~kid's day out~

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India had lost two back to back matches against Australia and the whole world had gone bonkers. Critics, ex-players, sports journalists, fans alike were after team India and their Captain. They didn't consider that the team was playing the one-day format after nine or so months. They didn't consider that it takes time to make the mental switch. Well, they didn't care much about anything beside winning.

But the same couldn't be said for the captain of the team, his priority were slightly different. Yes, as the Captain he  always wants to win but he did consider other things too. Winning was important, whenever, he stepped inside the ground his motto was clear; they were playing to win with all their heart and soul but outside the field, he considered the condition of his team, his most important priority.

Positive mindset, happy mental space and good environment was the most important concerns of the Indian team skipper. His team always have been the skip's most important priority. It couldn't be changed.

And the people who know even a little about Virat Kohli, knew well the kind of importance he gives to players mental space. Teammates, current and ex, both have mentioned about the team gatherings he arranged and the stuf, he did to make sure despite the games results his team was in a good space.

Virat had always given priority to mental health of players, when Maxwell took break from international cricket due to depression and bad mental frame.Virat Kohli came out and absolutely supported his decision, disclosing, he had gone through a similar phase.

So, it wasn't surprising that the skipper gave special attention to the mental frame of his team. Even though the world didn't quite care about injuries or mental state as long as they see trophies and good results, Virat cared a lot about these matters.

Even when he himself was facing a hailstorm of negativity, Virat was more worried about the mindsets of his brothers. So, after the second continues defeat, hell lot of negativity and sleepless nights,Virat was in his room getting berated by his elder sister.

Well, if you're an Indian kid you might be very familiar with this notion, when you get hurt, well stupidly get hurt, your parents and elders taunts and scolds you on the same topic for hours, well, Virat was facing the same situation.

In the last ten minutes or so, he had heard about a thousand times - "You've become too thin. Abhi tk khud ka khayal rkhna ni aaya, aisa lag raha hai kapdo ne tujhe pehna hai tune kapdo ko nhi! Khaana waana sb bhool gya kya tu? (You've not learnt to take care of yourself even now, look how you're looking it seems the clothes are wearing you not the other way around! Did you forget eating or what?). How many times, I've told you go out, enjoy, don't mop in the room and please, for god sake ignore those idiots!!!!!!!!"

"Yes DI!" Virat could just nod along obediently, hearing his elder sister rant angrily. Every younger sibling knew not to interfere at moments like this or it'll turn hazardous for their own health and Virat didn't actually dare argue at the moment. He listened everything obediently, not even trying to explain baggy shirts to his dear older sister and after, she was done ranting. She became his sweet sister again.

"Go out! Fresh air will help, enjoy yourself. Alright, baccha!" His sister told him and he nodded again, assuring her, he would do everything she told him too.

After disconnecting the call with his sister. Virat finally decided to act on the unsought advices poured on him, cooping themselves in their room wasn't doing anyone any good.

God, what was the benefit of the quarantine ending if they were going to stay locked in their rooms only? Deciding it can't go on like this. Well, he can't actually do anything for his hurt right now. He should pull on the facade and cheer up the rest of the team. Their positivity will automatically diminish his hurt. Plus, Jinks, Pujji and Ash had informed him that they were kinda taking their kids out, so, he should take his kids out too, right.

Determined! Virat walked out of his room to collect his accomplice. Well, while he and other ODI squad members were being Vampires. Wridhi, Ash, Pujji and his kiddo Washy had taken over the adjustment duties. They had done so well in making all the youngsters like Natrajan, Ishan, Kartik. It was their first time with the team and Virat didn't want to scare them off by introducing him to his vamprish self. Well, Washy was used to his this avatar and he acted so mature, promising him that he'll look after the first timers, from what Virat heard, Washy was being a wonderful room mate and guide. Even though it was also his first time with the national team in Aus. He was taking the players out and enjoying in general, trying to keep the atmosphere positive and happy. Virat was really proud of his kid.

Even today, Washy, Sikhi and Shami had gone out with Nattu, Kartik and Ishan. Virat deciding, he'll become tour guide to those kids after three-four more dinner and bonding session. He is sure they would be relaxed enough around him by then, so, letting Washy, Wridhi and Shami handle those kids for now and mentally noting to praise Washy and spend sometime with that kid when he returns. Virat knocked on the door of his destination.

