•The New kid•

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Devdutt Padikkal has been part of the RCB team for approximately two years now. Well, not totally two mind you but he was feeling at home already. It was a strange feeling to be loved and cared for surrounded by (superstar) strangers who cared for you like family. It was an overwhelming feeling in a good way, mind you.

When he was presented for the first time in 2018 IPl auction. He didnt have much expectations to be truthful. He was damn nervous and the thoughts like what if no team chooses me? Were plundering his mind quite thoroughly.

Getting in RCB wasnt a dream come true though to be truthful.  Everyone knew RCB,  and, everyone made fun of RCB. He was hoping to get into CSK playing under MSD will be like dream come true or Mumbai Indians, Ro-hit man Sharma was like a dream captain. But RCB has taken him in.

And he was grateful, really, representing the team named after his city was an honor too and Virat Kohli, the chase master was like the stuff out of legends. ABD, Mr. 360° the superman. They were kinda superheroes like stuff to him even if he was quite scared of the infamous Kohli temper, to be honest.

Though he didn't actually meet the king Kohli until the start of the IPl season. He wasn't that kingly when Dev first meet his soon going to be mentor, Virat. Virat was always surrounded though to Dev back then it looked like there was an unapproachable aura enveloped around Virat. He seemed to much like a star to Dev.

A faraway beautiful yet deadly lethal star. Dev had wandered around the RCB unit with starry eyes and wondering what kind of bonds went around in the team? He also wondered whether he'll be a permanent member of the team or not? He had a hunger to go out there and prove himself, show the world his worth.

But he wasn't given the chance. He wondered why? Many of his ex teammates were playing in the other teams. Why wasn't he given the chance too? But he didn't ask ofcourse.

Too awestruck!!

And then came his first actual interaction with the King Kohli and Yuzi Chahhal.He doesn't remember what was actually spoken, he just remember saying something feeling quite exasperated to someone. He wasn't quite aware that Virat Kohli and Yuzi Chahhal were there just behind him. But then, they laughed.

"He is quite like Moi, isnt he?" He heard Virat bhaiya say and he didn't quite know who was Moi or how was he like that?

Yuzi bhai has looked at him quite analyzingly and then had throwed back his head laughing madly.

Dev didn't know whether to be insulted or be curious? He didn't react at all though  starstuck as he was finding the Virat Kohli so near.

"Devdutt, right" Virat asked him a mischievous look shinning in his eyes. He just nodded in confirmation. He had seen Virat play as a kid, admired him and he really didn't want to make a fool of himself by speaking something foolish.

"Hmm, it's quite a big name I think I'll call you Dd or what do you think about DP?" Virat asked him with a complentative look and all Dev could think at that moment was you aren't serious, are you? Both the nicknames sounded ridiculous to him.

Even if it was the Virat Kohli giving him the nickname.

"Ummm, I like DD better, I'll call you Dd" Virat smiled.

"You're serious," he couldn't help but exclaim incredulously.

Yuzi bhaiya had just laughed back then while Virat bhai gave them a smile. A smile screaming of mischief and mayhem. And as Dev found out later, when Virat refused to call him anything but DD that he was quite serious.

And no, matter how many times, he scowled at Virat after getting to know him, of course. Virat persisted calling him so. And they lost 6 matches in a row, it was the worst season for the RCB. And Dev didn't want to be part of any other team.

Even if defeat waited for them at the end of the journey along with disappointment and scorn. The journey itself was very beautiful. The people annoying but caring and extremely loving and though Dev was sad he didn't get to play. He beileved Virat when he said he wasn't ready.

He trusted his captain even though he gave absolutely ridiculous nickname.

And then he had a dream season in the Vijay hazre trophy. All the training, all of Virat's ridiculous advices working in his favour and he couldnt wait for the IPl to begin. He couldn't wait to be in RCB again. And though, corona times was scaring the start of IPl was like a healing slave.

He was back under the wings of his annoying Vi bhaiya though he was surprised the way Vi bhai encouraged Shivam. He thought Virat bhai will be angry on Shivam after the NZ disaster. He wouldn't let him play, he regretted his presence in RCB (social media comments made it seem so)  but the opposite happened. Virat encouraged Shivam, Nav and everyone. 

Most of the days, he found them folking around Vi, laughing, teasing and demanding. Yuzi bhai told him it was fine to whine to Virat bhai. He wouldn't mind much. Dev trusted his Yuzi bhai too.

So, he began asking Virat bhai for advice both professionally and personally. He was uncomfortable at first and then he didn't know how he had lived so many days without unloading all his feelings on Virat. It was a freeing feeling.

Getting his debut cap from Virat, a dream  and his debut performance and the heaps of praises he received from everyone especially Virat, a dream come true. Well, every moment in RCB feels like a dream come true to him.

Though stealing chocolates with Yuzi bhai was still his fav task.

Right now,  he was in Virat bhai's room. Waiting for Virat bhai to finally get out of the washroom so they can go for dinner. Yuzi bhai, Nav and Shivam had already accompanied bhabi to dinner. It was sort of an evening habit of them to go to dinner together.

Well, it was started by Yuzi bhai actually, after the practice match that he won against Virat bhai. Coming to Bhabi and cheerfully saying "how are you today, little Viratee"

"Yuzi chachu was awesome wasn't he?"

