~Virat bhai~

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Dev was worried.

He hadn't seen his Virat Bhaiya for two hours. Yes, he has been counting and he had even controlled himself for so long. He doesn't think he can anymore.

Virat bhaiyaa looked so sad.

And Dev will admit to himself and anyone who asks him that he hates sad Virat Kohli. He doesn't like seeing his goofy, always happy and encouraging mentor sad, it's the worst thing for him.

And right now, he was worried, very worried.

Yuzi bhaiya and he were quite active on social media. Well, he didn't react as much as Yuzi bhaiya but he still loved surfing around for fun. Nowadays, it wasn't much fun, most days the social media was getting on his nerves.

Dev was contemplating disabling his comment section. He didn't need to hear their suggested playing eleven or stuff. He didnt has any say in playing eleven anyway plus he hated the toxicity and negativity there.

Well, a few years back,  Dev was one of them too, young and passionate for cricket, wanting to contribute for the team and make the team win. The on-field decisions seemed wrong, most of the things seemed like they could have been rectified or avoided.

It was "ohhh" they shouldn't have done that moment for him too. But getting in the team, watching the pitch change and good sounding strategies and plans fail, changed something in him.

It made him realize that out there, all he could do was try his best, give his hundred percent for it's all he could do. Nothing else was in his control.

He was trying and so was the opposition team and contrary, to popular belief no one in there was dense. All of them were playing to win, all of them were trying to make their team wins and all of them had their own plans and all, all of them could really do was give their best.

They couldn't control even their own teammate's performance, someone clinical during a practice session can fail in the match. Someone can have a bad day, stuff can go wrong and then there's luck too.

Sometimes, it's just not your day.

And Dev had learned it all and more than that, he had learned new words from his Virat bhaiya, words he generally won't connect with cricket but his Virat bhaiya had made it connect and he believes in his Virat bhaiya.

His fav word right now, "Care,"  and his fav mantra "In failures, it's 'I', in victories it's 'we',"

"After loses, think what I could have done better, what I could do to change the outcome and work on those areas, after wins, it's everyone did their best and contributed for the win. Everything worked, got it kiddo," Virat bhaiya's merry tone saving itself permanently in his brain. He was trying, trying to evolve, trying to be the best of himself.

Trying to learn from everyone and be his own best version but right now, he was worried for his bhaiya. He was hardest on himself and still beating himself about his wicket.

And Dev really-really wanted to go and check on his bhaiya. Be with him, make him a little relaxed, do anything to uplift his mood was fine with him. He had given his bhaiya two hours of 'me-time' now, it was 'we-time'.

But again, it was late in the night. What if he wakes Nush bhabi? What if Bhai is already sleeping? Dev didn't know! All he knew, he was worried and quite literally pacing in his balcony.

Should he wake Yuzi bhai??

No, Yuzi bhai becomes really grumpy after waking up.

What should he do then? Well, he'll just tell Virat bhaiya he had a nightmare. Dev is sure Virat bhaiya will not throw him away hearing he had a nightmare. Yeah, that's a good idea. He'll tell Virat bhaiya he had a nightmare and the room feels spooky.

'Best Idea!!!' Dev thought proudly, almost patting his own back as he thought of his great excuse. In his excitement, he spun his balcony and by chance spotting Virat on the beach alone.

Dev checked once more, sure, it was his Virat bhaiya. Dev ran full speed to the beach.


Rahul shared a very surprised look with Mayank when Virat started laughing madly.

'Is Virat drunk?' The only thought going in his mind as he looked at Mayank quite worried.

Mayank looked back at him equally worried and baffled. Both of them tried to pull Virat back in a sitting position, though Virat seemed to be in a sand hugging mood.

"Virat Bhaiyaaaaaaa!"

The sudden yell making Rahul and Mayank both more alert and suspicious, they can't let their presence around Vi go noticed. It'll create a new kinda storm in social media.

"Devvvvvvvv!!!!" Virat yelled equally excited, still hugging the sand. How he recognized who the guy was beyond Rahul and Mayank? Mayank was worried, Rahul was scowling.

Dev ignored everything and was kneeling in front of Virat, checking if his bhai was alright or not?? What was he even doing here? Did no one notice his brother's this condition? Dev wanted to scream.

But right, now his brother was his top priority.

"Bhaiii, you alright?"

"What are you even doing here?"

"You'll catch cold? What will you do then??"

"And why are you sleeping on sand?"

Dev fired questions after questions, not realizing he wasn't giving anyone any chance to answer.

"Devuuuuu...its fresh here," Virat slurred and Dev looked totally stumped.  Okay, someone cancel Devu out of the nickname lists, please.

"Bhaiya! It's cold here too," Dev argued sensibly.

"But I'm fire, cold can't touch me," Virat reasoned Dev wanted to facepalm, Mayhul were already doing the same.

"How do you know it was me anyway? You didn't even see me!" Dev asked or accused, he himself didn't know.

All he knew, well, he thought actually, that he'll have better chances of reasoning with Virat if he could actually see Virat's face. Well, not watching the face was probably the better option.

"Because I know you kiddo," Virat spoke earnestly looking at Dev with sand sticking to his face, pain in his eyes and smile on his lips. It was an odd sight. Dev wanted the pain of eyes gone immediately.

