~Antics of a drunk Mahi~

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"And this is why we don't drink alcohol, children" came the voice of Yuvi, mocking the line that his best friend and captain had said to him on more than one occasion.

It was Monday morning and Mahendra Singh Dhoni had a throbbing headache. He heard himself groan as he rolled from his stomach onto his back. His whole body felt heavy and it felt like there was someone banging on his head with a hammer.

It was a pain he had never experienced before and he knew he never wanted to experience it again.

Yups, he was definitely staying with his nimbu pani. Thank you very much, no stupid dare from Yuvi will change it ever. He wasn’t touching these vile, icky and disgusting tasting things ever in his entire life. No matter what Yuvi or anybody else said.

With much difficulty he managed to sit up. Everything was blurry. He rubbed his eyes, hoping everything would come into focus. Eventually, it did and his eyes fell on the three boys sitting on the bed next to his. They were all dressed in practice uniforms and they were all watching him with matching grins.

The three boys were, of course, his best friends and little brother. God, he wanted to bury himself in a rabbit hole right now. He was supposed to be an idol figure for these kid teaching them right conduct and all, be their mentor and a stupid dare ruined everything. God, he shouldn’t have let Yuvi get under his nerves at all. And he is so going to murder Yuvi once his headache stops killing him.

The fact that the three of them looked incredibly suspicious didn’t help the matter at all. Mahi was almost afraid to ask them what’s going on?

"What are you staring at?" he asked, realizing that his voice was hoarse and his throat hurt. His hand immediately clutched his throat and he rubbed it gently, though he knew that really wouldn't do anything to make him feel better.

His fellow comrades just looked at him, still grinning stupidly.

"What?" he croaked. He'd have to head to the Practife session in this condition. God, Dada will kill him. No, he will just throw Yuvi under the bus. Dada loves him the best anyway and maybe Dada would give him something to fix his throat or maybe dada would take pity on his condition and rest him from today's practice. But for that he need to go to Dada's room keep his head on his lap and be his  truly miserable self.

And He really didn't have time for these three's games.

"So, did you enjoy yourself last night?" asked Bhajji, finally breaking the silence.

"It certainly looked like you enjoyed yourself," said Yuvi and Virat burst out into a fit of giggles.

The truth was, Mahi wasn't sure if he had enjoyed himself the night before. He racked his brain, trying to remember what he had done the previous evening. He remembered there ODI victory and the phone call he received from Sakshi–their parents were planning a get together. He remembered sitting with Yuvi and sleeping through out the journey back to hotel and then there being a raging party as soon as they entered the hotel premises.

Mahi hadn't been entirely sure why they were celebrating the night before and he couldn't remember that morning. He was too sleepy and tired. He remembered that all he wanted to do was go to bed, but his friends convinced him to stay and he couldn't remember anything beyond that.

"Can you spare me the riddles and just tell me what you're talking about?" Mahi demanded, his patience running thin.

The three boys turned and looked at each other, eventually turning back to Mahi.

"You don't remember?" Yuvi asked, his eyebrow slightly raised.

"At all?" Bhajji finished lookeing at Mahi suggestively.

But Mahi honestly had no idea what they were getting at or talking about.

"Okay, let's see if this rings a bell.
'Pani? Who needs Pani? Pani is for fishes!'" said Yuvi, in what Mahi knew was an attempt to sound like him.

It was a very bad attempt, but Yuvi had jokingly mocked Mahi enough times that Mahi knew when Yuvi was trying to imitate him.

"I said that?" Mahi questioned, looking at Virat. Yuvi and Bhajji were good at keeping straight faces when lying and both of them had been his friends so long that they could totally act like that during a prank and they weren't at all scared of him.

While Virat was new and a lot easier to break. And a total mess while trying to hide something from them. Mahi knew when he wasn't being truthful. He was a nervous wreck. But Virat nodded his head in agreement. So either he had been practicing all morning or the two boys were telling the truth.

"Yeah, right before you jumped on the table and starting singing," informed Virat innocently giggling.

Mahi stared at his friends nervously, wondering if what the were saying was true. A feeling of utter horror washed over Mahi.

"Tell me he's joking," he demanded, pointing to the still giggling boy who was about to fall off the bed from giggling and trying to go as far as possible from Mahi.

"If only we could," said Yuvi, his stupid, goofy smile from before returning.

"Yes, you wrote a very touching love song for someone called Sakshi," Bhajji informed him very-very sweetly and warning bells started ringing furiously in Mahi's brain.

"So, who's this Sakshi?? Mahiyaaaa. You didn't tell your one and only bestie about her. You know I am the best help, right" Yuvi said wiggling his eyebrows all suggestively and Mahi was ready to jump out of the window or let the earth swallow him up. Whichever came first.

There was an odd feeling in Mahi's stomach. Almost like someone was playing with his intestines,  knoting, unknoting and tying in in different shapes and forms.

Very vaguely he was starting to remember. He remembered jumping onto the table and kicking off everything that was on it. He remembered laughing and cheering and Yuvi's obnoxious challenging tone;

"You're such a puss Mahi. Even a girl can drink more shots then you. Will you drink or should I call Virat to compete? I think It'll be fun to see what a drunk Virat can do? The kid is too much of a fluff ball and goody shoes otherwise."

