made Rahul believe in himself again and now, his stupid elder brother was insulting himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid people.

"Naah, that was my best decision," Virat denied instantly, backing his Rahuliyaa wasn't ever a bad decision, never ever. Virat can challenge the whole world on this point. Even the grumbling kid who thought the opposite true actually.

"Why were you smiling so much after losing?" Rahul couldn't help but demand from Virat grumbling. Virat hadn't smiled even a little after defeating CSK, he seemed unhappy with their performance that day. But tonight, he was all smiles even after the win.

Why? Rahul wanted to know.

"Because your victory is my victory,kiddos, even the little one," Virat admitted grinning looking at the three of them in eyes. The little steps they take towards their success, the little steps they took towards their bright future and the future of ICT was a victory for Virat. His kids success always had been equal to his own success for Virat.

And the kiddos found themselves suddenly full of emotions. Their throats clogged with the happiness those words ignited in their soul. They looked away from their captain, not wanting to let him see the tears of joy in their eyes.

"Couldn't you be a little more gentle?" Rahul grumbled trying to hide the elation Virat's words ignited in his soul.

"Well, you shouldn't be hitting walls then," Virat retorted rolling his eyes. What to do with these overgrown kiddos?

"Learned from the best," Rahul stated rolling his eyes too at his idiotic best brother.

"Well, you've to bat, you know" Virat admonished.

"Says the one who batted with eight stitches," Rahul huffed out giving Virat a challenging look.

Virat just facepalmed.

Who was teaching these kiddos the fine art of retorting?

Dev and Washy just snickered in the background, snuggling with the cover. Virat threw the insolent kids a look that gained him wild giggles that even managed to make the grumpy soul present in the room to smile.

"TEA" Virat stated, quite aware that the kiddos had brought tea with them. So, wordlessly cups of tea were passed around. Rahul settled himself around the bed with a "this is my home" aura. Watching everyone look at him questioningly, Rahul rolled his eyes and declared "I'm staying here,"

Virat just rolled his eyes at the childish people on his bed playing tug of war with his cover. Sighing, Virat settled himself between Rahul and Dev on the bed quite resigned to his role of babysitter. Virat's poor bed was holding four people presently, four people who were trying to throw each other down the bed. Well, Rahul and Washy were on the extreme corners and no one, was quite certain who was pushing whom?

"So, what are we watching?" Virat asked finally fed up of oscillating like a pendulum on both directions.

"How to hide a dead body?" Dev supplied instantly and Virat wasn't quite sure whether the choice of the show was good one or not? He knew of certain people who might be interested in knowing how to hide a dead body. But, again Virat's choice to decide was quite outvoted by the kids and they were watching "How to hide a dead body?" with Rahul's head resting on Virat's left shoulder, Dev's head on Virat's right shoulder, Washy's head on Dev's shoulder and a arm wrapped around Virat.

All four of them were snuggling to each other, laughing and enjoying the late night show. It was reaching it's finale and the kids were already sleep. Carefully making sure to not wake them up, Virat placed Washy's head on the pillow and then with equal care made Rahul and Dev sleep properly too. Placing soft goodnight kisses on the foreheads of his 20, 21 and 28 year old kids as they mumbled in their sleepy daze "but you'll be always the best cap/brother/bhai for me,"

Virat couldn't help the beaming smile that graced his lips hearing their sleepy confession. Switching off the Tv, covering all of them properly with the duvet. Virat lied down between Rahul and Dev quite aware tomorrow morning he'll find himself entangled in a maze of legs and arms.

He was just too proud of his kids. Rahuliya, his first kid that was totally his, quite like Dev and Washy. All of them were equally important to him.

His Rahuliya had come so far from the starry eyed boy to a celeb who didn't need any introduction. His first kid. He is so proud of him. And he couldn't wait for Dev and Washy to reach that level too. Virat is sure, they'll and he'll be the proudest when that happens.

No matter, how big and tough they become they'll always be his kids first. Unknown to Virat his kids were thinking the same in their dreams.

And unknown to all of them, Monku, Shami, Harry and Yuzi were searching for Rahul like mad in the whole hotel premises. They thought Rahul will return after cooling down a little. But now, they couldn't spot him anywhere.

Monku was very worried and cursing himself for not following Rahul out. He should have known how overly sensitive Rahul could be when Virat was concerned.

Hardik wasn't showing it but he was equally worried. They had searched every nook and corner of the hotel and they didn't find Rahul anywhere. Harry was very worried about his idiotic bestie. He didn't know what was said or what was Rahul thinking but he'll give him a piece of his mind very soon.

Shami and Yuzi were equally worried. They had tried Rahul's number like a thousand times but the guy wasn't answering. He wasn't answering at all and Yuzi was coming to an end of his patience. He was so worried.

"Let's go to Virat bhaiya. He'll know what to do," Yuzi finally announced after searching the whole hotel for the umpteenth time.

Discouraged and worried, all of them reached Virat's room. They knocked a few times but Virat didn't answer the door. Frantic, Yuzi used the extra key of Virat's room that he had. Entering the room, the four of them found a scene that they couldn't quite forget for sometimes.

The object of their worry. The guy they were searching for hours was sleeping peacefully with his arms and legs draped over Virat. Dev's hand was over Virat's face, his face resting on Virat's chest and his legs seemed to be pushing Rahul away from Virat. Washy had snatched away the duvet from everyone and wrapped it around himself like a cocoon, his hand was dangling down the bed. Virat's hand was resting over Washy's head.

It was quite a cute sight.

Harry wanted to wake everyone of them anyway. It was unfair. He wanted to be part of the dog pile too. Why didn't anyone informed him about the movie marathon? he would have shifted here like ages ago with his pillows then.

Monku and Yuzi were similarly scowling at the scene. The wrappers of chocolates lying around the bed not at all helping their mood. They would have helped Harry in waking everyone up.

But too bad for them. Shami dragged the three of them out of the room, letting the four sleep peacefully though Harry managed to click pics of the sleeping people and circulated it in the ICT group.

His logic being "Why should they feel envious alone? Everyone should feel envious, right."

+The End+

So, what do you think?

Idk, what I wrote seriously? But I needed to this.

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