"Kya mangta tujhe" an absolutely rude voice questioned him with the opening of the door.  Virat totally ignore the person, pushed him aside and entered the room looking quite like it belonged to him.

"Good morning, my beautiful bhabijaan" He greeted flamboyantly, spotting the person he was searching.

"Good morning, Virat bhaiya!!" Riva greeted giggling, as always amused, by one of her favorite brother-in-laws antics.

"Well, bhabs, I needed to ask you a very important question?" Virat said quite seriously ignoring Jaddu's fake coughs in the background.

"Umm...What is it?" Riva asked playing along

"Do you mind if I borrowed this grumpy faced creature for today?" Virat asked pointing towards Jaddu

"Nops, not at all, I'm going to my relatives house anyway. So, you're free to take him," Riva gave her permission chuckling at both her husband and brother-in-law's expression.

"You sure, you don't need this creature there" Virat still confirmed, to be on the safer side really.

"Absolutely!" Riva assured.

"well, great, I'm stealing him then" Virat exclaimed excitedly grinning at Rive as he dragged an totally complaining Jaddu with him. Of course, that occurred after greeting his dear niece properly with hugs and kisses.

Bidding Bye to his sister-in-law and niece, Virat dragged a grumbling Jaddu with him, who continued complaining how he wasn't a grumpy creature and more like the world's most beautiful creature. Virat reassured Jaddu that he was totally aware of his Revdi's Vampire ancestry and Jaddu shouldn't publicize such things. This started a bickering match between the two forever besties about blood-sucking vampire mosquitoes and how they related to them. They were bickering about absolutely nonsensical things.

Jaddu not once asking where Virat was actually dragging him, for Jaddu could happily follow his Veer to the ends of world. He trusted his Veer enough to let him take him anywhere and he had quite guessed where he was being taken and his guess came true, when, Virat started banging on the door of the last member of their trio.




Both of them screamed together like over-excited hyenas. They didn't even need to look at each other to know they needed to call their Mani like this, like absolute lunatics, giggling after every five seconds. They had reached the Manis of their second Manishaa call when the door was opened abruptly and both of them pulled inside by a scowling Manisha.

"What do you two want?"

"Manishaa! Really! tum dono ka kya karu mein"

"And why on the whole planet you channeling your inner Vampire images?"

Manish demanded from both the boys roaming around his room like it's there room, totally ignoring him and he couldn't help but yell again exasperated and highly alert noticing a certain cheeku ransacking his wardrobe.

"OYE! (kya kr rha hai tu) What are you doing?"

"Kapde dhund raha hu!" Virat answered like it was the most obvious fact in the whole world. "Oye, Revdi! yeh kaisi hai?" Virat asked pinning one of Manish's shirt in front of him.

"Tu sama jayega re kohli usmein" Jaddu answered matter of factly munching on Manish's food, at the same time Manish demanded "Tere kapde kaha gye?"

"Bacche" Virat shrugged as if it explained everything, going back on his cloth hunting mission in Manish's wardrobe.

Manish looked at both of his cartoons exasperated. God!! they won't ever change. He thought snatching his homemade cookie jar from Jaddu.

"Achha! Manisha pick a good restro for dinner naa" Virat's muffled voice came from wherever he was hiding inside the wardrobe.

"Are we going out?"  Manish asked perking up, going out was good idea for these two vampires, who were holing themselves inside their rooms. Mani knew certainly, they both were unable to sleep, all thanks to their subpar performances and critics alike and he was unable to be there for him. Because his Cap of a bestie cared for the kids more than himself and had send him out on babysitting duty.

Stupid insaan!!!!

"Yeah! I'm thinking of taking the remaining kids out, umm, after selection message the details to Sikhi, Wridhi, Shami too re. They took Rishu, Prtihvi, Shar, Washy, Siri,Nattu, Kartik, Ishan out with them. We will all have dinner together and fir thora aur sath ghum lenge" Virat's voice come out as he threw a hoodie on Jaddu and Mani felt very-very sorry for his clothes but it wasn't like he could stop Virat.

So, he tried checking out the restaurants. Well, he was checking out there Fav restaurants which were still operating, making his choice, he announced it to the other two.

Veer and Revdi agreed instantly, clearly, they weren't up to making choices right now.

"Mani message the kids na...tell them to meet us in the lobby," Virat asked throwing his phone at Manish, who caught it easily and messaged the remaining kids of the impromptu plan.

After that, he wasn't given any other choice as Virat chose both his and Revdi's clothes. The three of them were looking all alike. They got dressed for the outing and made their way to the lobby.