Yups, he is definitely going to murder one Yuvraj Singh and forbid Virat from going anywhere near Yuvi ever. Virat was good being an adorable puppy. No need, for spoiling that kid.

And yes, he is definitely going to murder Yuviii.

Though he didn't indulge Yuvi with an reply. That git totally didn't deserve it. He knew it was him who was somehow at fault here? The git had really challenged or coaxed him in some kind of drinking competition. Mahi was more than 100% sure of that fact. And just when his head will stop ringing. He'll definitely use his perfect batting skills on Yuviii.

"You know you kissed Dada telling him he was the most wonderful person around and you loved him the most. And you love the food cooked by him and he is very scary when angry," Bhajji told him thoughtfully,  like he was trying to remember what else a drunk Mahi confessed to Dada.

Mahi groaned, his voice full of dread. He let himself fall back onto his bed, his head crashing into the pillow. He wasn't sure what in the world had possessed him to jump on the table or kiss Dada, but he knew that was something very unlike him.

And he really didn't want to know what else he did last night? But he knew his friends better than anyone else and he knew they won't stop until they had narrated everything to him.

"I think Dada actually liked it. You know, his face had turned all pink but he tried supporting and dragging you back to your room. Of course, you won't at all listen to him but he also ruffled your hair lovingly. Yeah, I'm sure he appreciated your true feelings for him."

At this, Yuvi couldn't stop himself from laughing and Virat was looking at him bashfully. Bhajji continued to grin stupidly.

Mahi pulled a pillow from beside him and hid his face behind it. Mortally embarrassed.  God, how will he meet Dada's eyes ever again. He made a total fool out of himself and he is going to murder Yuvvi. He is totally going to throttle him. But for now, He said: "Please. Kill me now," his voice sounding very muffled underneath the pillow.

His head hurt even more than it hurt before, but suddenly he didn't want to get out of this room ever. Like ever.

And his friends were having a very good time laughing over his mortification.  When Yuvi was able to catch a breath between his laughter, he finally spoke. "No, no, Mahiyaaa You were great. My favorite part was when you grabbed some spoons from the table and you started banging them on your stomach, chair and floor like it was a set of drums while singing Lala lalala lalalalala," Yuvii said and it sounded like he was trying really hard to stop himself from cracking up.

Suddenly Mahi's stomach hurt and lurched like he was on a sailing ship. Very vaguely he remembered doing that and groaned "This time I'm not joking. Murder me,"

The boys ignored him.

"My favorite part was when you did Tango on do you wanna partner with a chair," Virat managed to say though his laughter.

"Oh, that was priceless!" exclaimed Bhajji.

"And you remember the tap dance on the table," Yuvi quipped turning to Mahi. "Oh, Mahiya, I swear it was hysterical. You tried dancing and singing at the same time–"

"It didn't really work out. You fell right off the table and onto Rahul Pajji's lap," Bhajji finished Yuvi's sentence.

"Ugh...I think Mahi bhai fell on the book  Rahul bhai was reading. I mean he was sitting on the book right," Virat asked thoughtfully reminiscing the utterly startled expression of Rahul.

Yups, Mahi was ready to die just about now hearing their words and stories. God, he won't be able to ever meet the eyes of Rahul pa or Dada.

"You know you even made a song on Viru pa's sixes," Bhajji's voice cut through his hopeless thoughts.

"It wasn't that bad. I liked it." Virat tried to reassure him through his giggles kinda ruined the effect.

"Trust me, Mahiya. It was that bad," said Yuvi, sounding like he was trying hard not to laugh. Mahi had no idea why. He had no problem laughing before.

Mahi groaned, trying to suffocate himself with the pillow on his face. But it won't just work .

And the next best thing he could do then was just lay there, hopelessly waiting to simply die. It was his only option. He'd never be able to face anyone in the team again, let alone Dada or Rahul pa. And they were supposed to be at practice now. There was no way that was going to happen. Mahi didn't even know the extent of what he had done the previous night, but he knew it could be nothing good. How was he ever going to look anyone in the face ever again?

He was truly mortified with his antics described by the three sitting with him. And though the three had also managed to coax, bribe and drag to breakfast and practice. Words like "brilliant song/Dance"

"Who's Sakshi?"

"You were a riot,"

And such teasing followed him for the coming months and years. He was just grateful there was no recorded proof of this incident ever happening.

But from that day, he had decided no matter what he won't touch alcohol or any other drink Yuvi gave him ever in his life.

No matter if the world ended or universe blasted.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni won't touch or drink anything alcoholic. 

And yes, from that day Nimbu pani was his best friend not Yuviii.

-the end-

Okay, so on the occasion of our Mahi bhai's b'day this silly one shot for you guys. I've never written Mahi bhai losing control. So, here's that—I hope you like it.

And dont forget to tell me what you think about the Os?

And a very Happy B'Day to Mahi Bhai. The captain cool, the legend, the inspiration and the big brother.

(Do anyone know why this guy is so obsessed with giving shoulder messages?)

"My Mahi bhai and captain, always."

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