~Thank you for not giving up~

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KL Rahul was sitting in the room allotted to him in the NCA, looking outside wistfully at the players practicing on the field. Oh how dearly he wished to be out there too!! He wanted to hear the whispers of the breeze as he sprinted under the golden rays of warmth. He wanted to feel the winds caressing his face but he couldn't because of quarantine.

Rahul absolutely hated being isolated. It brought out bad memories. He hated, no, absolutely loathed being isolated but still being isolated was the need of hour and so, he was trapped in this luxurious room with himself.

Well, he wasn't that good company for himself if he could say so. After all, his overthinking mind was all over the place, conjuring thousand scenarios and outcomes of things he had said or done once upon a time.

Bored and totally frustrated of his internal monologue. Rahul decided to skip to the other most dreaded thing in his life. The thing called social-media, logging in his personal secret and absolutely private account. He checked his feed full of his brothers post.

Yuzi posted the most!

Jassi had posted clips of eating- what was that? hybrid custard? or what?

Never mind!! Rah decided scrolling down and noticing his personal fav fan account. Well, it's name has nothing to do with his favoritism with the account. Yeah! He is speaking absolute truth the account being called ViratxRahulxHappiness isn't absolutely the reason why he is following it and he absolutely hadn't been boasting to the others about an account named after Virat and him! Yes! he might have shown them Hulrat content of thehulratclub every now and then but he wasn't boasting or anything, of course.

So coming back to present he scrolled through the feed spotting one of his most favorite on-field pic posted by his fav fan account. The Adelaide hug after his first century, sliding to the next post he saw the video of their hug and the bgm couldn't be anymore fitting.

"It's 6 years already" the caption read and Rahul couldn't help but agree feeling the nostalgia wrap around him. It has been six years already, six years and so much has changed. He has changed but what remained absolutely unchanged was them. Brothers! Yups always having each others back.

Six years seemed like a very-very long time to Rahul. So much had happened in the last six years, rise-fall-rise, small victories, large defeats, everything. He had witnessed almost everything in the last six years. Some very bitter moments, some very sweet stuff.

Life seemed like a dish in making to him with different masalas being sprinkled time to time to enhance the flavor of life. Some used more, some used less but there had been few people as constant as salt in food and sweetness in sweet dish in his life.

And Virat was one of those people in his life. His constant in every phase of his journey.

Many memories had faded and blurred over the time. Conversations forgotten, moments stored in some dark alley of his mind with only the gist of the emotions remaining. The happiness or sadness associated with those memories and from that whole tour their are many moments that had blurred in simple emotions in his mind.

But there are moments he remembered as clearly as the daylight too.

Moments he can't absolutely forget and that day is one such moment for him. He remembers the gloom that had surrounded him and the rest of the team after the third test. Mahi bhai was leaving, after taking retirement from test cricket. His last test match a draw. He injured.

Everyone was sad.

Everyone gloomy.

And Rahul was one of them too.

Sad that MSD had taken retirement after his test debut match. Most of the team was in MS's room looking like hell had walked over them. The loss of MS-the test Captain felt so much more personal to them then it felt to Rahul. For he didn't know MS personally then.

MS was the captain cool. India's most legendary Captain. He was MSD-the legend for Rahul back then not his Mahi bhai. His Mahi bhai after whose retirement Rahul had cried buckets in his room and then some more on call with his brothers. But back then it was MS and Rahul was really disappointed to have played only one match under the legendary MS and gloomy over his retirement.

But he had bigger problems to deal with, problems like whether he'll get another chance to play or not?

The environment of MS's room suffocating him. He couldn't stay there with worries eating him inside out. So, he had excused himself and went back to his room. So, so, so disappointed with himself.


Alone in his room. He couldn't help but remember a heated conversation he had once upon a time. The conversation that seemed ages old suddenly felt very alive in his mind.