Waiting for the kids. The trio were standing together when the first kid namely Shubhman Gill made his way to them. The kid's eyes lighting like a bloody thousand-watt bulb on spotting Virat.

"DADA!!!!" The kid exclaimed happily hugging Virat in greeting and staying just like that as Manish and Jaddu shared amused looks.

Virat kids have this weird habit of picking up random endearment terms and calling Virat with them all of sudden. Subh's current endearment term for Virat has been "Dada" and both Jaddu, and Manish had been fortunate enough to witness the scene when Subh called Virat "Dada" for the first time.

It was hilarious, Veer almost jumped out of his skin thinking Dada was somewhere near them and then searching for Dada around, till, Subh cleared he called him dada. They still tease him on that incident.

The next pair to grace them with their presence was Nav and Kulcha and just like Subh, all of them too directly went to Virat, hugging the life out of him. Some days, Mani remembers puppies whose eyes hadn't yet opened with their mother watching these kids and Virat. The puppies with closed eyes, only can feel their mother, similarly, these kids can only pin-point Virat to cling onto.

The thought hadn't fully left Manish mind when Jasprit, Hardik, Rahul and Shrey made their appearance looking like sulking kids dragging their feet to walk but as soon as they spotted Virat hugging Subh, Nav, Kulcha together. Their speed totally changed as Manish had prophesied earlier, the four of them somehow fit in the hug, clinging to Virat. They looked really cute hugging the life out of each other but Manish's whole attention was on the smile those hugs brought. The smile, OH ! what he wouldn't do to maintain the smile on their faces? Manish was thinking so, he didn't notice the kids relaxing the hug a little.

"Are you giving us a treat, bhaiya?" An over chirpy Yuzi chirped, noticing, What his Bhaiya's plan is, they needed a cheery environment and who can provide more cheeriness and good vibes then him?

"Nops, treat Mani de raha hai," Virat whisteled innocently, winking at Jad and Mani.

Manish couldn't help but look totally baffled with his bestie. Okay, when was this decided? Virat planned everything then how come the bill is falling on his plate? Jaddu, Virat and the kids couldn't help but chuckle watching Manish's totally stumped expression and Manish couldn't help but scowl mumbling about stupid besties and their kids.

"So, bhaiya kaha ja rahe hai?" Kuldeep asked linking his one arm with Virat on the right side while Subh linked their arms on the left side leading Virat out of the lobby, the other kids following close behind.

"jaha man krey ( where ever our heart desires)" Virat answered eluding

"Really Virat!" Rahul couldn't help but ask he wasn't in a mood to go out. Well, he wasn't in mood to do anything to be truthful.

"Yess! It'll be fun" Virat defended himself, the kids couldn't understand how roaming aimlessly could be fun? But it was there Virat bhaiya suggesting something so they couldn't say no too. The kids continued swarming around Virat, sometime it was Rahul dragging and pointing something to Virat, sometimes it was Shreyas and Harry or Jassi and Nav. Jaddu and Mani could only witness how the trepidation surrounding the group changed into excitement.

"They looked like a group of school kids with their fav and most relaxed teacher, doesn't they?" Mani couldn't help but ask Jaddu sipping on his smoothie, yeah, they picked that on their way roaming around the city. Just being in the moment.

"Well, I think they look more like ducklings following their mother," Jaddu retorted shrugging as he watched an over-excited Shreyas drag Virat to a shoes store while an pouting Hardik pointed towards a watch store, "Well, replace the following part with dragging, excited puppies dragging people around,"

The two smiled totally ignoring Virat's "a little help guys" look. The day out was going good, doing good, all of them were spotting matching smiles and goofy grins enjoying the moments, picking up snacks and just commenting on random people.

"Bhaiyaa!! should we call zamps? He can show us around better na!" Yuzi asked very-enthusiastically, after clicking just about thousand pics on the shore of lake Burley Griffin.

"Sure, check if he is free," Virat nodded, not finding any fault in Yuzi's suggestion while the rest found the whole idea to be ridiculous.

"Psst...Yas" Rahul, Jassi and Hardik gestured Shrey to join them as a slightly glaring Kuldeep snatched Yuzi's phone and dragged him to one side pointing at a fountain while Subh and Nav tried distracting Virat sprouting random punjabi refrences.

"Yeah!" Shrey, who had just snapped a perfect picture with asked his brother looking totally doubtfull by their expression.