"I defeated your dada. Well, no surprise their after all I give him batting tips,"

Yuzi bhai has said so boastingly back then Nushkie bhabi was chuckling, Virat bhai looked exasperated. Like he couldn't quite beileve what he was hearing.

"Little Viratee, really"

"Its predecided name, cheeky bhaiya and it's also unisex" Yuzi bhaiya said in a duh tone.

Virat bhai facepalmed. Nushkie bhabi had laughed madly.

But it had started this boasting game, every day at evening they (here they means; Nav, Shiv, Washy, Yuzi, Dev) will gather in Virat bhai's room and boast about their achievements to bhabi and the baby whom Yuzi bhaiya called "Viratee," Shiv bhaiya called "lil tiger", Nav, Washy and Dev stuck with baby. After match days, the boasting was quite intense. Everyone wanted their praises and Virat bhai looked at all of them like he didn't quite know what to do with them?

They loved those moments though, in those moments they truly felt like a family. A true family.

And right now, he was waiting for Virat bhai. They'll go to dinner together and Dev wanted to whine about being not a bad pool handball player. He would be in Vi bhaiya's team next time. Huh, Virat bhai won't call him terrible on the field.

He was still musing on how to whine to Virat bhai and how to get Virat bhai's bat. Yuzi bhai had already nicked one. When Virat bhai's phone rang.

Rahuliyaa flashing on the screen.

"Virat Bhaiya, some Rahuliyaa is calling you" Dev yelled to let Virat know.

"Tell him, I'll call later," Virat bhai's muffled voice came from washroom. He might still be washing all the paint poured on him.

"Okay," Dev affirmed with a shrug as he picked the call.

"Hello!" He answered picking up the call.

"You're not Virat," an accusing voice informed him. Dev was quite aware he wasn't Virat.

"Where's Virat?" A different voice asked him before he could answer though.

"Did you steal Virat's phone?"

"Did Virat lose his phone?"

"Who are you?"

"Did you kidnap Vi?"

"Why aren't you answering?"

The plethora of questions thrown at him, had quite stunned Dev. He didn't know what to say? Which question to answer?
Well, he would have if they let him speak.

"I'm Devdutt and no, I didn't kidnap Virat" he finally answered when their was a little static from the other end.

"How come his phone is with you then?" Someone asked still very suspiciously

"Did you steal the phone?" Devdutt wanted to bang his head somewhere. Well, was that chocolate lying innocently on the bed. God, Virat bhai said after dinner but he is feeling quite hungry now. Unthinkingly,  Dev yelled "Veerat, I'm hungry!!!"

"Gimme a minute,"

"You said that like half n hour ago, if a minute means half n hour. I'm eating the chocolate" Dev declared throwing mooning eyes in the direction of the chocolate.

"Wait, you're Devdutt from RCB" the callers for their were more than one voice yelled together.

Dev moved the phone as far as possible from his ears. Of course, he was Dev from RCB. Who else they thought he was? Dev from Devdas?

"Yes" He admitted though still confused about the callers I'd and sanity.

"Where's Virat?"

"Are you in his room?"

"Where's Virat?"

"What are you doing in his room?"

"Why did you answer Virat's phone?"

"What's his phone doing with you?"

"Did he forget his phone in your room?"

The questions poured together again and Dev felt like disconnecting the call altogether. But Virat bhai said to tell whoever this guy was that he'll call later. He must be important to bhai or bhai would have simply said to ignore the call.

"No, he is in washroom and he said he'll call later," Dev said even though he was feeling quite annoyed with the number of questions thrown his way.

"What's he doing in washroom?"

"What are you doing with Virat's phone?"

"Why's Virat's phone with you?"

"Did you know Vi's password?"

Yups, Dev was quite ready to disconnect the call. Whoever these people were they were quite nosy and annoying and Virat bhai wont mind if he disconnected the call, will he? After all, he told them what he needed to tell them. He was going to disconnect the call.

When he heard Yuzi bhai call his name.

"Yes, Bhaiya" he answered forgetting the annoying people on call for now. 

"Karoke night," Yuzi announced cheerfully.

Dev groaned and said, "I think I'll stay here,"

"Well, you promised Vi to sing with him," Yuzi reminded Dev very gleefully.

Dev groaned some more. He wasn't singing punjabi songs, no matter what Vi said.

"Who's call?" Yuzi asked still laughing

"Some Rahuliyaaa," Dev shrugged again annoyed. Why hadn't he disconnected the call already.

"Oh!! Rahul? What did he say?" Yuzi asked though thinking Dev had disconnected the call.

"I don't know, they threw bunch of questions only. Here, why don't you ask them what they want?" Dev said annoyed again at the number of questions thrown at him as he handed the phone to Yuzi.

Not once asking who this Rahul or Rahuliyaa really is? He didn't quite care. He was annoyed with them.

Yuzi though didn't seem to share the sentiments as he took the phone from Dev and yelled happily "Rahuliyaaaaaaaa, sup"

Dev heard the distinct yell of "shut up," as he went to badger Virat out of the washroom. They hadn't painted Virat that much. And he was happy that Yuzi was annoying the people on call. They asked too many questions, anyway.

Dev was totally unaware how he made the situation worse for his Virat bhai. Certain, ICT kiddos weren't happy.

Not at all.

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