"Cricket!!! Cricket!!! Cricket! Get out of your la la land Rahul. It's easy to dream but hard to sustain in this cut throat world. What do you think you're the only small town guy dreaming to make in in the blues like MSD? No, you're not, sorry to break it to you every single guy out there is dreaming to achieve the same and it doesn't matter how talented you are or what not? And even if you make it in there. Do you think you can survive there? Make your mark? I know many players who made there and then disappeared. They're phantoms of the ICT now, no one, even talks about them. Do you think you'll survive there? So, better concentrate on your studies,"

"I'll Survive!!!! I won't disappear!!" He had said absolutely firmly back then burning in the fire of his dreams but now, after his disastrous debut match, in his mind he was kinda certain his debut was the worst in the history of cricket and yes, he'll turn a blind eye to any fact disagreeing with his conviction.

Alone, gloomy and tormenting himself over his place and future. Rahul was sitting on the floor leaning against the bed pondering things. Now, he doesn't clearly remember whether the door was open or not? Had he let Virat in after his insistent knocking or was the door open and Virat had waltzed in? He didn't remember the details.

He just remember Virat sitting with him, not leaving him alone.

"Do...Do I belong here, Virat? Am I good enough?" He remembers asking this to Virat some time that night, tired of Virat's jokes and 'It's all right" attitude.

"What do you think kid?" He had asked him instead of answering.

"Idk!! I mean I felt I could and then I failed and now, I don't even know if I'll get to play again or not?" He had confessed sounding all confused, low and very-very under confident.

"Well, if I tell you...you'll then what'll you do?" Virat had asked him and Rahul didn't know whether he was serious or not?

"I'll do my best or well try too!" He had said then the fire to prove himself still burning somewhere inside him even under all the uncertainties and anxieties.

"That's the spirit my boy!" Virat had said sagely back then his eyes sparkling with mirth and Rahul didn't found any form of mirth in the current situation. He had stared at his Captain blankly hearing his words and Virat had changed the topic then. They talked about Monku, beaches and sea-food.

And He doesn't remember when or how he fell asleep?

But he had and when he had woken up the next day. Virat and he were sprawled on the floor and he couldn't believe Virat had stayed back and slept on the floor for him. The rest of days before the final match had gone in a blur between practice and third wheeling Virat.

The match day, Rahul was nervous, demoralized and tired as hell as it was, he didn't need to know that he had to open with a whooping score of 576 on the board. But he had too and he could feel himself feeling positively terrified. Oh God! what if he failed again? What if he got out early again? What if he let down? What if he really didn't belong here? What if it's last match in the team? And no matter, how many believe in yourself talk Virat had given him in last few days and is now giving the whole absolutely tired looking dressing room.

The captain's speech before their innings begins. Rahul could feel the words wash and blur in his mind. His heartbeats drumming in his ears and god, he was terrified of stepping out of this room.

"Rah! You okay?" Virat's concerned eyes met his and Rahul stared back at his Captain blankly. Okay! When did Virat's speech ended?

"Yeah! absolutely! What'll happen to me?" He tried to act nonchalant like his heart wasn't absolutely beating in his throat.

"Rahul!" And there was the Virat-the leader, the passionate guy on the field with his commanding voice and aura compelling Rahul to listen to him. And that was the first time Virat had addressed him with his whole name, Rahul thought, as he looked at Virat like a spellbound kid.

"See I know you're afraid, it's normal, everyone's afraid but the thing is kid, I know what you can do! I know what you're capable of! I believe in you, remember that kiddo, don't give up on yourself, have faith for I won't give upon you!!!" Virat had said absolutely sincerely smiling reassuringly at him.

And Rahul could just stare at Virat!

"See Kid, you lose when you don't try and we hadn't lost this yet! We can do this! We just have to believe and play like we do! Do your thing, no pressure, just back your instincts, trust yourself and your hardwork alright! Just play!!" Virat said, putting an arm around Rahul reassuringly.

"Deep Breathe!!Now go and do your thing!" Virat had ordered him and he had walked out still terrified but he wasn't going to give up without trying. He had touched the field seeking blessings of the ground as always and turned slightly back towards the dressing room.

Virat was there smiling reassuringly at him.

Rahul had almost an mini panic attack when Vijay got out on the 3 ball. They had a herculean score of 576 to chase and they were down 0-1 already but Ro bhaiya had come and they succeeded in building a partnership with every second spend there on the field. Rahul could feel his confidence returning and then Ro got out and Virat walked in.