"Stonnins ka number hai?" Harry demanded still shooting Yuzi stingy looks.

"Hmmm..." Shrey hummed, still not understanding why were they asking this?

"Call him and bol apne Zampa ko sambhale, itna chipakna not allowed with out Vi bhai" Jassi snapped, mad at the whole world.

"Yeah, if Zampi boi chipka Vi se kuttega," Rahul made certain, bhai, enough was enough, that guy got more hugs and moment with their Virat bhai then all of them combined.

"Zampii boi, fir se, I thought band ho gaya" Shrey asked sounding quite annoyed with whole matter

"Nhi na...band hi toh ni ho raha," Jassi answered all exasperated, just let him get his rhythm back, if he didn't get a thighter hug from his Virat bhai.

As the kids conspired with a consipated look hissing in each other ears like angry lunatics. Manish and Jaddu enjoyed the whole show it felt good, it felt normal, after nine or so months away, from each other with only calls connecting them. The outing together, the time together proved nothing changed, they didn't need to be pretend, the dynamics were still the same. All and all crazy, all accepted and Manish really found the whole thing very relaxing, that's it until the kids suggested going out to visit the zoo, and acquarium.

All Manish could feel then was panic. Zoo! Okay, visiting zoo with Sir Ravindra Jadeja was a nightmarish idea. He could imagine about thousand of things that could go wrong and noticing, Virat's expression it was clear. He thought the same too. Zoo and Sir Jadeja weren't the right fit.Well, they won't place sir Jadeja anywhere near a lion or tiger when they were around him if they had the choice.

"Umm...let's go to the botanical gardens. It will be good, oxygen, nature, butterflies and birds. Yeah, let's go there," Virat said clearly dodging even the slightest mention of zoo as he steered the team towards their pick-up to go to the new destination.

The kids and Sir Jadeja grumbled a lot on the decision. They wanted to see reptiles, animals, and fishes but they were dragged to see flora, birds and butterflies, what an injustice!!! Yet, towards the end of their tour they were chasing butterflies, swinging in the kid's swings and behaving all mad. The team was just glad that the area was empty.

Manish was certain Subh, Rahul and Harry standing on kids swings and swinging laughing like lunatics could go down well with the public. Virat and Jaddu on sea-saw bickering wasn't something he wanted to see on social media ever too. Well, all the kids sitting on a merry-go-round revolving platform with their legs folded grinning as Jaddu and Virat spinned it full throttle and they screamed, laughed and acted all insane. Well, Harry screaming "Bloody mruder" wasn't fun.

Manish won't inflect it anyone even though he was laughing sitting on a slide. Well, yes, they played in the children park like children and Manish is still thankful that it was empty around. Them playing like little toddlers on swings, slides, showing off on monkey bars and running around, chasing each other after losing would go down well with anyone in the media houses.

Noticing, the dinner time approaching they made their way slowly out of the park. Arms still linked with eachother and Manish didn't know who started singing first. It was like a spur of moment thing, all of them together, happy. But someone on the first row started humming "Laaree chutti" and after some minutes all of them were screaming on top of their lungs.

"Chaar Din Ki Zindagani
Har Pal Ek Nai Kahani
Kya Tha Mein Kya Ban Gaya
Kya Hua Jo Larrri Chuti
Jeevan Ki Gadi Looti
Khwaab Hai To Mujhko Naa Jaga
Zindagi Ek Pal Mein Salli
Yun Palat Gai Humari
Jhooth Hai To Mujhko Na Bataa"

It was a sad song, the words pinching and feeling so real but at that moment, they couldn't help but sing the sad song like a happy song. They didn't need more negativity, they were happy and together. They were always happy together. The worries like what if someone spotted them like this? Well, looking like the cat friends of tom dragging tom with him singing to be truthtful. Manish couldn't picture all of them as anything beside that image and their were thousand of fears in his mind. But for the moment he let it all go,

He couldn't stop himself from enjoying the current moment. They could worry about everything sometime later, when they're all alone, they'll overthink then but right now together, it was all the feeling of belonging that mattered. They could be crazy. they could dance on the empty streets, sing and yell stupid things. They could be crazy and free. They could be happy and breathe freely just for the time being.

And they did just that, singing their hearts out, absorbing the positivity, letting the belonging sink in. They were a family and it felt good to have that feeling back. They were heathens but they weren't in harieth anymore.

~the end~

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