"Btw meet my Rahuliyaaa, I can sense him in a crowd of thousands too," Virat said whirling to face Rahul and then added equally thoughtfully "though, he is being a scowliya, right now"

Rahul scowl just deepened hearing Virat's words.

"And this is Monku, though Rahuliyaa says only he can call him that but Rahul is mine, so Rahul's nicknames should be mine too right, Dev. Plus, even Monku is my kid. Though, I would have called him Anku, no, one would know who's nickname it was? Will they?" Virat asked Dev, while, Dev was quite busy staring at his first-class team's seniors.

Okay, can he bury his face in the sand like Virat now? What should he even answer, huh?

But Virat didnt let any of them any chance to answer or ask anything. He was in a chatty, intoxicating haze.

"You know, I was sitting with Mahi bhai just like this once upon a time in a Caribbean beach. We had won a trophy. I don't know which one and everyone was sleep. It was just him and me. He promised to be my big brother always. He said he'll be my brother first and I'll be his heir forever. His prince. He said he was Mufasa and I was his Simba. He said many things actually but I didnt wanted him to be Mufasa, Musafa died saving Simba and yet, same happened to Mahi bhai. I couldn't give him the one thing he deserved most, a farewell. I'm really Simba, I couldn't do anything for my Bhai," Virat said in a self-loathing manner like he could never forgive himself for doing this unjust with his Mahi bhai.

And all the kiddos with him wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault. They didn't believe it. They won't ever believe it.

"But he didn't even tell me about his retirement but he once had told me, that being a leader, a captain, a good king is the hardest thing around. He was right, you know, it's never about taking, it's always about giving." Virat seemed to be in his own zone talking things, none of them, actually understood.

KL thought Mahi bhai wasn't Mufasa, yes, he was a great king but maybe Simba and Virat was Simba's heir or something.

Because Virat reminds  Rahul of Mufasa with his numerous tries to savee each and everyone of his kids. Going as far as, getting his neck at stake, risking everything for them. Rahul still thinks he doesn't deserve,  all those chances.

But it's his Virat and he won't listen to him and Rahul heart is still being a gooey puddle after hearing Virat's 'my Rahul' line.

Mayank and Dev just wanted Virat to be happy and out of whatever this over chatting daze was, they knew Virat will regret telling them all this. He'll regret unloading at them. But they, didn't know how to make him stop?

"And still you made me the vice-captain? I knew you were jealous of my good looks, wanted to gift me grey hairs didn't you?" Rahul said without any real heat. He just wanted to stop this self-loathing session of his brother.

Dev gaped.

Monku facepalmed and whacked Rahul.

Virat laughed.

"Of course not, I did it because you're my prince. Shrey or you'll be the future captain and even if I failed to win a cup. I want you guys too. I want you guys to be the best team ever. I want you to break Aus record and I know you can, you just need a little experience,"

Virat seemed certain of this point and the three kids felt their heart clogged with emotions. Why did their bhaiya trust them so much? They didn't think they could do so but their bhaiya was certain.

Why did he believe in them so much?

Keep them away from the spotlight when they were hurt and give them all the spotlight when they were not.

"You'll win bhaiyaa, we'll win," Dev spoke trying to break the sentimental gloomy spell woven around them.

Virat just smiled at Dev.

A proud beaming smile.

"You think CSk will let Mahi bhai go?" Dev asked Virat, trying to change the topic quickly.

"I wish they do. I'll take mahi bhai, I'll do anything to have Mahi bhai on board, even sell the owners," Virat said almost childishly at the end, wrapping his arms around Dev for support.

Who stabilised each other after a little try!

"Will you take me in?" Rahul asked though nonchalantly but his eyes were intense and locked with Virat.

"Without a second thought," Virat admitted earnestly "but I want to see you captain,"

"I'll boss you around, I promise" Rahul retorted beaming.

Virat just huffed mumbling something about older brothers and bossing rights.

"Will you take me in?" Mayank asked because why not? He was Virat's kiddo too.

"And me?" Dev couldn't help but ask, he was uncertain yet certainly confused.

Virat giggled, sounding like he found it all extremely funny.

I won't let you go if I could help it," Virat promises Dev.

"You'll always have a place in my team," Virat assured looking at Mayank. Yes, he'll take them in if their franchise let them go.

"You know they say you're like me? You'll be like me. You won't. You'll be better. You'll be better than me and you'll take Indian team to new heights," Virat announced again happily and certainly.

The kids didn't share Virat's belief though.

"Well, we are quite good under you, " Rahul said.

Virat ignored the words all together.

"Did I ever tell you I'm so proud of you all!! Rahuliya, Monku, you'll look after him? Won't you? He is a kiddo, well, just like you kiddoliya" Vi said, asking Rahul and Monku to look after Dev.

Monku nodded.

Dev grumbled, he didnt need taking care of, he could do that himself.

Rahul grumbled but agreed nonetheless.

He couldn't say no to his Virat's wish ever.

"Very good, they say you're like me, prove them you're better," Virat mumbled crashing softly against Rahul.

"Because we learned from the best," the kids thought together as they carried Virat back to Dev's room, hiding from about everyone.

They will do everything to achieve what Virat wants them to achieve, even though they don't feel themselves worthy enough. They'll try because that was their captain's wish.

And they won't let him down ever.

They'll try.


That's all he really wants.

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