Rahul was eager to bat with Virat. Even though he almost lost his wicket due to Virat, getting run-out at that time it would have been disaster. But they had moved on with Virat's grinning apology slowly building another partnership and he almost got an heart attack when Smith almost caught him on 46. The catch was dropped and he reached his 50 with a four in the next over.

And Virat was there grinning proudly at him.

"Come on Kiddo! long way to go!" His eyes had declared and when he reached on 90's with a six to Lyon. Virat was smiling absolutely proudly at him.

"Wanna try that once more?" Virat had grinned.

Rahul had just rolled his eyes at his over enthusiastic Captain, who was agitating the bowlers very happily sharing happy smiles with him. Rahul continued batting in his second test proving his worth. And when he finally guided Starc's short ball for a four, he let out a cry and ran, raising his bat high. He had done it. He had reached his maiden century.

He couldn't explain the overwhelming feelings he experienced at that moment. His cry of utter overwhelming feelings as he ran pumping his fist watching the ball hit the boundary. He halted and raised his bat and then turned back towards his Captain walking towards him with a "What did I say?" look.

And Rahul had this sudden compelling overwhelming desire of brawling his eyes out. After the shocker that his debut match was, he couldn't believe, he did this and more then that he got a chance to do this. He was trusted with the position of opener. He didn't fail. He didn't fail. He proved himself.

Oh God the emotions were too overwhelming and Virat's pace too slow and Rahul couldn't help but job back in his brother's arms, almost throwing his arms around Virat. Forcing his brother to take two steps back to stabilize himself as he held onto Rahul. Rahul who finally let his emotions seep in the safety of his brother's arms, hidden from the world's prying eyes. He cried.

Virat held his shaking form, patting the sniffling kid's head reassuringly.

"Awww...my emotional kiddoliya!! Don't worry I'll let you have ice-cream today and don't look up cam focusing on us! So, did my words help? Should I become your official motivator or something? I'll do great!" Virat was grinning.

Rahul was hundred and one percent sure of that fact as he almost looked up and then his his eyes again rubbing them on Virat's jersey like that was the most normal thing to do in the whole world. Yeah, who doesn't use their Captain's jersey to wipe away their tears and sweat?

And why was his Captain so aggravating? And what's even Kiddoliya? How can Virat even think of something like that at such situation?

"Shut up Virat!!" He had said in a muffled aggravated voice cleaning the traces of his breakdown with his arms.

"yeah...yeah, Love you too! Kiddoliyaaa" Virat had laughed and he had felt his heart going all mushy and warm as he said looking directly in Virat's eyes to let him know he meant what he said with all his heart.

"Thank you for not giving up on me!" and not letting me give up on me too, he didn't add the latter part though as he walked away not waiting for Virat's reaction. Though, he was hundred percent certain the winds had whispered "I'm not ever giving up on you" to him.


The day Rahul couldn't ever forget. He didn't know when he had reached the stage-where Virat's approval was all that mattered to him? The stage where all he wanted was Virat's love and trust. Was it due to Virat's uncanny ability of finding him at his lowest and not giving up on him ever. Was it because Virat had this peculiar way of making him not give up on himself? Was it because Virat was always there? Virat always listened to him.

Rahul didn't know! He just knew Virat mattered a hell lot to him.

"Friends can be fallible but friendships are forever, Rahuliya!! Don't give up on it!" Virat had said that to him when he had taken a break from Hardik after that disastrous coffee. Yups! he was going to avoid coffee shows forever.

"And brothers?" He had asked for Harry wasn't just friend for him.

"Brothers are too. I mean-they will fail each other sometimes, hurt each other, be absolutely stupid but they won't give up on each other ever too, they'll always love and protect each other and try to make up!" Virat had shrugged.

And Rahul was certain Virat wasn't going to fail him ever. He was always there beside him during the highs and lows, being himself and making Rahul feel relaxed and aggravated all at once. He was always there.

And Rahul couldn't help but send the clip to Virat with a "Thank you for never giving up " message.

He didn't add the "on me" part. He didn't need too.

~the end~

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